Chapter 133

Chapter 133:

Rain froze mid stroke.


There were people coming, a lot of people.


The teenager on his lap shivered and squealed, not yet realizing the danger, her pussy still squeezing frantically at his length.


He wrapped a paw around her head and her excited voice was cut off, muffled against his paw pads as he listened carefully.


There weren't any footsteps to be heard, meaning that the group did not have legs, meaning they were Lamia. They were talking a lot, and giggling. He caught a word, ‘Rose’. Yes, they were definitely coming here, there was no doubt about that.


What should he do? They were coming and he needed to do something! Bite Rose’s head off? No, that wouldn't help at all. 


He couldn't escape through the goblin slave door that Opal and Lyra had left through, far too small, and there was nowhere to hide, the largest piece of furniture, a wardrobe, could never contain him.


The teenager with her head engulfed in his paw slapped and clawed at his forearm and he let go. She came away with a gasp and scowled up at him, a strand of sweaty hair lying across her face.


“What is it? Why the hell did you stop you dumb monster? I was about cum my freaking brains out!” she pouted.


Rain could feel her pussy moving as she spoke, still trying to draw more of him inside of her.


There are people approaching, a lot of people.”


“How do you know, I don't hear-


“My hearing is significantly better than yours, it's a monster thing. I hear their voices, one spoke your name, they’re talking now, but they will soon come here.”


Rose blinked then seemed to finally realise the danger they were in.


“It’s her! It’s my sister!” she whisper hissed, “She knows you are here somehow!”


“Then lock the door!”


“She has a key!”


“Why does she-


“It doesn't matter! She's coming and she's going to see you!”


“...Then they will have to die.”


“You’re a monster! You are going to die! Not them!”


Rain somehow doubted that, at least initially. The problem came after he killed the oncoming levelers, the problem of the hundreds that would follow.


“Fuck fuck fuck,” groaned Rose, “Okay okay, are they still coming?”


“They’ve stopped, another voice joined them and they're talking about something, I heard your name again.”


“Alright, I can fix this, I can fix this, I didn't level so hard for nothing. Just stay perfectly still and don’t move at all okay?”


The Lamia drew in breath and raised her hands. Her pink hair billowed around her head as though in the wind and then things started to happen. 


The first thing Rain noticed was her blouse neatly unfolding and lifting into the air from the bed, sleeves smoothly slipping around her arms as she was once more made decent.


The next thing to catch his attention was the carpet, it had started to ripple, undulating in waves across the floor, as though it was the ocean, moving from every wall inwards toward the bed. The chairs and tables that the teenager’s thrashing tail had trashed were moving, moving across the rippling carpet and toward the bed along with books and anything else that had been knocked to the floor. 


“Hiding what you broke or knocked over isn't going to distract them from me…”


“Just one second…” said Rose concentrating.


Rain blinked as cylinders started to emerge from beneath the bed from beside his legs, no, not cylinders, enormous rolls of cloth each a foot thick and four foot long, huge bolts of fabric in a variety of hues. The bolts halted and three rolls of black were picked out, sliding fully free, the rest shoved back under and the space left from removing the three the detritus of the room flowed into, flowing under the bed and out of sight and mind.


The cylinders of fabric, which Rain now realised were fur-covered, launched into the air and began spinning incredibly fast, huge sheets of black fluff shooting in every direction, reams of useable fabric that reached a zenith, filling Rain’s view with swooping looping lines strung about the room.


A row of chests flung open and a cloud exploded from the rectangular openings. No, not a cloud, heaps of wool and fabric off cuttings. The white clouds joined the lines of black floating in the air. 


Beside a dressing table, and pride of place, a smaller gold and jewel trimmed chest carefully opened, and Rain realised he was looking at an extremely full sewing box, one which spewed out hundreds of small spindles of cotton thread and silvery needles.


The room was becoming busy with floating objects, it was almost pretty, like a clothier’s constellation.


Then the looping black fur dove toward him.


