Endless Legacy (DC Comics)

Chapter 11: Blackfire Pt. 2

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

No good(?) deed goes unpunished...

He doesn’t really think about it… he just acts. With skin-to-skin contact, his power over Blackfire is absolute, even if the Tamaranean Princess doesn’t know it. Since he now has a full blueprint of her physiology, it’s… all too easy to just reach in and shut her off. In an instant, Blackfire’s eyes roll back in her head and she releases her grip on his wrist.
Slumping back into the crater that her younger sister put her in, the villainess is unconscious once more… only this time, she’s not going to wake up unless HE wakes her up. It was quick and dirty, but he’d effectively put her in a coma. Without either some serious medical equipment and attention or his power, she would remain in that coma indefinitely. Well… until she died from lack of food and water, he supposed.
Grimacing, Lucien looks down at the villainess he’s just disabled, suddenly feeling… self-conscious, maybe? That probably wasn’t the right descriptor for it, but it was close enough. His only intention had been to get access to Tamaranean Physiology and get out. Between Starfire’s blood and contact with Blackfire’s skin, he’d already gotten everything he needed.
But now he was no longer just a strange mix between a bystander and scavenger. Now he’d directly involved himself in all of this by essentially attacking Blackfire. Sure, he could undo the coma and make sure she didn’t wake up for just a little while… but she’d seen his face. And he definitely wasn’t going to try to erase her memory of him. That was a slippery slope he was more than a little concerned about starting down.
… He could take her with him?
Immediately, Lucien knows that’s a bad idea. For… so many reasons. Not only is Blackfire a wanted criminal, but she’s also just plain violent in general. Though, the majority of her malevolent acts are tied to her sister from his recollection. Her villainess actions all led back to Starfire and whatever grudge Blackfire had against the younger Tamaranean.
Still, Lucien rubs at his wrist for a moment, where she’d grabbed onto him. That super strength was no joke. If he hadn’t acted when he did, she was moments away from snapping his wrist like a toothpick, and that was WITH the modest enhancements to his body and bones he’d managed to make so far.
With today’s outing, his strength would increase quite a lot and so would his durability… but did he really want to risk bringing Blackfire home?
Ah, but then there was another kicker, wasn’t there? He couldn’t take her home. Not only was he not about to bring her anywhere near Spot when he didn’t know her disposition… but he also knew his apartment wasn’t truly a safe place. It was paid for by his father, and Lucien would be shocked if it wasn’t completely bugged to hell and back.
So as much as he might have wanted to take her with him, it was just a bad idea. One way or another, bringing Blackfire along was just a recipe for disaster.
… But then, why was he reaching down and carefully pulling the comatose supervillain out of her crater? Why was he lifting her up and draping her over his shoulders in a fireman carry as he hastily departed from the scene?
He just knew he was going to regret this, but he felt slightly responsible for how Blackfire had ended up now. So… the least he could do was help her get to safety, just this once. Still, before he dared to wake her up, he was going to make damn sure that he was prepared for her reaction.
It’s several hours later that Lucien finally feels ready to bring Blackfire out of her coma. Relocating her to another place halfway across the city had taken about an hour thanks to the enhancements he’d gotten from Spot. Then, after that he’d gone dumpster diving for biological matter. It had seemed like the best way to get the biomass he needed so he could start making changes.
In the end, he’d managed to gather quite the meat suit… literally. Transforming the biomass into ‘clothing’ that clung to his flesh, he’d eventually returned to where he’d stashed Blackfire and gone ahead and sat down to get to work. First, he’d used what he got from her sister to enhance himself further. He was now part Tamaranean, with the ability to absorb stellar radiation and much greater strength and durability than he had before. Hell, he could even fly now.
Yep, he could fly. And that was great, really it was… but he hadn’t been able to truly enjoy his new powers, mostly because he still had to deal with Blackfire. Using the last of the biomass, he’d gone ahead and healed her of the wounds that she’d been given by her sister. Would it have been much easier to handle her if she was still injured? Maybe. But Lucien had let his guilt get the better of him.
Regardless, he was as ready as he was ever going to be. And whether this worked out or not, he had to get home to Spot soon anyways. The Snow Leopard Cub had plenty of food, but even still, he wasn’t supposed to leave him alone for too much longer.
Reaching out, Lucien taps Blackfire on the cheek, reversing the coma and giving her a very minor dose of adrenaline. Just enough to wake her up.
