Endless Legacy (DC Comics)

Chapter 30: Honesty

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

Lucien comes clean.


There’s no point in lying to Death. No point in even trying to obfuscate the truth either. In the end, coming clean is the only real option.

“I wanted to try and catch you off guard. I wanted to surprise you and maybe impress you as well. Clearly I failed.”

Lucien has been feeling on top of the world for a while now. Ever since dying and coming back in time, in fact. He’s had a whole new lease on life and even after screwing things up with Mercy and having to navigate the perilous maze of relationships with Blackfire and the Titans, he’s felt pretty damn good about everything. Nobody is perfect, but he’s been doing well, or so it felt.

But there’s no excusing this time around. He’d gone overboard and very nearly paid the price for it. Would Trigon have truly been able to erase him from existence? Or would he have just killed him and sent him back again? Death’s intervention certainly seemed to suggest the former was the more likely option, meaning that Lucien had fucked up so badly she’d been forced to step in.

What had that cost her? What would it cost him in the future now that he’d landed on Trigon’s radar? All in all… this was bad. Of that there was no doubt.

“Foolish boy.”

Lucien flinches, his shoulders instinctively hunching inward as he keeps his eyes on the ground. But just as he’s about to apologize, Death takes him by those very shoulders, forcing him to pay attention to her. And then she kisses him soundly on the lips. Lucien shivers as they rather rapidly graduate to using tongue on one another, the makeout session continuing for a good while as he tentatively brings his hands to Death’s hips.

As ever, she’s a phenomenal woman all around. So far beyond any mortal that it’s not even funny. It’s almost enough to make a man feel inadequate. Except, just as Lucien is starting to feel that way, their lip lock ends and Death gives him an amused smile.

“You’ve already impressed me, Lucien.”


“I told you already, I’ve been watching you. For someone like me, keeping half an eye on you while I carry out my other duties isn’t just easy… it’s a privilege. You must understand, Lucien Luthor… I have existed for a long, long time. I am Death of the Endless, and as part of being Endless, I might as well be Beginningless also. The concept of my creation, even more so than some of my brothers and sisters, is so far in the universe’s past that… well, it’s not even worth trying to explain.”

Right. She was effectively eternal. And she’d come to him eternal, hadn’t she? She’d lived a trillion of his lifetimes before he was even a twinkle in his egotistical father’s eye. Lucien purses his lips, tilting his head down in thought as he considers what that must be like. It only makes the divide between them even further, truth be told.

“And yet… you are the first of your kind, Lucien. And probably the only.”

Lucien’s head fully snaps up at that, his eyes widening in shock at that declaration.

“I told you before that your circumstances reminded me in part of my brother Dream and his ‘Dream Vortexes’. But in truth, the similarities are practically nonexistent. Lucien, your existence is unique. As unique as mine or my siblings. You have… limitless potential and for the first time in a long time, I don’t know exactly what’s going to happen next when it comes to you. To us.”

That admission causes his breath to hitch. Death of the Endless not knowing something? That’s… truly mind-boggling. And yet, also a little comforting at the same time?

“Of course, I know one thing for sure. Your quest to make me cum is not going to be satisfied so easily.”

Lucien immediately freezes up, blushing hard as Death gives him a knowing smile.

“You know about that?”

“I’m Death of the Endless honey. Of course I know about it. You’ve only confirmed what you’re after by explaining your foolish decision making now. You hoped that combining the physiology of the Titans into your body might allow you to take me by surprise and bring me to climax during our next meeting, yes? That’s why you didn’t stop with just far safer shapeshifting and geokinesis, but also went for the demon DNA as well.”

Sheepishly, Lucien nods his head in agreement. Death just hums, still smiling.

“Even that wouldn’t have been enough, darling.”

Those words are like a weight on Lucien’s shoulders. Even that much? Then… what? No, he knows. The Titans might be tough heroes and heroines, but they’re literally a team of graduated sidekicks. Their mentors are all way stronger than they are. He needs to assimilate more powerful physiologies then just Tamaraneans, or Shapeshifting, or Half-Demons. He needs Kryptonians. He needs Amazonians.

