Chapter 154

◈ Chapter 154:

"The problem is," whispered Lyra, "Is if anyone starts asking questions. I can't prove I'm strong enough to control you Rain, any check on my level and they will instantly know that you aren't anyones slave, especially as you have no provable heart pin, and that's not even to mention that I don't hold a permit for you from the Ranker."


"Questions will come because you don't look strong enough to control me."

"Hey! I resent that accurate statement!"


He tilted his head, the chains around his neck shifting and rattling, his 'slave chains'. In reality they weren't doing much, copper chains, enchanted with something or other and a little corroded with green verdigris, they hung loosely around his shoulders. They weren't really chains to bind but reins for someone to direct what they were riding with, specifically the dead tiger monster he had taken them from. 


Still useful enough to give the illusion of being bound, even if they made him feel uncomfortable and itchy to the point he half wondered if the enchantment on them was doing something.


The main advantage was that a lot less people were interested in him in the higher leveler quarters, barely drawing a glance as he appeared pretty much as the elf and her tiger had, a powerful influential leveler allowed by the Ranker to own a dangerous monster slave through dint of might.


That facade of protection of course didn't work so well once they started to leave the higher leveler quarter where the desperate and more observant noticed the issues with the disguise. More than once a number of levelers approached, only warded off by Lyra's words about terrible injury and death, but it seemed eventually even that wasn't enough. The desperate saw the gamble of opportunity, the ambitious saw riches of levels.


The largest attack came once they stepped into the city slums.


Nearly a hundred levelers swarmed from the alleyways. They surrounded Rain on all sides and drew blades, axes, clubs, glancing at each other as much as Rain, wary of how much the value of the monster might be lowered by sharing it with so many.


Lyra looked around in dismay.


"You're seriously going to try this? Just look at this monster of a monster! He'll tear your arms and legs off and eat them! And just think about it, if a monster is this strong I've got to be super ultra strong to control him right?"


One of the more gaunt and desperate looking stepped forward and raised his arms.


"Then kill me where I stand girl, gods know it would be a good enough farewell to this hellish city." He spat at Rain's feet. "Somehow I doubt you're capable."


Lyra looked at him blankly. "Uhhh, Rain, little help?"


Rain lifted a paw.


"Wait wait, maybe don't hurt him, just show him you mean business."


Rain hesitated, a talon covered centipede half emerged from his fur. 




"What do you mean how?"


"I can't touch him without his skin disintegrating. How am I supposed to show I mean business without touching him?"


"Err… well, bring out that horrible cat chimaera thing you keep around, that should scare them properly."


"It will likely slaughter them all in seconds."


"So hold it in place and tell it not to slaughter them all to death in seconds!"


The group of increasingly concerned levelers were pushed aside as someone made their way into the circle, striking at legs with a cane to get the crowd to move out his way.


An old man, one with a heavy furred coat, pierced ears, a pair of gold spectacles perched on his reddened nose, and with ring encrusted hands appeared.


"Back off now, back off you silly buggers!" he bellowed at the levelers clumsily waving his cane around.


Lyra blinked and turned her head to see the man. He wasn't alone, two scantily clad Lapine  girls followed on either side, each of them weighed down by an impressive array of jewelry and corsets.


"Hey… don't I know you…?"


The old man grinned, flashing many gold teeth. 


"Don't recognise the one you saved from your big bad beast lass?"


"The old man in the cabin, after we left the dungeon, it's you!"


He gave a dramatically low bow, tipping his feathered hat. "The one and only. A man reborn thanks to your most wonderful generosity." 


His gaze drifted down to the swell of her belly.


"Uhh, I don't quite remember-


"I just ate a lot, ignore it."




"Do you want me to take the gold back?"


"Okay okay, I see you don't want to talk about it, reckon you must have been hiding it with some fancy city magic last we met, it not being your husband's I assume."

"Something like that." Lyra glanced at the uncertain looking levelers around them. If they were going to attack, the moment had more than passed. She made shooing motions with her hands.


"Well? Go on then, you aren't getting anything from us so shoo!"


