Chapter 153

◈ Chapter 153:

Rain pulled away from the bookshelf with Lyra held in his grasp. The sheep girl was of course completely stuck tight and fast on his length and wouldn't be coming off any time soon, which was a problem as the fireflies of light buzzing around them clearly indicated that the great library's head librarian was about to find them.


"I don't know how strong she is, and to fight like this?" He glanced down at the sheep girl on his dick, "Is… problematic."


"Then Go!!" whisper-hissed Lyra "Let's get out of here before she finds us!"


Rain nodded and held her tight as he rushed away, the floating lights snapping against his fur as he moved, the occasional one getting past to pop against Lyra's skin causing her to quiver.


He reached to the end of the row of bookcases and nearly tripped over a small red-scaled Kobold who was peeking around the corner, a tent in his loincloth held tight in one hand. He squawked in alarm and fell backwards as he saw Ran, grabbing hold of Opal's leg who was also there, one hand down her shorts


"Were you both freaking watching us?!" cried Lyra in dismay.


Opal shrugged guiltily. "S'hot. So what."


A firefly drifted through the nearest bookshelf and landed on Red's nose. He yelped as it zapped him, grabbing at his muzzle in alarm.


"This time it wasn't me, I had nothing to do with this!" said Vash appearing behind them, his skull wobbling on top of its skeletal rat servant.


"These two peeping on us?"


"What? No, the librarian!"


"Oh, well that's because it was Rose, it has to be, I told you we shouldn't have let her go!"


"Hey, I wanted her to stay too, in Rain's stomach that is."


Another firefly drifted through the shelves and Rain lifted a paw to prevent it touching Opal.


Light was pouring over the shelves by then and an ominous hum filled the air, the librarian drawing alarmingly close.


"Whatever! It doesn't matter now! We've got to go! Rain, grab them and put them in my wool!"


Opal only had a moment to cry out before a paw grabbed her and stuffed her inside Lyra's wool, quickly followed by red and then Vash's skull.


Just in time as the light turned the corner and the real librarian became visible, a floating figure glowing with immense light.


Rain ran for it, darting past the shelves. 


Unfortunately, the librarian caught sight of a tail just disappearing around the corner and charged after, flying through the air, like a wrathful goddess of books determined to make war.


Speed was on Rain's side because while the librarian was fast he was faster and he bounded through the library to Lyra's squealed distress, her cum filled belly sloshing with every step.


The librarian seemed to be aware of this advantage and was countering it by spreading out her fireflies, using her greater knowledge of the layout of the library. Rain turned a corner to find a hall filled with fireflies and had to back away and choose a different path. 


The fireflies seemed to build after that and becoming frustrated he charged through a group only to find the librarian intercepting him a little later, the touch of the flies seemingly pin-pointing his position for her.


"Sh-she's, hnfff, pr-predicting everywhere- oh gawd- that we g-go!"


Rain couldn't disagree with that assessment, the librarian had cornered them in a part of the library with few escape routes. It wasn't long before everywhere he turned there were more fireflies and in the distance a glowing light that always seemed to be approaching around the corner.


"We can't escape!"


Rain grimaced. If that was going to be how it was… fine.


"Wh-what are you doing? You can't fight her with me like thisss!"


"Wasn't planning to."


He turned in one smooth motion and punched the wall, fist connecting with enough force that the stonework cratered before exploding out around the impact point. A few well placed kicks on the lower down parts and an impromptu doorway in the wall had been created. Rain stepped through into another part of the library.


Escaping the librarian was rather a lot easier after that as Rain simply punched his way to the edge of the endless structure, eventually finding a window out onto an alley and dropping down. Lyra activated her invisibility as a glowing drake head peered from the sil and down at the alley looking straight down at them, although failing to see them under Lyra's Skill.


The librarian scowled as her eyes ran up and down the alley, searching but finding nothing before she withdrew and stomped away.


