Domestic Girlfriend Discord Server Isekai Story

Chapter 5: In Search of His Belov- I Mean Dreams

"Welcome @Band of the Bear to Durpagne, the Capital of the Sypathia Kingdom!"

"Welcome @Sons of the Red Moon to Durpagne, the Capital of the Sypathia Kingdom!"

Both parties spawned in at the same time and have interacted with each other since they both called the same number at the same time.

Yonny: You're quite young for your age, Conn.

Conn: hmm you tryna call me young how dare you speculate my age 

Yonny: N-no. I'm not trying to do anything. 

Yonny tears up at the moment Conn spits at her.

Yonny: My family has always been poor and as a young woman, I would have to try to find money the most unconventional way.

Conn: umm I don't know how to take that.

Conn: What's the definition of "unconventional"

Conn: actually you don't have to answer that

Yonny: Picking up cow manure.

Conn: hmm how masculine of you

Conn: I'm not gonna lie I like my women to have a manly side

Yonny: Um. Only if I'm free.

Killer B sees Conn harassing the receptionist.

Killer B: Conn, leave the manly woman alone! We have work to do.

Conn, Killer B, and Zen enter the testing rooms in order to receive their guild cards. Zen received potential that rivals the gods and Killer B received wasted potential.

Killer B: Ummm excuse me! Why does he have more potential than me? Why are you picking favorites lady!?

Yonny: It's not me. The test showed those results.

Conn: whoa don't talk to her like that

Killer B: I think you're lying.

Zen: I think you're stupid.

Conn: yikes

Killer B: Well, you are what you think Zen 

Conn: Don't let a woman decide who you become bakaaaa

Zen: That saying doesn't go like that.

Yonny: (crying) I'm just trying to be helpful.

Zen: She has feelings, stupid B.

Conn: I won't let anything hold me back from getting to my love sap- I mean becoming the strongest in the land.

Yonny: (shocked) You have a lover?

Killer B: Some teammate you are Conn. 

Zen: Wow.

Killer B: Don't even have my back!

Zen: Seems like you need a better team lmao.

Killer B: Seems like you need to mind your business there Chief.

Killer B: My team would destroy you. 

Zen: If they were online, lmao

Killer B: What's an online?

Zen: oh my bad breaking the fourth wall there

Zen: If they were awake, lmao

Killer B: You broke a wall? Where?

Conn: Seems like you've been abandoned

Zen: I'm going to train. Don't follow me you fools.

Zen has left the guild hall.

Conn: Yonny, is there something wrong with having a lover? As if I would follow a commoner! Hpmh!

Conn: Yonny? You never answered me.

Killer B: Maybe she's busy.

Conn: I guess so. Well, Killer, I ain't gonna lie.

Conn: I might be bustin out of here.

Killer B: Do tell?

Conn: my lov- I mean my adventure awaits me and I must accomplish my goals and dreams.

Yonny: I don't date boys who cheat. Hpmh.

Conn: Bakaaa

Conn: I would never date another person other than my beloved.

Killer B: At least she likes you Conn. She gave me a bad review knowing that I've had to learn and develop all my skills on my own.

Killer B: I never had a mentor or family to teach me.

Conn: It's okay. I believe you will develop into someone very strong in the future.

Conn: I might not be able to see it happen myself, but I see it coming to fruition.

Killer B: Are you talking about leaving this world as we know it?!

Conn: I couldn't say all I know is that nothing will get in my way from reaching my belove- i mean dreams.

Killer B: Why can't you do both?

Killer B: You're acting like you have to choose.

Conn: And with that I bid my adieu. I hope to cross paths with you once again in the future my good friend.

Conn: It was nice meeting you, Yonny, but I've now realized that there's nothing left for me here.

Conn: im sorry it had to be this way

Conn motions a story of him crossing lands and starting a new adventure of reaching his lov- he meant dreams.

Yonny: It's okay Conn, I really didn't like your look anyways.

Flame Phantasm: Ridiculous

Conn comes back from his dream because he heard a meanie head comment.

Flame Phantasm: The device they used to determine strength must not understood the capacity of these puppies.

Phantasm flexes his biceps while making a really shitty barking noise.

Killer B: Conn why did you come back?

Conn: well then I hate to say looks aren't everything

Flame Phantasm: thats just what ugly people tell themselves

Conn: and I won't insult you because you look like a fine lady

Killer B

Conn: im sorry is that a fly buzzing or is that just me killer?

Killer B: Must be a fly.

Conn: Figured

Flame Phantasm: What are the laws around here on fighting, just curious

Flame Phantasm: like what amount of provocation is considered due cause for a tussle, in theory

Yonny: If you want to fight, please take it outside the city.

Flame Phantasm: Bothersome

Yonny: Any form of Health depletion counts as combat.

Killer B: No fighting in town! This young lady would have to clean up the mess and we don't want to cause her any trouble

Conn: I wouldn't bother fighting someone who wouldn't stand a chance

Flame Phantasm: About to get into some combat with the stairs tryna walk in the dark

Conn: Since I'm boring myself staying here looks like I'm going to head out while I still can.

