Domestic Girlfriend Discord Server Isekai Story

Chapter 6: On a Date?

Haru and Soul follow Mystava to the town's armory where they can buy weapons and armor for themselves if need be. They engaged in small talk to keep themselves company.

Soul: age?

Mystava: I am 94 years old in Elf years.


Soul: marital status


Mystava: (blushes) What?

Soul: u know just wonder if someone as lovely as you has someone in their life they can rely on


Mystava: Um. Not really anyone right now.

Soul: oh, what a shame.

Haru: Mystava, are we near the weapons store yet?

Mystava: I'm sorry. I got lost in Soul's eyes.

Mystava: We are here now. This is the armory.


Soul: It's a common thing. Don't worry about it.

Haru: No worries, please do tell me what I have in my backpack when you have the chance.

Mystava: You have two goblin tusks, a wooden stick, and 16 cuivres.

Haru: What weapons and accessories can I afford?

Rufford: None. Now get out!

Mystava: Please just help him.

Rufford: You're lucky, you have her helping you.

Rufford: I got a short sword here for about 8 cuivres. It's on the brink of decay, but has about 50 uses.

Haru: I'll take that, yes.

Rufford: I also have a healing staff right here for 5 cuivres. It can only hold first heal, but it's better than what you have right?

Haru: Soul, what do you think?

Soul: Sure get it.

Rufford: Your total is 13 cuivres.

Soul: Hand it over Haru.

Haru: Sure thing.

Haru digs into the backpack avoiding the tusks and stick to grab 13 cuivres from the bottom of the bag. He hands it over to Rufford and places it in the armorer's hand.

Haru: Thanks for your service sir.

Mystava: I'll take you back to the guild hall.

Haru: Please do.

Soul: Mystava, you really are a helpful person. Thank you.

Mystava: Oh stop it.

Soul: yeah even though our ex-fisherman was being a bit out of line.

Soul: sorry for that btw

Mystava: I ... don't want to see another fisherman's you know what. I always freak out when they come near me.

Soul: OH. How come?

Mystava: They did some scary things to me when I was younger.


Mystava leads the group into the guild hall.

Mystava: We're here. Back at the guild hall.

Soul: Haru, we going hunting or ......


Haru: Yessir. Just give me some time.

Mystava: I'm sorry, Soul and Haru. I have to go now.

Soul: Oh ok. Bye for now, Mystava.

Haru: Take care, Mystava.

Mystava: Thanks.

Haru: Thanks for the help today! It was fun.




Sylvia: Does Rhoni and Qred want to head to the training ground first?

Qred: Sure. They can meet up with us later.

Sylvia: Follow me to the training ground.

Rhoni: Indeed.

Sylvia: This is the training ground.

Sylvia: If you want to practice your swordsmanship, you speak to Captain Wallace over there.

Sylvia: If you want to practice archery, you speak to Fiona over there.

Qred: This is where we part, Rhoni.

Rhoni: Got it.

Qred walks over to the master archer known as Fiona. Her green eyes matches her green archer uniform. Qred couldn't help himself staring at her beauty before interacting with her.

Fiona: Hello? Are you there?

Qred: Hi.

Fiona: What do we have here? A level 0 archer, huh? What's your name?

Qred: The name is Qredius. I hope to improve my archery skills.

Fiona: You think you can improve your skills overnight? You must be mistaken.

Qredius: I'll do what I can. Let's see how far determination will take me.

Fiona: I'll send you a workout routine in a letter soon. I expect it to be done in three days.

Qredius: Thanks.

Rhoni walks over to the master warrior known as Captain Wallace. He commands the guards of Wessen like a totalitarian dictator, strict and ruthless.

Wallace: Hey kid. This isn't a playground.

Rhoni: I'm not here to play around, but to get some exercise.

Rhoni: Please teach me!

Wallace: You think you'd be fit for my training?

Rhoni: Yes. I'm sure of that. It may not look like that, but I'm really tenacious and persistent.

Wallace: Okay kid, if you last through one day of this workout that I will hand you, you can train under me.

Wallace: If you can't, then I never want to see your stupid face ever again.

Wallace: Come back to me when you have completed the workout.

Rhoni: Yes Sir!




Soul: Mystava, do you know anywhere in the city where I could learn more healing spells?

Mystava: My master, Cromb, should know a master healer, I think.

Soul: Where is this Cromb guy?

Mystava: Master Cromb is in the magic tower near the duke's mansion.

Soul: Can you show me the way?

Mystava: I would love to. Anyone else following you or is it just us?

Soul: Just us.

Mystava: Oh? So it's a date then?