He blinked in surprise as black fur overlapped his own black fur, wrapping around his arms, his feet and shins, then his thighs even as more charged into the mound of stuffed toys and circled around his torso, once, twice, thrice and more, dozens and dozens of stuffed toys caught up inside, a river of fur lined fabric that was determined to encase him as quickly and as swiftly a possible even as puffy stuffing poured in behind it pushing the black away from his fur as free space was filled in, encasing him in wool padding. In mere seconds he was looking down at limbs covered with a different shade of black, of a trimmer less glossy appearance, dead fur used to cover his own living fur, his paws had become digitless nubs hidden behind stuffing filled fabric.


As this was happening needles tied up tight with cotton thread flew around him like a swarm of insects, hundreds of flashing darting bright steel points whizzing and zipping through the air, darting in like kingfishers, piercing the fabric and roughly sewing it together, a hail of pinpoint sharpness that Rain felt especially uncomfortable around as steel passed mere inches from his eyeballs even as fur lined fabric wrapped around his head.


His vision became fluff and fur and wool and for a moment he wondered if this was all a trick, an attempt to immobilise him for capture. But then the wool parted and he frowned as yellow glass appeared. Two yellow glass discs. He recalled the Lapine stuffed toy, it was the same but on a far larger scale, the glass eyes as large as plates, large enough that he was able to peer through them and see himself in the mirror across from the bed.


He appeared… as an enormous plushie, a softly shaped wolf with simple curves and simplified features. 


Rain considered this.


Yep. This was the worst.


Somehow he’d been turned from a terrifying thing that prowled the pitch black night hunting for prey, into a giant cuddly stuffed toy that looked like it wanted to hug everything that moved, and probably most things that didn't move too, something that belonged in a teenage girl's bedroom.


He moved his head in a mild state of horror, and watched as the plushie wolf head moved in the mirror.


For a short moment he seriously considered letting his darkness out, his predation given form, to rip and tear the plushie disguise into a million little pieces... and then set those pieces on fire using his leveler Skill, and then bury the ashes somewhere nobody could ever see them. Ever.


But then his ears picked up the sounds of the voices, they were right outside!


Rose looked up at the wolf plushie she was sat in the lap off with her chin cupped in her hand, admiring her incredibly rushed but surprisingly excellent work. 


It was truly quite good, easily on par with any of the plushies on the plush mountain behind the giant plushie.


Of course… it was still in the shape of a wolf, and she realised in a moment of dismay that her sister, who was very likely about to step inside her room, might have some serious suspicions seeing a giant wolf plushie that was as vaguely as large as the giant sex slave wolf monster she had apparently misplaced.


The door handle started to rattle.


She threw up her hands in a desperate gesture and the fabric wolf head FWOMP-ed into a spherical ball, the fabric reshaping, crushing and stretching to form a giant teddy bear head.


Rain blinked as the free space inside the head of the plushie increased as it doubled in volume, the glass eyes moving away from his own.


He peered through them at the mirror to see what had happened and found himself looking back at what was now a giant teddy bear sitting on the teenager’s bed, if one with a rather more wolf like body than normal.


This was... really not an improvement. Maybe the ripping and tearing option was still on the table.


Rose breathed out a sigh of relief. Everything was pretty much perfectly disguised and tidied up now and no one would ever realise that the giant plushie she was lying atop of was in fact a monster or that anything untoward had been happening. Even her sweaty skin had been neatly dried off with passing fabrics.


Well, everything was perfectly disguised, that is apart from the giant cock currently sticking out of a slit on the things groin which was still partly inside of her pussy.


She stared down in dismay even as the door began to open. It needed to be hidden, now, and so the teenager did the only thing she could. She slammed herself down to the top of the knot.


She nearly let out a scream as her clit was thrust against the hard bulb, and only managed to stifle it by slapping a hand over her mouth, her other hand frantically arranging her skirt to drape over the massive knot hiding it from sight, twisting her very flexible body around so that she appeared to be draped comfortably on Rain’s lap, her tail hanging over his thigh in loops.


Just in time as a dozen Lamia girls spilled into the room from the swung wide doorway, a rainbow of different coloured scales, books and papers held to chests as they chattered, oblivious to what they were about to find.


