Endless Legacy (DC Comics)

Chapter 13: Blackfire Pt. 4

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

Lucien gets an intern, Blackfire gets a pledge to help.

His offer of ‘other ways to keep Blackfire satisfied’ causes the alien villainess to fall still for a time, even as he continues to pin her down and massage her shoulders while his cock remains buried in her clenching, quivering quim.
Finally though…
“Let me up.”
Lucien cocks his head to the side, but he can’t hear any anger in her voice. And his powers aren’t giving him any sign that she’s preparing to attack. If she were, there would likely be more adrenaline in her system, as well as a dozen other signs of her impending assault, even if she was completely able to hold back any visible sign of what she was planning.
… In the end, he decides to extend Blackfire a modicum of trust, pulling out of her cunt and releasing his hold on her body. Pushing off of her, he rises from the collapsed bed, watching as Blackfire slowly pushes herself up and then does the same. Turning to face him, the alien princess works her jaw for a moment, her eyes narrowed and her gaze searching. Finally though, she slowly nods.
Then, she gives him what’s clearly meant to be a seductive smirk, strutting over to him and taking hold of his cock in one hand. As she gives it a long stroke, it’s clear that she’s trying to pretend like he didn’t just rail her senseless for hours on end… and failing somewhat spectacularly. Especially since her nipples are rock hard, her tongue keeps darting out to lick at her lips, and her eyes keep glancing down at his cock.
Still, if she wants to pretend she has some small semblance of control over the situation, Lucien will give it to her. They both know who’s really in charge now anyways after all.
“Fine. I’ll be your intern. In exchange, you’ll fuck me with this big fat cock of yours as much as I want, got it?”
Lucien snorts derisively, not entirely surprised by her request. Was it any less than he expected from her? Eh, not really. Would he find it annoying under normal circumstances? Probably. But then, if these were normal circumstances, Blackfire probably wouldn’t have a stipulation like that in the first place. The only reason he’d gone so hard and blown her mind in the first place… was because of his overarching goal.
Blackfire was a stepping stone, though he had no intention of telling her that. He didn’t mind having to fuck her whenever she wanted, because fucking her as much as possible would only serve his own goals in the long run. His purpose hadn’t changed after all. He was still aiming for the top… still aiming to make Death of the Endless cum on his cock. It didn’t matter what Lucien had to change about himself to make that happen. It didn’t matter whose physiology he had to incorporate into his own, or what powers he needed to gain.
He would not stop until Death’s eyes were rolled back in her head and her tongue was lolling out of her mouth. Then and only then would he truly be satisfied…
“Very well. I’d be happy to-!”
“Oh, and one other thing too.”
Lucien’s eyes narrow as Blackfire cuts him off with a wicked smirk, still stroking his throbbing erection with one hand.
“One… other thing?”
The villainess’ smirk evolves into a grin and she nods.
“Yeah. Interns get sign-on bonuses, right? I want my sign-on bonus.”
Lucien opens his mouth to tell Blackfire that no, interns don’t get sign-on bonuses… but realizes quite quickly that she won’t care. She wants it anyways. And he’s better off negotiating then trying to deny her anything at this point, at least so long as he actually wants to get her on board. Still, if they’re negotiating…
Reaching down, fast as a whip, Lucien sticks his fingers in Blackfire’s freshly fucked cunt, making her eyes widen in surprise as he returns the favor. Now they’re both playing with each other, his digits pistoning in and out of her and curling up every third thrust in a way that’s clearly driving her crazy, while her hand glides up and down his throbbing cock.
Then, he leans in close and presses his forehead against hers, growling in a deep, guttural tone as he questions her.
“And what does my new intern want for her sign-on bonus?”
Shuddering, Blackfire bites her lower lip for a moment to try and contain the whimper that threatens to escape her mouth. She fails, but Lucien is smart enough to pretend he didn’t hear it. Rallying herself, the alien princess finally finds her voice after a second longer.
“I want… I want my revenge. I want to get back at my sister once and for all. And I want you to help.”
Lucien almost pulls away right there on the spot. He DOES pause for a brief moment before starting back up with his digits. Frowning, he tries to coach his refusal of her demands properly… hopefully in a way that won’t make her angry.
