Erika: I Transmigrated as Cannon Fodder in The Demon Goddesses Harem.

Volume. 2: Chapter 13: How Does one Take a Break? (Vol. 2 End.)

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Chapter 13: How Does one Take a Break?

*Erika’s POV*

I had a rude awakening this morning…

By that I mean, I fell off my bed thus waking up in a meh mood. Luckily, the flooring in my room is carpet. Checking the time on my phone tells me that it’s currently 11:38 AM…

Clearly, I was far more exhausted than I originally thought that I was. I feel like I ran a marathon or something...

I still felt sluggish so I stayed in bed longer. When was the last time I slacked off and wasted time using my phone? I can’t ever remember slacking off, nor using a phone for entertainment.

Well, it’s not like I spent an extra hour in bed doing something unproductive.

It’s surprising the amount of knowledge that you have access to when money isn’t a problem. In only an hour, I was now fluent in pretty much every language. At least every language in this dimension.

Will I ever need to speak these languages? Maybe not, but, knowing a shit ton of languages, helps you figure out how to understand other languages that you don’t know.

I feel like this would be useful given my job where I go to different dimensions. I was lucky before. Only dimension that I’ve been to that I’d have trouble not knowing the language was with Avicia’s dimension. It was lucky that I didn’t have to understand those elves to get out of that dimension.

From what I remember from listening to them talk, I could probably understand and speak to them now.

What I can piece together, I was right, they were worshiping me. Calling me Goddess and all that. Avicia sure got up to some “interesting” things while she had me under her spell, it seems…

Lilith might be right, this ring really, really needs to be nerfed… Might as well abuse it while I still can. Could I really afford to miss out on learning things so fast? First, I really, really need to learn magic from Sofiel, as well as how to fight with a sword.

I would love to waste away in bed for another few hours but, I should really get up now.

With that thought, I went to take a bath. Again, it was empty. Not that I mind it being empty but, I’m just saying that if there were cute girls surrounding me in the bath, I wouldn’t complain. Not at all.

Soaking in the bath was just as relaxing as always. It seems like this day will end up being a lazy one since, I ended up chilling in the bath for an entire hour.

The day is almost over and I’ve barely done anything… Do I even know the meaning of relaxing? I mean; surely I’ve earned the right to just do basically nothing all day, for at least one day, right?

Oh, God… besides soaking in the bath, I haven’t even relaxed at all… Learning languages on a day where you are supposed to be taking a break, totally invalidates it being a break day…

I need to ask Sofiel or someone else how the heck I am supposed to relax… Forcing myself to get out of the bath was harder than usual, but I still managed.

Walking down the stairs, I was greeted by just maids. Sasaki was at work. Riko was also at work. Most likely another recital. Yui was at school. Does a Goddess even need to go to school? Well, it’s her decision to do so. I won’t knock her for going.

Do I even have a leg to stand on when I spent the entirety of yesterday becoming stupidly rich? Who cares if she wants to go to school? Yui did sound proud about having really good grades after all.

Why am I even thinking about this? I must have fried my brain yesterday…

I was given some breakfast to eat, and I did just that. It was sorta lonely eating breakfast by myself. Although I do enjoy my alone time, I do miss having someone to eat with.

My original frosty personality, and way of life seem to have long since changed. If it was the old me, I wouldn’t mind at all. In fact, I’d prefer always being alone.

I now know why my father always had a woman to spend time with. Even if their relationship didn’t go further than just a sexual one.

Not to sound like a child but, that fucker could have easily spent time with me instead but, decided to go the worst route of ruining various pretty women’s lives. At least temporarily. They always got paid off in the end but, I'm sure a lot of them were hurt emotionally.

I wonder why he treated me so terribly? I guess I’ll never know. No use worrying about it either. It’s not like I’ll ever have an actual answer anyway.

Although, I can travel dimensions to different dimensions, the likelihood that I’ll end up having to complete tasks in my original one, is less than zero. Even then, it’s been over a hundred years or so, he is definitely dead by now. At least, I hope so.