It only took a moment, they were talking, and then many pairs of eyes fell on Rain and Rose, and their voices died to absolute pin drop silence, the collection of teenagers freezing mid slither.


They were all of a similar age to Rose and from what Rain could see were all of the pure Lamia variety. He looked closer and realised that some of them held vaguely similar features to Rose. Sisters, or at least half-sisters, and then maybe the others were stepsisters? Was Rose’s older ‘sis’ amongst them, his supposed former master?


It didn’t matter. They would all die alike. Darkness began to seep from Rain’s real fur in preparation to kill every one of them, his muscles tensing, readying to tear from the bed and rip them to shreds.


But then they gasped as one and a short yellow scaled girl at the front flung her arms up in the air, sheets of paper flying everywhere.


“Oh my god Rose! What did you make?! Its soo cuttteeee!”


Rain froze, the words somehow striking an upsetting knife at his heart. Cute? Cute?!?


He would kill the small one first.


Or he would, any moment now….


Any moment now...


Instead, he waited. He didn't have Opal or Lyra, if he fought now and everything turned to chaos and fighting he would have to search the estate as well as escape. He didn't like their chances if that happened, at least one of them would most likely die. But if Lyra could return with Opal to this room first then he wouldn't have to search for them.


He would bide his time like this and watch the goblin slave door. Surely Lya would return soon with the errant Opal.


Rose waved meekly at the collection of teenage Lamia.


“Uh, hi there. What exactly is it that you are all doing here? Doing here, in my room, right now, at this particular moment in time?”


A wide hipped Lamia with an extremely thick tail and dark purple scales slinked forward.


“It’s your turn you lazy lump of scales, your turn to host the critique,” she said, adjusting her glasses and shuffling the papers and books she held underarm.


“C-crit-? oh no, you mean-”


“Yup, I mean it, you're going to sit here and you are going watch us put on the damn play, just as you did to me in my room, whether you like it or not.”


Rain watched the teenager’s face in the mirror go through a series of increasingly curdled expressions, very much not liking where things were going.


“I- I see…” she managed to choke out.


The short Lamia with yellow scales who had thrown her hands in the air couldn't contain herself longer, her tail wiggling around behind her.




She slapped her hands over her mouth, not meaning to yell. “Sorry!” she squeaked.


“It’s just something I made haha, just uh, a nice big comfy fluffy plushie to snuggle on haha, it's nothing really...ha...ha…?”


A moment later Rose realised her mistake, but it was too late to take back the spoken words released into the air. 


She had named the giant plush as a target of snuggling.


The yellow scaled Lamia squealed and dived forward, jumping onto the Rain plushie, flinging into the air with her arms spread wide, a joyful look on her face.


Rain could only watch, unable to move even an inch as the short girl leapt onto his arm and wiggled around it, encircling and spiralling up then hugging his giant teddy bear head, her blouse covered breasts pressing up against one of the yellow disks that was his view of the world.


Things only got worse from there. The short ones reaction seemed to be a signal to the others that this was an okay thing to do and teenage Lamia girls lunged at the giant plushie.


Rain could only watch in the mirror as teenagers landed on him and circled up his arms, spiralling around his torso, around his head, leaping into his lap and falling against his chest, until he was covered in a rainbow of scales and skirts and blouses, being hugged from every direction at once.


Rose’s situation wasn't much better and her dismay reached new heights that she prior thought impossible. Two Lamia girls were in Rain’s Lap with her, squeezing in tight, their bodies pressing close to hers, their tails entwined around both Rain’s legs and her own tail in familiar comfort.


Of course, they had yet to notice the extremely large bulge tenting out her belly. The only reason they hadn't was because of how puffy and airy her blouse was and that she was putting a lot of effort into manipulating the fabric to drape and fold naturally in such a way that it hid the shape of his dick protruding from her midriff.


But that didn't help with the fact that one of her sisters was mere inches from the blouse! Inches from her obscenely tented out abdomen! She would only have to move a little and-


The one Lamia who hadn't leapt onto Rain to snuggle was the dark purple scaled Lamia. She frowned as she looked over her sisters coiled around the giant stuffed toy in a way that only Lamias could, a tangle of chattering giggling teenagers.