“But then… it doesn’t need to be, you silly boy. Do you think your only value to me is your ability or inability to make me cum?”

Lucien flushes, pulled from his thoughts by Death’s words as she hits the nail right on the head, giving him a pointed and knowing look. Still…

“Is it not? I can’t do anything else for you, can I? We’re… supposed to be together, right? Fated, in a way?”

Death scoffs.

“My brother would certainly say so. Destiny would claim this was his doing if he learned of it. He’d do so in a heartbeat, even if he had no conscious hand in it.”

Lucien’s eyes widen at that. Destiny… in a way, he certainly felt blessed by destiny. Sure, he’d lived a shitty first life, but in turn that had paid the price for the spectacular and amazing life he was living now. If that wasn’t destiny what-

Death smacks him across the back of the head and rolls her eyes.

“Please try to refrain from thinking about any of my siblings too hard while we’re together, Lucien. You’d be liable to pull them in. Fortunately, my eldest brother isn’t one prone to answering calls that would bring him to one of our sides. He prefers to keep to himself.”

Ah. Whoops. She’s right, he needs to be more mindful of his… well, of his mind. Nodding in apologetic understanding, Lucien swallows thickly.

“So you don’t think fate brought us together?”

Death gives him a mirthless smile at that.

“I don’t care if it did or not, Lucien. I have seen too much in my endless existence to truly believe very hard in the power of fate. Yes, it exists… but it is not nearly as powerful as choice. It is the choices that you mortals make that define you and those around you. Not your fate.”

She huffs again at that.

“But we’ve gotten off-topic a bit, haven’t we? We were discussing your value to me, Lucien. And no, you do not exist solely to bring me carnal pleasure. Your only value to me is not via sex. Your company alone would be enough, even if we were not sexually compatible. That we ARE sexually compatible is just the icing on the cake, really.”

Lucien bites his lower lip at that. But for them to be sexually compatible…

“I woke up in this second life with you riding my dick. So obviously you wanted a lover. And clearly we are sexually compatible. Does that mean… is it possible I could make you cum, one day? Maybe not now, not with my current level of power… but one day, could I bring you to climax?”

Death pauses for a moment at that, falling into thought. Lucien watches her intently, only to be a little disappointed by her answer.


He can’t help but be let down by that… for all of a second before he realizes there’s something about her tone. Something Lucien doesn’t quite understand for a moment. And then it hits him. Except there’s no way, right? There’s absolutely no way he’s correct about what he’s currently thinking.


And yet, in for a penny, in for a pound right? The sharp look that Death gives him is probably supposed to keep Lucien from going any further, but he can’t stop now. He’s just not that kind of person. Even if he’s treading on dangerous territory… well, it seemed he hasn’t really learned his lesson from trying to incorporate Raven’s DNA and meeting Trigon at all. Because he’s about to risk pissing off an even more powerful entity then that Demon Lord.

“Death… have you ever cum before?”

She controls her reaction very well. No stiffening up, no jaw clenching, no nothing. But she also doesn’t scoff or try to lie to him. She doesn’t immediately try to tell him he’s a fool for asking such a question and her silence… her silence itself is more damning than any flinch or other reaction could have been. Perhaps realizing this, Death lets out a sigh after half a moment.

“… No.”

Lucien is left reeling by the confirmation. Never? Not once in all this time? Death gives him another mirthless smile and shakes her head.

“Foolish boy, prying my embarrassing secrets from me this early into our relationship.”

He flushes, but he can tell she’s mostly teasing him and isn’t actually that angry. Still, she lets out another sigh.

“When would I have had the time, Lucien? Even these moments together… you know I’m also elsewhere, right? I am with every being everywhere dying in this moment. And this moment. And this moment. You have my attention darling, don’t ever doubt that… but so do they. And if they have my attention, how can I focus on myself, really?”

Death pauses for a moment before snorting derisively.