Even though I was thinking about pointless things, it didn’t take long for me to finish eating. I sat down on the couch, and one of the maids gave me some tea to drink.

I decided to message Sofiel to see what she was up to. The maids didn’t know what Victoria, Alice, and Sofiel left to do so, I have to ask them myself.

Come to think of it, why do I already have their numbers? I mean, I could just use the Guild chat via my System but, messaging them on my phone is faster.

I’m guessing that Sasaki had input their numbers in my phone… Wait, how the heck did she even get into my phone when I have a stupidly long passcode? Another mystery to add to Sasaki, I guess.

Oh shit… I just remembered that I had asked for everyone’s number while talking to Sasaki yesterday morning. I wonder why that slipped my mind?

Erika: “Whatcha doing?”

Sofiel: “Nothing much, just training Amriel, what's up?”

Erika: “Well, you see, I have a fundamental problem.”

Sofiel: “Oh? A fundamental problem of what kind?”

Erika: “I have no idea how to relax.”

Sofiel: “Huh? Like, none at all?”

Erika: “Yeah, I have no clue at all.”

Sofiel: “When in doubt, masturbate!”

Erika: “…”

Erika: “I don’t know how, I was just going to leave that up to you.”

Sofiel: “Wow seriously? I was joking but, good lord, that is a very, very arousing prospect…”

Erika: “Back to my problem, please.”

Sofiel: “Well, what do you want to do?”

Erika: “I want to work. I spent an extra hour lying in bed learning various languages...”

Sofiel: “You’re joking?”

Erika: “Not at all, I’ve already learned every language in this dimension. Even the dead ones…”

Sofiel: “Erika, I know that you’re smart but, how the hell did you even learn how to make money that fast, let alone every damn language you could?”

Erika: “I have a ring that increases the speed at which I learn by 500%.”

Sofiel: “How!?”

Should I tell Sofiel that Lilith cheated for me? Probably not.

Erika: “I got it as a drop.”

Sofiel: “How long ago?”

Erika: “Two days ago.”

Sofiel: “So from completing that dimension’s tasks? Such an item sounds extremely unlikely to drop. You aren’t messing with me, right?”

Erika: “I am not. Do you want to look at it?”

She didn’t reply. Well, if you don’t count her appearing right in front of me as a reply.

Sofiel: “Let me see, please!” Sofiel asked with an excited tone.

Erika: “Here, look at it as much as you want to.” I say with a laugh after handing her the ring.

Sofiel just stared at it for a few minutes before pinching her cheek. She actually did that a few times.

Sofiel: “Erika… you need to keep this ring a secret.” Sofiel said with a serious tone after handing me the ring back.

Erika: “Why’s that?” I ask with a head tilt.

Sofiel: “Although you are pretty powerful, there are beings more powerful than you. Beings like me. They would kill, and I mean literally kill you, and anyone else they have to, for this ring.” Sofiel said while holding my shoulders with her hands.

Erika: “I figured that a lot of people would want something this overpowered. Don’t worry, I have no intention of mentioning it to anyone else but you all.” I reply with a reassuring tone.

Sofiel: “Good, good. Now, you said that you don’t know how to relax, right?” Sofiel said after sitting down on the couch, and snuggling up right next to me.

Erika: “That’s right.” I say with a sigh.

Sofiel: “Why don’t you play some games? I heard about them from Yui, I’ve also been playing some on my phone.” Sofiel said with a thinking pose.

Erika: “Eh, mobile games aren’t really my thing.” I say with a shrug.

Sofiel: “Why not consoles games then? Or at least hand-held games.”

Erika: “First off, why do you know so much about games?” I ask with a curious tone.

Sofiel: “Angels are curious beings by default. Yui and Riko could barely get rid of me. I just kept asking them question after question. Some pertaining to gaming.” Sofiel said with a proud puffed up chest.