With a sigh, and a shake of her head, she pulled close one of the tables and dumped her books and papers atop it, then pulled a sheet of paper from the top of the pile.


She adjusted her black rimmed glasses.


“This is something you should take seriously sisters. Impressing Lord Wranvyre is a good way to ascend in the progeny ranking and gain his favour. Now if you would Arissa?”


A lime green scaled teenager grumbled beside Rain’s head before slithering down his body and onto the floor, somehow flouncing with her tail as she did so.


Arissa came up beside the purple scaled Lamia and grabbed the sheet of paper, quickly scanning through it.


“This scene first? Alright fine, I guess it’s one of the more interesting ones, this isn't so bad.”


“You only say that because you get to use your magic!” said one of the teenagers in Rain’s lap with Rose, her scales an aqua-marine.


“Well yeah. Don’t say you wouldn’t do the same Millie, because you would, you totally would.


Arissa flicked her wrists, finger spreading as she faced her palms toward the mirror.


Then her hands began to move and Rain watched with concern as she swiftly formed a series of shapes, fingers and hands crossing in complex arcane seals.


As she continued fog started to form in small spots. No, not fog, clouds, white clouds expanding. In moments there were clouds much like the clouds of the outside world only in miniature, vast towering galleon clouds ten miles high, great cloud architectures that strode across the sky. Or in this case clouds that were six feet feet high and strode across the carpet.


More and more clouds formed, swirling and drifting across the bedroom, dotting across the ceiling and clinging to the walls, mostly hiding the room, forming a cloudscape centred on a ring on the floor before Rain, setting the stage for theatrical drama.


Rain could admit it did make things feel more dramatic.


“Rose? If you would.”


“Wha- m-me?”


“Yes you, are you forgetting? You do the clothes.”


“Oh, right, that.”


The teenager flicked her hand and fabric poured from under the bed once more, already shaping into clothing that swam through the air and encased the acting Lamia even as they moved around reading from the script, so used to her ability that they didn't pay it any attention.


Around the standing Lamia off cuttings were starting to form, cuttings from the black fur currently encasing him Rain realised, off cuttings cut up into hundreds of little rags a few inches long, swarming and flowing across the carpet like grass swaying in the breeze covering it entirely. The swarm of dark fur lined fabric centred on a single point, a scruffle of yellow and white and gold fabric. A crown in a sea of darkness.


In moments the two standing teenagers had been transformed, bedecked in fine clothing from some ancient time, puff sleeved jackets and ruffled collars. They appeared almost as serious actors and Rain found his attention drawn despite himself.


“This is but a forum, a forum of the gods to give voice. But I’m sure you will agree this situation cannot be allowed to reach its conclusion while we stand idly by. The last city, the last remaining city in the entire world is about to be lost to mindless monster hordes.”


The purple scaled Lamia gestured down righteously at the crown and Rain realised it was supposed to represent a city, and that the undulating mass of black was supposed to be a sea of monsters without end, spanning horizon to horizon. The two teenagers appeared as gods standing tall above the landscape below and Rain stared as the clouds surrounding them began to take shapes, loose soft shapes artfully suggesting people, other gods, their vast coils and claws and hands gracefully drifting as their noble faces looked down upon the dying city.


“With its end shall come the end of all civilisation and all shall fall into chaos and darkness, this world shall be subsumed by shadow, the dying, the dying of the light is what we here bear witness to.”


Rose started to calm as the acting continued. There was a lot of talking. Apparently that was how Lamia’s liked their plays. Rain could feel her shifting as she relaxed into him, her body sliding around his rigid cock. She was still incredibly wet of course and as the actors spoke aloud rivulets of her juices were rolling down his knot in little lines, the teenager only becoming wetter and wetter.


The play went on, the minutes passing, the gods arguing, arguing about how the poor city was doomed to die, the last light of civilization flickering before the horde and how to save them or if they even should. 


And Rain would have paid a lot more attention to it, but he could feel a certain someone moving, more specifically he could feel Rose moving, bouncing ever so fractionally. She was grinding her hips down onto him, her pussy squeezing at his knot as the teenager tried to engulf the rest of his dick.


