Dragon Ball: From Commonplace to the Strongest Saiyan

A Second Chance

Ugh.....where am I? Oh wait I got shot by that damn robber

A game-like screen popped up in front of me along with the dragon ball z kai theme song (dub)

[Create your character]

What the fuck?! What is this?!

Another screen popped up next to me, showing what caused my death




It was just a normal weekend for me: going to martial arts class in the morning and hanging out with friends in the afternoon.

I took out a check from my pocket along with a note

{Hey Brian! I don't have cash on me at this moment so I wrote a check for ya. Sorry for the trouble!}

*sigh* Lets just get this over with, I got a movie with the bois in a few hours.


I arrived at the bank, it was a busy day today, probably have to wait at least half an hour. Such misfortune!

Then, 5 men with masks and guns kicked the door down.

"EVERYONE! ON THE GROUND! NOW!" One of the robbers said as he shot a few warning rounds.

Everyone panicked and quickly did as the robber said.


A man tried pressed the alarm right next to him, and was immediate shot in the head.

His wife beside him screamed in horror and sorrow

"Bad choice, buddy. Now your entire family will die along with you"

The robber cocked his shotgun and aimed at the dead man's wife and daughter.

"No! Please don't kill my little girl!" The woman tries her best to protect her beloved daughter

"Too bad, blame your husband when you see him in hell!"


Right before he pulled the trigger, I punched him directly in the face, grabbed his shotgun, and ended his life.

It took me a couple seconds to realize what I have done.

N-no! I-I just...I just killed a person! 


Before I came back to my senses, I was shot in the heart by another robber and collapsed.

The last thing I saw was the cops busting into the bank



[The little girl you saved eventually became a brilliant scientist and invented a cure for HIV, which changed your world for the better. For that, you have received a second chance at life in another multiverse named "Dragon Ball". You also get to create your own character!]

Oh wow, I...didn't know saving a person would make such a difference.

[Select your race]




[Frost Demon (frieza race)]



I chose saiyan

[Race: Saiyan has been selected.]

[Select your gender]

I chose Male without any hesitation.

For hair color, I chose brown and black for eye color.

Holy hell there are a lot of hair styles to choose from. 


Two hours later....

In the end, my character turned out like this.


Ah, my masterpiece. 


[Finally, choose your perk]

A random list of passive abilities showed up, like regeneration, high ki recovery speed, improved zenaki boost. The list goes on.

I stopped scrolling through the list when I saw one perk that caught my attention

[Godly soul]

What is godly soul supposed to do?

[Godly soul: transform your soul into that of a god's. Benefits: ?????]

Ugh, why won't you tell me?! Hold on a sec, there's only one saiyan I know that has a godly soul....

Oh...my...god! This is going to be awesome~

I selected Godly Soul as my perk


[Character creation has been completed. I wish you a good life]

My consciousness fades away


H-huh? Where am I?

I woke up in a dark space with seemingly no living beings around. Suddenly, a purple light appeared in front of me.

Somehow, I knew exactly what this purple orb of light is.

Is this....my soul?

A streak of black energy emitted from my soul and flowed into my body.


I passed out again from the agonizing pain 


*Scouter sound effect* "Power level of 900, extraordinary!"

"Its even higher than king Vegeta's battle power as an infant!"

"Bah! I bet Prince Vegeta's battle power will have be higher than this!"


"Are their any info on his parents?"

"Yes but...they died in battle just a few days ago"

"So an orphan huh? What a shame. Classify him as an elite and take him to the orphanage."

Wait, Vegeta is not born yet. According to the Broly movie, I have at least more than 5 years until Frieza decides to blow up Planet Vegeta. I have to get out of here before this planet is reduced to space dust!

"Anyways, since his parents are not alive anymore, why don't we give him a name?" A saiyan woman said

"Huh? Is that okay though?"

"No rules said we can't~"

"Fine....you name him, Im horrible at naming people"

"Okay then, his name will be......Toma" (Named after tomato)

Eh, better than the saiyan names I saw online.


8 years later, on an unnamed planet....

A brown-haired saiyan boy charged up a yellow ki-blast with some black energy in the center and fired it at a nearby town, causing a huge explosion.

Yes, that boy is me: Toma


[Power Level (suppressed): 6,000]

[Power Level (full power) 30,000]

Throughout the years, I found out that my soul would sometimes emit a wave of god ki to enhance the quality of my ki and dramatically boost my power level, it would continue to do so until my ki quality is as pure as it could be.

A saiyan around my age ran up to me with stars in his eyes

"Man, your power level grew again Toma!" 

"Hmph! You would never amount to anything if you keep sucking up to everyone, Onio"

I said as I blasted off to another city in this planet, leaving a streak of black ki.

"Man, he's always so cold to everybody"


After 2 minutes of flying, I ran into a big city. It is much larger compared to the town I destroyed earlier. 


The aliens aimed their laser guns at me and pulled the trigger.

"hmph, weaklings'

A ki blast materialized on the palm of my hands.

"The energy level is off the charts! RETREAT!"


Once the blast expanded to my desired size, I threw it at the alien soldiers.


The giant ki blast exploded, causing several skyscrapers to collapse onto the innocent civilians. A giant smoke cloud envelops half of the city.

Once the smoke is cleared, the surviving civilians saw a figure enveloped with a black aura floating in the sky, looking down at them with a cold-blooded grin on his face. 

*Cue the Goku Black theme*

"Lets try this out, shall we?"

I cup the both of my hands together, a purple ball of ki with black energy in the middle appeared





A soldier turned to his wife and kids

"Honey, take the kids and go. Don't care about me. Just go!"


"No buts! We are running out of time!"



The entire city was leveled by the huge energy wave

"Hm, that didn't take nearly as much energy as I expected it to"


A heavily injured soldier stood up from the debris

"You killed my wife and kids! I will make you pay-"

I killed him with a kick to his brain

"There, you are with your wife and kids now. Happy?"

I look at his headless body

"Oh that's right, you are dead"


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