Soul: If you want it to be.

Mystava grabs Soul's hand and started walking towards the tower near the duke's mansion.

Soul: Wow. Your hand is really soft.

Mystava: Is it?

Soul: Yes.

Mystava: To be honest, I've been trying out this new oil sensation sold by the shop near the academy.

Soul: Wow. Must really work then.

Mystava: Look! It's the stars. Aren't they pretty?

Soul: Yes indeed.

Mystava: I've always wanted to look at stars for a living. How fun would that be.

Soul: Better than healing for a living that's for sure.

Mystava: Here is Master Cromb's magic tower.

Soul: Now who is this master Cromb?

Mystava: Master Cromb is a master elementalist who knows how to handle 4 of the 7 elements. He is the most influential elementalist in the city.

Soul: How is his personality?

Mystava: He is very logical and tries to reason each decision.

Soul: Alright so where is he?

Mystava: Behind this door.

She knocks on the door in front of them.

Mystava: It's me, Master Cromb.

Cromb: Ah Mystava. Come in. And who is this?

Soul: Yo, I'm Soul. I'm trying to become the best healer in the world.

Cromb: Yo? Mystava, who and what did you just invite into my abode?

Mystava: He's an upcoming healer with lots of potential, I think.

Cromb: A healer huh?

Cromb: Sometimes they are necessary for those tough battles, but when you have complete control of an element, heals are no problem to cast as well.

Mystava: Don't you know a master healer to help him grow?

Cromb: Ah yes, a master healer. She goes by the name, Lusus Naturae, for being a "freak of nature".

Cromb: Although I wouldn't recommend him to her, here is the location of this master healer.

Mystava: Thank you, Master.

Mystava: Soul, do you want to meet with Lusus Naturae?

Soul: Sure.

Mystava takes a glance at the paper and gasps at the realization of the location of this master healer.

Mystava: The master healer is in Grimselt?!?!?


Soul: Wait, how far is that?

Mystava: By foot, it will take us five days to reach there.

Mystava: By horse it will take three days, but horses are expensive around here.

Soul: Well then. Guess I'll have to save up money and get stronger here in the meanwhile.

Mystava: We are back at the guild hall.

HL: How do I go back?

Mystava: Go back where?

HL: To my world. I don't want to be in this world.

Mystava: There are many possibilities.

HL: Such as?

Mystava: I believe I discussed this before? Oh I haven't?

Mystava: Well, there are many ways to go back to the world you come from.

Soul: I'll be taking a nap for a while.

HL: You'll need rest.

Mystava: Good night, Soul.

Mystava: Some include asking a god, some include an extremely powerful wizard, and some include talks with demons.

HL: Is that all?

Mystava: No one knows if they have actually succeeded.

HL: So basically you're not sure.

Mystava: Sorry. The information we have on otherworldly matters is limited.

HL: ah no fault of yours ig.

HL: Who has more info?

Mystava: We don't know.

HL: What? okay. Where's god?

Mystava: Which god are you speaking of?

HL: Any god that can bring me back.

HL: I don't want to fight in this world.

HL: I want my peaceful life back :(

Mystava: We don't exactly know which god can bring you back.

HL: How many gods are there?

Mystava: There are about five known gods and ten unknown gods.

HL: Are they the ones that brought us here?

Mystava: Their location is always hidden from the human eye and they can reform the world how they want to.

HL: Why would they bring us here though?

HL: Where is our original world anyways?

Mystava: Your original world, I believe is Earth.

Mystava: Technically speaking, Earth and this world is very similar but with some major detail differences.

HL: Oh really now. Differences being?

Mystava: Dragons, magic, elves, the magical beasts, and basically anything you've yet to encounter.

HL: I know my original world is earth. Where is it in regards to where we are right now?

Mystava: It is here, but it is not. This can be considered as a parallel world.

HL: Any who, where are these powerful wizards and demons that can bring me back?

Mystava: We have little information on that.

HL: So basically, I'm screwed and good luck?

Mystava: Yes.

HL: There's clearly nothing left for me to do in this city eh.

HL: Time to go walk to find a god.

Mystava: You could always help Haru not die.

HL: That's too hard. Finding a god is easier.

Soul: Well that was a nice nap



Class: Healer
Level: 1
Skills: None
1 Basic Staff


Class: Rogue
Level: 1
Skills: None
1 Short Sword
2 Goblin Tusks
1 Oak Stick
3 Cuivres


Class: Archer
Level: 0
Skills: None
Inventory: None


Class: Tank
Level: 0
Skills: None
Inventory: None


Class: Duelist
Level: 0
Skills: None
Inventory: None

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