Somehow the teenager had become bored of the play and in her still incredibly horny state she had decided it was a good idea to take his knot into herself.


Madness! But there was nothing he could do to stop her in his motionless state, she wanted to take all of him, to take him while the teenage girls entwined around him had no idea she was being penetrated.


“Thee do not comprehend the loss of this last spark, this last desperate hope, this last bastion before animal savagery and sub-sapient beasts.”


Rose’s pussy squueeeezed down onto his knot, her labia going paper thin as her pussy hungrily tried to swallow the bulb, stretching her more than anything before in her life, pushing herself further down with each slight bounce, a little bit more of the fat knot easing inside of her, spreading her ravenous teenage pussy a little more,


“It is not for us to interfere!”


“Have you no care for them? They are but a flock at the mercy of the night, are we not their shepherds?”


Her bouncing became more desperate, her pussy reaching its limits as it squeezed a third of the way down the knot, forming an obscene and shameful O shape. A little whimper escaped her that only Rain picked up with his sensitive hearing.


Somehow the teenagers resting next to her hadn't noticed, distracted by the play and assuming she was just fidgeting.


The reticent gods had started to be persuaded by the others, the glorious heroics of the plucky survivors below apparently moving them, the clouds of the room darkening to black thunderheads as the little city became ever more desperate, fighting with all they had against the dying of the light.


“Very well, we shall do as you wish. But I demand this never happen again, never shall the flame of civilization be threatened by the barbaric hordes of the night, the mindless animals that snuff the light. This flame of yours must stand on its own, not as a sputtering spark, but as a mighty bonfire to beat back the dark.”


Rose squirmed and rocked her hips, her muff stretching wider, millimetre by millimetre, little by little, engulfing more and more of the knot, her labia wrapping skin tight around every little bump and vein, clitoris squished flat against it as her hood was strained against the surface.


Arissa raised her hand and amongst the clouds that drifted near the ceiling a ball of soft light started to glow from within the dark, a ball of different coloured lights that shifted and moved, a soft shape vaguely resembling the many coloured moon.




Rose’s pussy reached the half way point and slipped over the peak. The teenager suddenly had nothing resisting her bouncing and her pussy slopped around the bulb in one go, dropping her hips down as Rain slid fully inside, her cunny dropping inches and slamming into his sheath and hips.




The swallowing motion of it popping in broke the vacuum seal on her pussy as her belly bulge pushed out even further and the mix of air and masses of built up pussy juice interacted to create an incredibly loud schluuuurking Queef, an obscenely wet sound that filled the room as her pussy gaped open below the knot, desperately trying to fully close around the base but too stretched out to do so, only able to spasm and tremble as the teenager erupted in orgasm, squirting so hard against the inside of her flitty skirt that it was flipped forward before hanging back down as the fabric was drenched.


Rose had only managed to keep herself from screaming out loud because a convenient ball of cloth had zipped into her mouth and instantly gagged her, only a few whimpers escaping as she went cross eyed.


The play came to a stumbling stuttering halt as the pop and following sloppy wet queef announced itself.


“What the hell was that?”


“I don't know, but it sounded… really wet.”


The teenagers turned toward Rose, the apparent direction the sound had come from.


Rose reacted by coughing roughly into her hand, the ball of cloth in her mouth discretely spat out and hidden without being seen.


“S-sorry, my throat is really sore and I wanted something to drink but I accidentally squashed it!”


Her tail slid from beneath the bed where it had been hidden, something clutched in the tip. She lifted the object into the air and showed her sisters. It was a wineskin, a flexible leather bottle used to store liquid. The cap had been broken open and wine was spilled down the leather, staining it. 


She squeezed the leather bottle with her tail as if to demonstrate and the last little bit of wine made a wet sound as it dribbled from the top, running down the outside.


“I’m kinda clumsy with my tail I guess aheh.”


“You keep wine under your bed? Wow and I thought I had a drinking problem.”


“Oh come on, what true Lamia doesn’t have a private stash?” said Arrisa, “In fact I know for a fact you have a keg in your closet Julia, so you’re totally full of Kobold dung.”