Lyra breathed a sigh of relief as she disappeared from view.


"This all could have been avoided you know, if you hadn't been so harsh on Rose, she's clearly infatuated with you, you didn't need to toss her aside so harshly."


"She just betrayed my confidence for a third time, she revealed where we were to someone. I was absolutely right, she isn't to be trusted, especially since I've barely just met her."


"Yeah, but most people don't have life changing awesome monster sex in the first hour they meet and then fall for the one that made them feel that way."


He squinted down at the sheep girl.


"Maybe that's how she sees it," he reluctantly admitted.


"She for sure sees it that way, you don't know what you do to me and Opal, seriously." She ran a hand down the smooth arc of her belly. "Anyway, we should get moving, I saw the way she was looking at this alley, she knows something is off. I wouldn't be surprised if she is going to fetch a pair of violet spectacles right now." She flapped her hand toward the alley exit. "So, we should get going right?"


Rain shook his head. "Better position. Clothing."


He had her pluck a fresh blouse from the dimensional bag and slip it on, the buttons open over her pregnant looking belly, unbound hair tumbling over her shoulders. He then took hold of the sheep girl, gripping her in his paws, and slowly turned her around, the knot in her pussy dragging at her insides as she twisted eliciting a squeal as her heavy cum belly turned with her until it was facing outward, drooping down slightly as it hung under its own weight. Lyra's legs dangled from his crotch where she was connected as he hauled down her skirt from her waist, the back of her pencil skirt riding up behind her as it hid their obscenity from view. 


Unfortunately the stimulation of so much motion finally got to Lyra and with a flicker her invisibility promptly dropped.


"Take it easy! Y-you broke my magic!"


"I don't have to hold you in place so much this way since you can rest on me more. It should be easier now."


He finished with repositioning her and hiding their connection from view. Then he held one paw resting over her front, something for the sheep girl to cling to.


"F-fine, but go slowly okay! I'm really sensitive down there!"


They set off as the invisibility washed back over them and departed the alley, stepping into the city proper.


It was a warm day in the city with the sun beating down overhead, the sky above a pure blue gradienting up into a deep azure, huge miles high cloud towers vaulting the dome.


And because it was such a nice day it seemed the city was out in force to enjoy it, the streets were stuffed to the absolute brim with people, even in the high level areas where they stepped, fancily dressed levellers in every direction.


Which was a problem as Rain needed to manoeuvre through it without touching anyone. 


The crowd parted suddenly and Rain was forced to leap out of the way as a horse sized green tiger prowled through the crowd, an elf perched atop its back.


Unfortunately that meant sudden motion and Lyra tugged along by the knot in her pussy let out a squeal, clutching at his paw.


The invisibility broke and a giant wolf monster appeared in the crowd for a moment, the sheep girl held by it quickly switching from white wool to black. 


The green tiger's head snapped around with a snarl as it scented Rain, a threat, and bucked against the elf riding on its back.


The invisibility was hastily reapplied and Rain darted back as the tiger came on searching for them even as its mistress kicked at its sides and yelled, rattling the chains around its neck.


"I'm sorry Rain, I c-can't focus properly!"


The invisibility broke again as Lyra moaned, all eyes snapping onto her, those closest stepping back as a murmur went up.


"Slave monster?"


"Running around with an invisible slave?" 


"What does she think she is doing?"


Grumbled the crowd.


"I c-can't bring it back! I need a moment without moving Rain!"


Her hand darted out and pointed, an open air cafe with chairs and tables that spilled onto the street.


"There, go sit!"


Not liking his chances with the wooden chairs, Rain spotted an iron bench and quickly moved over to it, sitting down to hide his penetration of the sheep girl from public view.


Her belly pressed up against the cafe table as his legs spread either side of it. They got a lot of confused looks from other customers.


Lyra waved nervously, mouthing the word 'slave' at those staring at her.