Does she think being curious is some virtuous personality trait? I guess it’s nether good nor bad but, maybe it’s different for Angels?

Erika: “I could do some hand-held gaming but, I would prefer my first gaming experience to be via a console.” I say with a thinking pose.

Sofiel: “Then why don’t you?” Sofiel asked with a head tilt. Cute!

Erika: “I could buy the console and TV but, we currently live with Sasaki. I can’t just add a TV to my room when it’s not mine in the first place.” I say with a sigh.

Sofiel: “She wouldn’t mind.” Sofiel said with a wave of her hand.

Erika: “Really?” I ask with a tone of disbelief.

She then leaned into my ears and whispered.

Sofiel: “Look, Sasaki is trying to get into your pants… well, dress. She’s older than we look so, she thinks that she shouldn’t try to get with you.” Sofiel whispered into my ear.

I mean, I had a feeling that she might want to be in a relationship with me but, hearing it from Sofiel makes me sure that Sasaki does have feelings for me.

Should I act upon this new information? No. I’ll wait for Sasaki to make the first move.

She’d be upset if I was the one to come onto her. I just have to wait for her to settle her feelings first, and then accept her when she does.

With Sofiel’s reassuring that Sasaki would be okay with whatever I do with my room, I messaged her on my phone.

Erika: “Sasaki, I would like to set up a TV and game console in my room. At least until our house is finished. Will that be okay?”

Sasaki: “That’s fine. There is a storage room in this house with extra unused furniture. A TV stand should be in there. I’ll ask a few of the maids to bring it to your room. I assume that you have the TV and console handled?”

Erika: “Not yet but, I could easily get them here within the hour.”

Sasaki: “Alright, have fun!”

Erika: “Will do, thanks!”

I told Sofiel that Sasaki agreed to me putting a TV in my room. She gave me a hug and said that she begrudgingly had to go train Amriel. Otherwise Amriel would end up leaving and joining another group.

Since it wasn’t that big of a room, I went with a 55” TV. Not the biggest money could buy but, it was definitely top of the line.

How top of the line is it? Well, let’s just say, a 55” TV shouldn’t cost you $15,000 USD.

The console I bought was the Eony ES4.

I, of course, paid for the fastest shipping money can buy. It was so fast that even I was surprised. I did say to Sasaki that I’d have them delivered quickly and within an hour but, how the hell did my new TV and game console arrive in just an hour?

I guess that $1000 premium shipping isn’t a lie at all. Huh? What? $1000 dollar shipping is even a thing?

Well, yes it is. I don't know if it's the same for every modern dimension but, once you're in a higher tax bracket, far more services of various types open up to you.

I mean seriously, there was even a human trafficking service. I, of course, snuffed it out completely. All I had to do to completely get rid of, at least organized human trafficking, was to threaten every country with having them repay their debt to me. It worked like a charm.

Did I just waste money again? Well, it’ll be a waste assuming I don’t actually enjoy playing games. Either way, I am stupidly rich, so this purchase could be considered cheap.

Man… I only wish that I could buy clothes and accessories to wear. I mean, Victoria’s clothes that she gave me are just far too good to pass up. And the accessories, while not pretty, that I got from completing tasks are also too good to leave off my person.

I should sue the Administrators for not giving out pretty gear as rewards.

Actually, maybe I could bribe them to do so? No wait! I need to stop thinking about work… Why is it so hard to not think about work when I’m trying to take a break?

Maybe I’m just hardwired for work?…

Back to the main topic, while I was lost in thought about stupid things, the TV and console arrived, and a few of the maids went to set them up for me in my room.

I’m beginning to realize why Sofiel and the rest really like to have maids take care of them. It’s amazing not really having to do most things yourself.

Sasaki’s maids aren’t even as good as Victoria’s but, I’m already starting to become addicted to having them around to help me out.

*A few minutes later.*

Right now I am sitting on my bed, and I’ve just started up my new console. Setting up an account was pretty easy. Hooray for modern conveniences!

