
Chapter 43 – Not a Scholar


"How is she?" Tazaa asked Lyra as she walked in to the main room. Merla laid on Lyra's lap, slowly stroking her mother's belly, blue manna gently kneaded and ever so slowly strengthened the embryo within Lyra's womb.

"Sad." Lyra said simply, and sighed a bit. "She's been exposed to an assassin, angry and hateful orcs, and ones who would kill her family due to that unreasonable hatred." Tazaa sat down at Lyra's feet and lightly rubbed Merla's back.

"That would make anyone sad, let alone a child." Tazaa said softly. Laenda sat down beside her mate and rubbed Merla's back as well.

"I keep forgetting that she is a child, not a goddess." Laenda said softly. "She healed me, Taz, and Taen. Fixed things within us that our healers can't even soothe, let alone heal. She makes artifacts, uses expressions unheard of, and binds our consciousness so that we can withstand the presence of Duality. Yet, she is a child. She's strong, but she's a child. She needs to be protected, nurtured, and spoiled a bit." Lyra snorted.

"She's plenty spoiled. Who do you know has ever forced an adult orc to submit at the age of two? We've let her get away with whatever she wanted, just because she can do what she wants to do." Lyra poked Merla's cheek. "Just because you can do something, doesn't mean you should. Merla should rely on us a lot more." Merla looked up at her.

"Baby." Lyra stopped herself from scolding her, as tears rolled down her cheeks. Her first baby, her daughter that had already died and been returned to them by their goddesses, was silently crying while on her lap. Her chest began to hurt as she watched those silent tears fall.

"Why people evil, momma?" Merla asked in a small voice. Lyra groaned inside.

How could she answer a question like that, and not make things so much worse? She was a mother, not a scholar.

"Baby, I..."

Tazaa moved forward, and touched Merla's back. Merla turned towards her and looked into Tazaa's eyes.

"Merla, there are all sorts of orcs, just like there are all sorts of demi humans, werewolves, and humans. Some have good intentions, while some have wicked intentions. The results, as well as the methods, are what define us." Tazaa said gently. "You could have good intentions, but use power badly, and use cruel means to achieve the result you want. That would make you cruel." Merla blinked.

"Not understand, grammie." She said, but Tazaa could see a bit of the confusion was gone.

"If you want to make a good place to live, you would use a healthy seed for a tree. You would give clean manna to the tree, fresh water, and compost for it to absorb. You would remove rotten branches, moss and lichen, remove worms boring into the bark, and stop pests from chewing through the bark, which would kill the tree." Tazaa said. "If you didn't provide clean water, or used flame imbued manna, the tree wouldn't respond. It's still manna, and still water, but the tree wouldn't like it. So the result you want, and the methods, or actions, are all important parts of how you live." Merla stayed silent for a minute or so, and her tears slowly stopped.

"Not result only. Method. Intent." Merla pursed her lips. "Still sad, but not confused. Thank you, grammie." Merla said softly, and turned over on Lyra's lap.

"Momma hug Merla. Merla still sad and need hugs." Lyra smiled gently and lifted Merla so she could rest against her chest.

"Your mothers will always hug you, baby." She said gently. "Because your mothers love you."


* * *


Taen walked into the room and saw how many people were around Lyra and Merla, and how somber the mood was. She sighed a bit, but walked towards her daughter now held on Lyra's lap.

"Merla." Taen called out. Merla turned, and as soon as she saw Taen, her little face scrunched up.

"Momma!" She called out and started to cry all over again. Taen scooped her up and held her firmly to her chest.

"For all your strength, you're still my baby girl, aren't you?" Taen asked gently. Merla slowly nodded, and hiccuped as she cried in Taen's arms. Her small hands reached up and wrapped around Taen's tusks. Small amounts of manna flowed into Taen's body, a slow gentle flow that was only meant to give them a connection, so she could feel Taen's presence.

"Baby, tonight you have to sleep in our bed. You may wish to cuddle with Meena, or your grammie, but tonight, I need you near to me and Lyra." She hugged her tightly. "Between that stump of an assassin, and those boar nuggets that tried to burn down our home, I want to feel my daughter sleep beside me tonight." Merla slowly nodded.