As he steps back, she’s already beginning to stir. Then, her eyes snap open and she jolts up from where he laid her on the floor. In response, Lucien has his hands up to show he means no harm.
“Hey! Hey, it’s okay… I brought you somewhere safe. You’re okay.”
The orange-skinned alien narrows her glowing green eyes at that, the familiar sight of her signature purple energy coating her hands as they curl into fists. But… she doesn’t immediately attack him. So that’s good, at least.
“… What is this? How did I…”
She sounds confused. Which… fair. She DID randomly lose a big chunk of time; it was no doubt very disconcerting. Lucien just shrugs and proceeds to lie his pants off.
“I don’t know. One moment you were asking me who I was, the next you passed out. I’m guessing from your wounds. Which, uh… I healed by the way. You’re welcome.”
The beautiful alien woman blinks at that, and then looks down at herself and at her hands. Lucien watches as she stares in bewilderment, turning this way and that, shifting from side to side. It’s obvious she’s testing her body for any soreness or strain, but Lucien knows she won’t find any. She’s in tip top shape now, at peak health. He figured it was the least he could do, all things considered.
Slowly, the Tamaranean ceases her movements and looks back at him, staring him down.
“You… healed me.”
Lucien nods, giving her a somewhat crooked smile.
“I did. It’s my power, I guess you could say. And you were injured, so… well, that’s why I was touching you before you passed out. To try and heal you.”
A lie from the pit of hell, but Lucien is putting his entire ability behind it and he knows for a fact that his poker face is immaculate. The only reason Mercy had caught him in his lie to her was because she’d had evidence that his power HAD to be more than he’d told her. Well, Blackfire didn’t have that evidence. And more importantly, healing was plenty versatile. Not even really a lie to say his power was healing. The only REAL lie was WHY he had wanted to touch her.
Silent for a moment longer, Blackfire’s hands curl into fists again and she lets out a quiet growl.
“Oh? And I suppose you expect payment for services rendered, do you? I suppose you want something from me, don’t you?”
Lucien blinks. Technically, he already had everything he wanted from her. Though for a moment he thinks of his quest to properly bed Death and make her cum. And yet… he knows that suggesting Blackfire fuck him would probably be a really bad idea. So better to cut his losses, really. Shaking his head, Lucien gives the Tamaranean Princess a reassuring smile.
“Actually, no payment necessary. I just did it because I could… because you were hurt.”
At this… Blackfire actually looks baffled for a moment. Finally, she lets out a scoff.
“Do you not know who I am?”
Of course he knew who she was. But Lucien is in too deep with the lies at this point to back out now. So he just shrugs and gives a half-answer of sorts.
“A woman in trouble? What? Would you rather I didn’t heal you?”
Blackfire narrows her eyes and he tenses up, half-expecting her to lunge at him right then and there. But then, that was why he’d gone ahead and upgraded himself BEFORE bringing her out of the coma. She was undoubtedly a much better fighter than he was, but he just needed to survive long enough to touch her again and he’d be the victor once more.
Except, that doesn’t happen. Rather than attack, Blackfire… abruptly floats off of the ground and zips out through a nearby open window in the abandoned building he’d brought her to. Not so much as a ‘thank you’ or a ‘by your leave’. She just… goes. Lucien stares after her departing form for a moment, a little gobsmacked. But then, what should he have really expected?
Heh, maybe he should have tried to get her to repay him in some way. Maybe not with sex, because that would likely have led to her trying to kill him, but perhaps with combat training of some kind? Eh… it was too late now. And besides, Blackfire was way too much heat for him anyways. Better to just… let things end here. After all, Lucien had undeniably come out the best from this entire encounter.
Though, as he looks at the window she’d left through longingly for a moment, he considers whether he could get away with flying home. But… no. Probably best not to do anything that would draw attention to himself, especially on a day like this where Blackfire and Starfire had a knockout fight on the other side of the city, to say nothing of whatever Blackfire had done to tie up the rest of the Titans while they scuffled.
Shaking his head, Lucien makes his way towards the stairs instead, forced to make the modest trek back home with his own two legs. Though, he finds himself not minding the walk nearly as much as he initially expected. It’s a nice, bright, cloud-free day, and with the sun shining down overhead, Lucien feels energized in a way he’s never felt before.
Absorbing stellar radiation? Yeah, he could definitely get used to this. He feels stronger and stronger the more he stays out in the sun, and honestly he’s half-tempted to take the long way home on top of refraining from testing out his new flight capabilities. But no, he has someone waiting for him back at his apartment.
