Enemies by Fate, Lovers by Choice

Chapter 13- Unknown

"Please accept it, Mira. I spent time choosing this for you. Just consider it a gift. And if you feel uncomfortable, just give me something in return as a graduation gift. It doesn't have to be expensive," Luna said, her voice laced with a hint of nervousness.


Mira felt helpless. She didn't have any extra money to buy expensive jewelry, and even though Luna said it didn't have to be expensive, she couldn't think of anything that would suit Luna because she believes that only beautiful thing suits Luna.


Luna tried to appear calm and composed, but deep inside, she was getting nervous because of Mira's silence. She had thought this would go smoothly, but unexpectedly, Mira was reluctant to accept her gift. Luna watched as Mira played with her phone, unsure of what she was doing, and waited patiently for a response.


Mira wracked her brain, but she couldn't think of anything. Finally, she sent a message to her mother, asking for advice on how to handle this situation. Fortunately, Maria replied quickly, but Mira was speechless. Even though she had some doubts, Luna was still waiting for her answer, so she set aside her concerns.


Taking a deep breath, Mira said, "How about we eat outside? That will be my gift, you can eat whatever you want." She said calmly


Luna was shocked and felt a surge of excitement, but she didn't show it. She was about to agree when she remembered her promise to her mother. ' No, it should be okay as long as it's far. Besides, it would be rude to reject Mira since I started this. It should be okay,'  she reason to herself 


Luna nodded. "Okay, but I want it somewhere far. Is that okay?"


"You can choose the place you want. Even if it's far, it's okay," Mira replied.


"Really? Then... let me think about it," Luna said, her mind already thinking where to go 


Mira looked at the time. She still needed to meet Luna's mother. Speaking of which, Mira glanced at Luna's side profile. ' It seems she doesn't have any idea about my meeting with her mother ' she thought.


"I still need to meet someone, so I have to go now. You can continue thinking," Mira said, standing up.


"What? Wait, I can't think of anything yet," Luna explain, feeling a pang of disappointment.


"Let's add each other," Mira said, quickly giving Luna her number.


Luna followed adding Mira to her contacts, before she could even speak, Mira then bid her farewell, leaving Luna feeling strangely disappointed and uncomfortable. She watched Mira walk out of the garden and placed her hand on her chest. ' What's wrong with me? Am I really that disappointed? Why does my heart feel uncomfortable all of a sudden? So, what if she left me alone all of sudden? It's.. not a big deal ' Luna frowned, her earlier good mood quickly turning gloomy.


Lost in her thoughts, Luna didn't notice someone approaching.


"Boom!" Prima shouted to Luna's ears


Luna jolted and quickly stood up in fright. When she turned around, she saw Prima and Tina.


"Hahaha," Prima laughed, finding Luna's startled reaction amusing.


"Prima, believe it or not, I'm going to kill you!" Luna said, running towards Prima. Prima, fearing for her safety, ran away, she believes that if Luna caught her, she might really kill her


In the end, Luna managed to catch Prima, and she tickled her until Prima begged her to stop. Tina shook her head, watching her friends act like children.


"Luna, how did it go?" Tina asked, ignoring her friends' childish antics.


Luna calmed herself down before answering. "I don't know," she replied, still feeling disappointed.


Tina squinted, noticing Luna's frown. "What's wrong? She didn't accept it?"


"She accepted it, although she rejected it at first," 

Luna explained the whole story from beginning to end


"Then what's the problem?" Prima asked, confused. Based on Luna's story, it seemed like there was no problem. Even Tina thought so too.


"I'm still thinking about where to eat when she said she still had to meet someone. Now, I don't know if she's being sincere about her invitation or what," Luna said, her unhappiness evident in her tone.


Tina made eye contact with Prima, and Prima understood. They both had the same idea.


"Ehem... Luna, are you upset because she left? You see, she added your number, meaning to say you can think first and just send her a message later," Tina said, trying to reason with Luna.


"I know that," Luna replied.


"Then... why are you still unhappy?" Tina pressed.


"I- I don't know... I just suddenly felt uncomfortable. *sigh* What's wrong with me, Prima?" Luna asked, her voice laced with confusion.


'Oh, don't worry, you just like Mira and now feeling sour because she left you for someone else,' Prima thought. But of course, she wouldn't say such a thing to her friend, who was as clueless about romance as a blank sheet of paper. Besides, she wanted to see how Luna would react when she realized it someday.


"Maybe... you're just thinking too much. Anyway, you two already made a deal, and you managed to give her the gift. Don't think too much, Luna," Prima said, signaling Tina with her eyes to help her out.


"By the way, Luna, Aunt Lilith said she couldn't reach you earlier, so she asked me to tell you that if she's still not at home later, you can just order whatever you want. Just don't touch the kitchen," Tina said, changing the subject.


Luna quickly opened her phone and saw two missed calls from her mother. "Oh, my phone was on silent," she said.


"You're just talking to Mira, why do you still need to silence your phone?" Prima joked.


However, for Luna, it wasn't a joke. She couldn't explain the reason. Even though she was close to Prima and Tina, family matters were something she couldn't just discuss with anyone, especially when the subject involved is someone they were familiar with.


"I'm going home now. I still need to write my speech later for the graduation next week," Luna said, standing up and walking out of the garden.


Prima and Tina followed without asking why she changed the subject. Even if they were curious, they wouldn't insist if Luna didn't want to talk. They believed that Luna would tell them sooner or later.

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