The purple scaled Lamia shrugged, looking a little embarrassed. 


“Whatever. Look, this next part is really tricky so don't get distracted again. Focus okay.”


Rain stared daggers at the teenager sitting smugly on his dick in the mirror. She had planned that from the start, preparing the wineskin in advance. She knew she could be found out at any moment and she had done it anyway. She was getting off on their precarious situation. She liked this! ...Or maybe it wasn’t that, maybe it was that she thought he was doomed to be found out and she was getting her side of the deal out of Rain before he was discovered and she could no longer use him. ...Or worse, maybe it was both of those things at the same time.


As if to confirm his theory he felt the teenager beginning to squirm her hips, grinding down onto him, her insides gripping down on his knot and length, eager to make him cum. The problem was, the horny girl had no clue just what it meant for Rain to ejaculate, the sheer amount, she just didn’t know! She had no idea what was coming and Rain had no way to warn her.


Julia returned to speaking and then, after a moment, her voice rose in harmony with Arissa.


They began to sing.

Poor or rich under these starry skies.

Come to us, toward our violet eyes.

Green and grey and silvery gold.

Come our flock under our protective fold.

Rose began to ever so slightly bounce, slowly at first, but then faster as Rain could feel her becoming more and more excited, her pussy rippling up and down his length as she forcefully kegeled over and over, secretly fucking him as her sisters sang directly in front of her, their voices heartfelt.

Flitting lives witnessed colours moon.

Mortal thrives blood inopportune.

Coloured cobalt, azure seams.

Searing scarlet, ruby dreams.


For pain it pirouettes, so pretty, pride.

Drowned in the blood of misery's bride.

Malice muzzles all mercy mute.

Suffered at the hands of fate, the brute.


But we here, not long, then gone tomorrow.

Mortal's pain, one song, and sorrow.

An ounce of gold, a pound of rage, will not buy an inch of age.

For time is the fire in which you burn.

Another life for which you yearn.


Now this life and story, heart surrenders.

The whole of you, your soul, the embers.

As your moonlit spirit drifts and flows.

Your level lifts, it lights and glows.

As the two teenagers sang the black clouds began to change, filling with coloured light as the ‘moon’ spread, the clouds going from black to a pastel-tinted chromatic rainbow of soft moving lights passing from cloud to cloud, an ethereal ghostly effect that gave the room an almost holy atmosphere.


The clouds descended and expanded, spilling across the floor and the city, hiding it from view and enveloping it in colourful tinted fog, clouds falling around the Lamia entwined around Rain, over the bed and over mountain of plushies, covering everything in glowing moving coloured mist, sharply reducing vision to a few feet.


It was undeniably pretty, the birth of the leveling system visualised.


Unfortunately, Rain had other more distracting things on his mind, or rather on his dick.


Rose was quickly losing it, her raging teenage horniness overcoming any basic rationality. She began thrusting herself down on the massive cock, visibly bouncing up and down in Rain’s lap, little whimpers escaping her lips as she eagerly climbed toward the promise of an incredible peak.


The aquamarine scaled Lamia called Millie she was resting against finally realized that Rose wasn't just fidgeting because she was bored of the play, and that something was actually wrong with her.


Her eyes moved down from Rose’s flushed face as something pressed against her side, something pushing out from the teenager, her blouse stretching over the shape, a kind of bulging distended length that rose from her tummy.


Puzzled, Millie lifted a hand and reached out, fingers touching down on the bulge, gripping it, eliciting a gasp from Rose who only bounced harder.


“What in the...?” she murmured, feeling the heat of it through the blouse.


She lifted her other hand and squeezed the thing between her palms. Rose moaned. She tried pushing it to the side. Rose gasped, her voice becoming a rising keen as her tail lashed. 


She tried moving her hands up and down, dragging at it then moving up-


She yelped as a pair of hands gripped her wrists, and she found her hands being pressed roughly against the bulge then dragged up and forcefully shoved down, Rose’s outsized strength like manacles around her wrists as she was made to massage the rounded shape.


Rain let out a low groan himself as he felt both the pressure of Rose’s fluttering pussy and the pressure from Millie outside rubbing frantically up and down.