Reluctantly the crowd disappeared, filtering back into the slums.


The old man scratched his beard thoughtfully once they were alone.


"Names Horus by the way." He eyeballed the chains around Rain's neck. "And I know for a fact that those chains are doing diddly squat because that ain't a slave."


Lyra grinned. "You know how it is."


"No lass, I don't. A monster is a monster, even one befriended."


"You can think what you like, I don't care." graveled Rain.


Horus eyed rain, having to lean back a bit with his new height.


"Aye I can, and I can say it's a tad worrying seeing you'se so much larger, what the hell have you been feeding this thing lass."


"Oh you know, a few nicely cooked steaks, some sausages, a clan of orcs, a glass of milk."


"Wait what was that one-"


"Don't worry about it, it's fiiine."


Rain had started walking again and the old man followed, the two long legged Lapines stepping in his wake.


"I do worry, I worry because this monster of yours just oozes danger," he paused in thought, "Which reminds me, what did I unleash on Lynthia by letting you go?"




"Lynthia is gone," graveled Rain.


The old man froze mid step. "G-Gone?" Rain didn't stop walking however and he had to hurry to catch up.


"Dammit Rain, you didn't need to to say it like that," hissed Lyra, then louder, "It, uh, came under attack from a succubus, but don't worry everyone made it out okay, I believe the refugees are headed here as we speak."


"I suppose that's… good, as much as those fuckers fucked me over the town didn't need to disappear." The old man stroked his beard in consideration. "Let me guess, this succubus had something to do with the Ranker." 


"Yes, how did you know?"


"I didn't, but I was well aware that warlord prick was involved with the occult." 


"The town survived, but he didn't, or his harem." 


Horus perked up hearing that, "Is that so? that's good to hear, I've never met such a vicious cruel group in all my years, just the things they did in public alone," he shuddered. "Thems get their comeuppance and the rest of 'em being made refugees? That's some damned tasty karma that is." 


"Aren't you kind of a refugee yourself?"


"Me? No lass, I-" he puffed out his chest, "-Am an investor."




"That means I buy up merchant houses."


"Yes, I know what bloody investment is, but you are, no offense, a herdsman who literally lived in the backwoods of bumfuck nowhere not long ago."


"Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm not straying from my woodtrack on this, I only invest in houses that deal with livestock and horses and the like, which I'm familiar with, the sort that I got the expertise to buy up cheap."


"Uhm…You, uh, d-do that? Ch-cheaply?"


"Course I do, you would not believe the bargains I'm getting what with everyone being spooked away by the thefts, all that cattle stock just up and vanishing into thin air." He tapped his ruddy nose, "I'm in for the long haul though, so many animals can't keep getting nicked by rustlers forever, at some point things will go back to normal and then I'll be so rich it'll curl your fingernails."


"Uhh, y-yeah, sure…"


He held out his hand and one of the scantily clad Lapine's produced a metal box from which he plucked a folded scrap of paper.


"I best be going, I'm off to buy half a hundred mark of horse flesh, but if you're ever in trouble lass come visit me and mine at this address and I'll try help. Mind, that's a point, if the refugees are coming here I suppose I can prepare something of a welcome for them, if only to see the expressions of those who wronged me."


A wicked gold toothed grin appeared on the old man's wrinkled face and a spring appeared in his step as he practically skipped away, the two Lapine bunnies hanging off his shoulders.


Lyra waved vaguely at him as she watched him go.


"He seems… nice," she mumbled.


Rain grunted non-comitally in reply.


They made their way deeper into the slums, and as Lyra calmed down she managed to regain her invisibility, mostly, only a few moments of blinking back to visibility before they reached the empty area of alleys around Warwick's compound. There Lyra made them wait until Rain started to soften, then awkwardly pulled herself free as he sat. She struggled up, legs quivering, breath coming in pants as Rain cleaned off with a cleaning potion.


She bit her lip as she looked down at her rounded belly, practically holding it up with her arms.


"I uh, need to empty…"


"So do it here."


