Endless Legacy (DC Comics)

Chapter 31: Shit Meets Fan

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

A nice gentle dream followed by shit hitting the fan.


His first instinct is to go balls to the wall. To test out his new powers on Death and see just how far he’s come. That’s why he doesn’t go with that option, because he’s more than just some primate with zero impulse control who acts on the first thought that comes to mind. Or at least, that’s what he’s supposed to be.

Instead, knowing what he knew now about Death and their relationship, Lucien… takes things slow. They’re already naked. He’s already inside of her, having eased his way into her slippery wet sex after they’d fallen to the ground together. Beneath them, the grass is so thick and soft that it makes for the perfect blanket in this magical, dreamy place.

Taking that into consideration, Lucien barely moves at first. Even as Death gives him a curious look, Lucien leaves his cock firmly inside of her and focuses on her tits to start with. He takes ahold of her pale breasts but doesn’t squeeze too hard. Instead, he spends his time carefully feeling her up, exploring every inch of her bust.

Death lets out a soft, confused laugh.

“What are you doing, Lucien?”

Looking up at her, Lucien just smiles.

“Exploring my lover. What else?”

Death hums, seeming pleased by his answer even as she unloops her arms from around his neck and tosses them up, gripping at the grass found above her head. At the same time, she arches her back, pushing her chest up into his squeezing hands somewhat insistently. Lucien doesn’t take the bait though. She’s egging him on and trying to get him riled up and there’s no denying that it’s working… but just because he’s hopelessly turned on for her doesn’t mean he needs to go faster, or harder, or rougher.

However, he also doesn’t want to bore her. So he compromises. Leaning forward, Lucien brings his lips to Death’s perky dark nipples, which are each almost as black as her lips. The pale personification of the end of all things moans at this, arching her back even further… possibly past the point where most mortal spines would have snapped.

But even as he lavishes attention on her nipples, worshipping her areolas and teats in equal measure, Lucien still keeps things gentle, tender, and slow. Really, the way he approaches things with her can almost be deemed… methodical. He explores every little bit of her breasts with his mouth and tongue, making her groan and then laugh again when he keeps at it while showing no sign of picking up the pace.

“You silly man. If it’s not one extreme, it’s the other, is that it?”

Lucien doesn’t leave the nipple he’s currently sucking on, even as he throws his eyes up to meet hers. Death doesn’t sound upset at least… in fact, she’s looking down at him fondly, and her tone is one of amusement. Still, he doesn’t stop. Maybe she’s right. Maybe he can’t take anything in moderation. Slow or Fast, but no ‘Medium Speed’.

Truth be told, even slow is hard for him. He lived his entire first life slowly. And not by choice either. His sickness had robbed him of… well, of everything. It had robbed him of his mother, it had robbed him of any chance of gaining his father’s respect, and it had robbed him of being able to live a normal life.

Admittedly, Lucien suspected he would never have gotten that chance either way. Not as the son of Lex Luthor. Living in moderation with that man as his father was never really a possibility. Still, all the same… Lucien’s original life had most definitely traumatized him more than he’d initially wanted to admit, hadn’t it? And ever since he’d come back, he’d been going, going, and going some more.

No stopping, no taking the time to regroup, reassess, and maybe stop to smell the roses. No time for any of that when he had goals in front of him and so many new things to experience for the first time. But not all experiences were good. Shame that it took accidentally tying himself to a literal godlike Demon Lord Tyrant for Lucien to realize that fact, but here they were.

So yeah, he takes things slow with Death. He makes love to her. Eventually, he starts moving of course. Sliding in and out of her slick but gripping cunt. She’s as tight as ever, and her insides feel amazing to his throbbing member. But he never speeds up.

He doesn’t put his new body through its paces. He doesn’t use Beast Boy’s shapeshifting to try out different phallic shapes, or Terra’s geokinesis to shake things up, or even Raven’s demonic abilities to attempt to gauge Death’s more hidden emotions. He just lives in the moment, spending this time with the woman at quite literally the center of his universe and indulging himself in her body for as long as he’s capable of doing so.

That is the one thing he allows himself. He draws out the moment as long as possible and is pleased to find that he’s certainly extended his endurance by a fair amount. Not too shabby at all, and as he spends time with Death, he can tell that she’s enjoying herself immensely. Not just because of the sex, but because of his presence.

