Dxd: Ink and Summoning

33- A beautiful scenery

"So based on your report. Two confirmed descendants of the Pendragon family, a third unconfirmed one who no one heard about named Mordred and an unknown individual behind the scenes with no visual of their real appearance or full strength on the last two... is that right Barakiel?" Asked Azazel to his Vice Governor Baraqiel confirming and resuming what he said in his report about this new group and their fight last night

Between what Baraqiel saw during their fight against Augusta and what he learned from Vali he got a good measure of the Pendragon siblings strength and their potential but there seems to be only so much about the other two...

Not that Vali said much, the kids is loyal and smart enough to not reveal too many sensible topics about his new teacher

At least he got a good wake up call losing against someone of his age...

"Yes, the person calling herself Mordred was clearly not using all her strength, the best she did was that one attack at the end but... " confirmed Baraqiel, still impressed in the power and the little time it took to lunch such an attack, but even when following the conversation is was clear that his mind was somewhere else...

And for sure the leader of an entire race was able to tell that, so he decided to end the report fast.

No matter how much of a musclehead his son is, he knows that Vali is good at choosing people,and his interactions with the 'friends' girl and this report confirms just that.

Not that this would end his pry, knowing how three unknown persons appeared out of nowhere is part of his job especially when their full strength is still unknown...

The most important fact is that none of them seem to possess a Sacred Gear and outside the holy sword user the rest seems to have gained said strength on their own.

Many possibilities and thoughts crossed his mind, but with so little information...

All he got from his contacts is that they are acquaintances with Leviathan and only because they first appeared in her town...

Seems like this is all he can do to aid his foster son, for now.

At least they look like the type to defend rather than attack, save and strengthen rather than end the matters by their own hands...

Looking at the absent minded Fallen angel in front of him, he decided to give him a piece of advice.

"You know Baraqiel, they are right about your daughter, she could have searched for you if she wanted... " Thinking of what happened at the time, not even he would have predicted that the Hajime clan would do something that rushed, something that could even provoke the wrath of their god for disrupting a possible alliance with the Fallen Angels...

"... " Baraqiel knew that azazel was right but... it's a hard pill to swallow, especially when he wants to see the daughter that he thought dead for years.

"Look, I'm not trying to say that you should stop looking for your daughter. What I'm trying to say is, take this time while I look for her to cool down your head a little bit. You need it. " Another of the questions about this group, how did they knew about that...

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I hope that advice has a lasting effect on Tobio, that is all I can do when he is already acquainted with Azazel and his school for sacred gear users...

With this I made him realize the importance of training himself and with a little bit of luck he will realize that Azazel only cares about Sacred Gears and not about the human part.

Sometimes I wonder what that Fallen Angel would do with a Zanpakuto from bleach and how they compare with Sacred Gears.

Well, Zanpakuto is focused more on the development of the user making quite the monsters by the end of the process...

But a Longinus user may beat them in the short run...


At the end of the fight an unsatisfied Mordred decided to ask for some 'compensation' for her lost time and decided to roam the world starting with this world version of her homeland and of course her two disciples tagged along with her.

Not that she needed to ask for it since she knows that she is free to do whatever she wants, it was more of a excuse than anything else.

Now she only comes back at home to eat and play with the cats

Mordred is well known for her love for cats, and seems like her love for her lion father went even that far...

Not even minding that they are Yokais, she probably likes everything Feline

And the cats love having someone to play with, especially since their strength makes it impossible for them to tire themselves playing with someone normal.

Their respective training is making it more difficult with each passing day...

At the end, All left in the house is three Humans, one Sarkaz and two Nekoshous.

Im making plans for the date with Kei, the girls seem the be giving us some space to respect that but also made it clear that the want one too

The question is...


As someone who spent her life in a world filled with war, sickness and more conflicts

I really want the date to be in a place that is relaxing and where we can be alone

As well as a place she feels comfortable and is new and interesting for her.

And I want it to be in the real world not something made by me, she already has an entire painting only for her where she can do pretty much all she wants

I thought of visiting the famous Kuoh town but it would only be for her to expand her domain there and something feels wrong about doing it durong our first date...

Maybe I'm overexagerating things...

Seems like I have no choice than asking her or I will be going in circles for days when I could just confirm things with her...

Once decided, I got up and made a door leading towards Kei's personal painting.

The first thing I obserbed is that...

Like time is was a simple grass filled plain but now...

Seems like she made some changes...

The place could be described as a plain, but filled with rocks of different sizes everywhere instead of only grass with lights of the color of a sunset since that's the time ofthe daywhere she feels more comfortable at.

