Dragon Ball: From Commonplace to the Strongest Saiyan

Recruitment (Re-upload)

(guys, sorry about the last update. I accidentally clicked [publish] instead of [save draft] ???)

"HAAA!!!!! TAKE THIS!!" I knocked an alien soldier into the air and blasted him to oblivion

The day after I enjoyed the most delicious meal of my lifetime, I took another mission to raise my battle power as fast as possible.

I have to reach super saiyan as fast as possible before the Namek saga, or else I am SO dead!

Little did I know at that time, fate had so much more in store for me than simply super saiyan


"Look, there's the saiyan! Kill him!"

"Ugh.....how irritating"

I vanished from my spot

"Huh?! Where did he go?!" I reappeared behind one of the soldiers and snapped his neck.

"He's behind us!"

They discovered me, but it was simply too late. I unleashed an explosion of ki that wiped them from existence.


I looked at my scout-scope to see my kill count


Not bad, I guess I will shoot for 900 today

My scout scope starts to react

6 individuals with power levels of around 3,000 and around 1,000 individuals with power level of 1, I guess some sort of elite military squad is evacuating the civilians

I sighed and had a moment of silence for all the innocent women and children that I was about to kill.

I then took a deep breath and flew towards their direction


Before I got close to the civilians 5 powerful energy blasts are coming my way

Heh, I guess I will get a bit serious then.


The ground starts to shake as I power up


My power level raised to 26,000

Just enough to have some fun with them.


"Hey, did you guys feel that?"

"Yeah, its probably that saiyan"

"Be on  your-"

The soldier's head slips from his neck and falls onto the ground




"*chuckles* no need to mourn for the dead, you will join him very soon"

"Y-you son of a bitch!"

"Excuse me, did you just call my mother a bitch?"

I blasted his head off

"That's just rude"


I vanished again and pierce my fist right through another soldier's heart, killing him.

"Weaklings...don't have a place in this universe"


All the remaining soldiers gathered all the energy remaining in their body and fired them at me

"You irritating pests never learn when to give up, do you?"

An energy barrier similar to the ones Android 17 has (but its dark purple) formed around me and protected me from the attacks\

"*sigh* are you done?"

"W-what?! How?!"

"He blocked our attacks just like that?"

"Well, I will take that as a yes"

Five dark purple discs materialized on the palm of my hands

"Death saucer!"

The first disc sliced one of the soldiers in half


"Scatter! Don't let those discs touch you!"

"*chuckles* Its no use!"

The discs tracked the soldiers down no matter how much they dodge

"Soon you will run out of stamina and die by my hands!"

"D-damn it!"

One of the soldiers did not dodge fast enough this time and got killed by my death saucer.


Now there are only 2 soldiers remaining

I dismissed the remaining death saucers as I saw no use for them anymore

"Now then, shall I finish the job?"

"I...I will revenge my comrades you bastard!!!" The two remaining soldiers flew towards me and readies their punch

"You never learn when to give up, do you?"

I caught both of their punches with one hand

"In that case..." I swung them around like ragdolls for 5 seconds and slammed their bodies hard onto the ground

The two soldiers are still alive but was immobilized, I think I shattered all the bones in  their body.

Well, time to finish them off.


A light purple aura surrounds me as I flew up high into the air

"Galick gun..."

A ball of purple electricity gathered between my hands


The Galick Gun obliterated the remaining soldiers and 1/3 of the civilians, there's nothing remaining of them.

A giant crater was in their place

Phew, I really need to restrain myself. That attack could've destroyed an entire planet if I wasn't careful enough.


Now where was I?


The civilians started to panic and attempted to flee from me

 Right, mass genocide



I powered up a quick kamehameha as I fly towards the mass of civilians in high speeds


I think that took out around half of them

"Are you people seriously trying to flee from inevitable death?"

Lets test out another move I saw.


A yellow ki-blast with black energy in the middle materialized between my hands. When I fire it, the blast splits into hundreds upon thousands of energy beams

Gogeta | Wiki | Anime Amino

Yes, I have used my own version of Gogeta's Stardust Fall from the movie [Dragon Ball Super: Broly]

(I think it was inspired by Krillin's scatter bullet)


*sigh*, I think that's all of them

I landed on the ground and walked around to make sure that all of them are dead. 

I walked across the bodies of innocent men, women, and children that I have killed. I try to ignore the horrifying sight as I walk across the field of death.

It really hit me when I saw a dead body of a little girl, god it was terrible. Her lifeless eyes were still staring at the sky, as if asking "Why?"

I kneeled down and closed her eyes, a tear slipped down my cheek. 

"I'm sorry..."

At this moment, I felt an emotion that saiyans were not supposed to feel: regret, regret for killing the innocents.

I apologized over and over again.


This...is the truth of the Dragon Ball universe. The strong lives and the weak dies, the ancient rule of the jungle. 

This....will be a daily routine when I join the Cold Force. 


Timeskip back to Planet Vegeta

"Hand me your scout-scope"

It was that old man again

"Kill count: 1,215"

he took out a bag of metal tubes again and hands it to me.

"Kid, have you made up your mind?"

There was a moment of silence

'...when is the next recruitment?"

The old man smirked and gave me another bag of metal tubes

"Five days from now. I am looking forward to your performance in the Cold force, young man"

He patted my bag and lets me go


The next day....

I took a saiyan pod and traveled to an unknown planet to train.

I sat on a cliff and meditated, trying to draw out more god ki from my soul.

Then, I am in my mindscape again. But this time, the soul did not give me any god ki.


I looked around to see if there's any changes in my mindscape. 

I saw a pink number next to a percentage sign next to my soul

Its not an HP or MP bar in videogames, so what the hell is this bar for?

There's a single word next to the percentage


Rosé: 10%



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