Domestic Girlfriend Discord Server Isekai Story

Chapter 11: The Storm

Soul and HL leave the city in hopes of fighting some low level monsters. The town guards are laughing their asses off in the background.

HL: Well fuk them lmao

Soul: Tru

Random Traveler: Where are you two going? The city is the way you came.

Soul: Going to hunt.

Random Traveler: Hunt? As copper adventurers? Don't be silly. The best things you guys are good for are searching for cats and taking care of little kids.


Soul: Good one.

Random Traveler: Well, just don't keep your hopes up.

Soul: I'm ready to die whenever.

The two party members spot a tent on the right side of the road. They attempted to avoid and ignore those in the camp and continue down the road. Further on, they spot an opening on the plains. There was a group of goblins talking in their language about things. Soul and HL spot the group of goblins. They numbered to the count of nine. Soul remembering his flashback encounter with the previous goblin group  and started to turn around and run back towards the city. HL follows behind Soul, but it was too late. Since Soul made a sharp turn around, it kicked up the dirt towards the goblins. They got angry and started to chase HL.


Soul: HL run for it

HL: Well, we can separate the goblins and then we can fight two on four.


HL: Alright, Soul what's your basic attack?

Soul: none

HL: hit that on the ground


HL: wtf fak u

HL: we run

The goblins spoke in their language and weird sound effects. The first goblin wacks HL on the head, causing massive bleeding damage and brain damage. Soul looked at the carnage the goblins made of HL. He continues running. The second time he looks back, some of the goblins are still tearing apart HL, and the rest are on his tail. HL has died, and his respawn timer is minimum five days and maximum ten days. Soul had no sympathy for HL when he died. All that is on Soul's mind is how to get the fuck out of that area. He continued on the path back to the city. Soul wondered why the path was so long, he and HL did not walk that far, right? He faced forward and there were goblins blocking his path. Without Soul realizing, the goblins was using their language to call backup from the camp on the side of the road. Soul attempts to jump over the goblins blocking his path, but the goblins pulled on his outfit and brought him straight to the ground, smashing his head open. Soul had died five minutes after HL has. Their actions may be reflected upon and they will go through a respawn process where they will not try to make the same mistakes again.




Ariya was walking with Pad to bring him to his class trainer when Ariya told Pad to wait. But it was too late, Pad had already fallen down a deep hole in the middle of the path. 



Pad hits the floor of the hole for 48 damage. Pad's health points drop to 72.

Padoru: ouch

Pad rubs his head and looks around his surroundings. The floor is wet and the walls are dirt. The atmosphere feels a bit eerie.

Padoru: it's cold down here 

Something has hit Pad on the head. It was a torch stick. Pad's health points drop to 68.

Padoru: oof

Padoru: im hurt

Pad cries for help but to no avail. 

Padoru: what should i do now 

Pad picks up the torch stick off the ground. 

Padoru: hmmm how do i light this thing, there must be some way 

Padoru: if only Ariya nee-san were here 

Padoru: but i must not panic, i have to find something to do

Padoru: perhaps i shall look around 

Padoru: i guess i should walk around until i find something

Pad runs into the wall.

Padoru: this area seems very small

Padoru: i guess it won't take long to search around

Padoru: perhaps i should go back to where i fell from and see if i can climb out.

Pad looks up at the dark ceiling and a small speckle of light. The walls are dirt and filled with slime and goo.

Padoru: dang these walls are so gross and slimey

Padoru: i need to wipe my hands off now

Padoru: since the ground is wet, perhaps i can cleanse my hands on the ground

Pad pulled up his sleeves and proceed to wipe his hands in the shallow pool of liquid to wipe off the slime and goo. He pulls his hands up and looks at them. They are bloody.

Padoru: oh noes im bleeding 

Pad checks his hands for a wound. There isn't one. 

