Doom Valley Prep School

52. A Dinner Invitation

Lying on a fluffy towel, surrounded by soft green sand, with the sound of waves just a few feet away, I had to admit life wasn't so bad.

Sure I was wearing a very revealing emerald green bikini. But it was a private beach, so there weren't many people wandering around. I had a really nice, tropical fruit drink courtesy of Ella's servants. And best of all nothing was currently trying to kill or hurt me. I didn't know how long that would last, so I was going to enjoy the moment for as long as I could.

Shrieks and screams came from the water. I just sipped my drink and stayed where I was. The girls and their boyfriends had been playing in the water for a while. I was happy for them. If I was a boy and had a girlfriend, I'd be right their with them. Since I wasn't, and I didn't, I was content to stay right where I was.

Ivy had dug herself a hole and was napping in the damp, cool mud, snoring away. I wondered if she had some cat in her background, she could sleep anywhere and anytime. Actually on second thought, it wasn't really important. The more she slept, the less likely she was to kill someone, like me.

My eyes discretely turned to Ella, who was sitting on a beach chair. She looked really cute in her baby pink bikini. She was smiling to herself, enjoying the cool sea breeze. I wondered what it was like being a princess.

Sure her family was crazy, but she almost always seemed to know what to say and do. And fifty feet behind me was a huge beach house with servants, all for her. My parents home would fit on the bottom floor with room to spare. The last vacation I'd had, was a dragon watching camping trip that my dad really wanted to go on.

Ms. Stuard came out holding an envelope. “Princess Ella,” the head maid said, “you have an invitation for dinner with the neighbours, Mr. And Mrs. Stirling.”

“Oh, mom told me about them. I didn't think they lived here,” Ella said.

“They just arrived this morning. They're here for the celebration as well. When they saw you and your friends on the beach they thought it would be nice to have you over for supper. Shall I let them know you've accepted?”

“Of course. They'll be a nice contact for later.”

“Very good. You should come in and get ready then.”

“Right. Can you get the baths ready?”

“Already done,” the head maid said, heading back to the beach house.

Ella got up, and grinned at me. “Come on, this is going to be fun. And we'll be able to start letting people know we're just here to have some fun.”

“Who are the Stirling's?” I asked.

“They're a family of trouble shooters. Daddy has used them a few times to deal with minor problems, and my Mom was saved by them. I only met her once when I was three, but I've heard a few stories about her.”

“OK, what should I wear?”

“Don't wear your best dress, we want that for the banquet and ball. Go with the nice navy blue one. Now get inside and get ready, while I get the others.”

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We were all cleaned up, dressed in our second best outfits, and very hungry, three hours later. Ella was giving us a very careful look over, making sure everything was perfect. I felt self conscious in my dress, which showed a lot of cleavage and leg. Looking in the mirror I had a perfect hourglass figure, and the light makeup I'd put on, with some coaching from my friends, really made my eyes and dark red lips pop.

The three boys looked nervous in their black suits. The girls were trying to put on a brave face at their first really formal dinner, and held their boyfriends arms for support. Ivy looked presentable. We'd managed to brush her black hair flat and get rid of the sand. She hadn't mauled anyone when we helped her put on a pretty violet dress, so we considered it a win. Ella of course looked like a princess in a short black dress streaked with glittering gold.

“OK, we're ready to go. Remember this is just a friendly get together, so don't worry about anything. Consider it practice for the banquet, if you have any questions, ask. And try to have fun,” Ella said, leading us out the door.

The street wasn't too crowded. This was a very exclusive part of town, where most regular tourists would never go. The pedestrians mostly seemed to be servants, delivery people, and a few families that had an air of class and wealth to them. With our fancy clothes, we stuck out a little, but no one looked at us too closely. They were either discrete or were used to seeing expensive outfits. Whatever it was, we didn't have to worry about it for too long. The Stirling's beach house was just down the road.

Knocking on the ornately carved door, a wooden face looked at us with big, thoughtful eyes. It must have liked what it saw, because it smiled and the door opened by itself. Inside was a row of wooden angel statues, each one armed with some kind of weapon. The angelic figures silently bowed to us.

“Ella!” a short haired woman in a flowing silver robe, exclaimed. From the way she looked at us, I would swear she was studying us for weapons. “It's been ages since I've seen you. How are you?”

“I'm really good, Mrs. Stirling. I hadn't expected to see you here,” my friend said.

“It was a last minute thing, but my husband and I are guests of honour for the celebration. When your mother told me you were coming as well, I knew we just had to meet up. My husband can't be here tonight, he had some business to deal with, but my son is getting ready and will be down in just a minute.”

She smiled at all of us, and something about her just seemed really nice. Like as long as she was around nothing bad would happen. But there was something about her that seemed familiar. And I couldn't help thinking that it might be something important. I pushed my fear away. I was just paranoid from being at Doom Valley for too long. Until we did the heist this was just a fun vacation. No one was hunting us, we hadn't done anything wrong. I could actually enjoy myself for a bit.

“So, Ella, who are your friends?” Mrs. Stirling asked.

“These are my friends and classmates, Naomi and Antoine, Clarice and Gold, Calci and Honey Suckle, Ivy, she's a werewolf, and my roommate Petra.”

When Ella said my name, Mrs. Stirling looked at me, her eyes wide with surprise. “Petra, from Doom Valley Prep School?” she asked.

“Uh yes, ma'am,” I said, my stomach dropping to my feet. Something was about to go wrong, I felt it in my toes.

“YOU VILE HARLOT!” a familiar voice shouted.

My body reacted before my brain could even comprehend what was going on. I jumped back, hitting the expensive wooden wall, narrowly avoiding a sword thrust to my chest.

Ivy ran up, covered in fur, teeth and claws out, biting down on a silver gauntlet. It was a good thing that she had, because it stopped the sword an inch from my throat.

“REGINALD EDMUND STIRLING! PUT THE SWORD DOWN THIS INSTANT!” Mrs. Stirling shouted, storming over to us.

I couldn't say or do anything. All my attention was on the sword and the furious face of my old friend Reginald.

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