“Oh god, oh fuck, oh gawwddddd! I can't- I can't staaahhhppp!” wailed Rose, openly bouncing up and down now, her gaped pussy being dragged up, nearly slopping back over the knot, before being roughly slammed back down, over and over, her tail lashing between Rain’s legs as she frantically pounded herself on his dick.


“R-Rose what's happening?!”


Rose’s eyes rolled back into her head as she moaned like a slut in heat.




The teenager slammed herself down to the base as hard as she could, her tummy bulge pushing against Millie’s hands.


Her soaked skirt hiked up over her hips as it dragged against Millie’s side, revealing her distended gaped pussy as she came down and she squirted like a bursting barrel, clear fluid spraying from her cunt in a long near straight line, crashing into Millie’s blouse and spraying it down, rising higher as she fell back until it was splashing across Millie’s face and hair, the back spatter flying into the air and raining down over the other teenagers.


Rose’s pussy was a storm of quivering clenching fluttering orgasm and Rain near instantly lost his battle to hold out. His hips thrust of their own accord, bucking up as he exploded into her, cum surging up his length and spraying directly into her eagerly welcoming womb.


She screamed as she came once again, thrashing around, her tail whipping through the air as her upper body rolled back and forth hands scrabbling as she bounced from sister to coiled tail to Rain’s fur, squirting all over her sisters in long powerful sprays, turning everything in reach wet with herself, long lines of sputtering clear fluid pulsing from her pussy, spraying across blouses and skirts and scales, across open mouthed faces as her back arched.


Even as she thrashed her belly started to edge outward, the cock shape softening as she was rapidly filled and filled with thick heavy cum, a smooth clean arc appearing from her breasts down to her mons, her skin becoming taut as it was stretched as another surge flowed into her, swelling her larger making her more fecund with monster cum, more gravid.


She fell across Millie and her cum belly squished against the teenager’s breasts, her blouse reaching the limit of what it could reasonably contain and beginning to be stretched around the dome of her belly. Puckered gaps appeared between the buttons as the fabric became skin tight against her roundness.


Millie cleared the pussy fluid from her eyes and blinked down at the wobbling belly pressing against her.


“Wha-what? Are you p-pregna-


A blouse button popped free and struck her on the nose snapping her head back in surprise. Then another popped free, pinging high into the air, belly spilling free from Rose’s blouse as she expanded. Millie clutched at the swelling belly, grabbing at Rose in a panic, her hands cupping Rose’s belly skin as the last of the blouse tore open and her naked tummy spilled on top of her, ripping her skirt open as it went, an incredibly hot dome that as she watched inched larger.




Howled the Rose as her gravid belly approached eight months pregnant.


Rain stifled a long groan, unable to stop himself as one last long rope of cum sprayed into her, the largest and longest yet, inching her just a little larger as she squirted yet again, her tongue straining from her mouth as her eyelids fluttered and her back arched, tail and arms going stiff, squirting and squirting over herself, down her scales, over her sisters, over the actors, up her cum belly, lightning crackling through her body, her vision filled with flashing popping lights as she peaked like nothing she had felt before, orgasm wasn’t a strong enough word now, this was life changing, mind shattering, indescribable! Scream inducing! and then…. 


It was done.


The teenager flopped limp as wet rope over Millie, her cum belly pressing against her.


Silence. Only the drip drip sound of Rose’s pussy juices falling from many shocked teenagers, their clothing and hair and faces damp with her.


Then, everyone began shouting at once. Magic was used, balls of fire held in thrust out hands, electricity crackling across scales, the clouds reformed, clearing the view and becoming threatening thunderheads. Confused outrage was thick in the air. 


Rose flopped back and forth as Millie grabbed her shoulders and shook her hard, yelling.


After a moment the shaking seemed to finally get through to Rose and the cum drunk teenager abruptly jerked back to reality and was faced with her furious sisters.


She drew in a breath.




The enormous black furred plushie that the girls thought immobile suddenly jerked to life and leapt from the bed with an impossible to stop or even slightly slow strength.


The air became filled with forcibly launched damp teenagers.


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