Padoru: wait, im not bleeding

Padoru: but if im not bleeding

Padoru: then what is 

Pad realizes the wet ground was not water but blood instead.

Padoru: oh no it was the flood that was bloody 

Pad looks at where the blood is flowing from. It was a round object on the floor.

Padoru: owo whats this on the floor

Padoru: something roubd

Pad flips the round thing over to take a closer look at it. It is a dead body with a knife stabbed through the heart.

Padoru: oh my goodness its a body 

Padoru: it looks like there is a knife in it.

Pad takes out the blade and examines it for himself.

Padoru: this is a very dull knife 

Padoru: i think i'll hold onto this knife

Padoru: it might prove useful down here

Padoru: let's keep looking around 

Pad spots another thing on the floor near him.

Padoru: hmmmmmmm

Padoru: it seems there is something else down here 

Padoru: i wonder what it is

Padoru: imma flip this thing over

Pad carefully flips the thing over and sees another dead body.

Padoru: gasph

Padoru: sdjfkasdkjfklds

Pad obviously shocked that there was two dead bodies with him in this deep hole that he was stuck in.

Padoru: this is a dead body also 

Pad, still shocked, hears a growl and becomes scared holding the knife out looking for danger.

Padoru: owo a growl in the distance 

Pad looks for the noise and it was his stomach. He sighs a bit of relief.

Padoru: oh my i sure am hungry

Padoru: good thing i brought some food with me 

Pad slowly takes out some food items out of his inventory.

Padoru: these are some good noms 

As Pad chews down on his food, he looks around him. The bodies and slimy walls makes it harder for him to eat nonchalantly.

Padoru: it's kind of hard to eat here 

Pad slowly puts away his food items eating only a little bit before feeling a bit nauseous. Pad can hear a voice in the distance. It's coming from above him. Pad thinks he can hear his name but it kinda sounded like dad so Pad lost a bit of hope.

Padoru: is there a child over there or someone calling for me 

A light coming from above blinds Pad for one second, but it reveals the surrounding area for Pad to clearly see the dead bodies, the blood, and the slimy walls. 

Padoru: ew thats gross but at least i can see now.

The vision only lasted for ten seconds before Pad was plunged into darkness once again.

Padoru: oh no i can no longer see 

Pad's name echoed through the hole. 

Padoru: my name 

Pad looks up and sees a bright light coming towards him.


Padoru: light so bright 

Pad cannot see the figure because of the bright light but he also hears clanking sounds, specifically iron hitting dirt and other iron.

Padoru: whats out there 

Ariya: Pad! Is that you?!!?

Padoru: NEE SAN 

Ariya removes her swords and hugs pad.

Ariya: Are you okay?

Padoru: i was so scared nee san 

Ariya: I'm here now.

Ariya placed her swords in the dirt holes again.

Ariya: Can you grab on?

Padoru: im grabbing on nee san 

Ariya: Okay. Let's go up.


Ariya stabs her swords back into the same holes she dug when coming down.


Ariya: They ran out of rope in the town.

Ariya: Thankfully, I invested in Strength.

Padoru: nee-san so strong 

Ariya: Yeah. But this hole is really far huh?

Padoru: sure is but we can do this 

Ariya: I can't wait until Sapph sees this.

Padoru: sees what 

Ariya: Pad. I called Sapph to come help you too.

Ariya: I'm sure Sapph would be glad to see you too.

Padoru: sapphu 


Padoru: thank you nee san

Ariya: I went to Sapph to find help because I knew Taiga was out of town.

Padoru: sapph will be helpful 

Ariya: We're almost up.


Ariya: We're finally up.

Ariya: Huh?

Ariya: Where's Sapph?

Padoru: sapphu 

Ariya: SAPPH?




Class: Duelist
Level: 0
Skills: None
Inventory: None

Class: Healer
Level: 1
Skills: None
1 Basic Staff

Class: Elementalist
Level: 0
Skills: None
Inventory: None

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