Endless Legacy (DC Comics)

Chapter 14: Meeting the Titans

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

I legitimately didn't know where I was going with this chapter until halfway through, but I'm really happy with how it turned out, heh.

Considering it for a long moment, Lucien smirks slightly as he tilts his head down at Blackfire.
“Why put off the inevitable? Let’s start with your sister.”
Blackfire’s eyes light up at that, and then she develops a wicked smirk of her own. The villainess isn’t the sort to leap up into the air or whoop for joy… but she’s still VERY happy to hear Lucien say that and she makes sure to show her happiness by slipping back off of the bed and onto her knees, taking his twitching erection into her mouth and past her lips.
Lucien groans as Blackfire begins to bob up and down on his dick, slowly and languidly to make sure he could feel just how much she appreciated him putting her desires first. Of course, little did she know that it wasn’t HER desires Lucien was really putting first her.
… Deep down, a part of Lucien knew that he was letting himself become addicted to growing stronger. Sure, pursuing power in the first place wasn’t necessarily a bad thing but now that he had Tamaranean Physiology on top of what he’d gotten from Spot, there was no denying that Lucien was already sitting rather pretty in the personal power department. Focusing his efforts on separating himself from his father and pursuing both financial security and political influence probably SHOULD have been his next moves all things considered.
But he couldn’t help himself. He wanted to be stronger. He wanted to be more powerful. He wanted to eventually be able to stand alongside Death on equal footing. His goal had never changed in that regard and if assimilating the Titans’ powers could help him become stronger… well, he wouldn’t lie, it was sorely tempting.
So tempting in fact that he was going to go for it. Under the guise of giving Blackfire her ‘sign-on’ bonus, he was making his next move going after the Titans and trying to get close to them. Seducing Starfire would just be one element of his plan. He would need to find an excuse to touch each and every one of them if he wanted to copy their abilities, after all.
To that end… Lucien slowly slides a hand down through Blackfire’s hair, causing the villainous alien princess to glance up at him expectantly.
“We’re doing this my way though, just to be clear. If you want me to seduce your sister properly, I’ll need your assistance. Namely… I need training. Training that YOU will provide.”
He doesn’t mention that he only needs training because his powers are new as a result of literally coming from touching her. There’s no need for Blackfire to know the specifics of what he can do… perhaps not ever in fact. His best defense was anonymity at the moment, as funny as that was given he was the son of Lex Luthor. Still, it was the truth. The less people knew about him, even those who knew WHO he was, the better…
Still, at hearing his words, Blackfire signals her approval in the only way she really can… she begins sucking his cock all the faster, her hands even coming up to grasp at his buttocks so she can drive herself deeper down his dick. Heh, before she’d shown up at his apartment tonight, Lucien doubted the alien princess would ever lower herself to performing oral sex like this. It was a sign of just how secretly addicted she was to his dick already that she was down on her knees, throating his shaft.
Regardless, once she was done he was going back to sleep. They could start the training in the morning…
Despite deciding that going after the Titans was his next move, it actually wound up being a small amount of time before an opportunity presented itself. Time that Lucien used to have Blackfire train him in his new Tamaranean abilities. The villainess enjoyed getting to beat him up so much that she barely even questioned where his abilities to fly and fire energy blasts had come from… either that, or she had her suspicions and didn’t want to ruin a good thing by accusing him of the truth.
And they did have a very good thing going. He’d made sure to fuck Blackfire every single night since the first and she had in turn become very… involved with him. Her love for his cock and how good he made her feel in bed didn’t translate to her going any easier on him in the training though. Lucien wouldn’t have it any other way, he needed to get better, not just stronger.
Still, eventually a time arrived when a situation cropped up that Lucien felt he could interfere with. Apparently, an army of giant mutant moths under the command of a supervillain named Killer Moth were trying to conquer Jump City. Lucien vaguely remembered this from his past memories but couldn’t recall any specifics on how it was ultimately resolved, which he assumed meant the Titans didn’t have much difficulty with it in the end.
Still, if Lucien could show up before they saved the day, then perhaps he could help out and make himself look good in the Titans’ eyes. Not as himself though of course… but as a new superhero on the block.
Leaving Blackfire behind in his apartment with instructions to babysit Spot and stay out of trouble, Lucien found himself flying into Jump City only to immediately run into some of the giant mutant moths. Zipping around them, he dodged the creatures with relative ease for the time being, not actually trying to pick a fight… yet. First, he wanted to find his allies for the day.