“I may be my father’s son, Blackfire… but I am not a criminal. Nor a villain. And even my father is wise enough to hide the vast majority of his crimes from the world so that he can remain the consummate businessman in the public eye. Only a handful of people know what he’s really like and that’s by design. I’m not taking you on as my intern so that you can drag me into a life of crime. I’m taking you on as my intern to give you a chance to get away from villainy as a whole. This is an opportunity to turn a new leaf, Blackfire.”
Blackfire frowns the more he talks, until finally SHE’S the one who pulls her hand off of his cock and steps away from his questing fingers. Lucien tenses up for a moment, anticipating an attack now that he no longer has direct physical contact with the alien woman. But while she does pull away, she doesn’t leave. She just turns for a moment, arms crossed over her chest as she seems to take a moment to process his words.
Finally, Blackfire turns back around with a growl.
“And what if I have a plan that doesn’t involve any crime? What if I have the perfect… legal way of getting back at my pitiful bitch of a sister?”
Lucien hesitates. He doesn’t NEED Blackfire. That should really be made abundantly clear. He doesn’t actually need her in either the short-term or the long-term… and truth be told, her presence might very well end up being directly detrimental to his plans. And yet… now that he’s gotten all caught up in the idea of making her his intern, his ‘Mercy’… well, he kind of wants to bring it on home. He wants to find a way to seal the deal and claim her as his own.
… Yeah, he might be even more like his father than he thought, truth be told. Still, as much as being self-aware is good… it doesn’t change his desires.
“What do you have in mind, exactly? I would need to know the specifics before I agreed to anything.”
Silent for a moment, Blackfire is clearly coming up with her latest plan on the fly, which doesn’t exactly fill Lucien with confidence. He’s just about to say something more when she suddenly speaks up.
“I want you to fuck my sister. Consensually.”
Wait, what?
Lucien blinks and Blackfire hurries to explain.
“If you won’t help me kill her, I want the next best thing. I want to destroy her. To leave her an emotional wreck of a woman who thought she knew what love was, but then had it stripped away from her. I want you to seduce her. And then I want you to fuck her like you fucked me. Starfire is a weakling. She can’t handle the shit that I’ve handled. You fuck her like you fucked me and she’ll be addicted after one fucking go.”
Blackfire’s eyes glance down at his cock and Lucien privately thinks to himself that Blackfire might also be just a teeny, tiny bit addicted. But he’s DEFINITELY not going to say that out loud, not when she’s very clearly in denial there. Licking her lips before returning her gaze to his face, Blackfire smiles an evil smile.
“You’ll make her your woman. You’ll leave her begging for more and coming back again and again. And then… when I say so, you’ll pull the rug out from under her. You’ll break up with her and leave her high and dry. Maybe we’ll even arrange for her to see the two of us together. It’ll break her… and I’ll consider that good enough for my tastes.”
… He won’t lie, his first reaction is to refuse again. Is Blackfire really worth a convoluted, elaborate revenge plan involving copious amounts of mind breaking, back blowing sex with her younger sister, also an alien princess, ultimately culminating in them breaking Starfire’s psyche? He’s not sure she is.
Then again… Lucien sees numerous ways he might be able to curve the path Blackfire wants to take them down. Destroying Starfire in that sort of way doesn’t appeal to him in the slightest, but with more time to get Blackfire more addicted to his dick herself, and more time to influence her away from her current ‘revenge, revenge, revenge!’ mental state, maybe Lucien could alter the plan further down the line.
Fucking Starfire sounds like a lot of fun. Fucking Blackfire and Starfire together and having the sisters make up with one another while each kissing his cock sounded like a lot MORE fun.
Yeah, that could work. There was just one problem that Lucien could see with all of this.
“… I’m not saying no to the idea, Blackfire. However, isn’t your sister currently dating Robin? I’m not entirely sure that seducing her out from under him is in the cards…”
Nor would he be entirely comfortable with it either. However, before he can say that Blackfire wrinkles her nose and shakes her head in confusion.
“What? No, of course not. My weakling sister isn’t romantically involved with anyone right now. Trust me, I would know.”
