Enemies by Fate, Lovers by Choice

Chapter 4 – Results

As the results are announced, students gather around notice boards, online portals, or receive notifications on their devices. There is a sense of excitement and anxiety in the air as they eagerly check their grades to see how they performed.

Everyone is the same however it seems there's something more in Business Department. 

The results that every student have been waiting for came but what they actually want to see is who takes the first place between the rivalry of two top student, Mira and Luna.

Luna who saw the results bite her lips with teary eyes, she did her best but it seems it's not enough. She stare at Mira's name just above hers, she felt sad because she really did her best but at the same time a little happy for Mira.

Suddenly there was a knock on her door, she quickly wipe her teary eyes and open the door, it was her mother who came.

" Sweety, how is it?" Her mother ask but Luna didn't answer however her mother doesn't need to hear it she only need to look on her daughter's eyes to know

As expected, hearing her mother ask about the result makes her feel sad again, she wants to give and surprise her mother but in the end she failed, her eyes started to get wet again

Her mother who saw her daughter hold back her tears felt sorry for her. She knew how competitive her daughter is and how she really work hard. She walks towards the computer table just beside Luna's bed, she look on the screen and saw a familiar name- Vosbein.

The mother's face darkened upon seeing the name of the first place student, she click the name and saw the familiar face, almost identical to someone she knew, it seems that something from the past came back in her memory. No matter how many people she encounter she will never the name and face that hurts her the most. 

" Mira Vosbein, are you close with her?" Luna's mother ask out of the blue

Luna was caught off guard but still manage to answer," No mom, we just happen to be in the same department," 

" The person you have been competing with, is it her too?" 

" Yes," Luna answered but not as confident as before 

Luna's mother clenched her fist but seeing her daughter still feels down by the result of her exam she restraint herself, she doesn't want to vent her emotion to her daughter. However, it's hard for her to comfort her daughter now, even without asking who Mira is by just her looks she knew it was related to that person. 

" Get down later, the food is almost ready," Luna's mother said and went out

Luna open her mouth but no words came out, she thought her mother would comfort her but seeing her mother being indifferent she knew her mother was not in a good mood anymore. She look at the computer screen and saw Mira's profile, she smiled wryly and shut it down. Just her and her mother's mood easily got affected. 

This time, her tears slowly flows down. She didn't know why she suddenly wants to cry and felt more emotional than seeing herself being second.


On the other side, Mira saw the result she got the first place. She's actually not happy about it but for her mother it's a good news.

" Honey, why the long face? you got the first place," Her mother ask with a gentle smile

Mira look into her mother's eyes, her mother since she was young always tells her what to do and what not to do, even her course in College and her future job was already set. However, what she really wants is different but she can't voice it out as she knew it's all for her. 

She still remember how her Mom cried to beg that man not to leave them, not because her mother love that man but because her mom is sick and has no relatives to help them and only that man can help them financially besides she's still young and can't really help her mother to their situation. 

Her mother will always get hurt by that man and have to endure not to cry just for her not to hear. But how can she not know? So she study hard, she once asked her mother what job pays the highest and she got an answer she didn't understand before, her mother said " When you grow up, study business, apply for a job and save money and create your own business. Be the boss of your own company, let them depend on you not you depending on them." 

Now she's a grown up, she now understands what her mother wants. 

Mira smile and shake her head," I'm not sad because of my grades, I'm actually happy." 

Her mother gently brush her hair," Then what makes you sad?" 

" Because I realized I'm about to leave the School soon," Mira answered

Her mother also felt sad because her daughter will not be able to attend the graduation as they have to leave soon from this place. She already signed the divorce paper in exchange of little money she will get, the money is enough for her and Mira to start but they have to leave in a few days. 

" I'm sorry honey, I'm not competent enough," Mira's mother said

Mira doesn't like to see her mother sad, she hold her mother's hand and put it into her face," Mom, no need to be sorry about. Although I'm a bit sad but I'm genuinely happy because we will be able to start with just the two of us. I promise I will take good care of you," she assured

Her mother smiles as she felt comforted by her daughter's words," If you take care of me how will you get a boyfriend?"  Her mother teases

Mira's smile cracked when she heard the words boyfriend," I would rather have a girlfriend as pretty as you are Mom,"

" It's the same, you won't get a girlfriend if you take care of me. Just focus on yourself honey, I'm old now and can take care of myself,"

Mira shook her head and said with her head held high, "Who said my mother is old? If we walk together outside, people will think we are sisters, so I have to take care of you."

Her mother laughed and said, "You're such a sweet talker. Alright, pack your things and take care of your school papers later. I'll go with you if you need me."

Mira nodded, "Yes, Mom."

After Mira's mother went out, her smile also faded. She held the necklace and felt regretful for not being able to see her for the last time. People said they are rivals, and it's true. She felt that competing with Luna is actually not bad. She sometimes wanted to exchange ideas with Luna, but it seems Luna hates her for some reason. Over time, she actually finds out the reason why Luna hates her. It's because of their mothers.

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