
Chapter 44 – Devotion


"I didn't expect her glance to carry such weight." Traya said softly, and with red cheeks. Taen's firm glare, along with Merla's glance, made her now fierce nature calm and submit willingly. She looked at the cadre Merla recruited, and straightened herself up.

"This evening, Tazaa is going out on a hunt. One of the cadre will accompany her, while the rest will patrol, and ensure the safety of the area." Traya's voice was firm.

"Will she..." Nelis started, but stopped as Traya glared at her.

"She is still young, but she has the power of Duality running through her young body. She rewards, and punishes, according to that Dual nature we all worship." Traya walked up to her and stared down at her, which made her squirm.

"I shall obey." She murmured. Traya nodded.

"Good. Merla already said she would find you a good mate, Nelis. Don't disappoint her when you've already submitted to her." Traya said and saw the blush spread on her lovely face.

"I can not fulfill your devotion, to any of you, unless Merla says so. I also submitted to Merla. Remember, treat her as you would Duality themselves. She is their chosen orc." The cadre saluted, and moved about the tree home to stand sentry at the entrances, and to guard the main room where Merla sat with her parent.

While Merla laid in Lyra's arms, snuggled against her chest, unwilling to move away due to her sadness, she continued to bathe Lyra's belly with manna, gently kneading the manna, and infusing it within her sister's embryo.

Lyra could hear her speak, and the words sent spears of sadness through her heart.

"Merla protect sister. Make strong. Hurt anyone who hurt sister. Provide for sister. Talyn, baby sister." Merla spread the manna throughout Lyra's body, and gently infused her body with the flow so she wouldn't react as violently as her grandmothers.

Lyra murmured and felt her middle move a bit. She looked down at her belly, and her eyes bulged. Her belly had actually expanded visually.



* * *


"There is no problem, Lyra." Lixiss said, and smiled gently. She knelt down. "Your baby has grown, but is still within the initial stages of growth, and incubation. There is nothing wrong." Lyra looked at her carefully.

"Are you sure?" Lyra asked.

"Duality ensures it." Lixiss said. Lyra's eyes reflected her surprise.

"Duality spoke to you about our little Talyn?" She asked.

"Talyn is Merla's sister. She is infused with Merla's love in the form of her manna. Since Merla is so focused on her sister, and would feel so much grief if she died, Duality watched, and guided her usage so she wouldn't harm the baby." Lixiss sighed. "However, Talyn will be a peak form orc when she's born."

"Peak form?" She asked, and looked at Laenda standing at the side. "Like Taen's parents?" She asked quietly.

"Similar. Merla healed and enhanced them later in life. Talyn will be born in that peak condition. One of the first in a long time." Lixiss smiled. "She will be one of the most sought after of orcs as a mate." Merla growled.

"Merla give mate to Talyn! Good mate! No bad orcs!" She said through her grit teeth. Lixiss chuckled, and ruffled her hair.

"If Merla wants to protect Talyn, she needs to grow up nice and strong. That also means taking care of your parents, and getting the right amount of good food." Lixiss said softly. She leaned down and kissed her forehead. "I haven't felt my goddesses and their presence like this since I've been born, Merla. Thank you for this." Merla grinned.

"White wings gentle. Black wings strong. Big and powerful." Merla grinned. "Beautiful too." She rolled her eyes. "Too pretty. Smile big, with big eyes." She sighed a bit. "Miss pretty eyes." She snuggled back down into Lyra's embrace. Lixiss smiled gently.

"I can only imagine how you feel, Merla. Being with them, and knowing them intimately like you do." She sighed a bit. "With our goddesses in their realm, I can only imagine how it must feel to leave them to come here." Merla nodded.

"Up there home. Down here home. Confused." She said and hid her face. "Miss moms. Miss black and white wings. They miss Merla?" She asked quietly. Lixiss smiled.

"I know they miss their Merla." Lixiss said. That was what she felt from her goddesses. They missed Merla, but also knew they were patiently waiting for her.

Even though Lixiss didn't know what role Merla was supposed to perform, she was sent to them in order to perform that role. They didn't send her to them in order to grow up as an orc, and mature. Duality could have let that happen in their realm.

She had a role, of that Lixiss was certain.


* * *


Merla crawled into Laenda's bed, with Tazaa watching as Merla infused more manna into Laenda's body. Merla glanced sideways at Tazaa, which made her nod. She stood up and walked to the door.

"Where is Taz going?" Laenda asked. Merla yawned.

"Sleeping. Merla tired." Merla said, and stripped off her simple long shirt that Meena had made for her to wear as a favorite robe. Laenda frowned slightly, but murmured softly as Merla parted her robe, pushed her hands into the opening at the top of her belly, and rolled right inside the pouch.

Immediately, Laenda felt a connection, and a selfish, overwhelming desire to protect the one within her. That was also the reason she told Tazaa to go out of the room, and take Nelis to the guest room.

As Nelis was dominated by Tazaa, and her enhanced libido, Laenda's attention was focused on Merla, and comforting her with her body. Laenda's desire to keep Merla within her body, to comfort her, and cushion her with her belly, was just as enhanced as Tazaa's libido.

The enhancements had one purpose. To allow them to fill their roles without putting strain on the family, or their relationships.

In essence, it was a test to see how both women would handle this needy orcish child, her demands on their time, and their bodies.

So far, it went flawlessly.


* * *


Tazaa blushed brightly as Laenda looked around the room. Xil, Drae, Thana and Nelis were scattered about the room, their bodies laying prone, while their appearance was exhaustion, and complete sexual satisfaction.

"Care to explain yourself, Taz?" Laenda asked. She should be fuming mad, but her anger was no where to be seen, or felt. She was upset, but mostly because the noise woke her up, and she was sure it woke up Merla. She felt the child move within the pouch, as though on the brink of wakefulness.

"I couldn't help it." She said quietly. "It was like I was in heat." She closed her eyes. "All I could think about was fucking the one in front of me. Once she was worn out, I found another, and another." Tazaa looked at the orcs on the floor, and looked quite embarrassed.

"What going on?" Merla said sleepily as her head slid up out of the pouch. She looked at the four orcs, then at Tazaa. "Grammie lose control?" She asked.

"Yeah, I did." Tazaa said. Merla pursed her lips. She thought for a few moments.

"Need Yanna when sleep winter." She let out a slow deep breath. "Yanna belong Vannie. Not right give grammie to soothe." She looked at the ladies on the floor. "Choose, grammie. Who best?" Tazaa blushed, and looked at the ones on the floor, and at Laenda.

"Don't look at me. I'm happy with Merla inside me. This is only temporary, so don't get attached." Laenda said indifferently. Tazaa slowly pointed to Neril.

"She's friendly, and has a bigger appetite." She said and blushed even brighter. Merla pursed her lips.

"Neril good. Neril assigned to grammies." She said. Laenda blinked.

"To us?" She asked. Merla grinned.

"Grammie concubine. Grammie strong lust for grammie. Grammie lust too strong for grammie alone. Need Neril." Merla grinned again. "Manna strong, lust strong. Orc way." Laenda slowly understood.

The strength of their manna also determined the strength of their lusts. Lust was also the orc's way of life, and of showing their love for their mate.

Merla yawned and slid down inside Laenda's pouch again.

"Make Neril strong later. Merla still sleepy."


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