Killer B: Conn, I forgot to mention. Before you leave, I started reading a wonderful story recently. I will share it with you next our paths cross.

Flame Phantasm: Where are ya'll even trying to go at this hour?

Conn: Sounds good my brethren. I will look forward to it.

Flame Phantasm: Gonna go die in the woods or something? At least stay in town for the night

Conn: I'm not scared of the puny dark

Killer B: The Inn here in town charges too much. Conn is a smart man. He can handle himself in the wild.

Conn: I was born and raised in it.

Killer B: One might say you were molded by it.

Flame Phantasm: You're saying there's not even any mostly abandoned places to squat?

Flame Phantasm: Ridiculous what kinda utopia is this?

Conn: Listen to these people nowadays thinking we need money to get things.

Conn: I can hunt. I can sleep on the ground.

Conn: Survival skills are my specialty. So why hold me back?

Killer B: That's convenient for you. 

Conn: Let a man follow his dreams

Killer B: Don't you mean belov-?

Killer B: You know that word you keep saying the first half of but never finish?

Conn: (looks into the sky thinking about his lov- dreams)

Conn: What are you talking about?


Killer B: I mean you've done it like 5 times now

Killer B: I kinda feel like you may have even been thinking about it a second ago.

Conn: Pfffh no what

Conn: It's not like I like someone baka hentai 

Killer B: Hmmm. You're a weird guy Conn.

Killer B: What's a hentai?

Yonny: What is a baka?

Conn: Someone who says something dumb

Flame Phantasm: Man I almost wanna join in this conversation but just whatever they're saying is 10x more entertaining than whatever I could come up with.

Killer B: I thought you were versed in all languages 

Flame Phantasm: I suppose I'm going to wander around the city for a while to group up with the rest of the Band.

Conn: Yonny, where are you from?

Flame Phantasm: Let me know if any of ya'll see Zen because I think he left town alone like an idiot.

Yonny: I am Yonny from the city of Wessen.

Flame Phantasm: There wouldn't happen to be a map of the city or surrounding areas anywhere, would there?

Killer B: You're not from here Yonny? How did you end up in this big city?

Conn: Well nice to meet you, Yonny. I think we got off on the wrong foot so I would like to apologize if I said anything offensive.

Killer B: You definitely said something offensive 

Yonny: What is a map?

Killer B: That's alright. Maybe she'll forgive you.

Yonny: I ended up in this city by a transfer from the guild of Wessen. Durpagne is the capital of Sypathia after all.

Conn: What was your homeland like?

Killer B: Btw. Just from looking at you. And don't take this the wrong way. But when I look carefully at you. It looks like you are naked.

Killer B: Is there a reason for that? Do you see that too Conn?

Conn: Whoa Killer you don't question what a woman wears. If that's what she's comfortable with, let her be.

Killer B: I didn't question it. Just wanted a clarification.

Conn: From what I've seen from my little bits of traveling many woman wear this. It seems to be common wear.

Yonny: I am currently wearing clothing.

Conn: See?

Killer B

Killer B: Guess I'm just seeing things.

Yonny: My hometown is known for their wool, cloth, and paper. So it offends me when you said I have nothing else to wear.

Yonny starts to cry.

Full Moons Blessing: What a lovely nap.

Killer B: Who said you had nothing else to wear?

Conn: I think you have lovely clothes nothing to be ashamed over.

Killer B: Blessing. You have to register at the guild if you haven't done so.

Flame Phantasm: I mean my home town is known for meth and oranges but I don't complain when I have neither.

Killer B: What's meth?

Flame Phantasm: You're from my world, you know that right?

Yonny: What's an orange?

Flame Phantasm: Froot

Conn: So Yonny I hate to notice but it seems you don't particularly like me.

Killer B: She doesn't like any of us 

Full Moons Blessing: I prefer if you just called me Speed.

Conn: dang I guess I'll stop talking to you since it seems you tend to ignore me. feels bad.

Speed: Indeed, I feel quite confident in the skills of my bow.


Yonny: Sorry, I was busy with work.

Speed: That's quite alright. Are you free now?

Yonny: Free to do what? I wont date guys who cheat openly. Like Conn

Killer B: Speed, lemme keep you up to date. Conn here tried putting moves on Yonny and she shut him down cuz he admitted to having a lover.

Killer B: So now we are here.

Conn: Ha every girl thinks a guy wants to date her over a simple conversation. My heart is only for one person and one person only.

Speed: I'm the most faithful, madam, however I barely know you. I'd say dating is quite the stretch. Conn, you rascal.

Conn: I only asked for a simple tour of the town since you know more of the town than me.

Conn: I'm no cheater speed. I'm as faithful to my beloved than to anything else in this world.

Killer B

Speed: You pose an interesting point. However, I tend not to doubt people outright.

Speed: You both are posing different arguments, so it falls to me to get to the bottom of this impasse.

