Chapter 132

Chapter 132:

“...I’m sorry, you want what now?”


“Oh don't play coy, there's only one reason a monster like you would have been kept around without being killed, and that is to be used.”


Rain furrowed his brow.


“Gods you are a dense one. Used as in riding your cock like there's no tomorrow, getting off on you, using you as a convenient masturbation toy, and no, stop giving me that look, masturbation is healthy and normal.”


“...Masturbation... using a monster?”


“Yes, you are a toy to my older sister are you not? Let me use you without a fuss and I won't bring hundreds of levelers down on your head before you get a chance to escape. It’s simple really, you would have to be stupid not to take the deal.”


She was asking him to… It was a shocking thing to say to a strange monster, but then, from what he understood of these Lamia, maybe not.


Rain glanced behind the Lamia and spotted a flash of white fluff. Lyra. She was crouched by the armchair that hid the slave door just out of sight. Just before the Lamia had entered the room and seen Rain she had vanished into thin air, becoming invisible, not quite able to hide Rain in time but still able to hide herself from the Lamia’s gaze.


As he watched she waved frantically trying to get his attention and mouthed ‘what do we do?’


Rain shook his head fractionally, then glanced from her to the slave door beside her.


Lyra seemed to understand, moving to go fetch Opal while he dealt with the teenager. Her gaze lingered on the Lamia before she left however. She almost seemed annoyed with what the teenager was trying to do, with the position she had put him in. 


She disappeared through the slave door.


“I can do what I do with your sister, to you, if you will stop blocking my way... and forget you saw me here.”


“Well duh, I’d love to see that greedy guts lose you, small chance as that is.” She smiled airy and bright up at him, brushing a strand of pink hair over her shoulder. “You may call me Rose when you're groaning my name wolf boy, I like hearing that.”


“My name is Fitz...?”


“I don't care.”


Her tail tip slammed the bedroom door shut behind her with a definite bang and she slinked closer, her head tipping up as she neared, trying to keep eye contact but struggling with Rain’s height. 


She gave up as she came within arms reach and focused on his front. After a moment of hesitation she lifted her hands and placed them on his midriff. Running her fingers through his fur and feeling the muscle below. 


She made a cooing sound as she pressed her palms flat against him.


“Oh I do love fluffy boys, especially really, REALLY, big fluffy boys. Sis must have saved up for a year to ger her hands on you huh.”


She suddenly shoved forward, coiling her tail and heaving against Rain’s body with all her might.


Nothing happened. She may as well have been pushing against a brick wall.


He heard her muttering in question under her breath, wondering why he wasnt being moved, and he realised that she was trying to push him down onto the bed. Not wanting to give her a reason to break their deal he sat down on the edge.


To his surprise it didn't buckle under his weight, in fact it barely shifted. The bed was solid as anything.


Rose seemed to notice his expression and gave him a puzzled look.


“It’s just a Lamia bed, weren't you with my sis-


“Yes, it's not that, it’s all these…” he glanced over his shoulder, “...stuffed toys?”


“Hmm, that’s my collection yes, I made them all by myself over the years, but you may lie upon them... In fact, that’s kinda hot thinking about it, a giant wild male monster on my cute little stuffed toys? So yes do that.”


Rain hesitantly leaned back, hundreds and hundreds of stuffed animals taking his weight. A black furred stuffed Lapine toy fell over his shoulder and bounced down between his thighs. He carefully picked it up between thumb and index before Rose snatched it away. 


“It's sooo cute isn't it?” she said holding it up and showing him its glass button eyes. “But forget it, you can't have it, you can't have any, you’re a monster. Monsters don't get plushies.”


After a moment of pridefully looking the stuffed toy over she tossed it back onto the pile and turned her attention back to the enormous monster lying back on her obnoxiously pink bed and mountain of plushies.


The Lamia tapped her chin as she looked Rain over, then appearing to like what she saw she moved closer, her tail coiling down and lowering her upper body until she was between his legs.


“Now let's see what got my sister hooked on you shall we?”


She came closer still, her face nearing his sheath, her breath tugging at his fur. For all her use of the word ‘toy’ the teenager was visibly far more excited to touch Rain than she would ever have been with some simple object and her hands pressed against the sheath which was easily larger than both of her fists pressed together.


At first she cupped it, exploring its mass, then she pressed her thumbs, then fingers over the front, pushing inward, exploring, a curious girl wondering what she would find.


A flash of pink appeared amongst the black and she cooed. Excited now, she formed a ring with her fingers and pushed the sheath back using all her might. The black fur sloooowly slipped back revealing slick pinkness, pinkness that seemed eager to be free, something she was also eager for.


