Don’t Drink The Gene Juice

Chapter 15

Jenna heard a chime, as their house recognized Skylar as being an invited guest and let him in.

As he brought his stuff in to sleep over for the next few days, Jenna's parents and Lily were finishing up packing their own belongings.

"Hello Skylar," Mom said to him.

He waved, but didn't say anything.

Lily peeked around the corner. "Hey Skylar, you gonna turn yourself and Jenna into wolves again?"

"Lily," Dad said, "are you teasing people because you're done packing?"

"No," she said, "I'm teasing him because he's a miscreant."

Dad gave her a scowl. "Go grab your toiletries and put them with our other things."

Lily marched off.

Jenna turned back to Skylar, to see that he'd obviously been hurt by Lily's comment.

His eye caught her looking at him, and he straightened up, adopting a more neutral expression.

Mom zipped up a suitcase and then turned it on its side, extending its handle and setting it down on its wheels.

"Okay," Mom said to them, "I put some  money on Jenna's account to order pizza. Dad fixed the problems with the bed setting on the couch."

"Thanks," Jenna said.

Mom started pulling the suitcase down the hall, then stopped.

"Lily!" she called upstairs, "did you grab your toothbrush?"

Lily came bounding down the stairs with a pouch of bathroom items inside.
"Here," she said, handing it to Mom.

"I told you to bring those earlier," Mom sighed.

"Sorry," she said, "I needed to harrass our guest. And comment name suggestions on Gina's new puppy."

"Put it in your suitcase then," Mom said. "I don't want you to confuse our toothbrushes again."

"Oh c'mon Mom, it didn't matter that much! We all have the same DNA."

Mom silently pointed to Lily's suitcase.

Skylar and Jenna sat on the couch chatting a bit as her family finished packing up.

"We'll be back around 1 tomorrow," Mom said. "Please try not to stay up till 3 in the morning."

Jenna giggled. "I'll try for two."

Mom didn't laugh. "Just get to bed at a decent time."

"Okay," Jenna said, giving an uncomittal answer.

Mom and Lily went out the door, with Dad following last.

"Have fun you two," he said. "But not too much fun." He winked.

Jenna blushed as she waved goodbye, and he closed the door behind him.

She pushed aside the thought, and returned to where Skylar sat in the living room.

"I'm guessing you wanna wait a few hours before we get the pizza?" she asked.


"Well, what do you wanna do?"

"Let's play some StarRidge," Skylar suggested.

He got up from the couch, and followed Jenna up to her bedroom. They walked inside, and when she saw Skylar's expression, she remembered he hadn't been in her room since she'd changed it.

The formerly plain walls were now a pastel, lavender purple, similar to the color of ther mermaid tail. She had a new matching bedspread in similar hues, as well as her formerly secret collection of stuffed animals sitting on it.

And then she had her mermaid stuff. Faint mermaid sillouhettes swam like shadow puppets on the walls. The lights in her room had shades that looked like clamshells.

The last addition Jenna had made to her room was an expanded closet, for her new wardrobe.

"Neat huh?" Jenna said.

"Yeah," Skylar answered. He looked somewhat in shock. That did not make Jenna feel very good. Her friends hadn't realized exactly how much she'd embraced being a girl.

"You really like mermaids," he noted.

"Yup," she smiled, "gotta make up for the lost time I didn't get to love them as a little girl."

Jenna tapped the control pad on her bed with her foot, and the foot rests extended out the side, and plush backing came out of the wall.

She and Skylar sat down and began to play.

Once they were in a game, separate from reality, Jenna noted that Skylar relaxed.

Soon, they were laughing together, and talking more amiably, just like before all of this had happened.

"Hey Jenna," he asked after they finished a match.


"What did your Dad say when he was going out the door?"


"Well...," she said, "um..."

"He thinks we're going to do something, doesn't he?"

"Well...," she swallowed, "yes."

Skylar set aside the controller in his hands.



"Am I an attractive guy?"

Da**it. She didn't want to lie.