Conn: It is all I have left in this world. As my parents and sister were brutally murdered, I have no resemblance of family other than my love.

Conn: That is why I'm passionate on making my journey to find her once again.

Conn: My love for her is more for the love of myself so I must not stop til I find her. 

Conn: That is why im passionate on making my journey to find her once again.

Conn: My love for her is more for the love of myself so I must not stop til I find her. That is my only goal.

Conn: If something gets in my way and tries to stop me I won't let it. I will reach my beloved no matter the cost.

Speed: What if it turns out she love another?

Speed: We, you set aside yourself so that she may be happy, or selfishly tear her away from whom they love.

Conn: If that is what she wishes for then I will support her, but I will never stop loving her.

Conn: For know though I will keep my hopes up.

Rasera: This

Yonny: This?

Rasera: lol. I'm just being a shit.

Speed: I do say, it would appear my attempt to gather info has been rebuked.

Speed: The fair lady must not have liked my open debunking of her dating comment.

Speed: Quite unfortunate.

Rasera: I'm going to the testing room.

Conn: Yonny doesn't really like us I think.

Rasera returns to the group with his guild card.

Rasera: Sweet.

Yonny: Rasera, you also gain the first spell/skill known as "First Heal".

Killer B: That's a lame spell name 

Rasera: it's the E-Z bake oven of heal spells

Conn: Why does Rasera get a skill already but not us Mrs. Yonny.

Yonny: Rasera gets a spell because a healer is useless without a first spell.

Conn: hm okay.

Speed: Are there any jobs that need completing?

Conn: Can I ask how does one level up?

Yonny: Training. Or you could walk out the city gates to fight real monsters and almost die.

Conn: Can I go train now as I do not want to waste anymore time?

Rasera: I'll assist Conn in their training and providing healing when necessary, if possible.

Yonny: I could give you a workout routine, but a class trainer would help a lot better.

Yonny: Which one would you prefer?

Rasera: I'll speak with my class trainer.

Yonny: It will take me one day to find a class trainer, is that still okay?

Speed: I would also like to find a class trainer.

Rasera: That's fine.

Conn: Should I trust you Yonny or should I find a class trainer?

Yonny: Okay so I have Rasera and Speed for a class trainer.

Yonny: It is my job, Conn. If you hate me so much, then don't take the guild's advice.

Speed: Things seem to have gotten off to a rough spot between the two of you.

Speed: Is there anyway we could patch things up?

Speed: Tension within the guild isn't ideal

Conn: I believe you mistook what I said madam. You stated that you could give us a workout routine or get a class trainer to help us.

Conn: So I was simply asking if I should listen to your advice or listen to the class trainer you get for us?

Conn: Sorry for the miscommunication.

Conn: But I guess I will ask to get a class trainer as well since you more than likely don't want me bothering you.

Yonny: Oh. I mean it is the guild's workout routine. I don't have any actual advice to train.

Rasera: I'm down to try the guild's workout routine as well, while you search for a class trainer. I'm in no rush currently.

Conn: I as well will too. I want to constantly get better and stronger. Any training is better than no training.

Speed: If that's an option, count me in as well friends.

Conn: So Yonny would you like to inform us of this training?

Yonny: I have informed you of the workout in a private letter. Please open it during your free time.

Rasera: (Talks to his team) Care to join me in a workout? It's a bit late at night, but sometimes burning a bit of energy before bed is a great way to sleep.

Conn: Agreed my friend! Nothing better than going to sleep feeling accomplished.

Rasera: Thank you for your help tonight, err. What is her name?

Conn: Her name is Yonny.

Rasera: Well thank you for the help then, Yonny. Sleep well!

Rasera: And I head off with Conn to do our workout.

Yonny: Have fun!

Conn: Goodnight as well Yonny see you in tomorrow wondrous day. Let's now begin Rasera.

Flame Phantasm: Theoretically how effective is 100 push ups, 100 sit ups, 100 squats, and a 10km run every single day for leveling.

Speed: Yonny is a lovely name.

Conn: hmm flame I've once heard of that workout I've heard it's done wonders

Yonny: It is quite effective if you have actually done that.

Conn: I try my best to accomplish that everyday even though it is very hard.

Flame Phantasm: I'm gonna go do that lmao. I've already done 100 pushups today.

Conn: well me and rasera are going to go finish out our workout for the night so goodnight to you all as I will pass out after we finish.

Rasera: Conn, are you ... coming back?

Conn: Pfhh, am I? We're just getting started.

Rasera: See you tomorrow, Conn. Bright and early.




Class: Trojan
Level: 0
Skills: None
Inventory: None


Killer B

Class: Archer
Level: 0
Skills: None
Inventory: None


Class: Trojan
Level: 0
Skills: None
Inventory: None


Flame Phantasm
Class: Bruiser
Level: 0
Skills: None
Inventory: None


Class: Archer
Level: 0
Skills: None
Inventory: None


Class: Healer
Level: 0
Skills: None
Inventory: None

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