Dxd: Ink and Summoning

32- Ice and fire, Red and purple

Augusta observed the newcomer, trying to gauge the other party's identity…

A person who can stop the flames from her Incinerate Anthem with a single attack is not someone you can find everywhere. 

But this is not her first time facing one…

"Impressive. But how are you going to deal with this... " Praised Augusta before sending her Ice Puppet towards them while she supported it with a barrage of spells and her purple flames

With both the Ice puppet and the flames blocking their path getting closer to the witch is going to be a difficult task and if they count that she is possessing a body forcing them to hold back to not kill the girl...

A challenging fight indeed.

Looking at the incoming hell, they know that Mordred needs to take the vanguard while Le Fay and Arthur decide to provide support.

Mordred magic resistance is something well known for the kids and while Le Fay managed to make something similar, is far from being usable in a real fight. 

With her mana burst, barriers from Le Fay and her own Magic resistance keeping the flames at bay there was no one better for the role.

While slashing a couple of spells coming towards her Mordred decided to engage the Ice puppet

The four arms, the frost and repairing of its broken parts thanks to being a magical construct could provide a challenge for most melee fighters but its strength and speed is nowhere near Mordred's, giving her an edge against it. 

"What a pain. I'll mow you down like the rabble you are! '' After saying that Mordred's sword glowed with a familiar red color and with a single slash the Ice puppet was cut in half only to repair itself back in less than a second.

Le Fay tried to do something about it but…

'Sorry teacher, I can't stop it... ' Sacred Gears are not her speciality, all she can do is break it with brute force…

Maybe she should ask Ahm about it… 

Feeling that this would lead to nowhere Arthur decided to make a choice.

'Teacher leave this thing to us' through telepathy, Arthur decided to take the Ice puppet alongside his little sister while letting their Teacher take care of the witch

'Tsk. Fine. You two fight this thing, I'm going to end that old hag!' Mordred slashed the puppet and without waiting for it to regenerate dashed towards Augusta who now without having the worry of melting her own ally sended her purple flame towards Mordred

Of course the Independent Avatar made of ice tried to stop Mordred's advance but a wall of earth appeared in front of it stopping his pursuit. 

But a simple wall is not enough to make It give up and let Mordred go so It destroy the wall but before the Puppet could restart the chase a sword went through her legs making her fall to the ground

"I'm your opponent!" Arthur went in front of it while observing the cut he made, a black mist seems to be eating the ice…

Ahm seems to predict this… 

Perfect! He thought

With Le Fay blocking the damage from the frost compared to a low level but constant spell surrounding it and the sword from his second teacher corroding the ice and preventing it from regenerating

Now all they need to beat this thing is a strong enough spell from his little sister

Looking at each other, he could see that glint in her eyes… 

The same She has when experimenting with new spells…


Mordred charged at the annoying witch while a rain of spells showered her, only her constant use of mana burst preventing the flames from burning her.

"If a normal attack doesn't work then... " this time Augusta didn't just send fire towards her assailant but combined her Incinerate Anthem with a fire spell, increasing the power behind it several times intending to both burn her alive and trap her in a circle of unending flames. 

Looking at the incoming spell, Mordred knew that relying on her Magic resistance was not enough and its range made it impossible for her to evade so she decided to take the hit…

Feeling the heat of the flames and knowing that her magic resistance was not enough to face the spell she decided to cover her entire body in a constant mana burst pushing the flames and so preventing them from cooking her

Slashing diagonally to get rid of the flames near her making a safe zone for herself, Mordred could hear a chant in the distance, Ahm said to her that Augusta needed to do it in order to summon her fire giant. 

"The anointed one was fastened to the cursed cross. By the high priest of the purple flames, the sacrifice is rebuked"

Augusta really wants to take full advantage of the fact that her enemy did not want to kill the person that she was possessing, thought Mordred getting a little annoyed at fighting against this type of enemy

That coward wants to finish this fast…

But two can play that game...