She gasped as she pushed the sheath past a certain point and the broad head suddenly slipped out with a lurch, her fingers darting down and cupping it, the length swelling at her touch, pushing at her fingers, soft yet growing.


Her greedy eyes drank it in as the length grew past five inches, more pouring from the sheath, soon passing seven inches, then nine, then reaching eleven inches, spreading her hands apart as she held the huge eleven inch mass up, preventing it from falling under its own weight.


“My- m-my you are a large one… the biggest I’ve seen of any monster on the estate.”


“I’m not fully out yet,” murmured Rain.


The Lamia blinked up at him.


“Wait, what?”


The Lamia’s mouth parted as Rain’s sheath abruptly bulged as though something large was trying to escape, straining it wide until it abruptly slopped around his bulbous knot with in a rush and a soft schlop sound. His unengorged knot came free from his sheath, and cock poured past her fingers, reaching thirteen, then fourteen, before coming to a stop at fifteen and a half inches long, thickening until it became stiff and throbbing in her hands.


The teenager's eyes nearly bugged out of her head at the sight, the thing weighing in her hands as she struggled to stop it falling down under its own weight.


Then, her breath coming in pants, she wrapped her fingers around the thickest part and found she couldn't quite touch her fingers together even using both hands. Mouth now dry she lifted her forearm and compared.


“There’s no way, there’s no freaking way!”


Touching her elbow against the base the tip of the thing reached her palm. 


“What the fuuuccckk,” she breathed, her face flushing red as her imagination ran wild, just what could this thing do to her?


Running her hands over the enormous cock she lifted it up then pushed it back letting it flop down on Rain’s midriff with a thump. Then she scrambled half on top of him, palms either side of his cock.


Rain couldn't help but notice the teenager’s hips had started to tremble, the tip of her long tail was lashing in the air behind her, and the scales below her flitty skirt had become shiny with long trickles of shiny wetness.


“Are you okay?” murmured Rain.


“Mhmmff!” nodded the teenager biting her lip, her hips rolling side to side. “B-big-BIG! fluffy boys, ye-yeah? Making me all hot under the collar like this, so not fair. G-god I want this fat fucking cock inside of me...” She seemed to get control of herself after a difficult moment and managed to drag her eyes away from the length lying between her arms. “But not quite yet.”


She suddenly dived forward, darting down under Rain’s arm, burrowing into her stuffed toys then up. As Rain was aware she was very strong and surprisingly flexible, and she wiggled up behind him until her human body was behind his head and she was leaning over top, blouse covered breasts resting on the back of his head.


His yellow eyes looked up at her flushed face framed in pink hair as she looked back down at him, head hanging over his.


“I just wouldn't be getting my money’s worth if I didn't try everything you had to offer a girl…”


She slid over his nose, blouse covered breasts rolling over his muzzle, and slipped down his chest then onto his midriff where his cock rested heavily.


Her abdomen slipped by his head, then following that her skirt. The front part of the fabric flopped over his nose leaving him with his head buried beneath and he had a clear view of her mons just above his muzzle, and then a plump Lamia pussy, wet and juicy and dribbling gossamer strings. The teenager was clearly insanely turned on. He couldn't help it, the sight was hypnotising and incredibly appealing and his heart started to race, his cock stiffening further and lifting away from his front before coming back down with an impressively loud thud under its own weight.


Her pussy was human-like and the bottom edge of her plumpness was framed in pink scales. It was placed at the point where her skin transitioned to bright pink scales in a shallow ‘v’ at the base of her ‘hips’, where her Lamia tail began.


In this extremely intimate position her scent filled his nose, her heavy arousal, and he watched as strings of clear liquid stretched between her folds and the bridge of his muzzle, more and more as she bumped against him, droplets sprinkling across his fur, some rolling down into his mouth. Rain felt his cock grow somehow thicker as he breathed her scent in directly.


Unable to stop himself he lifted his huge paws and found his digits wrapping around her hips, claws digging into her rear causing her to gasp. He tilted his head up as he positioned her optimally above in a 69 and his tongue slipped from his lips. He lapped at her snatch, feeling every little fold of her, her heated muff and sloppy labia, the stiff little nub that was her clit poking from its hood. His rough tongue passed over it all, scraping her up, stimulating everything at once.


He felt her cry out and her tail constricted hard around his body, wrapping tight, he was sure a normal monster might have been hurt under her coils, as it was he shrugged her clenching off and pressed his tongue between her folds, parting her with what was at his size an absurdly large tongue, stretching her around the muscle.