Lucien blinks, opening his mouth to question that, but Blackfire cuts him off.
“Oh sure, the two are flirting damn near constantly… but the human man is completely blind to my sister’s attraction to him. He has no clue that she likes him as much as he likes her. And for whatever reason, my sister is too unwilling to take the final step. Heh, it’s the same with much of that team. I swear, studying them to prepare for my next plot against my sister is like watching one of your trashy TV shows. The drama would almost be exquisite… if it wasn’t so damn predictable and trite.”
… Huh. Now that he thought about it, while it eventually became semi-public knowledge that certain members of the Titans were hooking up with one another, that wasn’t for another year or two, was it? And honestly, given what he knew about Blackfire’s… habits, he could well imagine her constantly staking out the Titans’ base and learning everything there is to know about their day-to-day lives and habits.
With that said, Lucien could probably trust Blackfire’s information was correct. And if Starfire and Robin weren’t dating quite yet… then yeah, that made the plan to try and seduce Starfire to the Dark Side all the easier. Not that Lucien was trying to become the Dark Side! Honestly! Sure, his dad was Lex Luthor. Sure, he was tied to the literal personification of Death herself. Aaaand sure, he had a Snow Leopard Cub now, a stereotypical pet for supervillains everywhere.
… And last but not least, he had a literal villainess signing on to be his unpaid intern, all on the condition that he seduce and fuck her little sister until the superheroine was addicted to his cock.
Wait… was… was Lucien the baddie?
For a long moment, he just stares off into the distance. Then, he shakes himself loose of the thought and scoffs. No, he wasn’t the bad guy. It was Blackfire who was evil. He was just… doing what he could in order to curb her worst impulses. If he didn’t get her on board, then she would simply go on to perform more acts of villainy, of destruction and mayhem.
When you looked at it that way… Lucien was the GOOD guy, really.
That all said, when Blackfire makes a noise in the back of her throat, bringing him back to the real world and out of his thoughts, Lucien coughs and finally nods.
“Alright… we’ve got ourselves a deal. You work for me now and in turn, I’m going to help you get back at your sister… legally. No crimes. Nothing that will get the both of us thrown in prison. Everything stays above board.”
Blackfire tilts her head to the side and studies him for a moment before finally nodding.
“Sure. Though I’m already a wanted woman as I’m sure you know. So either way, I’ll probably have to keep my head down.”
With that said, the villainess plops herself down on his mattress and looks up at him, lifting a brow.
“So boss… what’s the plan? Do we get to start with my pathetic little sister? Oooor something else?”
Oh? He must have had more of an effect on her than he thought if she was even willing to entertain the idea of putting off her vengeance for a little while. Though in all honesty, it was pretty fair. Lucien really shouldn’t drop all of his current plans in favor of focusing his efforts solely on Starfire of the Titans. He definitely shouldn’t do that… right?
Humming, Lucien considers his options. He’s gotten more personal power now. He’s effectively part Tamaranean. On top of that, he can have Blackfire help him with training his newfound powers going forward. She’s an incredibly skilled warrior after all, so by all rights she should be the perfect instructor. Especially since his new powers come from her and her sister.
That said, he COULD focus his eyes towards financial or political power next. Ooooor… he could continue to focus on personal power. Which might mean he went after Starfire first after all. Because if he went after Starfire… well, he might be able to come in contact with some of her teammates as well. Like for instance, the shapeshifter Beast Boy. Or the half-demon Raven. Both of whom had unique biology that he could use to his own ends.
Tempting. Very tempting. And yet, Blackfire was giving him the freedom to choose. She had already accepted that they might be putting her vengeance on the backburner for the time being. So perhaps the Titans could wait. Perhaps it was time to establish himself as a person and not just a set of powers…
The Patreon Vote:
[X] Continue focusing on Personal Power, turn his attention towards Starfire and her friends - 62%
[  ] Switch to pursuing financial security (establishing his own company, submitting patents) - 30%
[  ] Switch to pursuing political/social influence (going to parties like the Gala, schmoozing with big names) - 9%


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