After putting in my debit card information, I started to look around the digital store for games to play.

Since I’ve never played games before, they were many, and I mean, MANY to choose from… Wait, why choose? I can just buy them all!

And that’s exactly what I did… Over $600,000 USD for every game on the ES4 currently out, as well DLC and preorders. This console doesn’t even have enough space for even 10% of them… At least I didn't have any problems with the payment going through. I did just pay the equivalent of a house on games after all.

Oh well, I just downloaded the ones that interested me the most. Mostly RPG games.

*Many, many hours later.*

It was 3:42 AM when I realized that I had been gaming the entire day, and a decent portion of the night…

I spent over ten hours gaming!? And in just one game!? Are all games this long… I haven’t even gotten that far in this game, like at all.

Why did I condemn myself to have an almost unending backlog of games to play?

Look, it’s not my fault that I didn’t realize that games could be that long… Though, it’s not like I HAVE to play every game I bought.

Erika: “Shit… I think that I really am bad at handling money…” I say with a sigh.

Lilith: “And also apparently bad at time management. I can’t believe that you spent this long JUST playing games.” Lilith said with a mocking tone in my head.

Erika: “Yes, yes, I am bad at managing my time when it comes to things I enjoy. Please do be aware, I have been keeping count the number of times that I will bop you on the head for messing with me, and you’ve just added another bop.” I say with a fed-up tone.

Lilith: “That so? Remind me to never met you in person.” Lilith said with a laugh.

She didn’t reply when I tried talking to her again. Must be shoving her face in some beauties body or something.

Should I just go to bed now? The temptation to stay awake and play more, is really alluring but… the temptation to go on a date with Sofiel is far more alluring.

As I was about to turn off my console and go to bed, I heard a knock on my door. They asked if they could come in, and I said that they could.

Sofiel: “Oh? Already done playing?” Sofiel asked with a curious tone.

Erika: “Not really, I just didn’t want to miss going on a date with you tomorrow so, I decided to end my session for tonight.” I reply with a smile.

Sofiel: “Why not continue playing?” Sofiel asked with a head tilt. Cute!

Erika: “I’ve pushed back our date far enough, I think. It’s not fair for me to push it back more just because I want to play games.” I say with a serious tone.

Sofiel: “I can wait longer.” Sofiel said with a shrug.

Erika: “But…” I say before Sofiel cut me off by putting her finger on my lips.

Sofiel: “No buts! Did you know that me, Victoria, Yui, Alice, and even Sasaki came into your room? You were enjoying yourself too much to even notice us.” Sofiel said with a serious tone.

Huh? Really?… I didn’t even notice at all…

Erika: “Sorry…” I say with a remorseful tone.

Sofiel: “Don’t be! Look, we all agreed that it was amazing to see you finally take a break after so long. If I have to postpone my date with you for a few extra days, so that you can enjoy yourself, then I don’t mind at all.” Sofiel said with a warm tone and expression.

Erika: “But I would still prefer to go on a date with you tomorrow, over playing games more tonight.” I say with a sad tone.

My head was down while I said that. When I looked up at Sofiel, I could swear that I saw hearts in her eyes.

Sofiel: “That’s…” Say said with a shaky tone.

Uh oh… Did I accidentally flip her switch? I mean, her breathing has become haggard and she is staring at me with eyes filled with lust…

Sofiel: “*cough* Well, then you’d better get to sleep so that we can go on a date tomorrow.” Sofiel said while looking away from me.

Erika: “I plan to. Are you okay?” I ask with a concerned tone.

Sofiel: “I am perfectly fine. Just a little too aroused. Don’t worry, I’ll just deal with it before sleeping.” Sofiel said with a sigh.

Erika: “I see… Well, goodnight, sleep well.” I say after getting up from the bed and hugging her.

Sofiel: “…Erika, are you trying to tempt me?” Sofiel said with a sultry tone right into my ear.

Erika: “Not particularly, no.” I reply with a calm tone.