But before those staring could respond a snarl came from the crowd and the tiger barreled through, knocking people to the ground as it roared, foam spilling from its mouth as the crazed thing bucked trying to throw the elf from its back.


It succeeded at last, throwing her as it twisted, tail lashing, and the elf alighted on the paving with an elegance that belied her struggle to keep the tiger under control.


The tiger seeing this lunged for her in an out of control fury, maw opening wide as it aimed to tear her face off.


The elf turned and her hands flashed out even as her stance shifted, becoming wide and steady to take the tiger's charge.


The tiger's long sabre like teeth collided with the elf's hands as she formed fists gripping them tightly. and then she violently twisted from her core, her arms whipping around each other, a twisting motion rising up from her legs, through her torso, then through her arms and into the tigers head, violently turning it in an instant.


A grizzly crunch-snap filled the air as the tiger's body caught up with its stationary head and the snapped neck behind it, huge mass curling up over itself as it went from motion to an abrupt stop.


The elf let the limp tiger fall from her grip. It flopped to the ground dead and unmoving.


The crowd stared at the dead tiger and then at the elf.


"Hmm, not even worth a level single level, I knew I was overpaying for this garbage."


She turned and stalked away leaving the massive dead tiger on the paving like so much discarded trash, a food wrapper tossed aside.


"This… might not be the best place to get into a fight,'' whispered Lyra, "Like, don't bet on winning, gods knows what kind of levelers are in the crowd."


Rain grumbled. "Then make us invisible so we can get out of here."


"I- I can't! stop doing that to me!"


"Doing what!"


"Rubbing against my sensitive parts!"




Lyra blinked and turned to find a waitress with a notepad standing by her.


"Erm, y-yes?"


"Your order?"


"Uh, just a coffee please!"


The waitress nodded and stepped away.


"Hnnf seriously R-Rain," she hissed, "Stop doing that!"


Rain blinked wondering what she meant and looked her over.


The problem was obvious once he was looking for it of course, she had made her wool black as a disguise once the invisibility dropped and that black wool was now brushing against parts of his body as she lay against him, preventing her from focusing on her tricky invisibility Skill, their magical connection being stimulated in that certain way, driving the sheep girl to distraction.


In fact, he could feel her pussy clamping down on his length in reaction to their touching, practically rippling up and down as the sheep girl was trapped in a recursive loop. The touch of the wool caused her to twitch and clench which in turn shifted her wool against him which stimulated her again.


He would be lying if he said it didn't feel really good. 


But they were in effect trapped in public.


"Oh gosh how far are you along?" came a voice.


He turned his head to find a human leveler dressed in an extremely expensive looking dress standing by them, her jewel-encrusted fingers clasped together, red curly hair falling around her shoulders as her blue eyes studied Lyra. Another two of what Rain strongly suspected were noble Ladies stood behind her.


"Uhhwha?" warbled Lyra barely holding herself together.


"Your pregnancy girl, you must be nearly at term now judging by your size."


"I- uhm y-yeah, I'm uh, pregnant with my h-husbands, an elf!, baby, uhm…"


"Aww, she's adorable, don't you think?" said the red head turning to her friends.


"I just want to know where she got a monster like this one," said one, a lapine with dyed pink ears. "It's got that look Audrey, you know, the look."


"It's just a regular monster, nothing special, hnnfff," Lyra managed to get out as her pussy clenched up over and over, her hips slightly shifting up and down, Rain's knot dragging slightly at her labia as she bounced.


"Nothing special? Hah! You get a sense for these things darling, and a one with a look such as this is worth far more than most, it's the eyes I believe, they have the look of a monster that has killed countless other monsters, they just scream danger, much unlike that spoilt tiger the elf disposed of," the third lady said, a fan in her hand and breezing herself in the summer sun. She looked up at Rain and he gave her a death stare. She shuddered and took an involuntary step back, fan dropping down.


"Oh hush you, it's impolite to ask about a lady's monster, especially one who is using it to protect her vulnerableness," said Audrey.




