Domestic Girlfriend Discord Server Isekai Story

Chapter 3: Antics Before the General

The skills and spells system has a class restriction on which spells and skills the user can learn. The only way one can bypass this restriction is to become non-human or learn about how to maximize magic affinity. The currency system is also complicated in the fact that although the ducat is universally used throughout the world, cuivres and fairns are used in the western cities of the central continent while wednars and crescents are used in the eastern cities of the central continent. 

The system sent a prompt to every party asking for them to pick a number between seven and seventeen. These are the replies.

Conn: 15.

Jim: 14.

Hasan: 13.

Camera: 9.

Mumbles: 8.

Lily: 10.

Taiga: 9.

Schmorge: 11.

HL: 17.

TK: 15.

Se-no: 16.

Matty: 14.

These numbers will spawn each party into a designated town where they must survive in the new world. This world that none of them know how to survive or even what their goals may be in the future. 

"Welcome @Requiem to Grenzdorf of the Sypathia Kingdom!"
A message appeared in front of the party of Requiem as they were instantly transported to a random location based on the lottery number one of the members have chosen. 

Haru: I wonder


Soul: mine

Haru: Will this be an easy way to make money?

Soul: i am king

Haru: I believe there are ways to exploit this area

Haru: System, give me a list of shops

"System activated. List of shops access denied. Host level too low."

Unfortunate: so this is really like a rp campaign

Unfortunate: almost dnd like

Haru: Well system, what is Grenzdorf known most for?

The system pops up a window where Haru can read the text,

"They are most known for their exports of wool, cattle, and lumber." 

Haru: Is there a most wanted list in the area?

Unfortunate: who are the nobility

Unfortunate: haru i summon you

Unfortunate: to go seduce the nobility

Haru: Give me a moment

Haru: We'll need to split the jobs amongst us all

Haru: if we can get a most wanted list and take them out

Unfortunate: alright i go fishing

Unfortunate: u guys do work

Haru: we take the rewards

"The ruler of this city is Duke William II of Grenzdorf"
The message randomly appeared in front of the party on their status windows. 

Unfortunate: oh shit

Haru: Duke William II, okay so what's his class

Unfortunate: a duke

Unfortunate: no no no

Unfortunate: that doesnt even matter

Unfortunate: the man is a duke

Haru: if anything

Haru: we can just steal his weaponry when night falls

Unfortunate: does the duke have any next of kin

Haru: No we're not taking that route

Unfortunate: yes, yes we are

Haru: it'll take too long

Haru: who knows how long we'll be here

Haru: System, What is the Duke's arsenal like?

Unfortunate: set up base here

"He has about 500 knights to his command and can summon about 1.5 thousand peasants for his army."

Haru: Where would the armory be in his kingdom?

Haru: I would like to "join" them temporarily

The system displayed a text on Haru's status window:

"The kingdom is a different matter."

Haru: ah, I meant City, where is the armory for this city.

The system responded with,

"It is currently near the southern gate of the city."

Unfortunate: Does the duke have any kin

Haru: South Gate, got it. can I scout ahead and watch the guards and write down their patrol routes?

The system displayed on Unfortunate's status window.

"He has a daughter at the age of 16."

Unfortunate: so no next in line

Unfortunate: haru go seduce the duke

Haru: Alright I'm heading to the barracs

Unfortunate: be a trap

Haru: Time to join their army

Haru: I will scout ahead and watch the guards and write down their patrol routes


Haru leaves the guild hall and heads towards the patrol post. Soul watches him leave the hall. Haru walks towards the post before hiding behind the nearby wall of a building. Haru peeks around the corner to listen onto the conversation that the pair of guards were having.

Guard 1: Have you heard about the dragon that got slain in Ezemia?

Guard 2: Isn't that where that one A-ranked adventurer party was headed to?

Guard 1: Yeah. Haven't heard much of them though.

Guard 2: Apparently, they had finished a B ranked quest in Hauptstadt before accepting an A ranked quest in Ezemia.

Haru: (whispers to himself) I guess I'll ask the second guard where I can sign up for the military.

The pair of guards notice Haru's head peeking around the corner.

Guard 2: What are you doing here!?

Guard 2: You're not suppose to be here!

Haru scrambles to his feet and looks for an excuse to say.

Haru: Sir, I was looking for the general, I plan on joining the army to protect the city.

Guard 2: General, huh?

The guard places one hand on his chin and the other on his hip.

Guard 2: You sure you want General Five Palm to train you?

Haru: I come with information about various threats that may come near the city.

Haru tries to deceive the guard with fake lies.

Haru: If the General is available I'd like to discuss business, and yes training would be nice

Haru: Anything to defend the city.

Guard 2: Hmmm.

Guard 2: Alright. I'll bring you to Five Palm, but I cannot make any promises.

Haru: Lead the way, Sir.

Guard 2: Follow me.

Haru follows the guard for 11 minutes before reaching the armory. The guard steps before the door.

Guard 2: Here is the quarters that the general is staying in.

Guard 2: Enjoy your funeral.

The guard leaves Haru by the door and continues to patrol around his assigned post. Haru slowly opens the door and greets the general of the army.

Haru: General, its a pleasure to meet you.

Five Palm: And who the fuck are you?

Haru lies through his teeth in hopes that the general will buy his bullshit.