“Besides, before you came along, it’s not like I was exactly spoiled for choice. I’m not about to fuck people on their death beds dear, present company excluded for special circumstances of course, and I wasn’t exactly inclined to fuck any of my siblings either. That didn’t leave me with many options. In fact, it left me with no options.”

Wait. Did that mean Death was a virgin before he died? Lucien’s eyes widen as he looks at the beautiful pale creature before him in a whole new light. She narrows her eyes in response at the look he gives her, crossing her arms over her chest and glaring.

“Don’t you dare start pitying me, Lucien. If you really want to make me angry, that’s a surefire way to do it.”

Lucien lets out a startled little laugh at that, before shaking his head in response.

“No. Never.”

That seems to mollify Death somewhat, but at the same time… Lucien feels a certain surge of something coming on. Like an overwhelming swell of determination rising up in his chest. Firming up his resolve, even. Though… his motivations have changed dramatically, he has to admit. Tightening his grip on her leather-clad hips, Lucien yanks the beautiful pale woman right up against him.

Then, looking Death in the eye, Lucien doesn’t hold back.

“I’m going to do it. I’m going to find a way to bring you to climax.”

Death blinks and then lets out a laugh of her own.

“Lucien, you foolish-!”

Before she can finish that sentence, before the ‘boy’ can leave her tongue, Lucien silences her with a kiss. This time he’s the one that initiates, and even though Death is endlessly more powerful than he is, she doesn’t resist. She lets him kiss her, perhaps recognizing that in a way, he’s pointing out that she’s being just as foolish as he was.

When they finally pull apart again, Lucien doesn’t mince words.

“I’m not doing it for myself anymore, Death. I’m not doing it to impress you, or to make myself feel better about my sense of inadequacy in your presence.”

Here, Lucien smiles a mirthless smile of his own.

“That’s my father’s greatest flaw. His inability to not be the greatest man in a room. I won’t let him drag me down to his level though. I won’t let his genetics hold me back, especially with what I’m capable of now. I’m making you this promise not from a place of ego or arrogance… but from a place of love.”

Death goes absolutely still at that, but Lucien is in too far to back out now.

“I want to make you happy. I want to show you how much I care for you. And I want to make you squeal and cum so hard your eyes roll back in your head as you squirt all over my cock.”

Was that last bit a tad too far? Maybe, but Death doesn’t seem to think so. She does stare at him blankly for a moment before letting out a soft little laugh and reaching up to hook her arms around his neck.

“You foolish, foolish man.”

Her tone is more fond than exasperated though, and the use of ‘man’ instead of ‘boy’ has Lucien silently straightening up in pride. Maybe he’s just too easy… but also, he doesn’t mind being too easy when it comes to Death. She’s right in the end. He was never going to make her cum this easily. His own cocky nature blinded him to that fact. But that was alright. In the end, it just meant he had to work harder.

For now… well, with his hands on her hips and Death’s arms hooked around his neck, it’s obvious what’s about to happen next. Indeed, Death gives him a tug with her grip and starts to fall into the blanket of grass under her, dragging him down with her.

As they drop, their clothing vanishes and their naked bodies press against one another, with Lucien’s throbbing erection pressing against Death’s abdomen for a moment before he repositions to her entrance. She’s wet for him already and Lucien takes some solace in that fact, even as he slowly eases his way into her, sliding deep into the beautiful creature’s cunt.

Though, even as he’s sheathing himself inside of her, Lucien questions how to go about this. Even if he knows it’s not possible to achieve his overall goal here today, there’s nothing saying he shouldn’t still give it his all and put his new gains to the test. On the other hand, there’s something to be said about slow, steady, and loving as well. Especially if Death really only has had two sexual encounters so far in all of her eons of existence…

Looking down at Death’s smiling face, pale breasts, and perky nipples, Lucien makes his decision right then and there and gets to work.

The Patreon Vote:
[ ] Go all out, put his new body to the test - 35%

[X] Take it slow, keep things gentle and tender - 65%


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