He felt her fingers curling into his fur as he dug in deeper, pushing into her, stretching her out. Her walls clenched down on the intruder, squeezing on him and trying to keep him in place. It did little as he allowed himself a little extra force and began squirming his tongue in the too tight space, forcing her walls apart.


He was rewarded with a mad fluttering, he pushed her response even higher by twisting his tongue then rapidly thrusting in, then out, roughly pushing his bottom teeth up against her swollen clit as he worked her, faster and faster and faster until the teenager let out a shriek and a gush of fluid spurted into Rain’s mouth. He drank her down, she tasted vaguely like strawberries to his surprise.


“Wh-what the fuck?! There’s no way she taught you- How do you know how to do that!?” cried the breathy teenager, his fur clenched tight in her white knuckled fists.


He hadn't always, but not all those in the whore house of his previous life had been wary of his circumstance. Some liked his small state, some found it cute, others just loved the chance to truly dominate and abuse a partner when ordinarily they would be far too low leveled and weak to do so to anyone. Many times in the night, when there was no one to see them, he had had visitors, visitors happy to teach him for their own benefit, teachings that he had used on Opal all the way back in the dungeon. 


This was far from the first time he had been ‘used like a toy’, somehow that particular experience had followed him into his new life, although it was hardly going to go the same at his current size and strength.


He put that experience to use now rolling his tongue back to her most sensitive spots nearest the entrance then pushing deeper for the longer strokes. Having a far larger and stronger tongue allowed for some far more interesting techniques that just wouldn't have been possible for a human, and he went to town on the Lamia’s sloppy pussy, squirming his tongue furiously against her soft walls, intent on making her scream. He succeeded.


“HNYaAH!! n-nooooOHhhHhhGAAAAWWWWDDD!!!!”


She howled into his stomach, fingers raking across his midriff as her tail lashed and coiled, her hips trembling in his grip as pussy juice gushed into his mouth and flowed down his throat.


“S-stop! S-slow down!” she managed to gasp out as she clung to his front like a drowning person cltuchign at a life raft.


Rain didn't slow, even slightly, and the Lamia was left writhing and squirming as she was thoroughly tongue fucked, one orgasm crashing into the other as he flowed from twisting to plunging his tongue in and out of her obscenely squelching sopping pussy, which was practically slurping on the thrusting muscle.


Desperate to try and regain some semblance of control Rose grabbed for the fat cock that lay by her head, both hands gripping it but unable to fully encircle it she lifted the tip to her mouth.


Rain’s breath caught as he felt her soft lips roughly thrust against his cock head. She was too small to do anything but kiss and lick at the tip but she was still extremely enthusiastic, and it was amplified by her hands desperately stroking up and down his shaft.


He struggled to focus on the motions of his tongue as she worked, but the Lamia noticing his reaction realised she had found a way to slow him down and eagerly thrust herself onto his length, desperate to take him, desperate for control.


To Rain’s surprise she started to succeed, her jaw straining wide enough to start take the mass inside as only a Lamia could, an obscene sight, her lips stretched thin as the massive head was slowly forced into her mouth, her eyes fluttering at the sensation even as Rain stirred her pussy up.


The teenager took cock into herself until she seemed like she’d hit a limit, unable to fully fit her mouth around the head and grinding to a halt, her jaw stretched wide. But then she came heavily once more and her back spasmed, jerking hard enough that she was thrust forward and the head slid fully into her, and then deeper.


The teenager's throat expanded from her neck as it was filled, her naturally stretchy Lamia skin evolved for taking prey stretching around the huge girth, an obscene dick bulge appearing in her throat. Rain punished her for her efforts with his tongue and she screamed around the length and came yet again, teeth pressed so tight against the unyielding flesh that it dimpled slightly.


Rain could only groan as the vibrations of her scream did things to him, making his hips thrust of their own accord and forcing more dick into her throat, the bulge in her neck inching toward her collar bones as she was filled and stretched.


Of course, she wasn't the only one capable of creating vibration.


He hauled on the teenager's hips and her pussy squelched wetly against his mouth as he strained his tongue deeper and deeper within her. A very slight bump appeared on her midriff as he thrust as much of his tongue into her as he could, the huge thing stretching her further still.


Then, his bottom teeth pressing hard against her clit, he let loose a bass growl.


The vibration rose from deep within his chest, up his body, and then surged into the teenager’s unprepared pussy, hitting both outside, shallow, and deep all simultaneously.


The effect was immediate and dramatic. The snake tail wound around him began thrashing and spasming and she howled and howled into his cock, fists hammering at his fur, back arching, muscles trembling as she came and came and came. His mouth was instantly flooded with squirt in long pulsing sprays of clear fluid that waterfalled from his lips and splashed across his front.


