Dutchess of the End

Chapter 15- The Plan

The time spent at the Proja camp wasn’t as eventful as I would have expected. Due to not needing the direct permission of the tribe’s Elders, I was able to hire my Mage and leave back for the camp in a matter of minutes. Renai seemed like a nice girl. She was young, and had a friendly aura about her. Somehow, she always knew just what I was thinking, what I was feeling, but hadn’t yet divulged any information about how she knew it. Alihjn women were protective of the means by which they did their magic, and as such I had yet to see any of it for myself. I hoped to one day, if only to satisfy the growing curiosity that came with travelling in their company.


Days in camp were monotonous. If not for the intense will and desire of those I travelled with to remain a few days longer, I would have had us packed up and gone without even spending a full night on the ground our camp occupied. Instead of that, though, I allowed them their fun. I saw a rather large number of Alihjn women in various stages of dress or undress walking brazenly around the Telbian encampment. More than one of them caressed my arm or face, offering to show me a good time. I rejected them all, though unlike in the past, I decided against offering them Stephanie’s company. Those women would more than make their desired Cubes patrolling as they so bravely did throughout the compound. It was the women’s own gold and their own possessions they paid with, anyway. Let them have some fun.


Despite the rather harmonious activity throughout the camp in the four days we stayed with the Proja, there was a personal thorn in my side. Penelope Knass, the High Archivist who I had tried my hardest to prevent from gaining the promotion from a simple Archivist. To my dismay, she showed my predecessor promise, action, and no small amount of beauty. Whether she slept with the old hag prior to her retirement was up for debate. My personal thoughts on the matter were clear- despite being a huge bitch and a royal pain in the ass, she had unfortunately earned her position through hard work and an extensive knowledge of our ancestors.


She appeared in the Telbian camp on multiple occasions. The few other Archivists that had come along for the trip talked with her at length about various things. The progress of our trip, the excitement of being halfway through the collection process, and the willingness of the Alihjn Mages to journey back to Castle Telbud. I know not what Penelope told them exactly, but I had a sinking suspicion she was going to try to stir up more trouble for me. Past the initial meeting at the edge of the Proja camp- where I had been informed that Penelope had joined me in the illustrious status of Resawn prior to our arrival- I’d spoken with her a handful of times. Each of them just as stiff and passive-agressive as the one before. I hated her, she hated me. I kept it as professional as I could due to the prestige and reputation of my rank. Penelope had none of that holding her back. I had no choice but to let her hurl her insults without too many witty comments being returned.


It was truly suffering.


Our last day at camp could not have come any slower. Whilst the women were busy packing up in preparation for the continuation of our journey, had but a single thing to look after.


“Prinna?” I called, poking my head into the tent I’d been told she’d been sleeping in. She was alone, and judging by the lack of Telbian clothing, bedding, or personal effects inside with her- I wagered she’d been spending her nights as such. The offer to have Alana sharing a tent with Prinna had been derailed by Stephanie’s desire for Alana’s body, though beginning tonight that would change. Renai’s presence would hopefully be of some comfort to her.


“Yes, Carla?” She said back in that formal, monotone voice of hers. I’d had a few conversations with her past the initial one, but as of yet I’d been unable to get past that cool, distant exterior of hers.


“We’re to leave by noontime, have you met with your sister?” I asked her, walking into the tent, sitting down on the corner of her sleeping bag. She nodded to me in affirmative. “That’s good. I’m surprised you spent the nights with us rather than with her.”


“My sister’s libido is a tad too high for me to spend nights in her bed.” Prinna said.


“I see. A wife keeps her up at night?”


“Three, actually. This was why she moved to the Proja Tribe. Slajo Elders wouldn’t allow her to marry a second woman. The three of them came here and met another.”


“In any event, I’m glad you got some family time. That’s important.” I said.


“It is. My nieces are many, their tent large. Yet still, I preferred it here.”


“Sorry about Alana, I know she was supposed to travel with you.”


“Do not apologise.” Prinna shook her head, beginning to pack what few belongings were present atop the cold grass. “Your betrothed has many physical needs. Alana may not sleep with me, but she is my tribemate, we do talk.”


“That’s good.”


“Tell me one thing, though?” Prinna asked. I raised an eyebrow at her and nodded for her to continue. “What is your definition of love?”


“Quite the change of topic.” I said.