That turns out to not be too difficult. They’re all fighting Killer Moth in the center of the city, causing quite a spectacle in the process. The villain’s army is assisting him against the Titans, making it difficult for the group to get any headway. Staying out of view for a second, Lucien takes stock of who he sees, putting names to faces… both masked and otherwise.
There’s five Titans that Lucien can see fighting down below. Robin is the team leader, a protégé of Batman from what Lucien understands. Power-wise, that’s about all the young man has going for him. As far as Lucien knows, the person behind the Robin mask is literally just a normal guy. No powers, just an incredible workout routine and some additional training by the World’s Greatest Detective… or so they said.
For Lucien’s purposes, Robin is definitely the… least interesting of the Titans. After him is Starfire, who is not only much more interesting, but she’s also theoretically the main reason that he’s supposed to be here. However, Lucien has already gained Starfire’s biology. So… while he WILL do his level best to carry out some of Blackfire’s wishes going forward, what he’s really here for is the last three Titans. The half-demon Raven, the shapeshifter Beast Boy… and the geokinetic Terra.
They’d had other members in the past, both honorary and otherwise, but this was the current makeup of the Titans as Lucien understood it. Pleased to see them all in one place and trying not to salivate too much over the thought of gaining access to Raven, Beast Boy, and Terra’s abilities, Lucien waits a moment… and then nods as he watches Beast Boy get thrown back so hard by one of Killer Moth’s giant mutants that the young shapeshifter is fully pushed out of his animal shape and left tumbling across the road.
Immediately, Lucien flies down as the green-skinned hero groans in pain.
“Ooooh fuuuuck. Anyone get the number of that truck?”
“Ho there! Pretty sure that wasn’t a truck… unless they make trucks fuzzy and bug-like these days, heh.”
Beast Boy’s eyes immediately snap to Lucien, filling with suspicion and revealing that for all his goofy, go-lucky attitude presented to the media, the hero is in fact a smart cookie. Though, the suspicion DOES go down a bit when he takes in Lucien’s appearance. Touching down on the ground a few feet away from the downed hero, Lucien bobs his head in greetings.
“Sorry if I caught you off-guard but when I heard about the attack on the news… well, I couldn’t do nothing.”
He shrugs to punctuate that statement, knowing full well that Beast Boy is surreptitiously studying him from the ground right now. He can only hope that the shapeshifter likes what he sees. Lucien had honestly gone through enough costume designs over the last few weeks that it made his head spin. Ultimately, he’d had to throw out all of the ideas that he actually liked because they were universally ‘too dark’, ‘too much black’, and ultimately way too associated with Death.
Never mind that HE was associated with Death of the Endless and thus had ever right to have a death-themed costume… there were still many negative connotations associated with Death no matter who you spoke to. Still, that hadn’t stopped him from going with something… tangentially related.
Put simply, his final ensemble was a whole lot of silver with only a few bits of black here and there. He’d also gone with a half-mask that left his chiseled jaw on display despite initially wanting a full mask that covered up everything. And finally, in the center of his chest where every hero and villain tended to like to put their ‘symbols’ or ‘branding’… he’d gone ahead and stuck a white Ankh. After all, the Ankh wasn’t commonly associated with death. Instead, it was the Egyptian Symbol of Life, eternal life to be exact.
All that said, Lucien was confident he struck a heroic figure as Beast Boy eyed him up and down. Blackfire herself had told him he looked sickeningly courageous, and that if they met on the street with him dressed like that, she’d feel an urge to punch him in the face purely out of villainous principle.
As such, Lucien isn’t surprised when Beast Boy eventually breaks out into a pained grin.
“New hero then? That’s… always nice to hear.”
Slowly, the shapeshifter begins leveraging himself up from the ground, clearly intending to get back into the fight. Except… it’s equally obvious he’s got a busted rib. And while Lucien is pretty sure Beast Boy has enhanced healing, it’s probably not fast enough for his liking… not by a long shot. Playing up his new role, Lucien lets honest concern leak into his tone.
“Hey, wait! You don’t look like you’re in any position to fight, man!”
Laughing, Beast Boy shakes his head.
“You’ll learn this fast, new guy… heroes don’t get the liberty of deciding when they want to fight.”
It’s a really cool one liner, and its obvious Beast Boy intends to leave as soon as he’s said it. But Lucien cuts him off before he can shapeshift into a bird or something and fly back into the battle.
“I’ve got healing powers!”
That gets Beast Boy’s attention. The green-skinned young man blinks at him for a moment before really giving him a good, long, hard look. It might have been longer if the sounds of his teammates continuing to fight Killer Moth and his mutant moth army in the background weren’t constantly reaching his ears.
“… Seriously? That’s actually pretty rare dude.”
With a shrug and a crooked smile, Lucien holds up his palms.
