Dutchess of the End

Chapter 11- Birth of a Harem

The days spent intermingling with the Slajo camp were slow. I had accomplished all I needed to within the city of tents. While I did spend some time appreciating the culture I had spent hours studying from afar, it was not the only thing that entertained me in the remaining days before our scheduled departure. None called me by my given name or by my title, rather, by Resawn- the title I had earned. Each time I had been referred to as such was a joy I took pride in. Each of the women I interacted with were more than happy to hear my story, to listen to my tale of the Rite.


I spoke with Alana and Prinna- the two Alihjn women who had been contracted to journey with us by various means- about the matter of induction. Alana still insisted that I was an official member of the Slajo Tribe. I bore no physical mark on me that would distinguish me as such. However, Prinna corroborated the claim independently. I had a ‘glow’ about me, a pale white aura that matched the skin of the Alihjn. It seemed no wonder that the tribe was much more accepting of me in the days after.


It filled me with a small regret as I watched our little encampment pack up, each of the wagons being filled with supplies and food. We had traded with them aplenty, the fifty Gold Cubes I had given the Elders distributed amongst the Telbian women I led through various means. Some had been exchanged for food, others bartered with supplies and even weapons. I found it strange that the Alihjn were unwilling to gather materials from the Earth themselves, but were more than happy to use womanmade tools and ingredients once constructed or gathered.


“Prinna says she has family in the Proja Tribe.” I said absentmindedly upon beginning the journey at the front of our little caravan. Unlike usual, I rode not alone. Stephanie sat on a horse to my left, and Alana on another to my right. 


“I do wonder about her. She’s quite shy, I wonder what her deal is.” Stephanie said.


“She’s a Daughter of Winter.” Alana said. “Rumor in the camp had it that the Elders chose her for this trip because it would teach you Telbians of Slajo life.”


“A Daughter of Winter? What’s that mean?” Stephanie asked.


“That means she was conceived during a Rite of Winter one year.” I said.


“Prinna also was an only child, didn’t have a lot of socialization until she started at the Mage’s Guild.” Alana said.


“I still can’t believe you knocked some woman up. You didn’t even know her name!” Stephanie said.


“Still don’t.”


“In a way that’s pretty attractive. And you’re the one who’s always paranoid about oils.”


“When it’s for a religious ceremony in order to get what I needed, it’s different.” I said, fully justified in my actions that afternoon.


“It hardly seems fair that Prinna is riding further back and I’m here. She’s why you went to Slajo, isn’t it?” Alana asked, looking at me.


“It’s as you said. Prinna declined the invitation, I could think of nobody else to ask to join us.” I said.


“Too bad you can’t share a horse with me.” Stephanie said.


“If my services are required I would gladly retire to your wagon, Princess.”


“No, no. She stays up here. She wants to spend time with me, so she shall.” I said. The groan I expected from Stephanie was replaced with a small burst of laughter from not only the Princess, but from Alana as well.


“The betrothed seeks the company of the Princess.” Alana said.


“This is what I wanted. If it takes place on horseback during travels so be it. Though I would prefer taking this to one of our wagons, I can be content here.” Stephanie said.


“We all know what you want to do with me in your wagon.”


“Not only that! Well, maybe mostly that but you are really cool, Carla.”


“Perhaps focusing on your studies and becoming a good King one day would have been a better use of your time. Then you could focus all of your excess energy on me in your wagon.”


“Just because things are true doesn’t mean you need to say them.” Stephanie pouted. It was my turn to laugh now, though I took care not to gloat.


“Succeeding your Sire is important, Princess.”


“Stephanie is fine.”


“Stephanie then.” Alana said. “The Grand Archivist has a point here. You should focus on your chosen career and do your best to pursue it during as many of your hours as you can. Why do you think I agreed to join this mission?”




“I may lay with women for money, that does not mean I am addicted to their bodies. It does not mean I cannot have other interests as well.”


