Dragon Ball: From Commonplace to the Strongest Saiyan

Taking Over the Planet

Me and Cheelai arrived at the Heartfelt Inn

"Welcome to the Heartfelt Inn, what can I do for you today?" The innkeeper behind the desk asked us

"We would like to rent 2 rooms for a few months please" I said

She checks the booklet for a moment and turned to us with a smile

"Sorry but...there's only one room"



Cheelai blushed and shouted at the lady


"That's what I said, yes"

"Look,  I don't care how hot he is, I'M NOT SHARING A ROOM WITH HIM!" She points at me

"Awww I'm flattered" I said with a smug grin

"*blush* SHUT UP!"

"Well, the horse stall is open. It's not very comfortable but you'd get by"


She turns to me and then back to the innkeeper

"*sigh* I guess sharing a room is better than sleeping in the stalls. Alright, we will take the room"

I threw a metal tube out of my pocket and threw it to her

(If you guys still don't know what the "metal tubes" are, its the currency that the Frieza Force uses. It's the currency that Frieza gave Cheelai when she brought Broly back to his ship. Apparently, even one of these tubes is a lot of money)

"Keep the change"

The innkeeper gave me the room key 


As me and Cheelai goes upstairs towards our room, she turns to me

"Hey, I didn't know you were THAT rich! How much do you even have?!"

I took out two handful of them from my pockets


"Well, being in the Cold Force has its benefits"

"The Cold Force?! You must be some sort of elite if you are earning that kind of money"

"Well....you could say that"

I unlocked the door using the key

Ugh....the room is so terrible compared to mine back at the base. Well, gotta deal with what I have


Cheelai holds up the thin blanket on the bed

"UGH!!!! How is this thing supposed to keep us warm at night?! It's so darn cold at night on this planet!"

"We got to deal with what we have, Cheelai. I thought you'd know that by now"

"Yeah yeah, but a lady needs to have nice things once in a while" She pouts while puffing her cheeks.

Cheelai turns to me

"Now lets make one thing clear, Mister!"

She grabs two more blankets, one for herselof and one to make a line between us.

"Cross this line and I will blast you with my ray gun!"

"yes, princess" I smiled said sarcastically

Her face turnsI red, she's visibly irritated but couldn't think of any words to retort me with

"Hmph! Meanie" She puffed up her cheeks and turns away


In the middle of the night, I suddenly woke up and felt something wrapped around my arm.



She snuggled into my chest and relaxed

"C-Cheelai! What are you-"

"So warm....."

"*sigh*" I smile wryly and wrapped my arms around her

"Well, don't slap me when you wake up"


When we both fell asleep, the innkeeper opened the door

"Would you two like a midnight snack-"

She saw the wholesome scene and smiled slyly

"oh my~"

She slowly closed the door


The next morning.....



"owwww!! What the hell?!"

"Y-y-y-you pervert! What did y-you do to me?!"

"What are you talking about? You were the one who snuggled me first"

"W-well it was cold okay? I-I just felt something warm and latched onto it, I didn't think it was you"

"Yeah yeah whatever" I said, holding my red cheek "Ouch it still hurts"

"Suck it up. What do you want me to do, kiss it?"

"Actually, that sounds nice"



*Beep**Beep**beep* My scouter received a message

"hm?" I turned it on and listened to the incoming transmission

I took a deep breath

5 years until Planet Vegeta's destruction huh?

To sum up the message, Frieza has officially taken over the empire. The name "Cold Force" will be officially changed to "Frieza Force" and Frieza wants to meet me as soon as I am done with my current mission for some reason.

Cheelai saw my expression and got worried

"Hey, something wrong?"

"Nah, I just received a message. King Cold has officially retired and Frieza took over"

"Wait, Frieza?! I heard nothing but bad news for that guy"

"*sigh* Things are going to turn chaotic from now on."

I got up from bed

"Now, its time to do what I was sent here to do"

"What you were...sent here to do?"

"I was sent here to put down the rebellion. There's an old saying 'Its better to put the beast down...before it awakens'"

I turn to her

"Are you with me?"

"....does that mean free hug- *ahem* you would cover my expenses?"

"*sigh* yes" 

She does her signature okay sign

"I'm in!"




Me and cheelai are now hiding in a bush next to one of the most technologically advanced fort that the resistance has to offer. I put a ki barrier around us to prevent us from getting detected 

"psst! What are we going to do? Blow it the fuck up?"

I shook my head in disappointment

"Cheelai Cheelai Cheelai~ how could you be so boring?"

"Okay, we are not going to blow it up. What are we going to do then?"

"You'll see"

I grabbed Cheelai and jumped over the wall, undetected by the security system.

look at all these turrets~


"HEY! WHAT ARE Y-" I ripped the soldier's head off of his body, making his lifeless body drop to the ground

"Lets move"

Cheelai looks as if she's gonna throw up

"Sorry..*gags* it's my first time seeing a dead body"

"You'll get used to it"

We turned a corner and ran into three more guards


Their bodies dropped lifelessly on the ground


We walked across a few more hallways and finally found the room I'm looking for

"Ah finally, the control center"

I opened the door and immediately appeared behind the operator

“You rat me out, you take a ki blast to the head and your dust will decorate this fancy room. Now kick your radio away, I might let you live if you do me a small favor."

The operator slowly sets his radio down with his shaking hands and kicks it away

"Good, thanks for cooperating. I really don't like killing people if it's not necessary"

I lied straight through my teeth

"Now no need to be so tense, what's your name?"


"Alright Alphonse, I need you to reprogram the self defense turrets' target to friendlies only. You think you can do that for me, bud?"

 His eyes shot open in terror

"B-but if I do, everyone here will die!"

"Yeah, thats kinda the point"

"N-No! Anything but this! Do you want money? We have lots of money! Even illegal drugs! Take them all! Take-"

"So.....you do have a family right? Maybe even some kids?"

"u-um...yes. Why does that matter?"

"Just think of them, think of how hard it will be for them to survive without you. It's a cruel world out there, Alphonse"

"I-I don't know if I can do this..."

"Think VERY carefully about this, Alphonse. This may be the last decision you will ever make." I said as I charge up a miniature Ki blast and my hand drew closer and closer to his head, something that Alphonse did not fail to notice. 

Cheelai looks in awe at my "negociation" skills


Just a bit closer and the blast will burn his entire head off.

"I-I will do it...for my family"

The guard pressed some keys on his keypads. Soon, a window pops up on the big screen. The turret's target has been changed to "Unidentified" to "Friendlies Only"

I turned to the big screen as me and Cheelai watch the turrets rip the soldiers to shreds

"*sigh* it is done"

Alphonse turns to me

"Y-you will let me live, right?"


I charge up a ki blast and kills him before he can make a run for it.


I grabbed Cheelai and flew out into the sky to watch the men getting slaughtered

I looked at her

"You wouldn't happen to have some popcorn on you, right?"

"*giggles* Of course not"

"What a shame, it would have gone well with the show"


 We look down at the fort again

"Now, to finish the job"

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I fired a condensed ki blast at the remains of the fort. The second the blast made contact with it, a huge explosion went off.


I look down at the burning fort with an antagonistic grin

"We are done here, let's head back"



As we are flying back, Cheelai snuggles closer to me and smiles

"I think...I might like this pervert

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