At the end of the day, Lucien has finally stopped and regrouped. He’s finally taken the time to reassess. His initial impulses were born of selfishness. He wanted to make Death cum to prove himself better than her, deep down inside. He wanted to conquer her in a way. Just like his father would have. Not anymore. Lucien was going to make Death cum for her own sake. And he was going to stand at her side as an equal one day, not above her as a conqueror. They would be peers… and she would never be alone again.

Lucien swears this to himself, reaffirming his earlier promise to her even as he finally tips over the edge and cums inside of her. Death gasps and then pulls him into a kiss, the two of them holding one another and cuddling for some time after that. Eventually though, the dream begins to fade away and Lucien slowly finds himself coming back to consciousness in the waking world.

It’s almost morning time, he realizes as he wakes up still being cuddled… but this time by three mortal women instead of the personification of death. And as he looks down at Kori, Komandr, and Tara with his newfound outlook on life… Lucien realizes it’s time. Past time, even.

As they all begin to stir as well, Lucien reaches out and surreptitiously taps Blackfire on the head. In an instant, the villainess’ eyes snap open as she remembers… everything. The first person she sees is him, of course. He’s not sure what to expect from her. Anger, maybe? They’d never actually confirmed a certain amount of time that he was supposed to keep her memories removed for. But he doubted Blackfire expected it to be this long.

And it’s not like she’s forgotten everything that’s happened since he gave her amnesia either. She remembers it all. She remembers both her entire past AND this past little while. She remembers what her sister said to her on that rooftop and she also remembers all the ways Starfire has proved she meant every single word in the time since.

Lucien can see Blackfire’s conflict on her face. She can see that she wants to be angry. But when her eyes slide off of him to her sister, the first thing that happens is a softening in her gaze. Lucien watches as she struggles to hold onto her hate, only to have it flow through her hands like fistfuls of sand. The harder she tries to grip those fistfuls of sand, the more flows out through the growing cracks in her fingers.

It only gets harder for her when Starfire finally wakes up fully as well, coming to a lot slower than Blackfire as she slowly opens her eyes and gives her big sister a happy, sleepy smile.

“Mm… good morning, sister. Good morning, Lucien.”

Starfire has no idea what she’s just done by acknowledging Blackfire first, but Lucien does. He can see just how big a victory that Kori has scored on Komandr with that simple, innocuous decision. Especially because Blackfire can tell it wasn’t calculated, nor designed to lull her into a false sense of security.

All of this… everything that’s happened since she agreed to let him give her amnesia… it all paints the same picture. Her little sister doesn’t hate her. She never has. And all Starfire has ever wanted was her big sis back… no matter what the cost.

Blackfire lets out a shuddering breath and opens her mouth to speak, only for them all to be interrupted by the door to Starfire’s room practically flying off its hinges as a certain half-demon flies in with glowing black eyes and magic in her hands.

Raven looks incensed and ready to do battle and for a heart-stopping moment, Lucien wonders if Trigon has already made his move and somehow gotten to his daughter despite all of her hard work. But then, Raven opens her mouth.

“Starfire, Terra, Remedy. Disentangle yourself from Blackfire.”

Blackfire grits her teeth, even as Starfire immediately starts to rise.

“Friend Raven?! What do you mean by this intrusion?”

A light flush spreads across Raven’s gray skin, making it abundantly clear that she’s not handling seeing the four of them all naked and… entangled as she’s pretending like she is. But she maintains her focus, her glowing black eyes locked on Blackfire, not Lucien.

“Blackfire has regained her memories. I felt her emotions a moment ago. I felt her hatred for you surge back to life, Starfire.”

Okay. First of all, for fuck’s sake. Second of all, was this really the best way to go about exposing the villainess?! They were all still in bed with one another, Raven could have waited until he, Tara, and Kori weren’t at arm’s length of Komandr if she really thought the alien woman was now dangerous! Why was Raven even focusing her empathy so hard in their direction in the first place?! Actually no, that question was pretty easily answered if he just thought about it for a second.

Starfire reacts rather predictably. Not as Raven would prefer, but rather, as Lucien would expect. Whipping around, the alien princess doesn’t make any move to escape proximity with her sister, but she does look wide-eyed at Blackfire.