"In this dirty horrible alley? With Bean hanging around somewhere?! No way!"


"So what are you going to do?"


The sheep girl huffed. "I'm going to empty myself in Warwick's bathroom, obviously. Now come."


She began walking down the street, well, waddling like a duck, her arms hugged around her pregnant looking belly as she moved.


Rain followed in her wake feeling a bit bemused watching her. 


Making their way up the stairs to Warwick's compound took a while and Rain ended up practically carrying the sheep girl, stepping over the twice repaired steps. They finally reached the top and spilled out the doorway together with Red and Opal now freed from Lyra's wool to find Warwick and his wife along with Pickle and two other children about to start eating a meal set out on the outdoor dining table.


They all turned their heads to see a very pregnant looking Lyra wearing a librarian outfit. Lyra flushed beet red and with an EEP! dashed toward the bathrooms.


Their gaze followed her before returning to Rain who shrugged.


"She ate too much."


Lyra slammed shut the bathroom door, frantically sliding the bolt home as she panted for breath, her cheeks glowing hot red with sheer embarrassment. Why did Warwick's entire freaking family have to see her like this, gosh! She was going to have to go hard on the lies after this one, maybe she ate too much? Yes, that was probably her best bet.


She glanced down at her rounded belly. Okay, maybe she ate more than too much, maybe she accidently took part in an eating contest and her competitive side took over. 


For the moment however she really needed to deal with this, as much as it felt strangely wonderful to be filled with so much heavy warmth in her core it was still not something that she could keep forever. Although a little voice in the back of her mind very much wanted to stay like this forever.


She shook her head. No, it had to go.


Lyra turned to find the toilet, a surprisingly advanced thing that actually connected to the city's sewers. The slums might have been slums, but the original buildings beneath it all had been built as the rest of the city, white stone buildings of a standard quality.


She wiggled her hips, slipping her skirt over her legs and flicking them aside before turning and carefully perching herself over the toilet, her huge pregnancy lying heavily in her lap.


"Gods just how much did you put in me…" she mumbled looking down. Rain had of course cum not once but twice into her, filling her to the absolute limit. Tea to make her body more flexible or not it still felt like she couldn't take a single thimbleful more of his seed, which might have been why there had been so much backflow at the cafe. Now that made her want to shrivel up with embarrassment. What the hell had she been thinking?!


She had mostly been thinking about sex if she was honest, the stimulation from both Rain being inside of her and his touch on her black wool had turned her temporrily insane.


Wiggling her hips she tried to push down, squeezing out the gallons of cum with her body.


Nothing happened and she found herself feeling silly. It was almost like her body was resisting being emptied, desperately trying to hold his seed inside.


"Goddammit body you can't keep it," she muttered. Hesitantly she wrapped her arms around her size and hugged herself.


A feeling of pressure built in her core as her arms squeezed, something on the verge of escaping, straining deep in her pussy, until suddenly the damn broke in a rush.


Her body went stiff and she gasped aloud as what felt like an incredible amount of viscous fluid gushed from her pussy, a continual solid stream that made her legs tremble and her muff tingle and her toes curl.


Minutes passed of just softly moaning and trembling as she emptied herself of boiling hot seed, a solid waterfall of white that oozed from her reddened puss and disappeared into the toilet's bottomless depths, her cum belly slowly receding back to smooth and flat as she emptied herself. 


It was an extremely satisfying feeling of release to say the least.


But at last she was done and she stood, wiping away the last of the white from her lower lips with toilet paper. 


She felt, well, she felt sweaty and disheveled and deeply satisfied to her very soul. Her near death experience already felt like a distant memory. 


One thing was for sure though, she needed a damned bath.


She peeked out the door of the building. Warwick's family had convinced Rain and the others to join them in eating it seemed. That was fine with Lyra, it gave her the time and privacy she needed.


She sneaked out and silently slipped into the bathhouse next door. The bathhouse was a great tiled thing, a gently steaming pool in the center. Something left over from when Warwick had run a more lucrative business with his peers.


