Dragon Ball: From Commonplace to the Strongest Saiyan

Godly power unleashed

I am SO sorry I haven't uploaded in a long time! Heres an extra long chapter!



In a barren wastland......


Several explosions could be heard.

"No, this won't do!"

A colossal golden-colored energy bean was launched into space


"Not this either! Vegeta came up with this shit!"

A mountain was sliced in half



Cheelai walked up to me and hands me a bottle of water

"Hey hey! Whacha doin', hothead?"

"*sigh* I'm just trying to come up with my own signature move"

"Huh? Signature...move? Didn't you just use like 3 of them?" She tilts her head in confusion

"Nah, the ones I used before were taught to me by others."

"umu..." She nods and tries to think of something

"Yeah I can't think of anything, I don't have awesome powers like you"

"Powers...? They aren't superpowers, everyone can do it."


"Tell you what, I will teach you a thing or two later"



Hmmm....kaioken? Nah, it would be too risky to even learn the kaioken on my own, its even more dangerous to come up with my own version of it. Wait a minute, what was the other move that king kai taught Goku again? Right! The Spirit Bomb! 

I start to have an idea of what my super attack will be.

How about...I create a polar opposite version of it? Yeah, that could work.


I flew up high into the air and raised my hands up

Hear me, all the evils of the universe! Feed me your strength!

Pitch black-colored energy from all across the universe gathers in one spot, slowly forming into a black-red energy ball.

Your rage,Your jealousy, your hopelessness, your fears



The energy sphere quickly grew to the size of the moon.

Now would you look at that, evil energy is so much easier to gather.

I looked up at the ball of pure evil I gathered and smirked

I will call this...Negative Spirit Bomb!


I threw the Negative Spirit Bomb far away from here. This attack will destroy an entire galaxy if I aim it right.

The bomb blew up far far away from here, the shockwave still caused some planets in the nearby solar system to go out of orbit.


Well....that certainly was a bit more powerful than what I was expecting.


Cheelai ran to me in panic

"Holy sh*t! What the hell was that?!"

"Oh nothing much, just a new technique I thought of just now"


"Well...it really isn't" I shrugged

"*sigh* you are really screwing with my common sense, ya know?"

I chuckled

"Anyways, your training starts tomorrow. You better be prepared, Cheelai, it is not going to be easy/"

"Haha~ sir yes sir!" She says playfully


That night, I sat on the rooftop to continue my meditation




Status: OMEN [UNLOCKED] (Limit: 61 seconds)


It's been a few days since I unlocked this [Omen] and yet the time limit has only been improved by one second. Hell, I don't even know how to activate this thing.

4 hours later....

Rosé: 60%

The moment that percentage reached 60 percent, I felt a slight burning sensation surging throughout my body. It was as if a restraint has been lifted from my body and soul. 

Whatever that power was, its better to get a hold of it in actual combat

I got into bed and drifted into dreamland 


But the one thing I didn't know at the time was that....my god ki has grew to an extent just enough to be noticed by a certain angel 


Far, far away from Bazil, at Beerus's Planet....

"Hoh? Whats this?"

With a tap of his staff, an image of Bazil meditating was shown in the form of a hologram

"A saiyan who possesses god ki at such a tender age, with that abnormally great ki quality for a mortal. Hmm...." He thought to himself

"Lord Beerus is taking his..."nap' at this moment, so it would not be the best idea to disturb him." He grins

"I guess I have no other choice but to observe him personally"



The next day....

"Come on, wake up!"

I felt my face was being slapped continuously 

"Wakeupwakeupwakeupwakeupwakeup!" I opened my eyes to see Cheelai on top of me and slapping my face 

"Ugh...fine, I'm up! Stop slapping me!"

"You promised to train me today!' She pouted

"....are you that excited to train? Its going to be tough, you know?"

"I mean.....I worked at a literal slave factory for 5 years, what could be harder than that?"

"Oh you have no idea"


I sat her down and carved a surprisingly good picture of a man using a tiny energy beam

"Ki is the manifestation of our life force, it is also the very thing that our scouter measures to determine our power level"

I then carved the number "50" on top of the picture

"From my observations, you need to possess the minimum power level of 50 to utilize ki." I then turned on my scouter, Cheelai's current power level is 103

"Power level of 526, decent for someone who didn't train once in their lifetime"

"Hey!" She glares at me and pout. God, was she always that cute?

"Anyways, you should be more than capable to use ki. We'll start with sensing ki, learn that and you'll no longer need to rely on scouters to locate your enemies."

"Whoah, that sounds sick!" Her eyes were practically glowing with excitement 

"Try visualizing a sphere around your body and slowly expand it"

She closes her eyes

"Whoah! What the-"  Cheelai looks at my direction "W-what the hell is....that?"

"Cheelai, what do you see?"

"I-I see a gigantic pillar of....some kind of...energy?"

"Yes, you did it! Cheelai, you are a natural at this!" I yelled in surprise


Then, I decided to teach her how to fly and use ki to generate energy blasts. As expected, she grasped the concepts in 3 hours. It took her another 2 hours to completely adapt to flying at mach 1

After a satisfying meal, we moved on to the next phase of the training.

"Now that you've grasped the concept of ki, here comes the hard part. I'll be personally teaching you martial arts"

"Wait, you...? As in-"

"And what better way is there to learn than to actually experience it?"

"W-wait wait wait wait! Can we talk about this?"