“Is… i-is that true?”

Terra is the only one who actually scrambles off the bed, the naked blonde looking between all of them like she’s not sure whether to be mortified that Raven caught them or worried about Blackfire’s potential mental state. Either way, it removes her from the equation and leaves just Lucien with two very powerful alien sisters practically on top of his naked body.

“… Yes.”

Not that he’s worried. Even as Blackfire bites out her answer and subsequently begins to close herself off, looking just as ready for a fight as Raven at this point, Lucien speaks up.

“What about now, Raven? What about in the time between the moment you felt all that hatred and you rushing in here in a panic?”

Hearing her rapid flight here described that way causes the half-demon to scowl a little bit, her hands still glowing with her magic.

“… I don’t see why it matters.”

“Just humor me for a second. Please.”

That earnest plea gets to her, making the half-demon huff and roll her eyes. But more importantly for his purposes, she also focuses on Blackfire and Starfire again, her lips thinning out more and more until finally…

“Seriously?! YOU have the audacity to feel forgiveness towards STARFIRE?! Do you realize how much harm you did to her?! Do you realize how often you’ve nearly RUINED HER LIFE?!”

Blackfire looks like a deer caught in headlights as Raven rants and raves about her emotional state. Starfire though, suddenly looks hopeful and even has the audacity to reach over and grab one of Blackfire’s hands.

“T-Truly… you forgive me, sister?”

Raven growls at that.

“You’ve done nothing wrong, Starfire! You have nothing-!”

Before she can finish that sentence, Starfire whips her head around and fixes Raven with the most withering glare Lucien has ever seen the alien princess wield. He didn’t think such an expression was possible. It immediately shuts Raven up, which is good because Starfire has plenty to say in a hissing, biting tone.

“My sister did nothing wrong either, Friend Raven. From the moment she was born, she was reviled and hated by our parents and our people for something entirely out of her control! She grew up being told she was evil and that she would never amount to anything! She grew up being told she would always take second place to me, even though she was the firstborn!”

Lucien hides a wince on Raven’s behalf, because in a lot of ways, some of what Starfire is saying describes Raven’s situation as well. Only, unlike Blackfire, Raven had managed to rise above her circumstances and be a heroine. Blackfire had let her hatred consume her. But… the effect Kori’s words are having on Blackfire in this moment is too good to pass up. Having her little sister defend her even to one of Starfire’s closest friends is precisely what Blackfire needs.

“Blackfire never got a chance to be anything but what the universe made her be! And we ALL deserve second chances! Or thirds! Or fourths! I don’t care what it takes! I just want my sister back!”

By the time she’s done speaking, Starfire’s chest is heaving with her every breath. Which given she’s currently naked, is certainly something to witness. Lucien uses his powers to control his natural biological reaction though, because popping a very visible, very noticeable boner in this current situation seemed like a relatively bad idea all around.

Instead, he’s watching everyone, trying to get a good gauge of where their headspaces are at. Starfire has said her piece. Blackfire looks like a mixture of flummoxed and pleased, but also as though she thinks she shouldn’t be pleased. Even now, she might still be hanging on to some of her anger.

Terra looks bewildered and uncertain, as if she doesn’t know how to react or feel in this moment. He doesn’t know what’s going through the geokinetic’s head right now, but she’s the one he’s least worried about anyways so it’s not a big deal.

Finally, Raven looks like she doesn’t know what to say or do in this situation. She came here to defend her friends after all. She rushed her as fast as she could, at lightning speeds really, in order to protect Starfire from her sister. Instead, Starfire was yelling at her.

Finally, the silence is broken.

The Patreon Vote:
[ ] Blackfire... states that she wishes to leave - 3%
[ ] Starfire... asks for Raven to go - 6%
[ ] Raven... reaches a boiling point - 10%

[X] Terra... admits that she's an enemy spy, wait what? - 82%


Also shameless plug time: Just started a new Free Write yesterday and it would mean the world to me if you guys checked it out!

An Iron Resolve (Marvel)(Time Travel)

Summary: Tony Stark travels back in time after the Snap determined to get things right this time. Even if he has to take over the world to make sure everyone actually works together against the threat that Thanos poses. He's not going to let everyone down. Not ever again.

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