Spot at least is happy to see him when he finally gets back to the apartment, and Lucien can’t help but grin a little bit as he provides the Snow Leopard Cub with more food and even plays with him for a little while. He also goes ahead and throws open all of the blinds, letting fresh sunlight pour into the apartment from wherever he can possibly get it to do so.
The sun has suddenly gone from being just a thing he has to put up with, to his new favorite friend truth be told.
Unfortunately, it’s already setting by the time he gets home, and a couple hours later it’s gone completely as night falls. With Spot curled up on his cat bed, Lucien goes to sleep as well, feeling quite pleased with how the day’s activities had gone. Quite pleased indeed.
… There’s someone riding his dick. Lucien’s brow furrows, and for a moment he thinks he might be dreaming. Has Death arranged another deal with her brother, to allow them to meet once more while Lucien slumbers? He opens his eyes, half-expecting to see the impossibly picture-esque forest clearing where they’d fucked the last time.
Instead, he finds his darkened bedroom, which he can only properly see in because of the enhancements he’s made to his eyes. That said, the first thing he lays said eyes upon after opening them… is the woman currently bouncing up and down on his cock. Glowing green eyes stare back down at him as Blackfire rides him with a wide, wicked grin stretched across her face. Her pussy clenches and flexes along his dick, and she even lets out a groan of appreciation.
Lucien’s foggy, sleepy mind finally catches up and he jolts at realizing what’s happening. He’d been followed. Damn it all, no good deed goes unpunished, that was the phrase, wasn’t it? He’d healed Blackfire and woke her up, and then… she’d fucking followed him home.
“Mm, finally awake I see.”
Suddenly leaning over him, Blackfire places a hand on his neck, wrapping her fingers around his throat as she looks him right in the eye and licks her lips.
“Enjoying yourself? Your cock certainly seems to be. Your big fat dick, pulsing inside of my tight, flexing cunt. Do you like that? Do you like how it feels?”
… What the fuck was this? Lucien can’t help but be a little confused. Where was this even coming from?
With her other hand, Blackfire runs a finger down his chest, humming as she goes.
“Your… altruism earlier today kept me out of prison, no doubt. My little fainting episode would likely have given my sister and her friends enough time to come back and apprehend me if you hadn’t seen fit to drag me away from the scene like you did. I appreciate that. Just as I appreciate the healing you provided me.”
This was a power play; Lucien slowly begins to realize. A power play of some sort anyways. Honestly, it was more than a little disconcerting, especially because he knew what Blackfire was really like. But she must have decided he didn’t know her true identity and was running with that. Leaning in even closer, Blackfire has her lips mere centimeters from his.
“My name is Blackfire. What’s yours, healer?”
She wants him for herself, Lucien finally realizes. She’s trying to groom him, in her own twisted way. The alien is a psychopath, there’s no doubt about that, but she clearly thinks that she’s giving him exactly what he wants by doing this, and that he will in turn serve her if she can tie him to her. She’s trying to instill loyalty in him, while also making sure he has a healthy dose of fear of her.
But that wasn’t going to happen. Oh sure, he was wary of her… but afraid of her? Lucien almost wanted to laugh at that. He doesn’t though, still well aware of her hand wrapped around his throat. Still, staring up into her eyes… he reaches out and grabs her by her waist, sinking his fingers firmly into her hips in a way that has Blackfire’s eyes widening in surprise at his audacity.
Then, he gives her a crooked smile.
“My name is Lucien. Lucien Luthor.”
THAT gets another reaction from the alien villainess. Even aliens from outer space know who Lex Luthor is after all, especially if they spend any appreciable length of time on Earth. He can see how she studies him, likely just managing to note the similarities to his father. He doesn’t think they’ve ever ‘worked’ together so to speak, so it makes sense she hadn’t realized earlier.
Of course, while she’s processing the revelation of his identity, Lucien is considering a different question entirely. How to handle this crazy alien stray who he’d accidentally let follow him home.
The Patreon Vote:
[  ] Let Blackfire continue thinking she's in control, relying on his family name to keep her from going too far - 12%
[  ] Instead use his family name to try and take control of the encounter while avoiding revealing too much - 5%
[X] Give in to the impulse to use his new strength to turn the tables and take control, fucking Blackfire silly - 83%

If you'd like to read more of my work not seen on this website, check out Hentai-Foundry.com and QuestionableQuesting.com where I have over a thousand stories! I'm known as 'Cambrian' on those websites.

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