“Well it’s what I’ve got. Figured I could help you guys out… you do the fighting; I do the healing. Oh, I’m Remedy by the way.”
Beast Boy blinks again and then laughs as he starts walking forward.
“… Sure Remedy, let’s see what you can do.”
Pulling off a glove, the shapeshifter offers Lucien his hand… and just like that, Lucien has access to Beast Boy’s biology. Holy shit is it a trip, but thanks to his own abilities he’s able to speed up his perception, resulting in time itself seemingly slowing down around him. Otherwise, he’d probably spend the next ten minutes just gawking over what he’s seeing.
As it is, he spends ten seconds instead, managing to keep his amazement at everything Beast Boy has going on from appearing on his face while also completely healing the shapeshifter and repairing that busted rib of his. Lucien had been a little worried that fixing Beast Boy up would be harder than the average human because of his shapeshifting powers… but as it turned out, that advanced healing factor Lucien had noted Beast Boy likely had earlier was already at work and pushing it along was the work of mere moments.
As Beast Boy lets go of his hand, the green-skinned hero lets out a surprised sigh of relief, looking down at himself in wonder.
“Holy hell, doc… that’s some good shit.”
Lucien can’t help but grin a little bit, proud despite the duplicity of this whole exchange.
“Not an actual doctor, I feel like I should say. Still… happy to help.”
“Yeah. Well, let’s get over there and get back into it, alright Remedy? I’ll make sure none of those mutant moths get close to you and introduce you to the others. Maybe by now Robin will have come up with a plan because Killer Moth… he seems like he’s really playing for keeps this time.”
Lucien follows Beast Boy back over to where the fighting is fiercest and as the other Titans all take notice of Lucien’s presence, he prepares for introductions and having to explain himself. Robin is the only one who doesn’t see him quite yet, given the hero is personally engaged with Killer Moth. Which is more than a little impressive considering Killer Moth most definitely has augmented physical everything from what Lucien can see.
However, Robin’s impressive one man stand doesn’t last for much longer, because before Beast Boy can introduce him, Killer Moth’s hand closes around Robin’s throat and he lifts the hero off of the ground. Everyone’s eyes widen, Lucien included.
This couldn’t possibly be happening, right? They weren’t about to watch a murder, right?
And yet, it didn’t feel like anyone was in position to react as Killer Moth’s clawed hand came closer and closer to Robin’s chest. This couldn’t be where Robin died. Lucien would have remembered it. So then what-
The whole battlefield freezes up. And not just them and their adversary, but also the mutant moth army as well. A bright pink sports car comes racing down the road and not a single moth tries to block its path as Killer Moth turns and stares with the rest of them. The sports car skids to a halt a dozen feet away from Killer Moth and Robin, with a blonde girl coming barreling out and racing over to hug the villain’s leg.
For a moment, Lucien is convinced that he’s about to witness another murder entirely, but then the strangest thing happens… Killer Moth all but deflates with a sigh.
“Kitten… daddy’s working right now. Surely this can wait, can’t it?”
“NOOOO! It can’t WAIT! Daddy, Fang broke UP with me!”
What the actual fuck was happening? No seriously? A look over at Beast Boy shows that he’s ultimately just as bewildered as Lucien is.
“What?! That little bastard broke my baby girl’s heart?! I’ll kill him!”
“Don’t do that, daddy! We might still get back together later!”
“But Kitten, he betrayed you!”
“Ugh, it’s just a small argument… it’ll blow over in a day or two! The problem is, Prom is TONIGHT! And now I don’t have a DATE!”
Lucien opens his mouth… and then closes it immediately, thinking better of even saying a word. Unfortunately, even though he’s smart enough not to speak up in this instance… the so-called ‘Kitten’ HAS caught sight of all of the heroes that her father is fighting all of the sudden, him among them. Suddenly the blonde is looking at them all speculatively… and so is Killer Moth. The villain finally relaxes his hold on Robin’s throat and lets the poor guy get some much needed oxygen as he drops him to the ground.
“You lot. One of you will be my daughter’s date to Prom this evening. Or I will raze this entire city to the ground.”
The malevolence and sheer evil dripping from Killer Mother’s voice makes it clear he means it too. But then it’s immediately juxtaposed by the villain turning to his daughter.
“Which one do you want to take you to Prom, Kitten?”
And suddenly, Lucien wishes he’d stayed home today. Because the blonde, as pretty as she is, has this glint in her eye that he just knows means trouble as she slowly sweeps her gaze across the Titans. Its obvious she discards the female members immediately… and after a moment wrinkles her nose at Beast Boy as well.
But then she’s left looking between him and Robin and suddenly, Lucien knows full well how this conquest of Jump City ended in the original timeline. No wonder the Titans never talked about it more. Jesus fucking Christ…
The Patreon Vote: 
[X] Kitten chooses the obvious choice, Robin to take her to prom - 63%

[  ] Kitten chooses the new exciting option, Lucien to take her to prom - 37%


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