Endless Legacy (DC Comics)

Chapter 12: Blackfire Pt. 3

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

Lucien puts Blackfire in her place~

In the moment that Blackfire is distracted by the revelation concerning just who’s son he is, Lucien acts. His hands are already on her hips. His fingers already dig into her taut flesh. In the end, all it takes for him to take control… is to stop holding back. With a grunt, he leverages his new strength and flips them both over right there on the spot, taking up the top position while Blackfire ends up on her back.
The Tamaranean Princess’ eyes were wide before. Now, they positively bulge out of her head as the air is driven from her lungs by his very next thrust. Without hesitation, without mercy, Lucien begins fucking Blackfire into his bed, just as she had been fucking him moments before. He can’t possibly do anything less. He can’t rely on his father’s name to protect him… more importantly, he can’t rely on his father’s name to protect Spot.
He’s grateful that he fed the Snow Leopard Cub a truly massive dinner as an ‘apology’ for being gone for so long earlier in the day, because it’s obvious that Spot is currently sleeping the sleep of the dead, having feasted like a King before going to bed. That’s all well and good, but if Lucien doesn’t set some ground rules with Blackfire right fucking now, he doesn’t want to find out what she might do to try to set some ground rules of her own.
Of course, he can’t rely just on his newfound strength to put her in her place. After all, everything he has… is hers and her sister’s. Lucien can’t even say for sure whether Tamaranean Males are naturally stronger than Tamaranean Females like it is with human men and women. But he knows one thing for sure… Blackfire is still a much better fighter than him. And he really doesn’t want her to destroy his bedroom trying to put him in his place.
Fortunately, he’s not only limited to what he got from her and her sister. In fact, that’s only one small aspect of his powers. Assimilating their physiology was one thing. But Lucien still had complete control over biology at his fingertips. He could do whatever he wanted to Blackfire in this moment. A heady feeling to be sure. And he would even be justified, given she was the one who’d snuck into his apartment and started fucking him in his sleep.
But he doesn’t go as far as he could. No, instead all he does… is amp up the alien woman’s sensitivity, making sure that what might be a nice, pleasurable sensation as his cock thrusts into her flexing, clenching quim, suddenly becomes orgasmic in and of itself. Blackfire gasps beneath him… and then lets out an involuntary wanton moan as her pussy walls squeeze down even harder around his dick.
Smirking, Lucien doesn’t let up. He begins to really pound into her, delivering the best sex of Blackfire’s life to the alien princess. In response, the villainess quickly loses her initial tenseness. She melts beneath him, moaning more and more wantonly. The trick is to not give her any time to think. The trick is to get her so caught up in what she’s feeling, that she doesn’t stop and question HOW he’s doing it.
As Blackfire climaxes for the first time but far from the last time, Lucien’s smirk widens into a full-blown grin. It feels good, making this bitch cum. Threaten him, would she? Sneak into his home and try and turn him into some pawn after how he’d helped her? Sure, Lucien had gotten a lot more out of their interaction than Blackfire did. While he’d kept her out of prison this time, he had no doubt she would eventually have gotten free even without his intervention.
Meanwhile, he’d gotten some very permanent upgrades from just a touch of her skin. And sure, Lucien’s plans might mean that he eventually upgraded beyond Tamaranean Physiology, leaving it behind for better and bigger things… but that didn’t change the facts. He had come out ahead.
The thing was, Blackfire didn’t know that. As far as she was concerned, he’d simply done her a good turn. Healed her. Asked for nothing in return. And what did she do? She followed him home and tried to put a metaphorical collar around his neck.
So yeah, Lucien wasn’t exactly feeling bad about rocking her world. As she moans beneath him, the bed under them both shaking and shuddering from the force of his thrusts, Lucien can tell he’s got her right where he wants her. She’s overwhelmed, plain and simple. As the second of multiple orgasms cascades over her, he finally pulls his hands off of her hips, and instead grabs hold of her breasts instead.
Groping, squeezing, and kneading her titflesh, Lucien smirks as Blackfire’s eyes, which HAD grown heavily lidded, snap wide open again. There’s a quiver in her… that graduates into a full blown shudder as he really sets to mauling her breasts. Her chest is just as sensitive as her cunt right now thanks to his powers, and she squeals in a truly undignified manner as he kneads her breasts. Her nipples become rock hard in mere moments, pressing against his palms while his fingers squeeze and compress her tits again and again.
