Domestic Girlfriend Discord Server Isekai Story

Chapter 4: Learning About the New World

"Welcome @Grandmasters to Wessen of the Sypathia Kingdom!"

The message appeared in front of the Grandmasters team as they were just transported to one of the ten random cities based on the number that they choose. 

Qred: hmm

Qred: we should probably explore and then find somewhere to stay

Qred: excuse me, are there any large buildings or central places where we could get information on the city/kingdom?

Sylvia: Hello. I am Sylvia and you are currently in the guild hall which is one of the biggest building in the city.

Solis the Fourth: Wooo a qtie

Sylvia: Thanks. I try.

Qred: Are there available quests or tasks we can do that are level appropriate

Sylvia: No. I recommend training before taking on quests.

Qred: I see. Is there a good place for us to train nearby?

Rhoni: Time to use these muscles for good

Sylvia: The best place to train is the training ground near the duke's mansion.

Qred: Alright. Guess that's where we're going.

Sylvia: I can bring you to the training ground once you register at the Guild and wait for me to find an appropriate trainer. If you haven't registered, please do so.

Qred: Ok. How do we register?

Sylvia: Follow the other receptionists into the testing rooms. They will measure your power and give you a guild card.

Qred: Ok. Let's go, Rhoni.




"Welcome @Apple Sour to Villanous of the Melovar Kingdom!"

The message appeared in front of the Apple Sour Party as they were also transported to one of the ten cities randomly chosen by the number they announced.

Schmorge: Wait.... Villanous?

Schmorge: That sounds evil.

Diane: This is the town of Villanous. It is fairly frowned upon as it is the town of demons and beasts.

Schmorge: So it's not actually villanous?

Volk: I don't know about that

Schmorge sits down on the ground and thinks for a few minutes.

Volk: You good, man?

Schmorge: Just confused and concerned.

Schmorge: The name of the town is Villanous, only because the population is demons and beasts?

Volk: It's a harsh world, my friend.

Schmorge: But those demons and beasts aren't actually evil, right?

Schmorge: So it's Villanous, but is it villanous?

Schmorge: That's what I'm trying to figure out, and it gave me a headache.

Volk: This town probably has more secrets than we think.

Schmorge: The reason why we're here in the first place probably won't be one of them.

Schmorge lays down on the wooden bench near the wooden table in the guild hall.

Schmorge: My brain hurts.

Volk: Do you need some water? I'll go ask the receptionist for some.

Schmorge: A jug of it. Directly on my face. Maybe that'll wake me up.

Diane: Here is some water.

Volk: It's not a jug so just drink up, man.

Schmorge stands up and extends his hand for the cup.

Schmorge: To life!

Schmorge raises the glass and then chugs it down, choking a small portion of water. He puts down the glass and realizes his shirt is now wet.

Schmorge: Dammit.

Volk: Uh. Is there a room anywhere here?

Diane: Across from the guild hall, there is an inn.

Schmorge looks at Volk with disgust.

Schmorge: Slow down there cosby.

Volk: Dude. I'm just trying to help. If you dont want my help, go ahead and get sick in a world that probably doesnt have antibiotics.

Schmorge: Oh. Is there a towel I could borrow? That should be enough for now.

Diane: What is a towel?

Schmorge: uh. A dry sheet of cloth.

Diane: Oh, we have small rags. Will that do?

Schmorge: Sure.

Diane ran to grab the rags used in the back of the guild hall. Volk grabs and hands Schmorge the rag. Schmorge tries to dry his shirt as much as possible with the rag and returns it back to Diane.

Schmorge: Thanks.

Volk: We should register for the guild.

Schmorge: Good idea.

Volk: How do we register for the guild, Diane?

Diane: You enter the testing room and they will produce a guild card which you will carry on yourselves at all times.

Volk: Alright. Let's go, Schmorge.




"Welcome @Palm Top Tigers to P'Lonsk of the Melovar Kingdom!"

The message popped in front of the party of the Palm Top Tigers as they were transported by the system.

Taiga: oh ok

Yoshie: Interesting

Ariya: To register at the guild hall, please follow us to the testing room.

The party followed Ariya into the testing room.

Ariya: Please sit down.

Taiga: How does one do that?

Taiga: Do they just do this?

Ariya: Yes. Just relax.

After Taiga and most of his party finishes registering, Ariya led them to the lobby of the guild hall where they proceeded to ask more questions.

Ariya: I am Ariya Cango, a human girl from the Empire of Rashidun.

Taiga: so what's the Empire of Rashidun?

Ariya: The Empire of Rashidun is the bestest place in the world. Their military might and religious freedom allows them to be the strongest empire in the world. It is currently to the south of this location.

