Doom Valley Prep School

53. An Interesting Offer

Smoke was rising from Ivy's mouth and hands as Reginald's silver gauntlet burned her flesh. A very deep growl rose from her throat, and her eyes were getting a wild look. She'd probably have already attacked the wannabe paladin, but it was taking all of her strength just to hold his arm in place.

Reginald was gritting his teeth, with both hands on his oversized sword, trying to push it into my throat. Hate filled his eyes, and his body shook. Whether that was because he was struggling to push past the werewolf, or from anger, I had no idea.

As for me, I was wondering if I could possibly move out of the way without slitting my throat wide open. The sword point was pressed into my skin, and I wasn't sure if the wet trickle going down my chest was blood or sweat.

Then about two seconds after everything started, a golden aura wrapped itself around Reginald. His eyes went wide in surprise as he floated through the air away from me. Ivy hung onto him for a moment before dropping to the ground, her bare feet slapping against the marble floor. She did not look happy.

Mrs. Stirling waved her hand sending Reginald gently across the room to stand in a corner. “We will talk about this in just a minute young man. For now, I want you to calm down and think about what you just did.” Turning to us, her angry scowl turned to a pleasant smile. “I'm very sorry about my son. Let me make sure you two weren't hurt.”

Ivy kept growling, her oversized teeth looking extremely intimidating. Her lips were swelling up from burns, while tendrils of smoke rose from her hands, but I honestly didn't know if she even realized she was hurt. Mrs. Stirling didn't seem to mind, she just made a complicated gesture and blew a kiss at the werewolf. The red, swollen flesh instantly healed. Almost as quickly the teeth and fur vanished, leaving the girl human looking again and surprisingly calm.

“I hope you don't mind my using a calming spell on you, Ivy” the woman said. “I'd prefer to avoid having you rampage in my house, even if you would be justified after my son acted so atrociously.”

Of course Ivy didn't say anything. She just snorted and glared at Reginald. Ella went to her side, carefully patting her on the back and whispered something in her ear.

“Now, Petra, let me look at your neck,” Mrs. Stirling said, reaching out to tilt my head back. Her hands were soft and warm, making me feel safe and protected. This was very much at odds with the anger her son made me feel.

She didn't take long to smile and pat me on the shoulder. “It looks like you're OK, no scratches or bruising. You just need a chance to calm down.”

My friends rushed over to give me a hug. Saying how worried they were and asking if I really was alright. I just nodded, still trying to keep up with everything that had happened.

“Ella,” Mrs. Stirling said, “I'm very sorry about what happened, and I will understand if you and your friends want to go home. But I'd appreciate being given a chance to make up for things this evening, after I have a talk with my son.”

Looking first at me, then Ivy, Ella smiled. “I think we'll stay. I'd like to see this little feud between Petra and Reginald put to rest.”

“Thank you. Your mother was right when she told me how mature you are. Please make yourselves comfortable, I need to talk to Reginald for a few minutes.” Snapping her fingers, a well dressed cherub came flying on cute little wings. “Show my guests to the patio, Reginald and I will be there shortly.”

The cherub nodded and motioned for us to follow him. Mrs. Stirling went to her son, put an arm over his shoulder and silently led him upstairs. I managed to get a look at her face as they turned on the stairs, her angry frown was even scarier then Ivy's smile.

The patio was set up for a nice little party. There was a table full of drinks and snacks that had me drooling as soon as I saw them. We had a wonderful view of the beach, and the cool ocean breeze was refreshing. A pair of dwarfs were standing by a fire, cooking what smelled like seafood. There was a wide assortment of chairs, couches and benches to choose from.

“Please enjoy some snacks and drinks, while you wait,” the cherub said, his voice sounding like tinkling bells.

Taking a plate I filled it with a bit of kraken sushi, sliced fruit, and a glass of sweet smelling juice, then took a seat in a well padded chair, making sure my navy blue dress didn't reveal my underwear. All my friends had said I looked great in it when we were shopping, but it was a lot shorter than I liked.

“So that's Reginald. It's pretty remarkable we'd meet him here,” Ella said, giving me an odd look.

“I didn't think I'd see him again outside of school,” I said. “And I really didn't want to ever meet him again. He already tried to kill me once, that's more than enough for me.”

“Well please try to be polite, his parents are very important heroes. Having them owing you a favour could be very helpful in the future.”

I nodded, it made sense to be polite. If I could get Reginald's mother on my side it might keep him from trying to kill me again when we inevitably met again. With the way my luck worked, we would definitely see each other at some point in the future. Not getting a sword to the throat would be nice.

“This is a really nice place,” Clarice said, taking a seat beside us. “It must be great being able to have a vacation house like this.”

“Money has its perks,” Naomi replied. “So Petra, are we going to see anyone else try to kill you while we're on vacation?”

“I hope not. But for all I know Victor will pop out from behind a sand dune and send some mind controlled minions after me. And that reminds me.” Getting to my feet I went over to Ivy who was curled up with a plate of sushi on a couch.

She looked up at me, not saying anything, and put some fish in her mouth.

“Thanks for saving my life earlier. I really appreciate it.”

Ivy shrugged. “If you die, I need to do math.”

What was I supposed to say to that? “That's a good point. I'll make sure to spend some extra time on your math homework, so you get a good mark.”

She nodded, apparently having met her quota on talking.

“Well, enjoy your fish. And thanks again,” I said before going back to my seat.

“I think Ivy is warming up to us,” Ella said with a grin.

“Yeah,” Clarice agreed. “She's using full sentences now.”

“It is an improvement. We should keep on encouraging her.”

I nodded. “Yeah. Keeping a werewolf friendly is high on my list of important things.”

The patio door opened and Mrs. Stirling stepped out followed by Reginald. For the first time I saw Reginald out of his armour and unarmed. He was dressed in simple but expensive looking pants and a very tight shirt. He looked impressive in armour, but honestly, he looked even scarier out of it. He had muscles on top of muscles, and there wasn't an ounce of fat on him. It looked like he could give Rocky a run for his money in an arm wrestling competition.

“Everyone, my son, Reginald would like to say something,” Mrs. Stirling said, stepping off to the side so all eyes were on her son.

Going down on one knee, which got an eye roll from his mother, Reginald looked like he was about to swear an oath.

“I'm very sorry for my actions earlier. You are guests in this house, and my actions were not only uncalled for, but dishonourable,” he said. “I am ashamed at what I did, and I hope you can forgive me.”

He stopped and there were several moments of silence. It was broken by his mother clearing her throat.

With a tight voice, making it clear that committing seppuku would be more pleasant, Reginald continued. “Petra, I was wrong to blame you for my failure. You were merely doing what you had to, to survive the test. I also need to thank you for... saving my life when the goblins attacked me. To... to make up for my actions... I would like offer my services as a guide, assistant and bodyguard while we are both on the island.”

My mind went blank. This was a disaster. He'd spoil everything, if he didn't kill me first. I opened my mouth, trying to think of some way to reject him without earning the wrath of him or his mother.

“We accept your gracious offer, Reginald,” Ella said, her voice confident and very firm.

We all looked at her wondering what she was thinking.

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