The third orgasm hits even faster than the second did and Lucien is treated to the sight of Blackfire’s eyes rolling properly back into her head on that one. They roll forward again eventually after a short while… but he has to admit, this level of power over a woman is addicting.
Sure, he could go further… he could turn Blackfire into his hopeless little love puppet. He could bimbofy her, or even wipe her mind clean entirely and turn her into his own personal sex doll with zero autonomy or free will. It would be… too easy.
He doesn’t though. Not just because that sounds like something his father might do given half the chance, but also because it wouldn’t help him, not truly. Oh sure, maybe turning Blackfire into a flesh-bot would solve the immediate problem that was her finding out where he lived and impaling herself on his cock while he slept. But… it wouldn’t accomplish his more long-term goal, now would it?
He couldn’t use his powers against Death of the Endless. At least not yet. Nor did he have any desire to try and subjugate Death in the way he was currently subjugating Blackfire. Did he want to conquer Death? Maybe a little. He wanted more than anything to see her face contorting in the same pleasure that Blackfire’s face was contorting in right now. He wanted to feel Death cum around his cock, spasming and milking his dick for all it’s worth… just as Blackfire is currently cumming for him in this moment.
And yet… he knows it won’t be this easy with Death. Nothing worth doing ever is. In that regard, Blackfire represents an opportunity. Lucien had heard somewhere that if you spent a thousand hours doing something, you would likely come out the other side as a Master. You’d have to be particularly untalented or just plain lazy to waste one thousand hours of your life and NOT master a skill, to be frank.
Well, he doubted a thousand hours of sex would be good enough to make Death cum. But maybe ten thousand hours and he’d finally have the right technique to make her squeal. And if not ten thousand, then a hundred thousand. And if not a hundred thousand, then a million.
With a growl, Lucien plunges into Blackfire’s depths time and time again, listening as she cries out, climaxing for him. He pinches her nipples between his fingers and he rolls them along the pads of his digits, making her clench down all the harder around his cock. He fucks her like there’s no tomorrow… with every intention of doing so ALL night long.
Eventually, he even switches up positions. Blackfire doesn’t fight him on it. He fucks her on her hands and knees like the bitch in heat she is. He fucks her on her side, with one leg over his shoulder. He puts her back on her back and folds her legs up as well, giving himself an even deeper angle. And finally, after hours and hours of fucking, he has her back on top again, this time with her body pressed back against his chest, one hand groping a tit and the other down between her legs, frigging her clit as he thrusts up into her from below.
Blackfire HOWLS as she cums for him, bucking her hips and clawing at the bedding on either side of him. Lucien, for his part, slams up inside of her one last time before cumming at long last. It’s the first time in these last few hours, and he’s only had to cheat minimally in order to hold back his release. Blackfire’s body is amazing, don’t get him wrong… but she’s no Death.
“You… you… what… w-what manner of monster are you?”
A little surprised that the alien princess is even capable of speech at this point, Lucien chuckles softly as he considers the question for a moment.
“Your new boss, if you’re in the market for work. That’s why you followed me home, isn’t it?”
He pinches her nipple between his fingers and gives it a good solid tug before Blackfire can answer, prompting her to groan instead. Her overly sexed body is covered in sweat as it lays atop him now, her limbs and extremities trembling and quivering from the exertion. He’s definitely pushed her to her limits… but has he pushed her past them?
“You… you can’t be human.”
Lucien hums at that, considering the accusation for a moment. Then, he flips them both over, showing that he’s nowhere near as tired as she is… and that he’s still in complete control of the encounter. As Blackfire gasps, finding herself suddenly prone on his bed, he smiles as he moves inside of her, making her realize that he’s still quite hard and ready for action.
“I’m Lex Luthor’s son. Tell me, did you know he had a son?”