Taiga: ah so why did you come here then? was it to explore the world?

Ariya: I came here looking for a peaceful job. In the Empire, although things are a lot better there, you would have to be serving in the military or they would persecute you.

Taiga: ah wow, im glad you decided to chose a job and place that you could freely work and feel comfortable at.

Ariya: Thank you. But if you do visit Rashidun. you'll see the beauty of its might.

Taiga: is the Empire of Rashidun in conflict with any other nation?

Ariya: Yes. I believe it is currently fighting with the empire to the east of this location, but we have no idea what the empire is called. They use a different language than we do. the Empire's Best Friend is also fighting with that empire so victory is assured!


Padoru: The receptionist is cute 

Taiga: i agree

Taiga: Cute receptionist, what are all the ranks in this guild hall?

Ariya: Copper Ranks are from level 0 to level 10. Iron Ranks are from level 11 to level 20. Bronze Ranks are from level 21 to level 35. Silver Ranks are from level 36 to level 50. Gold Ranks are from level 51 to level 71. Platinum ranks are from level 72 to level 89. Diamond Ranks are from level 90 to level 100. Titanium Ranks are from level 101 to level 110. Adamantite Ranks are from level 110 to level 125. Mythril Ranks are from level 125+.


Taiga: how does one sign up for quests in the guild hall

Ariya: Once they are registered, they can sign up with me.

Taiga: can i sign up for a quest?

Ariya: Your level is really low for a quest. Are you sure?

Taiga: How does one level up then to take on quests?

Ariya: There are many ways to level up such as training, real combat, sparring, and much more.

Taiga: ok ill just ask a varying amount of questions that can be answered easily. Do I have my own equipment rn? Where can I get equipment? Do I have any currency? What are my skills and abilities? Can I go training now?

The system pops up with the answers that Taiga needed on the display it reads,

"Your inventory is empty."

"You have no money."

"You have no skills."

"You have no crafting recipes."

Taiga: Oh. hmmm. What is the recommended starting point for me?

Ariya: Training with a knight or another adventurer is a good starting point.

Taiga: Can I request for you to help me seek out a suitable adventurer or knight that I can learn under?

Ariya: I can do that, but it will take me the whole day. Is that fine?

Taiga: I am fine with that.

Taiga: sounds great. well I'm certainly you probably have others things to tend to so I'll continue to wait here for training 

Taiga: haaah I wonder what everyone else is doing..... 




"Welcome @C Stick Warriors to Ezemia of the Sypathia Kingdom!"

The message popped in front of the party and everyone was quite surprised.

Shooby: Hey there.

Thomas: Hello Shooby. How may I help you?

Shooby: What kingdom is Ezemia in?

Thomas: Sypathia.

Matty: Shooby, it literally told us when we got here.

Shooby: Yes, yes it did.

Shooby: Does the Sypathia Kingdom happen to be in the West or East?

Thomas: Please clarify.

Matty: How big is Ezemia in regards to other areas of Sypathia? Is it a large city? A small town? The capital?

Thomas: Ezemia is a small city near the border of Castopia, a central kingdom of the continent.

Thomas: Ezemia is smaller than Wessen, but is bigger than Grimselt.

Matty: What is the largest city in Sypathia? And what is the capital if they are not the same?

Thomas: The Capital of Sypathia is Durpagne.

Another party spawned in the same area ten minutes after the first party had spawned.

"Welcome @Team 1 to Ezemia of the Sypathia Kingdom!"

The other party hid first while observing the second party. The message displayed only for the party that just spawned in.

Jim: How many kingdoms are there?

Steel: I do not know the answer to that question. I do know that Sypathia, Castopia, and Melovar are the closest kingdoms.

Jim: Thank ya also how has your day been goin

Steel: I am fine.

Jim: That's good. Is Sypathia a eastern or western kingdom?

Steel: Neither.

Jim: Ok. Thanks.



Class: Archer
Level: 0
Skills: None
Inventory: None

Solis the Fourth
Class: Druid
Level: 0
Skills: None
Inventory: None

Class: Tank
Level: 0
Skills: None
Inventory: None

Class: Bombardier
Level: 0
Skills: None
Inventory: None

Class: Elementalist
Level: 0
Skills: None
Inventory: None

Class: Magician
Level: 0
Skills: None
Inventory: None

Class: Berserker
Level: 0
Skills: None
Inventory: None

Class: Elementalist
Level: 0
Skills: None
Inventory: None

Class: Healer
Level: 0
Skills: None
Inventory: None

Class: Assassin
Level: 0
Skills: None
Inventory: None

Class: Supporter
Level: 0
Skills: None
Inventory: None

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