Dragon Ball: From Commonplace to the Strongest Saiyan

First Mission

Half an hour later, a Frieza Force ship landed on a green planet. A few squadrons of soldiers exited the ship first and assumed escort formation.

"Do as you wish while I and Toma here get some food"

"""""SIR YES SIR!"""""


I followed Zarbon into a more rural part of the planet. Unlike the nice city we landed in, the area is filled with farms and markets. We eventually landed in a big village.

A green-skinned old man waved as us from his food stall

"Zarbon, my boy! You finally came back!"

"Sorry pops, I'm quite busy lately"

"Bah! It's fine! Now introduce me the young lad besides you"

"Ah, he is Toma, the new elite who just joined today."

"An elite eh? How about you two stay for breakfast? The food's on me"

"You sure that's fine, pops? It's kind of hard to make a living off of food stalls"

"I said its fine, didn't I?"

"I'm just worried about Toma's apatite " Zarbon sweatdropped 

He and his employees served us a big meal

"Now, dig in boys!"

""Thanks for the meal""


The old man and the other employees are utterly shocked by my apatite, there are literally stacks of plates and bowls on the table.

"Phew, I'm stuffed!"

I took out 10 metal tubes from my pocket

"Y-young man! That's too much!"

"Come on, just take it. I almost ate all the food here so it's the least I can do."

"*chuckles* just take it, pops"


Half an hour later, at Zarbon's office

"Alright, you will now receive your first mission. This mission did not come from me but from King Cold himself, he wanted to....test your fighting capabilities. If you prove worthy, you will immediately be promoted to the rank of general and receive a massive raise in your salary." Zarbon said as he hands me the details of the mission

I took the paper from his hands

"Let's see here...." Apparently the Cold Force has been trying to take over a planet called Stral lately but the inhabitants proved to be quite troublesome. My mission is to annihilate the resistance alone.

"You will set out tomorrow."

"Got it"

I turn around and start to walk out of hi office

"Oh and"

he stops me

"Come back alive, would you?"

"Don't worry about it, I will return victoriously"

I exited Zarbon's office and headed back to my house.


My battle power is enough as it is, I need to achieve Super Saiyan Rose as soon as possible!

I sat down, took a deep breath, and started to meditate.


2 Hours into the meditation, my body starts to feel weird but I don't know what's causing it. 

I look towards the percentage

Rosé: 40%

The meditation turned out quite fruitful, 9 whole percentages. Suddenly, an unknown power starts to leak out from my body and is spreading throughout my body.

ugh! W-what is this?!

My eyes suddenly opens

Steam Community :: :: koku

Just for a second, a thin, blue, aura envelopes my whole body, and my eyes turned silver.

My eyes turned back to normal as I fall onto the ground, exhausted.

"*pant* *pant* what...*pant* the f*ck....was that?!"

That feeling was....indescribable. It felt like I was above everything else.....there was no feeling like it.

I look towards the percentage again


Rosé: 55%

Status: OMEN [UNLOCKED] (Limit: 60 seconds)


I don't know what happened but....it suddenly increased to 55%.

And what is "OMEN"? Does it stand for something?


The next day, I put my battle armor and scouter on and left in a hurry.

"Your ship is ready to go sir!" A soldier said to me.

"Are all the supplies ready"

"Yes, there is enough food and water in the ship for one whole year"

"Good to know, I'm off then"

"I wish you the best of luck, sir!"


I entered the ship and fired up the engine.

[Alpha 1, you are clear for takeoff]

My ship took off and enters space.

I set the ship on auto-pilot to my destination and relaxed onto the cockpit 


After about 5 and a half hours of flight, a red planet comes into view.

<Your destination is near, prepare for landing>

My ship enters the atmosphere and begins to land


Two red signals on the radar is coming towards my location quickly. In a split-second decision, I broke open a window and jumped out of the ship right before two missiles destroyed my ship.

"Fuck! How am I supposed to get off this planet now?!"

I looked towards the two ships that is starting to open fire towards me

Must've been those two

"DAMN YOU!!!!"