Blackfire shudders beneath him for a moment, before slowly shaking her head back and forth. Lucien hums, running his hands along her back, able to feel her muscles rippling beneath them. She’s already putty in his hands… but everything is practice, in the end. Slowly, he begins massaging Blackfire, turning her from putty into a puddle as she groans and moans in reluctant appreciation.
“Exactly. Make of that what you will, Blackfire of Tamaran.”
He’s not lying, but he’s definitely twisting the truth and letting her fill in the blanks. Fucking her much more slowly now while also giving her a back massage, Lucien begins to carefully dial back the alien woman’s sensitivity, ratcheting it downwards several notches over the next few minutes to make sure she doesn’t notice anything is truly amiss.
It still feels amazing, he can tell from the way the pleasure centers of her brain are firing out of control. She loves this… but then it helps that he’s gone from fucking her silly to pampering her in what must feel like mere seconds. He can tell that the sudden shift has completely caught her off guard, leaving her just as little room to react and process what’s happening as him drilling her for hours did.
Finally though, she manages to muster up a response amidst all the moaning and groaning he has her doing.
“You… you’re Luthor’s secret weapon…”
Lucien can’t help but laugh at that, though he’s careful to keep his true feelings a secret. God, if his father heard Blackfire say that, how would Lex react he wondered? As far as the great Lex Luthor was concerned, Lucien had been absolutely useless for the first sixteen years of his life. It was only now, due to circumstances that his father wasn’t truly aware of, that Lucien had become ‘useful’.
The idea of him being his father’s secret weapon IS laughable, but he doesn’t want Blackfire to think he’s mocking her. So he cuts off his laughter relatively fast and leans forward, placing a hand on the nape of the trembling, exhausted alien princess’ neck, holding her in place as he whispers in her ear.
“I am no one’s weapon. No more than you are, Blackfire. I am my own man. If my father wants to own me, he’ll have to break me first… and I will never break.”
This, it turns out, might be the wrong thing to say. Suddenly, Blackfire bucks beneath him, growling as she pushes back against his weight.
“N-Neither will I!”
With a grunt, Lucien has to push down on her in response, holding her in place so she can’t escape his hold. Using her full power, she manages to lift them off the bed with her flight for a second… but then Lucien responds with his own flight and slams them back down. Thankfully, they don’t go right through the floor… but the bed doesn’t survive the experience.
As his bed collapses under them, the temporary fight goes out of Blackfire, her exhaustion rapidly overtaking her. Hours upon hours of mind-blowing sex would do that to a person, and ultimately her moment of defiance proves to be just that… a single moment. Lucien just shakes her head as she lays beneath him, her cunt still wrapped snugly around his cock and clenching and flexing along his length.
“I’m not trying to break you, Blackfire. Did I say I wanted a slave? I’m trying to offer you a job.”
There’s a brief pause from the prickly alien princess, but after a moment she relaxes again as he returns to massaging her shoulders and back.
“… And what does it pay, exactly?”
Lucien smiles at that.
“For now? Not much, I’ll be honest. Tell me, do you know what an intern is?”
“… No.”
“Well, they work for experience rather than pay, and if things go really well, then they get paid later on. I’ll be blunt, Blackfire. I don’t have much that actually belongs to me and not my father at the moment. But I want more. I have ambitions. I will step out from my father’s shadow, whether he likes it or not. I’ll build my own empire that will eclipse his so thoroughly that people will be saying ‘Lex who?’ by the time I’m done.”
Leaning in close again, Lucien whispers in Blackfire’s ear once more.
“I’m offering you a chance to join me on the ground floor. To help me build something great. And in the meantime, while I can’t pay you in proper hard currency just yet… there are other ways I can keep you… satisfied.”
The truth is, he was sort of lying. He HAD spent the last several hours trying to break Blackfire on his dick without actually using his powers to mind control or erase her personality. The fact that she was still this ornery after a marathon of the best sex of her life was… well, it spoke quite a bit about just what sort of person she was.
Even still, Lucien thought they could work together. Now it was just a question of whether Blackfire agreed with him or not…
The Patreon Vote:
[  ] Blackfire agrees to the unpaid internship to get more dick - 33%
[X] Blackfire demands a sign-on bonus (he has to help her get back at her sister) - 65%
[  ] Blackfire rejects the deal, scared off by everything Lucien represents - 2%


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