DxD: Crimson Fate

Chapter 8. New Paths and New Friends.

And here's part two

Thanks for taking some of your time to read this story! If you find any mistakes/errors, please tell me in the comments!


So far, throughout my school years in this new life, I have opted not to over-achieve much. I wouldn't fall behind, mind you, but I wouldn't fake being some genius beyond compare. I would settle in for second or third and sometimes go for first rank in the classes I took, but that's it. I was a good student. Nothing more, nothing less.

Chapter 8: New Paths and New Friends.


It was honestly quite boring. In my previous life, I was a college graduate, after all. I majored in IT in my previous life, but the job opportunity I had at the hotel where I was working was too good to pass up, so I didn't get much use out of my degree.

In this new life, I wanted to take a new route. I was going to become a doctor.
I have already been preparing for this for the nearly the entire past-decade.

Between my magical studies and my physical training, I didn't have much time at home to spend doing anything else. So, I started using the time I wasted at school to study future years' material.

I couldn't jump straight to college courses; pretending to be a genius doesn't actually make me one. So, I started a little further back. When I was a first grader, I started studying the middle school curriculum. By the fourth grade, I was done with my high school studies.

After that, I started taking college courses in medicine. Online, that is.
It was pretty difficult, I'm not gonna lie. But It helped a lot that I was still a child with no responsibilities, so I could go at my own pace. I finished the first-year courses over two years. I picked up speed after that as I started incorporating my mundane studies into my magical ones and focusing nearly half of my time studying with Mom on healing magics.

It turns out that knowing where each organ was supposed to go as you tried to put it back in its place helped a lot! Who would've guessed?

Anyways, as I was saying. Just before entering high school, I had finished the standard medical school courses and even tested myself with the previous years' leaked tests, and I scored nearly 100s across all of them.

It also helped that I focused only a little on the practical side of things, as I would learn all of that in college. On the other hand, I focused heavily on the practical side of healing magic, as seen by my last surgery on the rat. That was a simulation of an extreme edge case where the injured had basically all of their organs outside their body, with some of them even damaged to a great degree. The rat was on death's door; the only reason it was not dead by that point was my magic stabilizing its body before the surgery.

So yeah. I was going to become a mundane doctor while also being a magical doctor.

The first hour of school was quite boring; we were introduced to some of the teachers that we were going to have during the year, and we introduced ourselves in return.

After that, we were ushered to the school auditorium to attend the opening assembly, in which the principal would give a welcome speech, and we would be introduced to the rest of the staff.

It was quite interesting to see someone with such red hair as his. He had bright red hair that I would've thought he would certainly have dyed had I not known we were in a magical world where people had weird hair colors all over the place. I saw red, green, pink, white, and silver hair quite often.

During the assembly, the principal gave his speech, which I zoned during most of it. Despite his interesting appearance, the man didn't have anything interesting to say.

After the assembly, we were ushered back to our classrooms and told classes would officially start now.

A few boring introductory lessons later, the school day was over.

When I opened my shoe locker so I could switch from the indoor slippers to my normal shoes, I noticed a pink folded piece of paper atop my shoes.

Opening it, I found out it was a letter. I sighed. A 'Love Letter'.

'Am I really in an anime?' I thought to myself as I finished reading.
The sender wanted me to meet them behind the school building at 4:00 P.M., which is five minutes from now.

I sighed again, feeling a headache creeping into my skull. This was either a prank, which I honestly would prefer, or the real thing, which meant I had to go and turn someone down. As I said before, I was not interested in high school girls.

Putting on my shoes, I contemplated just going home, but I didn't want to hurt someone's feelings because I didn't want to reject them properly. Being rejected might hurt their feelings, but being ignored would be worse.

I sighed for the third time and headed for the location stated in the letter.
Along the way, I was praying and wishing it was a prank. Alas, my wishes would not come true, as I came face to face with one of my classmates. I think I remembered her name as Reina Tomoe. She was a pretty little thing, with shoulder-length pink hair and a heart-shaped face. She also supported some heavy 'artillery,' at least a D-cup, but I was quite desensitized to those due to my mother, so I looked her straight in the eyes as I approached her.

"Hello, are you th-" I started before being cut off immediately as Reina bowed at a 90-degree angle, with her hands glued to her sides and said quite loudly "Would you please go out with me?!"
I was caught off guard by the intensity of the confession, but I took it in stride as I gently let the girl down and told her I was focusing on my studies and had no time to focus on dating whatsoever. She looked a bit heartbroken, so I told her I would be open to being friends at the very least, which she agreed to with a smile.

Reina and I would go on to be best friends for the rest of my life, but that's a story for another time.

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