Rain had been permanently banned from using the bath of course after he sat in it and displaced all of the water, making a tidal wave that washed through the door and flooded the grassy square outside.


She eased down into the water, the heat rising up her legs until it was washing up her torso then rising up to her breasts, until her unbound long hair was floating around her. She let out a long weary sigh of relief. 


Her eyes closed and she simply soaked in the wonderful relaxing heat. Really, apart from being ejaculated into in public it was hard to know a better day, playing out a personal fantasy, really really amazing sex, and then relaxing in the bath. What wasn't to love?


A noise tugged at her ears and she cracked an eye to see someone moving in the steam. 


Opal was there, struggling a little in the deeper end until she drew close.




"Uh, hey,"


The goblin girl shuffled uncomfortably close and peered up at Lyra, one eyebrow raised.


"Sooo, how did it go? The sex?"


"W-weren't you eating with-?- I, erm, mean, well, it went… okay…"


"Details, give me details!"


"I play pretended being a librarian being hunted by a big bad monster, what more do you want to know?"


Opal huffed. "More than that, gods, give me the goods, how did you do it?"


"Uh, w-well, I don't know if I really feel comfortable speaking-"

Opal lunged forward and grabbed at her breasts, her hands mauling at Lyra's nipples causing her to yelp in surprise.


"Did he grab you like this as he fucked you? How hard did he go? Did you drink his seed? How long did he last? you've clearly already been affected."


Lyra whimpered as the goblin girl heaved and pulled at her chest.


"Sto-p- W-wait what do you mean affected?!"


"You can't tell? Hmm, interesting. Quick, tell me if you had to drink his cum!"


Lyra blushed, completely out of her depth with the situation, a girl was giving her a lewd bathroom massage while pumping her for answers, literally!  


"N-no Opal, I d-did not d-drink of him, w-well apart from a little, but that's not the same!"


"Interesting, interesting," Opal pushed close, her own breasts pressing up against Lyra's as she stared up at her, studying her face.


"And how did it make you feel when he blew a belly busting load in you?"


"Wha- you can't just ask a girl that Opal!!"

"Tell me."


"Look, I understand you might be feeling a little jealous with not being able to do it right now but you can't just-


"Tell. Me. Everything. In detail."


Lyra squirmed on her seat, getting more and more set off balance by the goblin's intensity, the sensation of her nipples being milked at by expertly teasing fingers.

"OKAY! Fine!... It felt, it felt like I could barely contain him, but that wasn't a bad feeling, no it felt good, and that was without him moving… Then…when he began to thrust into me, hnff, there was this tingling all over but especially from down there you know? That just built in these powerful surging downwaves, building me higher and higher until I couldn't breathe, becoming so intense I couldn't speak, I couldn't think, until I’m throwing my head back and screaming, until I feel like I can't take it anymore and everything is roaring in my ears! Ahnnn!”


Lyra was becoming more confident as she spoke, Opal's massaging increasing in intensity until Lyra found herself lost in the sensation. The goblin girl seemed to be some kind of master, had she been practicing or something?!


"Then after reaching the peak I come crashing down, floppy limp, my whole body glowing and pulsing until it focuses back on my core, my pussy is left contracting over and over with the aftershocks around his still stiff cock and it feels amaaaazing! -HNNNF O-Opal!- Each contraction is fast and so strong at first, then slowing, until I’m so sensitive that I can barely move! The afterglow feels like I’m high and I just want to lay there stuffed full with so much of his cum in my womb, ahn! J-Just feeling incredible and complete, like a deep need to be bred has been satisfied that never could have been beforeeee- oh god OH! OH!”


Her body stiffened as Opal's mauling motions reached a climax and Lyra gasped aloud, eyelids fluttering as she flopped back against the pool edge, little buzzy feelings rolling up her down her body as she bathed in the feeling Opal had drawn from her chest, her eyes closed, heart pounding.


It took her a moment to recover.


"Wh-what the fuck was that Opal?!"


There was no reply and Lyra opened her eyes to find that no one else was in the pool with her, she was alone.




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