She didn’t reply and instead she pushed me into my bed.

Sofiel: "Well, you’re doing a very, very good job at it." Sofiel said while looking directly into my eyes.

Erika: “...Sofiel?” I say with a nervous tone.

Sofiel: “We will have sex tomorrow. Tonight, I just want to kiss you. Can I?” Sofiel asked with a pleading tone.

Does she mean a kiss like last time?… If so, then my answer is obviously, hell yes! As such, rather than reply, I just nodded my head to say yes.

Sofiel then lifted my chin up with one of her hands and planted her lips on mine.

Rather than just going straight for a deep kiss, Sofiel spent eight minutes just smooching and licking my lips.

Even though we’re still dressed, her breasts pressing up against my own is just too arousing so, I parted my lips for her first.

She gleefully appreciated my opening my lips for her. She even called me a “good girl” before she started to explore my mouth with her tongue.

The kiss was, even more intense than when she first kissed me. More mature, more accurate in playing with my mouth than when Sofiel was a little out of it.

If kissing feels this good, how much better does actual sex feel?

I wanted her to kiss me more, no, I NEEDED her to kiss me more but… she parted her lips from mine, and then kissed me on the forehead. Then she told me goodnight and then left my room with a bright smile on her face…

Erika: “How am I supposed to deal with this?” I say with an embarrassed tone.

Sofiel… No fair! She knows how to get herself off alone but, I sure as hell don’t!

That little temptress! She must have done this on purpose! I refuse to believe otherwise! The message that she sent me to my phone proves it!

Sofiel: “I left you wanting on purpose. If you touch yourself for relief, that’s fine, I don’t mind since, that’s what I will be doing, but…”

Erika: “But?”

Sofiel: “If you be a good girl and can hold out until tomorrow, and I will give you an amazing reward. Goodnight dear, I love you!”

Erika: “…Goodnight, love you too.”

What kind of reward? Clearly, it will be of a sexual nature but… what? Fuck… her calling me “good girl” is too damn effective…

Do I have a mommy kink? I’d rather not think about it right now… I mean, I kinda need to go to sleep.

This is going to be the hardest night I’ve ever had. I’ve slept in active war zones and even zombie infested worlds but, being left unfulfilled like this is somehow even worse…

Only after taking off my dress and getting in bed, did I realize that I had forgotten to turn off my TV and game console. I begrudgingly got back up to turn them off before getting back in bed.

Wait! Why don’t I check out my Status and maybe increase some Stats? It’s been a decent while since I’ve last looked at it.

Actually… I haven’t checked it since I escaped from Avicia’s dimension…

At least it’ll be even easier to do so since I can just look at it on my phone. I don’t even have to say “Status” out loud anymore. What an upgrade!


Name: Erika Ardent.

Race: Part Human, Part Angel, Part Demon.

Sex: Female

Physical Age: 18

Real Age: 158


Available Stat points: 0.

HP: 175,000/175,000 (0/8,650)

MP: 45,000/45,000 (0/2856)

INT: SS+ (0/2363)

STR: S (0/1564)

AGI: S (0/895)

MAG: A (0/735)

DEF: S+ (0/3456)


:Skill list:

Knife Mastery: Level 8.

One-Handed Sword Mastery: Level 3.

Inspect: Level 5 (MAX).

Deep Understanding: Level 7


Dark Savior: S.

System Update Tester: ???+

Polyglot: S

Knowledge Seeker: S+

Let’s see… my Stats are the same since I last checked but, One-Handed Sword Mastery leveled up by one. I also have two new Titles and one new skill.

All of them I can easily understand why I got them. One-Handed Sword Mastery leveled up because I used my sword in this dimension. Although not much. I still think that Knife Mastery should at least be level 10…

The only one that is sorta confusing is the Deep Understanding skill. Oh cool, I can just touch it, and it will tell me what it does.

Deep Understanding: Level 7

You have learned and understood many concepts. Speed at which you learn is increased by 10% every level of this skill.