I powered up and flew towards one of the ships, punching right through them. 

"Go to hell!!!!'

I destroyed the other ship with an energy beam



Seeing that the ships are destroyed, I powered down and relaxed.

"Lets see here...." I turned on my scouter

"A power level of 5,000, another with 1,000, and the rest are all below 100. Must be something going on down there"


Somewhere on the planet.....

A crowd of yellow-skinned people are surrounding a man and a woman 

"Oliver, just hear me out-"


"But we need their resources, Oliver; our people are starving! Do you value the life of our people more or is it only that damn pride that you care about?!"

The people around them are murmuring to each other, they don't know which side they should take.

"You little bitch! Our race does not need a failure like you! You are better off dead!"


"Now now, no need to be so violent" I said as I slowly descended from the sky

"Who the hell are you, little brat?!"

"Who am I does not matter, all you need to know is that I am here to represent the Cold Force"

"Cold Force? T-that means....King Cold send you?" The woman standing on the other side of the crowd said to me.

"Indeed he did, I am here to put down the rebellions in this planet"

The alien named Oliver then noticed my tail

"A saiyan?!"


Oliver glared at me as his ki flares up.

My scouter starts to react, his original power level of 5,000 rose to 9,000. I chuckled

"How cute, you suppressed your power level"

"W-wait! Please spare his life. He may be a horrible person but....he's still one of my clansmen."

"I make no promises"

"Die, saiyan brat!" 

I caught his punch with one hand and smirked

"You....are nothing to me

I twisted his hand, a loud snap could be heard followed by a ear-piercing scream.

"You....you little bastard!!!" His broken hand starts to heal, but he charged at me before his injury was healed

Regeneration? Nothing compared to the Namekians but it's still something. I thought to myself as I dodge his attack with little effort

"*sighs* I'm done playing" I smacked him into a building without even looking at him, leaving a large hole on it.


 Some people in the crowd quickly helps him up and flees

The woman from before ran up to me and gave a little bow

"T-thank you for sparing his life!"

"It's nothing. If there's nothing else, then I will take my leave."

I turned around and walked away but suddenly stopped

Aw shit, I don't have anywhere to sleep!

"Uh....is there an inn nearby?"

"Oh um...yes! It's just three blocks down. It's called 'Heartfelt inn'"

What kind of shitty name is....you know what, I don't give a fuck. As long as I get a place to sleep


I turned around and walked away.


"Hey! Catch that thief!"

"Haha! I'm outa here, suckers!"

A green-skinned girl shouted as she rides on a hoverbike she stole. A few more people on hoverbikes that seems like some kind of gang chases after her

That girl looks awfully familiar 

"Might as well go check it out, got nothing better to do" I flew up and chased after them. 


"Oh crap crap crap crap! It's too fast! This bike must be a new model or something! How do I even drive this thing?!" The girl turned around and saw the gang members slowly but surely catching up to her.

"Ugh! If I slow down now, I'd just be caught by them-" She accidentally hit emergency break, causing her to be flung high into the air

"AHHH!!!!!!!!!" She closed her eyes and braced for impact, but it never came.

"Huh? Who are you?"

I remained silent

"Hey, I'm talking to you!"

"Just shut up"

"That's rud- woah!!!!!"

I flew upwards to get away from the gang members


After that, I landed on a hill nearby and finally set the girl down.

"Hey, ummm.....thanks for the help back there. Would've been toast without you." 

"Be careful next time"

I turned around and start walking away from her


"Hey, wait up!"

She walked in front of me and smiled

"The name's Cheelai, what's yours?"

"...Toma. Now if you would excuse me, I got to rent myself a room for tonight"

I continue to walk down the hill

"Wait! Actually....."

She twiddles with her fingers shyly

"All my belongings blew up along with the bike, so I'm kinda broke right now..."

Cheelai builds up her courage and turns to me

"Can I stay with you for now...?"

She looks at me with puppy eyes

I sighed

"Do as you wish"

"Yes! Thank you!"

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