Don’t Drink The Gene Juice

Chapter 14

Jenna sat with her friends at lunch, of whom Tommy was now one. Her and Tommy sat on the same side of the booth, holding hands.

Wyatt and Skylar had teased Jenna at first about her new boyrfriend, but after a week or so, most of that was gone. Tommy had proven himself able to easily find a place in their conversations, and to Jenna's delight, he seemed to become friends with them.

"Hey," Jenna slapped Wyatt's hand.

"Yow!" he yanked it backward.

"You were panting like a dog again," she chastised, "and I've noticed you sniffing at the air."

Wyatt smirked. "There's nothing to that, sometimes there are just good scents in the air."

Jenna shook her head. "Your nose has been looking rather darker lately..."

Wyatt snorted and folded his arms. "I don't see why you and Tommy get to enjoy your transformations."

"It's because when people see a merperson," Jenna said, "they think 'wow that's so cool!' When they see you hanging your tongue out it makes you look like you're stoned out of your mind."

Wyatt rolled his eyes. "I wasn't talking just about that. You get to enjoy being a girl. You know that it seems kind of weird seeing one of your best friends act that way?"

Jenna's false reality was suddenly shattered. She thought they'd gotten used to this...

She smoothed her skirt timidly.

"I mean," Wyatt said, "Ugh, It's okay for you to like it. But it's just, all the sudden you're doing things like joining our StarRidge game as some warrior princess. You're talking about all these... things, that I don't understand... and then... then there's... ugh, never mind. The point is -"

"Da**it Wy," Skylar said, "just leave her alone. If she wants to act girly, let her do it. Same for you Jenna. If Wyatt wants to act like an animal, let him go ahead. I'm sick of feeling like we can't just leave each other be."

Their lunch table was silent.

Jenna squeezed Tommy's hand.

"I'm... I'm sorry Skylar," Jenna said, "I didn't realize this was making you upset."

"I'm not upset," he frowned, "you guys are."

Jenna noticed a bit of confusion on Wyatt's face. He sighed. "I'm sorry I said that. I was just... um, overreacting. I'm sorry if I made a big deal about you getting on me. It isn't like you and Tommy. It does look really strange."

"Augh," Skylar groaned, "do what you want to do Wyatt - I don't think it's a big deal."

Jenna sighed. "Yeah Wy," she said. "Skylar is right. I shouldn't be trying to stop you if you like it."

Wyatt glanced around at them, and hesitantly began panting. Jenna noticed that his tongue appeared long, and flat.

It had reverted back to being like a dog's. No wonder he wanted to keep panting. It probably felt a bit too big for his mouth.

Wyatt licked his nose, but with a frown. "Thanks guys, sorry I'm such a freak."

"No Wy," Skylar said, "You aren't a freak. You're our friend. You wanna be a dog, act like a dog."

Wyatt smiled, and then licked Skylar's cheek like a dog.

Skylar maintained a smile, and to Jenna's surprise, returned the favor, licking Wyatt back.

Wyatt panted happily, and Tommy cracked a joke about something. Jenna didn't quite catch what he was saying. Instead, her focus was on Skylar. His smile had faded again.

They had finished eating, and Skylar got up from the table.

"Sorry guys," he said, "I gotta go."

They waved goodbye, but Jenna felt a little sad. Something seemed to be bothering Skylar. He wasn't normally like Wyatt, who was overly energetic. But he did seem to have less life in him.

"Yeah," Tommy said, "lunch is almost over. But before we go, I wanted to ask you something Jenna."


"Do you have a job right now?"

"No," she said.

"Would you like to work at the aquarium?" Tommy asked.

"The aquarium? Really? That would be cool."

"Yeah," Tommy smiled, happy at her response. "They're looking for another person to work the same job as me. But I think you might be more interested in something else I've talked about with them."

"And what would that be?" Jenna asked.

Tommy smiled. "Well, just two performing merfolk."

Jenna felt a pang of nervousness.

"You mean... I'd be swimming in the aquarium tanks?"

"Yeah," Tommy said. "I'd be there with you."

"I dunno," she said. "being a mermaid... in front of everyone..."

"Like I said," Tommy put his hand on her shoulder, "you won't be there alone."

"I'd pay to see a mermaid show," Wyatt smiled.

Jenna looked down, silent.

"Think it over," Tommy said. "It's not totally set in stone yet. I doubt they'd force you to do it. It might help you get the job though."

"Okay," Jenna said, "I'll think about it."

Wyatt left the booth and said bye to them. When he was turned around, Tommy gave Jenna a peck on the cheek.

"Oh c'mon," she said, "you aren't one to half-a** anything Tommy."

He gave her a full kiss on the lips, though just a brief one.

"That's better," she smiled, hugged him, and then went off to her other classes.


Jenna had Skylar in her last period, and when class ended, she made her way over to talk to him.

"Hey Skylar," she greeted as they walked out the door.

"Hey," he said.

"Up to anything after school today?"

"No. But... ah, never mind."


"Well," he said, "My parents are going to fly out to be with my sister and my brother-in-law over the weekend. I was wondering if maybe I could stay at your place."

"Um," Jenna said, "well, Skylar, I'm not sure if that would be a very good idea."


"My family isn't going to be home tonight. My sister is going to a competition for a school club tomorrow, and my parents are going to be staying the night out of state with her."


"I'm a girl."


"And you're a guy."

Skylar looked embarrassed. That was really weird. Skylar never looked embarrassed. He never had a bit of nervousness in him.

"Oh," he said, "sorry. I... I just kinda miss old times."

Skylar turned his face away from her.

"I...," Jenna said, "I can ask my parents. See what they think. I am dating Tommy right now. And they know you. They know we're friends."

"No," he said, "they probably don't want me around. They think I'm a bad influence on you."

Jenna gave him a friendly punch in the arm. "No more a bad influence on me than I am on you."

A smile briefly came to Skylar's face.

"Still," he said, "I'm not sure. A lot of people think I'm a player because I'm not getting into any serious relationships with girls. They see my tough guy attitude too. I'm not sure your parents want someone like that, even a friend, alone with their daughter."

"My parents like you Skylar," Jenna said. "They weren't happy about the gene juice, but they know it was some friends being stupid doing a one time thing. I'll ask them, don't worry about it."

"Okay," Skylar said.

He stopped at a junction in the hallways. "I need to go get help from my math teacher, I'll see you later."

"Okay," Jenna said, "see ya."

She saw him fall into the crowd of other students.

Okay, she had to get him to stay the night. Something was bugging him, and she was going to get to the bottom of it.

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