I suppressed my power level to 700 as a layer of pitch black aura explodes from my body

"Come at me with all you got! This training session ends when you land a hit on me" 

Cheelai closes her eyes and concentrates. Soon enough, an extraordinarily amount of light green aura envelops her body.

"Well, I really don't have much of a choice, do I?" She grins a little "HERE I COME!"

With that, she charges at me while throwing a punch that is imbued with ki. I dodged it easily, but she flipped her index and middle finger upwards as 10 daggers made entirely of ki come flying straight at me

"Impressive" I smiled 

With a wave of her hand, a row of ki blades appear around me and rotates in a circular pattern.

I.....certainly didn't expect her to have this amount of ki control already. 

Cheelai snaps her fingers, the swords all flew towards me at once.



"Did....did I win?"

*clap* *clap* *clap* "What the-"

Cheelai looks behind her to see me completely fine

"I must say, Cheelai, you were far more powerful than I expect. Unfortunately, you would have to do better than that"

I cranked up my power level to 800 and charged at her once again.

Cheelai was barely able to dodge my punch

"Jeez! You almost hit my face!"

She fired a volley of energy blasts towards me. 

"You are too reliant on your ki, Cheelai. You'd be helpless against agile opponents"

I instantly vanished in front of her and threw a one-inch-punch to her stomach, causing her to fall onto the ground


I used the scouter to measure her power level, it was 1,490

Not bad for her first training session


"*cough* *cough* you- *cough* didn't have to punch me that hard!"


"Ehe....sorry about that"

"EHE TE NANDAYO?! (What do you mean by 'ehe'?!)"


A few hours later.....

"Come on, Cheelai! Forgive me...please?" I said with a plate of freshly made pudding in hand

"Hmph!" She took the pudding and turns her head the other way, this is the fourth plate already.

I sweat-dropped

She is really starting to look like a tsundere


The next morning, I woke up and looked at the ceiling and then the room around me. There are a few cracks here and there that were not fixed even before we rented it, its nothing compared to the house I had in Frieza Force headquarters

I better finish the mission as soon as possible. I'm sick and tired of staying in this shit-hole

*BOOOOOOOOOOOOOM* A big explosion went off in the middle of the town, the rebels are launching a full-scale attack in major cities all over the planet

I got up and put on my uniform along with the scouter I took from a native soldier. With a tap of my scouter, I managed to measure their average power level

"Most of their power level are around 700, a few of them are barely within the 10,000 mark. This will be easier than I thought"


"Mnnn....what was that?" Cheelai, who just woke up, asked

"The rebels are launching a surprise attack, this is the perfect opportunity."

I walk towards the window

"Your last lesson is to experience actual combat. I'll leave the ground forces to you, their average power level is around 700 so you should be fine on your own"

"SEVEN HUNDRED?! How am I supposed to-"

I threw a spare scouter towards her

"Trust me, Cheelai. You are stronger than you think you are"

I opened the window and flew across the planet as my aura flares up, causing an earthquake throughout half of the planet.

All the rebel soldiers who were able to use ki turned to my direction in horror

"heh, that should be enough of a bait"


Soon enough, several battalions worth of soldiers came flying my way. The ships opened fire on me without a moment to waste.

"Time to get the party started!"

 I ignited my ki and launched a concentrated ki blast with the palm of my hand. The violet-colored beam tore through the army like paper and finally blew up after literally making a trench throughout 1/3 of the planet that could even be seen in space.

"Hah, is that all you got?!"

I flew higher into the sky and drops back down at full speed. As if drawing a katana from its sheathe, I materialized a colossal ki blade and swung it right into the middle of the rebel army. 

A flash of light came right after a brief moment of silence, the entirety land under my feet was wiped from the map, not a single speck of dust remains.

"You know, I expected this to be much more entertaining than.....whatever show you are putting on right now. Why don't you surrender? At least you and your families might have a chance of living" I turned towards the obviously terrified rebels and smirks

Suddenly, a middle-aged man jumps out from one of the ships and flew towards me at full speeds with his ki

"YOU MONSTER!!!!!! DIE!!!!!"

I caught his punch with one hand, he tries to land an attack on me again but I caught it with my other fist. I looked at my scouter

"Hah, that was unexpected. To think there was a person with a power level of 500,000 in the rebel army. No wonder you had the guts to go against the Frieza force"

Shit, its over 100,000 above mine.


I used surge at full power and uppercutted him, then vanished right on top of him to let out a barrage of punches and finished off the combo with a full-power black kamehameha

"Is....he head?"

The man suddenly charge out from the smoke and punched me in the face


"Pff-" I spat out blood just from that punch


He punches me and sends me far away, vanishes right above or under me, punches me again. This cycle repeated 10 times before he finished the combo with a punch that sends me to the floor


"If I wasn't here, you would've won without a shred of a doubt, but it's too bad." He said as he charges up an energy blast. "You will die here, damn saiyan"


I ignited my ki and slowly stands up


Play this OST: https://youtu.be/fRoUxpe5R0k


I closed my eyes as god ki spreads throughout my entire body, the aura surrounding me starts to change. It was as if....the aura itself is on fire.

"What is....that? I can't sense his energy at all!"

My eyes and my hair turns bright red as an aura of fire engulfs half of the planet in flames. Yes, I have successfully tapped into the power of Super Saiyan God

I took off my scouter and crushed it into dust

"Now then, shall we continue?"



Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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