It's at level 7 right now so, I should have 70% increased learning speed. Plus the ring, I now have 570% increased learning speed. Very useful! At least when that ring gets nerfed, I will still have increased learning speed.

Polyglot and Knowledge Seeker are pretty self explanatory so I didn’t bother to look at the information on them.

Should I increase my Stats? I guess I could. Better than festering with lust in bed.

God… my inventory is a mess. Hm… I should just consume all of my Monster Cores. I haven’t heard about the shop feature for a decent amount of time. It’s probably far off from being implemented.

I’m better off with actually using my Monster Cores than just letting them waste away in my inventory. Or at least, I hope so. I would be pissed off if this was a bad decision…

I sorta forgot how many Monster Cores I actually had so, when I turned them into Stat Points I was shocked at how many I had gotten.


Name: Erika Ardent.

Race: Part Human, Part Angel, Part Demon.

Sex: Female

Physical Age: 18

Real Age: 158


Available Stat points: 189,562.

HP: 175,000/175,000 (0/8,650)

MP: 45,000/45,000 (0/2856)

INT: SS+ (0/2363)

STR: S (0/1564)

AGI: S (0/895)

MAG: A (0/735)

DEF: S+ (0/3456)


:Skill list:

Knife Mastery: Level 8.

One-Handed Sword Mastery: Level 3.

Inspect: Level 5 (MAX).

Deep Understanding: Level 7


Dark Savior: S.

System Update Tester: ???+

Polyglot: S

Knowledge Seeker: S+

There should really be a separate page for showing how many Stat Points I have. Having to look at my Status just to see that is kinda annoying. Just another thing to complain to Lilith about. I’ll just do it tomorrow.

Now, back to my Stats. What should I increase?… Wait, can’t I just increase every Stat to max? Might as well try.


Name: Erika Ardent.

Race: Part Human, Part Angel, Part Demon.

Sex: Female

Physical Age: 18

Real Age: 158


Available Stat points: 0.

HP: 495,000/495,000 (0/24,573)

MP: 126,000/126,000 (0/44,892)



AGI: SSS (0/9,350)




:Skill list:

Knife Mastery: Level 8.

One-Handed Sword Mastery: Level 3.

Inspect: Level 5 (MAX).

Deep Understanding: Level 7


Dark Savior: S.

System Update Tester: ???+

Polyglot: S

Knowledge Seeker: S+

Well, I was at least able to max out every Stat, besides AGI. I would have liked to increase my HP and MP more but, they shot up in Stat Points by a shit ton.

Oh, I never really paid attention to the fact that when you max out a Stat, it’ll say that it’s maxed out. Pretty useful. Even though I know it will eventually not be maxed in the future, when the Administrators add new Ranks.

Come to think of it, weren’t those three’s HP and MP all maxed? The amount of MP and HP they had varied. I wonder why?

What a perfect question to get my mind off of Sofiel’s body. I should ask Lilith about this. I would prefer talking to her via my mind, since it would be a better way to distract myself than texting would be.

Erika: “Hey Lilith, why was Victoria’s, Sofiel’s, and Alice’s HP and MP maxed? The amount they had also varied.” I ask with a curious tone in my head.

Lilith: “Oh, that’s simple. There is a hidden check put in place for everyone using the System. We call it the “Killable Limit” check.” Lilith said with a yawn.

Man, I’ve just realized but, Lilith must have a horrible sleep schedule… I mean, I now know that her work hours are basically slavery but, she just lies. Why is she always up at weird hours anyway?

I can’t remember a single time when she didn’t reply to me. Not counting when I was stuck in Avicia’s dimension.

Whatever, back to that weird check, it sounds a little weird. Let’s see if Lilith will actually answer my questions about it.

Erika: “That sounds creepy. What does it do exactly?” I ask with a raised eyebrow.

Lilith: “Simply put, the System will limit a person to where they’re technically still able to be killed. It varies from person to person.” Lilith explained.