The motion of the teenager’s rippling throat and the vibration of her howling had its own effect and Rain let out a long groan as his hips bucked up, once, twice, his length stiffening.


Rose, realising what was about to happen flailed at his cock with her hands, slapping at it wildly and desperately trying to pull away. 


Too late he sprayed into her throat, directly into her stomach, once, twi-


The teenager got a grip on his knot and with the use of her impressive strength hauled herself back, his cock coming free with a schlucking gush of fluid that washed down her chin and front.


That wasn't the last of it however as the teenager’s face was immediately sprayed down, her eyes screwing shut as his bucking cock sprayed and sprayed into her face. Panicking, and desperately trying to draw breath, she struggled to lift herself with her hands and her blouse fell into the line of fire, quickly turning transparent and sticking to her skin as it was soaked through.


The teenager opened her eyes, blinking rapidly, as at last the spraying came to an end, droplets of fluid flicking from her long eyelashes.


“What the fuck, how much do you freaking cum?” she panted.


“That wasn't cum,” said Rain, “That was precum. You will have to try a bit harder than that to get me off.”


The teenager gave him a startled look then turned back realising that Rain’s length hadn’t softened at all if anything it was even stiffer than before.


She then looked down at her soaked through blouse. There wasn't an inch of fabric on her front that wasn’t sopping wet, at least a cup of the clear fluid had been splashed over her.


She licked her lips unthinkingly and accidentally tasted him, causing her to scrunch her eyes tight as she spat him free. This was not going to plan, not going to plan at all! It was all so- so- She was supposed to be in control! He was the toy! Suddenly she was feeling a little nervous. What the hell was this monster?


“Tch. That was- That was your ejaculate, you are lying, stupid monster.”


The teenager carefully ignored the fact that the fluid was mostly clear.


She slithered from around him, her pink tail pulling free until she was once more standing in front of the bed, her breath slowly steadying as she gathered herself.


“Are you going to keep that on? It's soaking wet, it will become cold at some point,” said Rain, eyeing her as he lazed on the bed.


She glanced down and realised he was right, her blouse was a sopping transparent mess clinging to her breasts, the colour of her skin clearly visible through it along with the pinkness of her nipples, both of which were clearly engorged and stiff, making tents in the fabric.


“That's none of your business! Idiot monster!”


Despite her words she flapped her hand at her blouse and to Rain’s surprise it began to move on its own, the fabric rippling as the buttons roughly tugged apart, exposing her braless chest. Then it began to pull off entirely on its own, or rather peel off, the cloth was stuck to her skin with his precum and the thin cloth came away slowly, peeling from her pale breasts in a way that Rain found hard to look away from especially as her breath caught as the fabric peeled from her nipples.


“Do you need any help?”


“NO! And don’t presume to ask!”


She scowled and pouted and the fabric was ripped from her body, speeding up in moments until it was pulling from her lifted arms and she was standing there half naked, only wearing her flitty skirt, hundreds of tiny beads of clear precum dotted across her breasts.


She examined the beads, brow furrowed.


“That was… acceptable I suppose, your tongue work is a little better than average, I can admit that.”


Rain tilted his head in doubt, but was distracted watching the blouse floating beside her, just hanging in the air. Rose rolled her eyes noticing what he was looking at and pointed a finger at it, making a quick circle with her fingertip. The blouse twisted violently, becoming a long thin spiraled twist of cloth that only drew tighter, a shower of fluid falling from the fabric as Rain’s precum was squeezed out.


The last of the fluid came free in a couple of drips and the blouse shook itself back to normal, floating in the air and looking fresh and ready to be worn, any creases simply gone, the fabric shaking them out with ease. 


It had returned to being bone dry.


“Your Class,” said Rain slowly, “It lets you manipulate cloth… and you aren't actually strong yourself, it was your blouse that was pushing at me, not you.”


“No, I am still really really strong because I’m amazing like that... But, yeah, I get a boost from what I wear, it’s like an extra layer of strength.”


The blouse neatly folded itself and flopped down on the bed beside him.


“But enough of that, now I want to see what my sister truly experienced,” she bit her lip as her gaze wandered down to the massive vascular pink-red length lying up Rain’s stomach, unable to contain her cocklust any longer.


“I command you to fuck me slave. F-Fuck me like you did her until I can't feel my tail anymore and-


A pair of massive paws came down on her hips with a definite slap and she was roughly lifted into the air.


“Th-this-!” said the Lamia, her hands coming down on Rain’s forearms and finding that she couldn't move them even in the slightest. “Just how did my sister physically h-handle you?”


“She didn't.” said Rain.