“It is, but I have had time to think. It has been more than two weeks since I met you and learned of your intention to travel here. The Slajo are the only of the Alihjn tribes to be monogamous. The other three Tribes marry as they please. Relationships become complicated, sometimes splintering because of a lack of attention between various parties. Is that love? Or is devoting yourself to one woman for your entire life what constitutes love?”


“I…” I wasn’t ready for a question that deep from her. I should have expected she was capable of such thoughts, though. Magic isn’t easy, and knowing what I know about Prinna, she’s had time to hone her intelligence. “I… well, you love who you love, don’t you? If it’s one then it’s one. If it’s five then it’s five. There is a limit to how thin you can spread your love though, isn’t there?”


“So we are in agreement, then.” Prinna said, nodding. “I believe… I have developed a romantic desire for Alana.”


I let the statement hang in the air for a moment, my head spinning with how to reply. Prinna? With Alana? The thought was a pleasant one. They were both beautiful, seeing them together would lead to a mutual happiness, I was sure. Alana’s occupation could be the cause of some tension between them were a relationship to blossom, but if that was how Prinna felt about love…


“You’re aware she’s a proud member of the Crown Prince’s harem?”


“I am. If Princess Stephanie allows it, then I am willing to share Alana’s body, should she deem me worthy of holding it.” Prinna said. She had packed up everything save her sleeping bag into a small rucksack. It would be slung over her shoulder by a thin rope, held there by another tied around her midsection- a common backpack design amongst Alihjn women, I’ve found.


“Stephanie will not object, I can promise you that. She will also be very interested in helping you realise your desires.”


Prinna seemed surprised- perhaps the first time I’d ever seen emotion out of her. Barring the previous moments when she revealed her desires to me, I suppose. That was good. She needed to open up more.


I told her of the plan Stephanie had concocted two days ago. Altering it would be simple. I would inform Stephanie of Prinna’s desires, and Stephanie would be more than glad to invite her as well. I am sure the single wagon’s worth of space we were allotting ourselves would become crowded indeed for the festivities, it was for Stephanie’s benefit. And Prinna’s too, I supposed. I had come to tell her about Renai, and how we’d have a Proja woman joining us. The topic never came up, instead ending with me baring Stephanie’s basest desires to Prinna- who seemed eager to participate in the plot.


To Stephanie just before the caravan began moving, I told her of the conversation I’d just had with Prinna. The news of her little crush on Alana brought her no end of joy and squealing and giggling. Before I could suggest my ideas to her, Stephanie was already rambling about how we’d use her party to set the two of them up. Have Prinna and Alana focused on one another, giving them time to explore one another’s bodies, letting them experience what a physical relationship would be like. One could hope that Alana would be impressed, if not endeared by Prinna’s efforts.


Seven of us in total. Me and Stephanie, Prinna and Alana, Fiona, and Hannah and Renli, who Stephanie had mentioned to me earlier. One was a Royal Guardswoman, the other the Quartermaster Tanya’s assistant. Save for Fiona who was but a few months past eighteen, Stephanie was the youngest member present in her wagon.


We all felt the wagon lurch forward slowly, the wagon rumbling as we began to move. It was Stephanie who was the first to act, pulling her overcoat off and planting a kiss on Fiona’s lips.


“When I’m King, one earns a spot in my harem by being skilled in moments such as these.” Stephanie said. “Impress me now and I’ll remember it.”


I almost rolled my eyes, but Fiona, Hannah, and Renli all nodded with conviction, while Alana had her arms folded over her chest, looking around the room as though she were a lion in presence of a flock of zebras. There was a game afoot. Multiple, though Stephanie was the only woman present who had a vested interest in the outcome of both games.


If it were a game, I could play. The wagon was cramped, the women eager and ready. A wineskin was passed around, dousing the light of fourteen Marks in sequence. Shoulders brushed shoulders, skin began to caress skin. Lips on lips. Stephanie kissed me once before turning to the woman next to me.


In that moment, my curiosity turned to eagerness. I wanted- no, needed this moment. I felt a hand on my thigh, slipping under my robes. It helped me out of them, and lips were pressed onto the back of my shoulder the moment the cold air collided with it. I moaned, closing my eyes, feeling my chest grabbed by a pair of hands. Whose, I knew not, nor did I care.


I could play.

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