Erika: “What’s my limit?” I ask.

Lilith: “Who knows? There is no way in hell that you will be able to max out your MP and HP since, with the new update, that check is disabled.” Lilith said with a cheeky tone.

Erika: “Why was it disabled in the newest update?” I ask with a head tilt.

Lilith: “Erika, the age of wars between powerful beings will start when that update is released. You know this. It will be a no holds barred fight from then on.” Lilith explained with a serious tone.

Erika: “Isn’t me having the update sooner than everyone else too much of a benefit? I won’t be getting screwed over and having to be reset, right?” I ask with a nervous tone.

Lilith: “No. Don’t worry. Yes, you do benefit greatly but, so do we. Erika, do you think I love my job?” Lilith asked.

Erika: “From what I’ve seen, unless you’re messing with someone, no.” I reply with a chuckle.

Lilith: “That’s right. Erika, this will be the last update.” Lilith said.

Erika: “Wait, what?” I ask with a shocked tone.

Lilith: “When this update is finished, our job as Administrators will be done. I will be free to do whatever I want. So will Nadia. The System will then work by itself without any intervention from anyone. Why do you think that we worked so hard to add AI to the System?” Lilith said with an excited tone.

So… I guess that’s the end game for the System. Makes sense I guess. Once it’s not being controlled by the Administrators, it won’t be biased at all.

I mean, look at how many benefits that they have given me so far. I doubt that I could have gotten to this point without them helping me.

Erika: “What will you do once you’re out of a job?” I ask with a curious tone.

Lilith: “I’ll just stick with Nadia after the update is finished.” Lilith replied quickly.

Erika: “Let me guess, she promised that she would constantly give your girls to play with, right?” I ask with a cheeky tone.

Lilith: “…”

Lilith: “Good guess but, yes, that was one of the things that she promised me. Despite what you might think of me Erika, I am actually quite powerful. Having me around is a good thing just in case something bad happens.” Lilith said with a proud tone.

Erika: “And yet you use your power to mess with me, and sleep with girls.” I reply with a smug tone.

Lilith: “Says the girl who ignored a few beauties to play games. By the way, how was the kiss with Sofiel? It looked super fucking hot to be honest.” Lilith asked with a teasing tone.

Erika: “…”

Oh come on! I was trying to forget about that! Now the memory of it flashed in my mind, and I am frustrated once again…

Lilith: “Oopies~ did I make you aroused again? That was sooooo not my intention, teehee!” Lilith said with an extremely annoying and cheeky tone.

So, soooooo many head bops will be given to her when we meet in person. I don’t even care if she is more powerful than me. I will bop her! She will be given the bopping of her life! Mark my words!

Of course, since Lilith had gotten her fill of messing with me, she stopped replying.

Now I’m back to square one and have to try to go to sleep yet again… This is going to be a long night…

*A few hours later.*

Surprisingly, I was able to go to sleep. I wasn’t able to stay asleep because, well, there was a woman standing in front of my bed. And she was just looking down at me.

My room was too dark for me to make out what she looked like but, I could tell it was a woman, because she seemed to be wearing a dress and her breasts where visible even in the dark.

Is she my sleep paralysis demon or something? I kept her in my vision and picked up my phone.

It was only 6:15 AM so I didn’t sleep that long. She just kept standing there so, I guess I should get up and talk to her.

I didn’t bother to put my dress back on, and just got up from my bed. She then walked right in front of me.

Erika: “Um… Hello, can I help you?” I ask with a nervous tone.

I was nervous for many reasons. I mean, who wouldn’t in such a situation but, the main reason was that I could tell that she was strong. Stronger than me by miles. Probably even stronger than Sofiel and the rest.

???: “It is not I that requires help.” The woman said with an alluring tone.

Erika: “Huh? Then who…” My words were cut short.

Why were my words cut off? Because the last thing that I remember before blacking out, was the searing pain from her piercing her hand through my chest…

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