DxD: Crimson Fate

Chapter 17. Back To The Real World At Last.

Hello! I was able to grit my teeth  and get this chapter done despite my toothache , but unfortunately, my free trail of Grammarly ended yesterday, so there might be a few more errors than usual. Please inform me in the comments if you catch any mistakes so I can fix them!

Also, we broke two hundred readers and 10 thousands views total views since the last chapter, and we are already at 12k views! Thanks a ton for all of you reading the story, liking the chapters, and writing your lovely comments! I'm really glad you all like my writing despite me still being an amateur! Truly, thank you!


Chapter 17: Back To The Real World At Last.

After the harrowing experience I faced when transforming into... that thing, and accidentally transforming back into a human, it didn't take long to figure out what I was doing wrong. I was focusing on wanting to become human. I should have focused on not wanting to be whatever I'm transformed into.

"Alright, I think I get it," I said as I retracted the scaled gauntlet into my flesh, leaving a normal-looking arm, relieved but still rattled from remembering that monster...

The pure malice in its bloodthirsty gaze, molten gold eyes burned with an overwhelming sense of dominance, undeniable in its assertion of being above all that exists. Its blood-red fangs, bared in a grotesque grin, trembling in anticipation of the carnage it was capable of unleashing. Its foot-long claws, jagged and cruel, glinted like razors' sharp blades, ready to slice through steel as if it were butter and shred human bodies like mere paper.

...I shivered. The thought that That thing was me was horrifying. But I had to move on. I was finally going to leave this place and go back to the real world.

Around two days had passed on the outside, which meant my internal calculations were a bit off. That still meant three weeks here were equal to a day outside, which was a great multiplier if I ever needed time to learn or study something.

Luxara kept me informed of what was happening in my hospital room, which was mostly a multitude of nurses and a few doctors examining me to see why I suddenly went into a coma, along with my mother, who never left my side for the whole two days, despite the many protests of the nurses and the doctors.

"Okay, this should be it, right?" I asked Luxara, and she nodded.

"You are very familiar with how to use your transformation now, but you know that's not all there is to it, yeah? The transformations aren't the only thing your sacred gear offers. It is the only part you can use here because it's not directly related to my powers. But there's a lot more that it can offer you outside, so get to training them as soon as you get better.

Now, stop making your mother worry anymore, and leave already!" She exclaimed with a smile. She was in her human form and was standing next to me.

I approached her and gave her a hug. She immediately melted into it. During my stay here, I figured out that, despite being centuries old, Luxara was merely a teenager. A child. She was lonely, and I didn't want her to be that way. Thankfully, when I asked how she would feel about me leaving her alone, she scoffed and said she wouldn't be alone since she would get to experience the real world with me. She was actually excited for me to leave, as she was getting bored just staying in the hospital.

"Goodbye, Lux," I said as I did as she taught me, and willed myself out of my soul. It was a very simple matter. One moment, I was hugging Luxara, the next, Darkness. I was exhausted, and it was only getting worse by the second as I felt the transformation of the gauntlet trying to draw power to initiate. Power I didn't have. With a mental command, it stopped, and I felt my body instantly relax, as there was no longer a draw on its non-existent reserves of power.

I slowly opened my eyes, the glare of the white light above me making it a difficult task. Still, I managed to open my eyes fully. Turning to the side, I saw my mom, her head resting on the edge of my bed as she slept. She was utterly exhausted, going by the dark bags under her eyes, I doubted she got enough sleep during those past 48 hours.

My hand rose and I placed it atop her head, gently combing stray hairs that fell on her face and looked like they were annoying her.

"I'm sorry for worrying you, Mom" I whispered as I patted her head. Even while asleep, worry was still etched onto her face, but I saw her relaxing as my hand stroked her hair, so I kept doing it while making sure not to wake her up. She was exhausted, and I wanted to get some rest.

After a few minutes, a nurse entered the room and was startled when she saw me awake. I motioned for her to stay quiet, pointing at my sleeping mother. She nodded and came to my side quickly.

"How are you feeling? Have you been up for long? Is there any discomfort anywhere?" She listed off a few questions while whispering, but not quietly enough, as I felt my mother stir, so I shot her a small glare, wanting her to be quieter.

"I'm fine, I'm fine. I woke up a few minutes ago. There are no discomforts anywhere, I feel completely fine. Please just be quiet, my mother seems exhausted. Has she gotten any sleep?" I said quietly.

The nurse looked annoyed at my scolding but didn't protest. "No, we have tried to get her to rest but she refused to leave your side or even sleep.

I'm sorry but we have to wake her up soon because we need to get the doctors to do a check-up on you." She whispered back.

I asked her if she could delay it, but she said it wasn't up to her, and her job was to inform the doctor immediately. I sighed, I couldn't fault her for doing her job, so I dismissed her and she left the room at once.

I placed my hand back on my mother's head again and swept it through her hair gently as I woke her up.

"Mom. Mom, wake up." I said softly to her, and she stirred, her eyes slowly opening until she saw me. Her eyes flew open immediately and she enveloped me in a hug so quickly I couldn't even react.

"Oh, baby! Oh, Milo! You are up! You are awake" She cried into my chest as I hugged her back.

She broke the hug as she got up from my chest and started fretting over me, asking if I was fine and whatnot. I quickly assured myself I was feeling okay. She didn't keep it up for long as she went back to hugging me again and crying some more.

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