Domestic Girlfriend Discord Server Isekai Story

Chapter 10: Tranquil Times

Ariya: How is it? The town I mean.


Sapphire: It's pretty neat.

Ariya: They said it's a trading port mainly based on commerce.


Ariya: Many boats come in and out of the port, trading from around the world.

Ariya: I think the best item we've gotten is Indigo flowers.


Ariya: Do you like flowers too, Sapph? I love the ones that my boyfriend give me.


Ariya: Do you have a boyfriend, Sapphire?


Ariya: Shame. Someone as pretty as you are. I'd think you'd already dated five.

Sapphire: ahaha, well...


Sapphire: You're cute too, y'know

Ariya: I know I'm super duper cute. Where are you from, Sapphire?

Sapphire: oh, well, i guess i was summoned from ...


Ariya: Hahaha. Not that silly. What was the place you come from like?

Ariya: Was it always hot or always cold or even something else?

Sapphire: ...

Sapphire: i can't remember


Sapphire: that's weird

Ariya: It's okay. Wanna know about mine?


Ariya: Rashidun was created by the Caliphate Emperor named Miles. His rule was strict and blunt, but his people usually enjoyed their freedom of speech and movement. His rule is everlasting as he is known as the "First Immortal Emperor". His empire is widespread in the center of the world. The climate is usually hot, but with the infrastructure plans that he implemented, the empire became lush with green plains and dense forests. Those who get to meet him are very few and I heard it is quite expensive.


Ariya: How did you choose your class? Did your boyfriend choose it for you?

Sapphire: my class?


Ariya: It says on your guild card that you are a paladin?

Sapphire: sugoii


Ariya: You must love your boyfriend, huh?

Sapphire: but i don't have one though


Ariya: Oh? Isn't Taiga, your boyfriend?

Sapphire: tai-ga......

Sapphire: that name seems familiar


Ariya: He left earlier.

Sapphire: yeah, that's right.

Ariya: He's probably still at Yuki's house.

Ariya: Yuki's probably his type though.

Ariya: Speaking of which. What is your favorite type?

Sapphire: type?

Ariya: You know. Type. The type of people you want to romance with.

Sapphire: i don't really know

Ariya: That just means you haven't tried.

Sapphire: I'm too nervous though >.<

Ariya: Nervous of what? Your lack of experience with romance? Everyone has to go through it in their lifetime.


Ariya: I was like that too when I started dating guys.

Ariya: Some people are still nervous about it too.

Ariya: Even after their first experience.


Ariya: Anyways. We're here.

Ariya: This is your new trainer, Emerald.

Ariya: I will be back in the guild hall if you need anything else.

Sapphire and Emerald waved Ariya away.

Emerald: Hi Sapphire. How's the human world treating you?


Emerald: You don't talk much do you?


Emerald: That's fine. Do you need any repairing?

Sapphire: i don't think so


Emerald: How long have you lived? I'm reaching about 958 years.

Sapphire: hmmm

Sapphire: i'm not sure


Emerald: You're not sure, huh?


Emerald: That's fine too. Have you trained yet?


Emerald: Why not? You shouldn't get tired or worn out.

Sapphire: really?


Emerald: Yeah. You're a gem, you don't need sleep or get fatigued. Except maybe during the winter.


Emerald: I thought that was pretty obvious with the names.

Sapphire: what was obvious?

Emerald: That we are gems and not humans.

Sapphire: ooooooooooooh

Sapphire: wait, really?

Emerald: I see I have a slow one on my hands.

Sapphire: i-i mean.. i saw you

Sapphire: but i haven't been to a mirror yet


Sapphire: actually ... i don't think anyone else back there was one either

Emerald: It's okay. I look pretty human don't I? It's the new technology given to us on this world.


Emerald: So far there's twenty four of us gems in the world. You are number twenty five.

Emerald: That means there are six gems between our ages. 

Emerald: Anyways.

Emerald: We're super strong and are usually way stronger than the humans around here.

Emerald: We also can't die, if we have a repairer nearby, but that also means we cannot heal by magic either.

Emerald: We also can't learn many spells if we have to keep being repaired.


Emerald: I think you're high on the scale of hardness though.

Emerald: We can't learn many spells because we would lose MEMORY so we can't keep the spells in our brains long enough.


Emerald: That's all I have to really tell you about.

Emerald: I believe you can do your training on your own though.

Emerald: But if you really need a routine, I can give you one.

Sapphire: eeh?

Sapphire: but what should I do?


Emerald: Do you need a routine?


Emerald: Twenty five squats, ten push ups, ten sit ups, five pull ups, three hundred meter run, and a twenty five meter freestyle swim.

Emerald: I'll take you back to your guild hall now.





Padoru: Is it time senpai? 


Ariya: Sorry about that Pad. My staff meeting ran super long.

Padoru: understandable 

Padoru: just summon me when you are available cutie 

Ariya: We can go right now to the trainer if you want.

Padoru: Sure 

Ariya: Okay Pad, come with me.


Ariya: Well? Are you following me or not?

Padoru follows behind Ariya towards the main street of the city.

Padoru: we go 

Ariya: Have you been outside the city yet?

Padoru: not yet 

Padoru: seems spoopy out there.

Ariya: Hahaha. It does doesn't it?

Padoru: indeed

Ariya: That's okay. I, big sister Ariya, can protect you.

Padoru: i feel comfy with nee-san 

Ariya: So adorable. Just like Sapph and Taiga.

Padoru: sapphu and taiga chan big cute 

Ariya: It's still a quite long walk from here to the trainer. You need anything? Water? Food?

Padoru: i already has water and noms 

Ariya: Padoru came prepared. That's nice.


Ariya: I ask this with sapph, but what's your ideal type?

Padoru: type 

Padoru: What do you mean

Ariya: You know? The type of person you are most romantically interested in. For dating?


Padoru: someone cute like phan or taiga 

Ariya: I didn't mean actually names. haha.


Padoru: I just said the cutest things I could think of.

Ariya: Come on, Pad. I meant like their personalities and habits.


Padoru: cute, wholesome, gives head pats 

Padoru: a gamer  

Ariya: A gamer?

Ariya: What is a game?

Padoru: an epic person  

Padoru: something played by the coolest of people 

Ariya: That sounds dangerous. Does it hurt?

Padoru: no it is big fun 

Ariya: Is it?

Padoru: i think so 

Ariya: Say Pad, if you had all the ducats in the world, what would you buy?

Padoru: gear to protect those i love 

Ariya: I see. I'd buy my boyfriend gear, but I think he already has the best ones.

Padoru: what's your boyfriends name  

Padoru: is he big cute  

Ariya: Mikey. I don't think cute is the right word. He's tough and strong.

Padoru: woah  

Padoru: stronk

Padoru: he sounds cool 

Ariya: His class is Bruiser. He's a Platinum Ranked Adventurer.

Padoru: scary high rank 

Ariya: Haha. Yeah. He's pretty scary compared to everyone else.

Padoru: but is he a nice one  

Ariya: He buys me a lot of gifts when I don't even need it.


Padoru: good guy 

Ariya: I think we're here?


Ariya: Wait a minute!






Author's Note: I'm going to color the names so you know which team they belong on for future references.


Class: Paladin
Level: 0
Skills: None
Inventory: None


Class: Elementalist
Level: 0
Skills: None
Inventory: None

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