
Chapter 42 – Void Space


Merla opened her eyes. A fog rapidly spread out from her body, and enveloped the tree her family lived in. Meena and Laenda were asleep, but Merla's awareness was inside the void space, and at her sides were the goddesses.

'What do you wish to do with them, Merla?' Fayeth asked her gently. She leaned down and lifted Merla into her arms. She hugged her against her large breasts, and sucked in her breath as Merla's fangs sank into the surface of her divine flesh.

This was a spiritual plane, where her mature self could interact with them, and enjoy their presence. She couldn't use this version of herself for a long time, as it only rose up when she had enough energy, usually when the goddesses were there.

'Tree, tie them down, and make sure they can not move. Firmly hold the torch, and do not extinguish it. Wrap their throats, but don't kill. The morning sun will reveal their evil thoughts.' She looked at Fayeth, and a small grin spread over her lips.

'Your thoughts come through loud and clear, my little love.' She said with a smirk. She looked at her sister, and nodded.

'Of course, Fayeth.' Faylen said. 'I shall enjoy her with you, while she has the energy to spend.'

Faylen just revealed a little of why Merla's other half rose up. Mental or spiritual energy that was formed while she was rebuilt within the void space, had to coalesce and gather enough for her to access that side of her personality.

Faylen smiled gently at Merla, and reduced their spiritual size to match her own.

Fayeth enveloped Merla with her soft white wings, and was cocooned by the black leathery ones of her sister. After only a few minutes, Faylen laughed softly.

'She is so perverted. I can't wait until she comes home again.'


* * *


"Yawn." Merla slowly opened her eyes and frowned when she saw her mother, Lyra, holding her.

"Momma? Why here? Why not with momma?" Merla asked. Lyra sighed a bit, and closed her eyes.

"You wouldn't wake up, baby." Lyra said quietly. "It's late in the afternoon." Merla's mouth opened wide.

"Afternoon? Why Merla so tired?" She asked herself. Her memories of the night before were hazy, and all she could remember were some soft pillows, and warmth that surrounded her entirely.

Merla noticed that her mother didn't look happy, nor did she appear to look relieved now that she was awake.

"What wrong? Momma not better Merla wake up?" Merla asked. Lyra grimaced.

"That's not the problem, baby." She cleared her throat a bit. She looked up, which made Merla turn her head. "Can you tell her?"  Traya stood behind Traya, and now knelt down in front of her.

"Traya? You look mad." Merla said.

"My former mate, Hice, and her two parents, were found near the trunk of the tree with a torch." Traya noticed her confusion. "Your home tree trunk. With a lit torch so they wouldn't be caught using a flame expression inside the town." She watched as Merla's eyes narrowed.

"Tree not burned. They stop?" She asked carefully. Traya shook her head. Laenda and Tazaa stepped forward.

"No, baby." Laenda said, and knelt down too. "The tree's roots tied them down, and stopped them from committing the crime they intended." Laenda said. She grimaced a bit as she heard someone swearing, while Merla's eyes narrowed.

"Big momma?" She asked.

"We are here, little one." A voice called out from downstairs. "We were waiting for you to wake up before we got the tree to release them so we can take care of the criminals."

"Tree. Put out torch." Merla said. "Break arms. Release." Merla yawned softly, and leaned in to Lyra's arms. "Momma hug Merla. Grammie. Traya. Follow big momma's order." She snuggled in to Lyra's chest.

"Too much dark. Merla want momma snuggle."


* * *


Vanya watched as the tree snapped the arms of the three orcs, and extinguished the torch with water magic. She saw the usage of manna, and the source beast cores placed within artifacts scattered about the tree's branches.  She marveled at the usage, and seeming forethought as she was sure those cores were not there before.

The roots released them right after, which gave them time to stand up and prepare to use a magical expression.  Hice and her mothers began to gather manna to use an expression, which was a foolish act.  They had the time, but shouldn't have used it to try and attack.

"Tree! Drain manna!" Merla called out. The roots wrapped around their throats again, and drained their manna pool so they would be too weak to use an expression. After a few minutes, the roots released them again.

"Damned mutant!" Hice said angrily. Vanya's eyes narrowed, while Lixiss smirked.

"Mutant? An orc child blessed by Duality is a mutant? Huh." She turned her head. "Momma, what do you think?" Tazaa stepped forward, the growl on her lips low, but soon, her eyes turned black. Lixiss shuddered as she felt the now familiar presence of her goddesses within Tazaa again.

"Stupid child." Hice paled as the aggressive pressure was aimed right at her. "You and your parents are filled with enough hatred to taint even the most innocent of children." 'Tazaa' turned, and looked right at the trembling Vanya. Vanya still didn't have any real defense that could shield her from the presence of their goddesses, but she did not feel the same amount of fear as the last time.

This time it was a bit worse.

"No forgiveness." Duality is angry.


* * *


Lyra held Merla to her chest, while Merla laid her hand on her swollen belly, slowly rotating a swirl of manna within her womb.

"Merla protect sister." Merla whispered, as she stroked the fetus, and strengthened her gently. "When Talyn born, only people love sister near." Merla's actions of a gentle infusion of manna on a near daily basis would allow her sister to grow up strong, but also feel Merla's affection from within her mother's belly.

She didn't understand how so many other people could do these bad things. Orc fangers adopting adult humans as children and letting them do evil to the other orcs. Orcs developing so much hatred for tuskers that they had to bully and beat the smallest one they could find.

For the most part, she came across good people. Her family was quite warm and loving to each other, even if they had some rough edges. Meena was a wonderful soft orc that she couldn't stop thinking about. Traya's family was supportive of her, and her mothers wanted to help her to grow strong enough to be a dominant orc, as was her role.

Merla had already read Traya's memories, and how fond she was of her mothers. Now that she had a primary wife, things would not be the same anymore. However, Traya's mother was now different than before.

Traya, and her mother, Vantra, would assist Tazaa with pleasing the ones who submitted to Merla. Laenda's lusts would cool in the winter, while Yanna's lusts would always be triggered by the number of orcs she had to please at one time.

Orcs were the strongest of the forest, with strong passions and lusts. The fangers were extremely loyal to their tusker, and could tolerate multiple wives when necessary. However, fangers would only submit to one tusker, while tuskers could have several fangers submit to them.

Merla was the only exception to this general rule, as she had multiple fangers and tuskers submit to her. Though she was an orc originally, and taken to Earth to become human to strengthen her spirit, now she was neither an orc, nor a human.

Her spirit is able to endure close companionship with the goddesses of their world, which makes her unique among the mortal races.

Merla is their future mate, her spirit strengthened enough to endure their presence, and enjoy their lusts. Her physical body is still weak, while her magical essence continues to grow stronger, and her spirit grows stronger as well.

The only real problem is that while her body is so young, and she's not yet matured physically, her bodily control has been stunted. Not her growth, but her actual control over her body.

Like a child who learns to walk, if they are doing too many things while trying to walk, they will never learn properly. Merla is constantly circulating manna, scanning the surroundings, growing her manna pool, and building her void space into a new reality, like the living space of Duality.

It will take longer for her to learn the basics. However, one thing is clear. She is the beloved mortal mate of Duality.

There is no mercy for anyone who intends to bring her harm.


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