Haru: A lone traveler only starting my journey. I was raised in the mountains far from here, and if it were up to me, I'd personally stay there. I've come across some news about a group of mercenaries who want to invade all cities and bask in the riches of their bounty.

Five Palm: You think I don't know that, you fucking fool?!!?

Five Palm: I don't give two fucking shits who you are!

Haru: I can be use to you and the army.

Five Palm: How fucking so?

Haru: With proper training, I can become the army's information broker, a head scout, and even someone who will be able to infiltrate the enemy's front lines.

Haru: You see, war isn't just about brute strength and who can overpower another.

Five Palm: Go on.

Haru: A battle can not be won on strength alone, but with information we can even avoid the most loss of resources.

Five Palm: What do you mean by resources? The pathetic tiny humans that they call an army?

Five Palm: Have you seen me? I'm a fucking massive minotaur.

Haru's smile turns into a smirk.

Haru: Those are just bodies, I'm talking about what this city thrives on: the wool, cattle, and the lumber.

Haru: All this land is what the enemy wants and if we're being honest, if we make certain advances, you can have so much more than that.

General Five Palm was not buying any of Haru's random bullshit.

Five Palm: HA! If they want these stupid resources, they would invade a smaller city like Villanous!

Five Palm: GUARDS! Get this fool out of here!

Haru: Give me one second!

Guard 3: Sorry dude.

Guard 4: You made him mad.

The guards dragged Haru away from the armory and towards the center of town.

Guard 4: He's like that with everyone.

Haru: Fine, fine, but tell him if he wants sacrifices to fuel him, to send for me.

Guard 4: I'm going to leave you at the center of the city. Don't get lost now.

The guards leave and return to their posts. Haru whispers to himself.

Haru: I'll make do with what I have.

Haru returns to the guild hall and both Soul and Unfortunate are waiting for him. Haru begins a retelling of the story of what happened.

Haru: This is a lumber city, we can gather resources and have weaponry crafted for us possibly.

Soul: Have you registered at the guild yet?

Haru: How do I do that?

Soul: Go to the receptionist and she'll take you to a room. I already have my guild card.

Soul shows Haru his guild card.

Soul: Unfortunate, you should go too before you sleep again.

Both Haru and Unfortunate went into separate rooms where they both tested their powers on a magical stone that tells them their skills and class. After Haru showed Soul that he received a card, he walks out of the guild hall once again. He heads towards the path out of the city. Haru walks down the path until he encounters a group of goblins numbering to be 6. Haru whispers to himself,

"I need to somehow split them and fight them in groups."

Haru picks up multiple rocks off the ground. He starts to throw them past the goblins. The goblins disperse into two groups, one group of five and a loner. Haru grabs a long pointy branch off the ground and tries to fight the loner goblin. He struggles for a bit as the goblin's strength is a lot stronger than his. Haru's health drops down to twenty percent. Haru steps to the side and goes for a back attack at the goblin. He manages to deal a critical hit in the process of his back attack. Haru scans the goblin's body to look for possible vital points to hit. The goblin tries to shake Haru off. Haru grabs a rag from his pocket and attempt to tie down the goblin's feet. The goblin skins off a portion of Haru's arm.

Soul leaves the guild hall in search for his teammate.

Haru spots Soul standing still outside the city.

Haru: God, what an idiot.

Soul finally spots Haru and casts first heal on Haru. Haru heals five percent of health. Haru attempts to break the goblin's arm. The goblin turns around instead and letting him eat the ground. Soul tells Haru,

"Get up you wimp."

Soul rushes and tackles the goblin. The goblin changes his focus towards Soul and attacks Soul for 45 HP. Soul stands up and push the goblin towards Haru before taking off. Haru attempts and succeeds in getting behind the goblin and striking a weak point. Haru starts to strike at the goblin's knees. The goblin dodges and runs towards Soul after Soul casts first heal on Haru. 

Soul: ez aggro

Haru tackles the goblin from behind and starts to take quick shots at its weak points including its neck and spine.

Haru: Now we need to check its body for loot.

Haru and Soul took what they could from the goblin and head back to the guild hall.

Haru: Jesus christ this is nothing like in the anime.

Haru: We almost got our ass kicked.

Haru: Time to check the loot I guess.

Unfortunate returns to the guild hall after spending time in a prison for being falsely accused of something he didn't do.

Mystava: Hello Haru, is that a goblin head that I see?


Mystava: May I check your guild cards?

Soul: yea sure

Mystava: Soul, you have leveled up to level 1.

Haru: wait am I not level 1 too?

Mystava: You didn't give me your guild card yet.

Haru: w h a t

Haru: oh wait

Soul: hand it over haru

Haru: is it this thing?

Haru takes his guild card out from his pocket.

Mystava: Yes.

Haru: dude I look like shit in the id picture.

Mystava: Haru, you leveled up to level 1.

The system displays a text on status window for Haru,

"Haru has also received 16 cuivres."

Haru: where is the weapon shop

Haru: Apparently I don't have weapons.

The system displays a text on the status window for Haru and Soul,

"The armory is in the southeastern part of the city."

Haru: To the armory we go!


Author's Note: From this point on, the character's status and inventory will show after every chapter.

Class: Rogue
Level: 1
Skills: None
Inventory: 16 Cuivres

Class: Healer
Level: 1
Skills: None
Inventory: None

Class: Fisherman
Level: 0
Skills: None
Inventory: None



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