“See, Stephanie? You should study your best. Telbud needs a King, and you need to be that King.” I said. The horses plodded on all the same, oblivious to the conversation of their masters. I took a look backwards at the rest of the caravan. No approaching messengers, no apparent missing wagons. When I turned back to Stephanie, she was still looking at me expectantly. “When we get back home, I’ll propose a wager.”


“Oh?” She asked, smiling. If there was anything Stephanie enjoyed more than the exposed bodies of women, it was a game. The stakes of this one, I hoped, would be to her liking.


“It is tradition for Kings of Telbud to step down from the throne as her first granddaughter is born, is it not?” Stephanie nodded. “Before that time comes, we shall be wed. And before that, Mona must know that you are ready to succeed the throne.”


“I don’t see how this is a bet.”


“Because, Stephanie, if you do not study hard to earn your Sire’s approval, you could be passed up in succession. Rose is the elder twin, which would leave her to be next in line, followed by Dawn. Would you want either of them to snatch your birthright from you?”


“I suppose not, though I never had much ambition for the crown. I was always told it would be mine, anyways.” She said. 


“Have you no desire to earn it?” I asked. Stephanie shook her head. “Then earn this.” I commanded my steed to swerve slightly to my right, walking directly next to Stephanie’s horse. I leaned in, and with one hand pulled her head closer to mine, fingers gripping hair from the back of her head tightly. We shared a searing kiss that lasted as long as I dared to let our horses walk so close without my supervision. When it ended, I created some distance. “Study hard each day, and I’ll reward you each night.”


Stephanie’s face turned to face the direction of our travels, though I could see her smiling from the corner of her mouth. A moment’s thought passed, and she nodded her head.


“Surely, Telbian women are the most voracious of them all.” Alana said, laughing.


“Not all of us.” I said. “Just most of us.”


“Guilty.” Stephanie said, joining in with Alana’s laughter. “Fine, fine. I’d hate to disappoint my future Queen. I’ll study courtly graces and politics more. I have been played for my greatest weakness, haven’t I?”


“It seems you have, Princess.” Alana said.


“Though while you’ve said you do not share in my weakness- or at the very least the intensity to which it is mine- I do suspect you take pride and enjoyment in your line of work, or else you wouldn’t be doing it.” It was a rare moment of insight from Stephanie. Alana nodded, shrugging her shoulders.


“Guilty, I suppose. My mother died shortly after my eighteenth birthday, my sire had long since run off with some Proja woman. I fell on hard times, not making enough as a merchant. So I began selling my body. At first, my customers were my friends from childhood willing to lend me a hand. I was good at it, and word got around. I no longer needed my wares, finding them all to be here.” Alana made a sweeping motion from her shoulders to her waist with both hands. “I’ve worked hard, though I don’t ever go hungry, I could do with more.”


“And this is the opportunity for it, isn’t it?” Stephanie asked.


“It is.”


“Say, what would it cost me to buy your loyalty?”


“You don’t need that.” I said, interrupting their conversation. I was ignored. I watched their little deal with a smile on my face. Stephanie seemed to be having a good time. Alana’s business skills were impressive. Her dirty talk could use work, though. I thought.


“I could be making friends of a great many women in camp. Laying with you every night comes at the opportunity cost of not having word of my services and skills spreading. I’ll need to be compensated extra for that.”




“Shouldn’t you ask me- well, a deal’s a deal I suppose. You are a Princess, I suppose we both could benefit from this, couldn’t we?” Alana asked.


“Carla will allow me a harem once I’m King.” Stephanie said.


“Come now, Steph, you barely-” I started, but Alana interrupted me.


“Life in a Telbian Castle? Me, a concubine of a King? Life could be worse.” 


“It could be a lot worse, but surely-” I was interrupted again.


“A beautiful foreign woman sitting next to me would make me the envy of the court.” Stephanie said. Her arms flashed upwards, making a grand motion with her hands, swaying them from one side to the other as she and Alana laughed more.


I laughed, too, shaking my head. She had the right idea about this, but was going about it for the wrong reasons. Nevertheless, it made her happy.

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