"Why yes, carrying to term a child as a leveler is ever fraught with danger, at least if one wants to a leg up in the race to level ever higher. Why, the number of pregnant women who I've seen doing battle in the dungeon with young children clinging to their legs, is just terrible. But with you I suppose you don't have anything to worry about."


As she spoke Lyra's grinding on Rain's length was becoming more and more intense and to his dismay he found himself rising toward a second orgasm. The red headed noble woman seemed obvious to this, but the Ladies behind her had started to give them confused looks, eyes darting down to Lyra's shifting hips.


"I- I have to w-worry about a lot -eep, a-actually!" squeaked Lyra.


The waitress arrived with her coffee and carefully placed it on the table as she spoke, even she was giving Lyra curious looks as she stepped away.


"Always a worry for a mother, which is another thing, how many children are you expecting? Wait, don't tell me, I'm an old hand at this."


To Lyra's utter horror the woman darted down, leaning over the table to press her ear against the surface of her cum belly.

A moment passed in dizzying frozen dismay.


"Strange," said the noble woman after a moment, "I… haven't heard anything quite like this before…"


"Wh-whats wrong with my babies!?" squawked Lyra, as her insides continued to squeeze down and massage Rain's cock.


"I… It sounds rather… wet? In there?"


"Weeeett?" moaned out Lyra, finally losing her battle over her self control and thrusting herself down against the cock she was speared on. "D-Don't be, s-silly, hnyfff!"


"Hnnggh," groaned out Rain as Lyra orgasmed, in turn her pussy convulsing up and down his length.


Rain's paw which had been resting on the arm of the bench closed and with a groan of metal the arm crumpled beneath his paw. The three nobles looked at the crushed metal in alarm. Although that was nothing compared to their alarm when Lyra's belly started to expand once more as Rain ejacualted into her, the metal table making a screeching racket as it was slowly pushed away as she grew, the coffee sloshing from the cup resting on top as she easily reached nine months pregnant in size.




Unable to keep her lips clamped tight any longer Lyra let out a long wail, her face flushing bright red as every customer in the cafe turned to stare at her.


"It's too mucchh Rainnn!"


That was true, it seemed like her belly was reaching the limits of its capacity, slowing as it became hard with its pressured filling.


Of course, Rain was still surging load after load into her and with nowhere else to go there was a certain amount of escapage, then a lot of escapage.

A lance of white exploded out from the side of Lyra's rear from where her skirt was hiked up, a high pressure hose of seed that sprayed down the legs of the noble ladies standing next to them eliciting cries of alarm.


The next spray was even greater, shooting from between her legs and under the table splattering and puddling across the cafe floor, the third from the other side, launching into the passing crowd, and it was only getting worse as the backflow increased.


"Rain run!" cried out Lyra in distress as she realised that things were rapidly unravelling and soon everyone would know she was riding her monster's cock.


Rain was trying to stem himself but realising it was a losing battle lurched from the bench, knocking over the table even as cum sprayed up his chest from Lyra's behind.


"Wh-what is this substance?" said one of the ladies lifting her hand and smelling the globs of white sticking to her fingertips, "Is this, is this freaking cum?!?"


Lyra shifted her hips to the side with a groan and cum exploded in all directions, plastering the noble ladies from head to toe even as Lyra clutched at her belly and moaned.

"R-Run dammit!"


Rain sprinted from the cafe, cum going in every direction as the three noble lady's screamed with fury, magic and lightning exploding from fists and fingers. He scooped up the chains of the tiger in passing and darted down the nearest alleyway before they could take aim.


Despite the lady's rage and desire to kill they struggled to follow, quickly finding that high heels didn't make for particularly good footing when covered in cum. They fell about on the paving, slipping and sliding in the goopy white, apoplectic with anger but helpless to give chase.


The sheep girl and her monster slave escaped into the endless back streets.


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