"Meena sleep with mommas too?" She asked.

"Meena will sleep with your grammies tonight, baby." Taen looked over at Meena, and knew she would also need comfort, and her parents could give it to her. "You will sleep with us. We missed a good two cycles of your life, and I don't want to miss any more of it."

"Okay, momma. Merla need snuggles. Merla sad." She put her face on Taen's chest, and closed her eyes. Taen smiled gently down at her.

"I know, baby. I wouldn't be much of a parent if I didn't understand how this might make a child feel." Taen sat down beside Meena on the bench. She firmly squeezed Meena's upper thigh.

"Stay with my parents tonight, Meena. Merla isn't yet able to understand what you need, but we do." Taen looked at Traya. "Make sure you handle the squad properly tonight, Traya. She is not able to give instructions tonight, but you should already know how to organize the squads, with night watches, and patrols. Don't overwork your charges, and go out on a hunt in the morning to provide for their proper upkeep." Tazaa lifted an eyebrow, but Taen looked at her firmly.

"You too, mother. In the morning, when Merla feels better, go on a hunt, and make sure you bring a few cores back. Merla can make some artifacts that should provide for the upkeep of her people." Taen said. Tazaa slowly nodded, and took Meena's hand.

"My granddaughter would agree, so we shall obey." She took Laenda's hand as well. "Come on, Meena. There are some things that need to be taken care of before dark, and you can help Laenda with them. I'll go out for materials for the artifacts, and see if I can find a boar. I'll hunt in the morning as well, as we are Merla's people." Traya nodded.

"Agreed. Um...Taen, should I also go hunting?"


* * *


Meena looked down at Laenda and felt her fangs sink into her fleshy breasts. She groaned softly as Tazaa entered her from behind.

"Merla is your future wife, Meena, but all parents take care of their children, and their needs until their mate is capable." Her large member sank all the way in, and made Meena roll her eyes.

"I have something for you, Meena." Tazaa said, and leaned down. Her mouth closed, and her teeth sank into her shoulder.

A sliver of manna slid within Meena's body, and incited her lusts. Meena felt herself get swept along, and groaned as Tazaa's tusks sank into her skin as well. Laenda smirked, and bit her breasts firmly. A new thread of manna slid into her body, and pushed her to new heights.

'Merla wants us to look after you, Meena.' Tazaa's voice sounded within her mind. 'This is the gift she gave to you. We'll take her place tonight, and every night you need us. Until your wife is able to take you herself.' Meena groaned as that thick shaft started to move within her.

Tazaa grinned, even while she bit Meena. Her large member had been altered, and for this particular event alone.

The head of her shaft flattened, thickened, and started to pulsate. As she thrust within Meena, her insides were stimulated in ways no other orc has ever felt before.

Meena moaned as she approached a massive climax, but as she closed her eyes, and kept them closed, she saw a pair of glowing eyes materialize within her consciousness.

'Meena belongs to Merla. Merla love Meena so much, Merla give grammies to Meena.' Meena felt a hand caress her cheek, and her neck. 'Merla sorry. Merla make Meena submit. Make Meena wait.' Meena mewled a little.

"Don't be sorry, Merla. I'll wait. I'll wait for you." Laenda and Tazaa felt Merla's presence, and kept going at their adopted daughter. This was Merla's will, and Meena accepted not only their intentions, but also Merla's love.

Meena knew that she might not have a tusker to love in the next fifteen to twenty cycles, so having Merla as a future mate was not a difficult thing. What was difficult is that Meena already admitted that she loved Merla, and submitted to her.

That triggered her more primal needs that all orcs were born with. If not for that, she would patiently wait for the child who would become her mate, and eventually become her goddess too.

All thoughts left her mind as Merla reached into her mind, and turned her lusts up even hotter.  Her manna became just as inflamed as her lusts, and fed back through Laenda and Tazaa.  As though they both entered a heat, they eagerly pursued Meena's pleasure, and their own.

It took all night for Laenda and Tazaa to wear the young orc out.


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