The rocks make a path towards the [Door] where everything is rather clean but on the side of said path one could see the places and things she plays and tinkers with...

From the normal trees that you can find everywhere with just some differences in sizes and forms, to humanoid silhouettes representing different people of different races, weight and details.

Some are standing, while some seems to be talking to others and some look like they are fighting monsters of numerous forms and types.

 I can even feel some of the familiar white and red golems from the game...

All pieces made purely of soil and rock...

Even when made of such simple materials, a normal supernatural person would find them hard to break due to Mudrock strengthening them with her arts...

And of course this is also a part of her [Domain], she felt me the moment I entered the place so I wasn't surprised when I saw her right after entering into her room

At the end all the girls decided to get a room inside a painting

No cleaning, no danger, you can change anything anytime, simply more safe and comfortable.

Mudrock room is inside a structure made of multiple long rocks forming sticking togheter to make a cave, but besides the lack of a door everything else looks like a normal room on the inside.

A bed, a table, shelves filled with books, enough space to fit at least five normal big rooms, dozens of mini figures made of soil or rock running around carrying things...

Yep, normal.

"Welcome, Ahm" Kei welcomed me with a smile and genuine happiness in her voice

I heard her greeting, but the first that came to my mind was...

The Jeannes did this...

The most likely thing is some tips on how to dress because she never used a shirt like this one...


"*cough* I really like your shirt, who gave it to you? It was the sisters... right?" I asked her knowing the answer, since the shirt was tight enough to highlight her curves, that shirt is something that she usually won't think of using.

She is even tightening the fabric a bit...

"Yes... they and Le Fay told me you'd like it... I'm glad you like it" Mudrock said it with a mixture of happiness and shyness

Little by little, she is becoming more aware of the full meaning in relationships between men and women and at the same time that she wants to participate in one, but this sudden and new experiences leaves her a little unsure of what to do or if she is doing things right.

Making her give an image of someone who wants to cover herself given the unknown experience but at the same time show herself to the person she wants to impress...

She can be really charming...

I guess that someone doing something only for you makes it even better... any mistake she makes may end as cute for me at this point...

"It fits you very well but if you feel uncomfortable you can take it off, it seems... tight" I can't help but comment on it since some of those type of clothes seems just really uncomfortable and I really prefer that they dress something they feel more comfortable with if its going to cause them so much disconfort

I doubt it can hurt with how strong she is, now that I think about it...

"They don't bother me and... they said something about that it would be a great weapon... but I didn't understand much about it..." This time her voice and body language is a little more relaxed and with each passing moment she seems to be so more and more...

Seems like she was insecure if this was going to work or not, my compliment seems to have helped her a lot to overcome her doubts...

But I must admit they were right, they even made me focus too much on the top preventing me from looking at the rest and now that I look at it... her pants seem to be quite tight showcasing her...

What did they say to transform this cute innocent girl into this deadly weapon...

And of course this growing body of mine is not helping, at all!

If you don't count making things worse as helping that is.

I really need to find a way to stop this from affecting my thoughts...

"I came to ask you something about our... date" Lets hope that we can find something, is either that or keep going in circles...

But I'd rather it than making a mistake or just ending up on an overly normal date...

Or maybe that's what she wants a normal date?... enough thinking, my head hurts

And to think that mind is supposed to be my forte...

Maybe being dumber when it comes to girls is something normal in males... or maybe It's just me.

"About the date? What do you need to ask?" The curiosity and interest that Kei had in this topic is surprising for me... but also to be expected.

"I wanted to ask you about the place, I want to go somewhere that you like or are interested in" I asked Kei returning a bit of the curiosity she gave me, interested in what kind of place she might like

"To what place ...? I'm fine with whatever place you choose..." She replied without giving much importance to the subject but at the same time reaffirming my doubts about whether to ask her...

I don't want a first date to be just 'okay' so I had to think of what kind of place she would like to see and explore while being together...

Looking around the painting only one word comes to mind.

"A Mountain?" And he said it without thinking too much since it is my only option for the moment, in the worst case it will give me time to think about another one...

"Mountain ...? Yes, Yes I would love it! I saw one in a movie and they are completely different from the world I was in... I would like to visit one."  Uncommon place for a date true but...

But thinking about it, the reason why it is not one is because of the inconvenience of reaching one and how taxing it could be for someone to walk hours just to reach it and then the hours to explore it...

But for us, with our strength we may even run around the mounting just for fun...

I should also prepare a picnic, I guess it's not that different from a date in a park if you get rid of the downsides...

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