The teenager nearly bit off her tongue as rain layed her down over his cock lying atop his midriff.


Unsure how precisely to use the Lamia’s unusual anatomy he began by pressing her front down along his length where it lay against his stomach, squeezing it between himself and the Lamia, her tail dangling between his thighs, her flitty skirt draping. He then slid her down until her sopping puss came to rest at the start of his knot.


Then he brought her back toward his chest, pressing her plump pussy down as he did so, the fatness of it squishing down atop every vein and bump. The teenager was able to do nothing as he used her, her breasts dragging down over his pecs as she was rolled down before being roughly shoved upward, using her pussy to lubricate himself.


“S-Stop using me like this! I demand you stop!”


This was a far cry from any intent she had of using him as a toy and she clawed at him, desperate to take back control but remaining as helpless under his paws as one of her plushies.


The thrusting increased, roughness pulling at her folds, until she cried out, her back arching as she came over his length, soaking him with her fluids.


Rain took the opportunity and carefully smeared her juices down his length using her puss, thoroughly lubricating his entire length.


“Wh-what the hell was that for?” said the slumped Lamia, glaring up at him from below her pink fringe.


“It was to make sure I can fit.”


He lifted her in one paw this time, hiking her skirt up under his thumb pad and holding her above, then with his other paw he pushed his length up, angling it from his hips and aiming at the reddened swollen mess that was the teenager’s throbbing pussy.


Her eyes came to rest on the thing just below it then widened realising what was about to happen. Her fists became white knuckled as they curled into his forearm fur.


“G-go slow, like really really really slow, h-holy shit!”


The teenager trembled as she was lowered, then let out a little gasp as her softness came into contact with the broad tip. Her muff was squished inward by the thing which covered her labia entirely from view. Still, Rain could feel her pussy eagerly trying to take him, trying to spread around the tip, to greedily swallow his enormity.


At first it didn't look like she would succeed in taking him despite being drenched in slick, but then she ever so slightly descended, came to a crawling halt as she reached her limit, then, with a lurch, sunk downward in a sudden rush, her pussy engulfing the head.


Her breathing came fast and heavy as she looked down at the thing spreading her wide, stretching her more than anything she had ever experienced, stretching her in the most incredibly delicious way, her labia strained thin around the massive cock.


And then the sensation truly hit her and she screamed.


Rain watched in wonder as the teenager squirted up his front, soaking his fur in long powerful sprays of fluid that rose as they came in pulsing waves, splashing across his pecs.


Her breasts rolled across her chest as her back arched back and she thrashed in his unyielding grip, her pink tail whipping across the floor of the bedroom behind, smashing chairs and tables to splinters or knocking them to the ground, colliding with bookshelves and knocking dozens of books free in a storm of paper.


Rain didn't wait for her to finish and eased her downward usign both paws, watching with interest as a bulge in her midriff slowly rose from within the teenager, pushing out the hem of her flitty skirt and his thumb pads, before rising above and tenting out her pale belly, her belly button stretching over it. It was his length, pressing up from within her. He eased her down further, eager to see how far he could fill her.


The bulge rose until he was halfway inside of her and then he eased her back up, nearly to the tip, then eased her back down, slow, then faster as Rose slowly became used to his size and he felt her relax a little, then tense as the speed only increased, increased by a lot, each drop coming on faster than the last, building in confidence.


He lifted her and slammed the teenager down, using her as a sleeve for his cock, bouncing her up and down and watching as the bulge in her midriff jerked up and down too. He moved into long plunging strokes, each drop he entered the teenger a little deeper, spreading her a little more, scraping a little harder.


Rose was rapidly losing her mind, arms shaking wildly as she clutched at his arms, unable to look away from her tented out tummy as she was thoroughly ravished, sheet lightning crawling up her spine as her pussy became a storm of pleasure, each plunge causing her body to shake and tremble, her eyelids fluttering as she came to yet another mind melting peak, it just didn't stop! A chain of crashing orgasm that made sparkling fireworks in her mind, the intense tightness was scraping her nerves wild!




Thrust, thrust, thrust, the teenager was bounced, and she sang and sang, wailing on Rain’s cock, her insides clutching and rippling over him as she sprayed and squirted and creamed herself silly, and soon Rain felt himself getting near, his motions becoming arrhythmic as he used the teenager as a sleeve, accelerating, his breath becoming heavy.


His muscles tensed as he began to near his peak.


But it was then that Rain heard a commotion of voices coming toward the door to the bedroom, his sensitive ears perking up as he discerned maybe a dozen people over the sound of Rose’s keening. 


There wasn't any doubt about it, they were coming directly to Rose’s bedroom.


He froze mid thrust.

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