Using the effect of the left flames as a cover, Mordred grabbed her sword with both hands and closed her eyes with it pointing towards the sky and began to prepare herself to call upon the true name of her sword. 

'Le Fey, tell me when she summons the fire giant' Mordred requested the assistance from her disciple, knowing well that she can observe the battle even from that distance.

'Yes teacher! Leave it to me' replied Le Fay, excited for what is coming, THAT attack of her teacher that she loves to see so much!

Now sure that everything is in place all left to do is wait for the right moment...

"I am no king, but I follow in the king's path."

Sadly she can't go all out unless she wants to kill the girl...

"Be brought to peace by the Holy Cross, oh High Priest of the Purple Flame !!!" As soon as Augusta finished her chant a giant made of pure purple flames appeared behind her towering her

illuminating and increasing the temperature of the entire place! 

The giant was ten meters long and carried a giant cross over its shoulder with one of his arms representing a part of the identity of the sacred gear, the holy cross in which Christ was crucified.

But before Augusta could even rejoice in her new ally, the one stopping her from being outnumbered, a red beam shot towards the sky followed by a shout…

"Clarent Blood Arthur!"

And before she could even react it descended towards her fire giant cleaving it in half

"What!?" The damage was enough to break the summon and Augusta could only look dumbfounded at the giant who couldn't even last for a minute

"Where are you looking at?" Mordred used this moment to get close to Augusta and even if she can't cut her in half with her sword, it doesn't mean that she is left without ways to attack and cause her some pain

Sinking her knee into the witch's stomach is one of such ways... 

And then grabbing her hand and throwing her into the ground is more than enough to teach the old mage just that... 

Sadly she couldn't keep with her assault since flames started to surround Augusta

"* cough * One more step and I will burn this girl alive! * cough *" By now it is more than clear that she is no match for Mordred so she decided to threaten her with burning the girl.

At this point Mordred decided that this was enough... no use risking the life of another person even if she won't be able to enjoy herself... 

At this point that attitude of her throwed away all notions of a good fight against the old hag

So while looking at the girl grabbing her stomach in front of her she decided to call for someone who can end this fast and clean... 

'Ahm ... can you?' Even if she didn't feel him, it is more than obvious that he is observing their fight 

'Sure' After hearing his voice Mordred just turned around and started walking towards the place where her disciples were, leaving a confused Augusta behind... 

Augusta tried to stop her but could not do it because she began to feel that I stepped on something... wet

Looking down, she couldn't help but observe how the entire floor was covered in a black substance and that she began to sink in it

Her flames were being quenched by the same black water. It didn't take long for her to realize that it was more dangerous than it seemed since it didn't matter how she moved or tried

The more she struggled the more she was getting trapped in it... 

"Release me! or I'm taking this girl down with me!" While making her threat but she failed to notice that in the sky a [Door] was opened and from it a young boy with a little wolf came out jumping straight at her


Tobio, the wielder of Longinus Canis Lykaon.

Just like in the original series and to not risk the life of Lavinia, Ahm decided to send him to finish Augusta

Distracted and with the [Ink] covering her view, she didn't notice the falling Ing tobio until it was too late and this left a opening for the slash dog to land a attack her, severing the spirit of Augusta and forcefully separating her from Lavinia

With the bodies separated there was no reason to hold back and the [Ink] started to drown the wounded witch...

Neither Mordred, Le Fay, Arthur or Ahm would be kind to those who take hostages.

That's how they are…

"Remember kid, Sacred Gears are tools. No matter how sharp a tool is, it is useless if it's wielder is a baby without the strength or knowledge to wield it properly" Tobio could hear a voice while Augusta disappeared into the floor, dragged and helpless againts that black thing… 

The reasons why Ahm told him this? 

Why were the weapons known for slaying gods were never or barely able to do so? 

They focused too much on their tools and forgot about their wielder… 

Even Issei in the original wasn't that much of a threat until he became a monster on his own due to a certain incident

With the boosted gear becoming just the cherry at the top of the cake… 

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