DxD: Crimson Fate

Chapter 7. High School.

Hello everyone, and thanks for reading!
Pacing is going to be slightly different from here on out; there will be fewer times skips, if any, and they will be a lot shorter.
Also this chapter will be cut into two parts as I like my chapters to be around 1000 words. Next part will be up in a few minutes.

if you find any mistakes/errors, please tell me in the comments!

Chapter 7: High School.


"395..." *Drip*
"...396...397" *Drip* I watched as the rug below got wetter and wetter with every drop of sweat that fell from my brow and pooled below me.
"Milo, sweetie, you better get ready soon; your school starts in half an hour." Mom's voice rang out from the kitchen where she was preparing breakfast.
"399... 400. Phew." Finally finished with my last set of pushups, I called back to Mom, "Okay! I'm gonna shower and get ready now!"

Standing up, I grabbed a change of underwear and a towel and headed for the shower.

A quick cold shower later, I stood in my room before my full-body mirror in my underwear and admired myself.

Compared to most Japanese citezens, I was fairly tall, standing at 5'11. I have grown my hair in the past but have cut it short for the start of this year. My face has lost its roundness during the years and has gained sharper, more pronounced edges.
And, of course, even after nearly 16 years, I could never get used to my golden eyes.

As for my body, well, I have been a sculptor for the entirety of my new life, and this body of mine is my masterpiece.

I had a lean but muscular build. There was no excess fat anywhere. I was a machine built to perfection.

I spent a few more minutes admiring myself when my Mom shouted at me to prepare quickly.

I wore my school uniform, straightening the black blazer with its crisp white trim. The fabric fit snugly against my toned shoulders, highlighting the muscles I had spent years perfecting. I fastened the buttons, feeling the smooth fabric of the white shirt beneath. The black-tie rested neatly against my chest, blending with the rest of the dark uniform. My trousers, sharp and tailored, fit perfectly, with no sign of a crease.

Taking one last look in the mirror and finding nothing out of place,
I grabbed my backpack and went to the kitchen.

"Okay, Mom. I'm heading out now." I said, and Mom turned from her breakfast to look at me.
"Oh wow, you look so handsome, baby! I bet the girls are gonna be alllll over you!" my mother cooed at me. "But listen here! You are only allowed to have one girlfriend! Okay?!" My mother finished with a stern warning and a fake glare that made her super cute.

I laughed at her antics, grabbed the lunch she had prepared for me, kissed her on the cheek, and left for school.

Fortunately, the trip to my new school was only a fifteen-minute walk, so it wasn't too bad.
I liked training, yes, but I didn't like walking much. I would have jogged all the way there if I could, but I didn't wanna go to school every day with sweat covering my face.

As I neared the school, I started seeing more and more students wearing the school uniform, and I noticed the extreme ratio of boys to girls.
There were at least fifteen to twenty girls for every other guy I saw wearing the uniform.
It confirmed to me that this school has only just become co-ed.

Reaching the school gates, I noticed a few gazes coming my way, but I ignored them. I wasn't particularly interested in high school girls.

It was easy to find my class once I entered the school. I had already memorized the school map in the students' handbook to avoid getting lost and having to carry it on me all the time.

Entering my classroom, I found the class already nearly full, the chatter of the students filling up the room, but the teacher hadn't arrived yet. I didn't want to be late on the first day, as first impressions matter a lot, and I hated it when teachers gave me shit throughout the year because of a wrong first impression.

Scanning the room, I saw the ratio of boys to girls outside was also almost reflected here. There were around 25 students in the classroom, all girls except for a single boy aside from me. There were a couple of seats left empty still, which would bring the class up to thirty students, but I didn't know if any of them would be other boys.

Choosing one of the empty seats in the middle, I headed for it while ignoring some of the looks and hushed whispers of the girls around me. And also the glare the other boy was giving me for some reason.

After seating myself, a few more girls filed in and filled out the rest of the empty seats, and when the clock ticked to 8:30 on the dot, a teacher entered, closing the door behind him, marking the start of my first day in high school.

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