Listen Skylar. I think you're a cute, likable guy. But -"

"I'm really sorry Jenna," he said, "I... I never wanted to imply that I'd do that. You have a boyfriend. And I'm not sure I'm ready for that."

The thought of Tommy entered her mind. She felt a naughty streak in her.

Oh, if I was with Tommy right now...

She shook it off. "Why are you asking then?"

"Well, I, uh," he said, "I've just... kinda been feeling down about stuff with girls. I... I kinda wanted one to validate me, as dumb as that is."

She giggled. "I was probably the wrong one to go to. I don't have much experience."

"But you were already bi," he said. "Did you... ever..."

"With you and Wyatt?" she said, "not really. Not seriously anyway. I haven't given much attention to the side of me that likes boys until now. I did have thoughts like, Skylar looks cute today, but it never progressed from there. You guys were friends after all."

"Is it weird?" he asked, "switching over to being with guys?"

"Not as weird as learning to be a girl," she said.

"But you seem to really like it now."

She shrugged. "Yeah."

"Were you like, secretly hiding that you wanted to be a girl?" he asked. "did you mess up your order intentionally?"

"I didn't do that," Jenna chuckled, "you saw the box. And if I had wanted to become a girl, I would've chosen a better place to do it than at Zoey's house."

"So you never wanted to be a girl?"

"Well," Jenna said, "I'm not sure. I guess... there was a part of me since I was little, that has always been curious about wearing girls clothes. There was a couple of times that I secretly tried on some of Tiff's clothes. Thankfully the b**** never saw me."

"Looks like you certainly have satisfied that curosity," Skylar said. He stood up, and walked over to her closet, looking at her clothes.

"Yep!" she giggled. She got up and did a little twirl in her skirt. "I love them. Girls have a lot more options than guys do, and the clothes feel so much softer."

"They can't feel that good," he said. "I think you're exaggerating."

Jenna smirked. "How about you try some on?"

Skylar paled.

"Me...wear girl's clothes?"

"I won't tell anyone. We're all alone. It'll be fun!"

"I'll look really weird," Skylar said with a frown. "Most girls aren't super hairy."

"You don't have to worry about how you'll look," she said. "I just want you to see how they feel."

Jenna went up to her dresser, and grabbed a pair of panties, then she grabbed a mint green skirt to go along with it.

She handed them to him.

"I guess," he said, accepting them. He started walking to the door.

"Where are you going?"

"To the bathroom to change," he said.

Jenna snorted a slight laugh. "C'mon dude, I've seen you naked before."

"Not when you were a girl."

"Fine," she said, "I'll turn around while you do it."

She did so, and heard him utter a quiet groan. She heard the sounds of shifting clothing, and of his underwear and jeans falling to the floor.

"O-okay," he said shakily, "you can turn around."

She turned around to see Skylar wearing the skirt, and presumably, the panties underneath. True, he did have hairy legs, but if Jenna kinda squinted, she could imagine him as a girl with short hair.

"I know," he said, "I look really weird."

"No!" she hugged him, "I think you look cute."

She saw him blush.

"But there's one more thing," she said. "Take off your shirt."

He followed her instructions.

Skylar was very still as she got out a bra, and put it on him, stuffing it with socks. He slowly pulled on a neon turqoise t-shirt she'd handed him.

"There," Jenna smiled. "You look very pretty... Kylee."

Skylar looked into her eyes. His green eyes glistened. Was he... crying?

"I do?" he asked in a whisper.

Jenna hugged him again. "Yeah Kylee, I think you look very cute."

Skylar stood there for a moment, staring down at the floor. He was indeed crying.

"Do you like this Kylee?" Jenna asked softly.

Her friend nodded.

Jenna scrambled mentally to hold down her emotions. She never, ever would've imagined this from Skylar. Maybe Wyatt, but definitely not Skylar. Theories began spinning in her mind, and she started to wonder if his tough guy act was an attempt to fight against this.

Something he obviously had never shown anyone. The girl inside.

"Do you want me to call you Kylee?" Jenna asked.

Kylee nodded slowly, then, bent down, and fished into the pocket of discarded shorts.

And pulled out a bottle of gene juice.

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