Dragon Ball: From Commonplace to the Strongest Saiyan

Joining the Cold Force

DJ Khaled: Another one!


I continued to meditate in my mindscape to get the percentage to raise

Two hours in, I felt a jolt from my soul

Here it comes! Here it comes!

My soul injected god ki into my body, even more than the last few times

I clenched my teeth to help me endure the pain

The percentage started to raise

Rosé: 13%
Rosé: 17%


My power level also started to raise







I opened my eyes, a strong gust of wind blew from my body and shattered the hill next to me

For just a moment, Super Saiyan Rosé's aura surrounded me. It was long enough for me to feel the overwhelming power it has.

"So this.....is super saiyan rosé"


Two days later....


A group of alien monster tried to rip me apart with their claws

"Primitive beings"

I blasted one of them with an energy wave while killing another with a kick

Through continuous meditations, I successfully raised the rosé percentage to 20

At this rate, I will be able to unlock super saiyan rose before the Namek Saga, perhaps even the Saiyan Saga!


Another monster jumped and tried to tackle me

"Now that's just irritating!'

I jumped, did a 360 degree spin mid air, and stomped on its head.


I slammed its dead body into another monster and incinerated the both of them with a ki blast


From what I know, Super Saiyan God has a x1,000 multiplier. So if Super Saiyan Blue is going Super Saiyan in God form, it will have a x50,000 multiplier. Super Saiyan Rosé has the same multiplier so....

I killed another monster with an energy blast

I need to raise my base power as fast as possible. Or else I wouldn't be able to match full power Frieza even with Super Saiyan Rosé



A layer of black aura with purple electricity surrounds me

"No more holding back, I'm going to train at full power!"

A giant earthquake happened as I powered up to maximum


And thus, a genocide has begun.


One day later.....


I could be seen battling a humanoid monster

Man, who thought I could find a monster with the power level of 120,000 here!


it was the first time that I received a serious injury

This BETTER give me a good zenkai boost!



[Power level: 109,000]



I fired a kamehameha at point blank range

"Phew, finally over"

Then, the humanoid beast jumped me from behind


It landed a fury of punches on me and threw me into a mountain.


The beast then picked me up, punched me in the stomach a couple times and threw me into the ground

For the first time, I am on the brink of death

"How dare you...."

I slowly stand up


A black aura explodes around me as my power starts to raise rapidly


It's only temporary but for now, my power level is 200,000



I vanished, knocked the beast into the air, vanished again. That repeated a couple times before I pummeled it into the ground.



The beast let out a final roar as it turned to ashes


"*pant* now *pant* its over"

my power level drops back to 109,000.

I barely managed to climb back to the saiyan pod.

I set the course back to Planet Vegeta and I started to pass out, the last thing I saw was the pod taking off.


Timeskip to Planet Vegeta, 3rd person POV

The saiyan pod opened to reveal a heavily injured saiyan with brown hair

"Quick, get him to the Recuperation Tank immediately!"

They put Toma in the highest quality healing pod available, turned the machine on, and left a nurse to keep an eye on him


9 hours later.....

I opened my eyes

Huh.....? Where am I?

"Doctor, he woke up!"

A saiyan doctor came into the room and looked at the machine

'Alright, he's completely healed now. Turn off the machine"


They got me out of the healing pod

"Now Mr...uh...."

He looks at my document

"Mr. Toma, how are you feeling? Any pain or soreness?"

"No, I'm fine"

They checked my heart rate, my blood pressure, my tail, and all other things before deciding that I was, in fact, completely fine now.

"Alright, you are free to go"

"Before I go, how much time has passed?

"9 hours sir, its currently 10:00 pm"

"Thank you" I said as I exited the hospital


My power...its rising....overflowing!!!

I flew into the mountains where nobody would notice me










My power level has tripled from the first zenkai I gained


"327,000....a few more years and I should be able to match Frieza's second form in my base form"

Now its time for meditation. I sat down, crossed my legs, and began to medidate. After a few hours, I am in front of my soul once again.

This time, my soul literally flared up when it was giving me god ki. The sheer amount it was incredible.

I tried to endure the pain but it was simply too much


Rosé: 20%
Rosé: 25%
Rosé: 31%


The bar stopped rising at 31%

You know what's even better? My power level went up to 369,000.

"Now, all I have to do is survive the destruction of Planet Vegeta"


One day later....

I got up earlier than usual today. The recruitment officer will come at 7:30 AM, better be prepared before then.

"*yawns* Better start getting ready"

After eating a big breakfast, I put on my saiyan armor and exited the house.


Any moment now..... I thought to my food while munching on some street food I bought.

After a few minutes, a few aliens wearing Cold Force armors and scouters entered a building and put up a sign that says [Cold Force Recruitment Center]



"*sigh* why did we even bother coming here? There would just be no one here just like every other time!'

"Hey, the higher-ups said if we get even one saiyan to join us, we'd get paid handsomely"

"yeah, they say that EVERY TIME! But no saiyans came"


"Well, I'd say you're wrong"


"Why are you guys just standing there? Sign me up for the Cold Force"

"O-Oh, right. First we need to measure your power level"

He turned on his scouter, it started to calculate my power level

"One-one hundred thousand?!"

The soldiers looked at each other and jumped in joy

"HAHA! Pack up your things and jump in the ship! His majesty will lose it when he sees you!"


Before I knew it, I was on my way with my luggage to Planet Geyser, the headquarters of the Cold Force.

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