Dutchess of the End

Chapter 14- Dropping Some Eaves

Later that afternoon- after the camp had been established in its usual circular fashion- the noise of the women was in full swing. Excitement was high. Many had already gone into the Proja village to trade, talk, and otherwise familiarise themselves with the locals. I myself had done all I needed to do, and wasn’t too eager in attending to the Elders if I could avoid it. They weren’t the slow-moving bureaucracy that much of the Telbian court could get bogged down with in Mona’s absence or on matters she lacked interest in. They certainly weren’t swift in judgement, though they did seem to enjoy toying with their guests. If the Proja Elders were anything like those of the Slajo Tribe, I was happy I could hire Renai without going through them first.


It was astounding to me just how much new information we were getting about the Alihjn people on this expedition. They were polyamorous, and their society consisted of so many Mages that an Elder could lose a wife and not even notice her being gone. My opinions of the Elders weren’t high, though they stemmed from their enjoyment of humour at the expense of their guests. A harmless trait, but if one had eleven wives and allowed one hired one off to me without so much as a goodbye, my thoughts would only dive lower.


“The fuck am I supposed to do, Alana?” Amidst the noise of the camp as I approached my tent, I heard Stephanie’s voice sound from within my wagon. I was just about to round the corner and walk up the steps to join them when I heard Alana speak.


“She cares about you a lot, Stephanie.” Alana said. I stopped, pressing my back against the wall of the wagon so as to steady myself as I listened in. “So many women are so reserved when it comes to the word love. I’ve known women who only said it for the first time on their wedding day. Everybody is different, no two people are going to view love the exact same way. Do you love her?”


There was a pause, but no words echoed away from Stephanie’s mouth before Alana continued.

“Well then, that’s all the reason you need to wait for her, right? She’ll tell you when she’s good and ready. A woman like Carla isn’t going to wax poetic about love or anything. She’ll tell you how it is and leave it at that.”


“Do you think she’s worried about me? Like in the fooling around sense? The only reason Fiona is here is so that we can roll around in my wagon. Everybody with us knows I’ll pull just about anyone cute enough into bed with me. Plus, you know… there’s going to be issues with that going forward. Won’t be able to for much longer. You know.”


“Yeah, I know. Do you think that’s a problem?”


“No- I mean… I don’t know.” Stephanie said. Around me, the camp bustled as it always had, the noise still as high as ever, but as the two spoke, I found it easier to ignore the cacophony and focus on the sounds that mattered. “Carla’s just so busy and she insists on riding at the front. Can’t finger a girl on a horse you know?”


“Can’t do so easily, anyway.” Alana said.


“Right. Plus she’s too professional and crap to let me even if I asked.”


“Ask her to join you in your wagon one day. See if she can get someone else to navigate for just one day. You said she was interested in larger groups?”


“She seemed curious when I mentioned it, but didn’t push the matter.” Stephanie said. “But why is that a priority for me? I’m the damned Crown Prince! Shouldn’t I be focused on other things? I left my tutors behind, Carla isn’t teaching me, and my Sire isn’t getting any younger.”


“That’s… very mature of you to realise, Steph. What do you want?”


“I want her. I want Carla, I want to swim in a sea of beautiful women with her. I love Carla and I want her to experience what makes me happy with me.” Stephanie said. I sighed. I shouldn’t be listening in like this, I thought. Pushing back from the wall, I rounded the corner and walked into the wagon before Alana had a chance to reply.


After pushing past the flaps, I saw Stephanie sitting there in an evening gown while Alana was next to her, fully nude, pale chest distracting for just a moment before I cleared my throat.


“Morning, you two.” I said. She loved me? Actual love? The words stuck in my mind while I processed the information. I had to make it seem like I hadn’t heard anything. I don’t want that to be how she remembers telling me that she loves me for the first time.


“Morning.” Alana said. “Should I go? Get dressed? Strip you?”


“Dedicated to your craft as always. Do what Stephanie will have you do, which I assume is to remain as such.” I said, sitting down on the corner of the bed. It seemed even without her magical shirt, the cold wasn’t affecting her much.


“You’re fine like that. Hey Carla?” Stephanie asked.




“Do you remember when we were talking about my enjoyment of many women all at once?”


“I vaguely recall.” I said. It was the truth. The details of the conversation were hazy, but Stephanie’s words to Alana had brought some of it back.


“I know it’s not something you’ve ever done before or were ever really interested in, but I think it would be fun if you joined me. Just this once, then if you don’t like it, I won’t ever talk about it again, okay?” Stephanie said. It seemed a tad more desperate than how she usually asked things of me. I raised an eyebrow.


“What brings this on all of a sudden?”


“I just… well, you know, I’m going to be King one day. Gotta get all the horny energy out before I have more important things to worry about.”


“And orgies will help with that?” I asked. Stephanie nodded her head vigorously. I chuckled, nodding myself. “Alright. For you, just this once.”


“Thank you, Carla!” Stephanie said. The way she lived her life was maddeningly worthy of jealousy. Living her days as the royalty always did- lives of excess, gluttony, and careless parties were the norm. Mona wasted her youth on it, the peaceful times we lived in meant there was no need for her to bother with intensive kingly duties. She was free to let her advisors run the show and leaver her free to drink, laugh, and lay with whoever she wanted to at any given time. In Mona’s case, her harem was rather small- not even a dozen women as far as I was aware. Stephanie, on the other hand, would likely have close to a hundred should she indulge her basest desires on the matter.


As long as she was happy.


“So uhh, who are we getting?” Alana asked once the hug was broken. “And how many?”


“I dunno, however many we can fit in my carriage.” Stephanie said.


“That’s what you were talking about when I walked in?” I asked, changing the subject slightly. I wanted to respect her privacy- what little she still had of it after everything we’ve experienced together. That being said, I was still curious what she was talking with Alana about.


“Kinda. There’s, well, there’s something I want to tell you, but we can talk about it later, okay?” She said. Her tone shifted, voice lowering, patting me on the shoulder once, twice slowly, then she turned to face Alana. “Help me out of this, will you?”


Alana nodded silently and stripped Stephanie of the clothes she wore. A moment later and she was pulling a thicker, warmer outfit on.


“So I’ve been coming up with a list of invitees in my head.”


“This is premeditated, is it?”


“Yeah, so anyway, Fiona who both of you have met. Alana you remember Hannah and Relni from last week?” Stephanie asked. Alana nodded, smirking a little as she licked her lips.


“Yeah, I remember. Cute little bodies, both of them.” Alana said.


“You’re just as bad as she is.” I said, chuckling.


“I’m a saleswoman, and Stephanie is my patron.”


“Repayment in kind isn’t exactly what you signed up for, but I’m guessing it’s acceptable until we return to Castle Telbud?”


“With how much Stephanie requires my services and our agreed upon rate, I’ll be King before her.” Alana said. That earned another chuckle from me, even Stephanie giggled a bit.


“I wouldn’t mind being a member of a harem, pleasing my King whenever she required it of me, tasting of my fellow concubines in my downtime.” Stephanie said. 


“Sounds like the life. Anyway, I should be off. Need to inspect the camp, I haven’t had a chance to look around, wanted to check in on you first.” I said, standing up once Stephanie was fully dressed in more traditional winter clothes. I gave her a quick kiss before bidding goodbye to her and Alana. 


That girl… I thought. She had a penchant for causing trouble, though I suppose in this case it’s all harmless fun. I could entertain the notion for one night, even if it would almost double the number of women I’d ever slept with. 

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