Erika: I Transmigrated as Cannon Fodder in The Demon Goddesses Harem.

Volume. 3: Chapter 1: Dates Are Fun!

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Chapter 1: Dates Are Fun!

*Erika’s POV*

I woke up in great distress. I seem to be doing that a lot lately… My bra, as well as my body was perfectly fine. No damage at all…

Was that just a dream? No. The pain felt far too realistic to be a dream. Who was the woman then? She said something about helping someone. Did she mean me?

I grabbed my phone. The time was now 9:45 AM. I got almost four more hours of sleep.

Checking my Status, nothing was changed.


Name: Erika Ardent.

Race: Part Human, Part Angel, Part Demon.

Sex: Female

Physical Age: 18

Real Age: 158


Available Stat points: 0.

HP: 495,000/495,000 (0/24,573)

MP: 126,000/126,000 (0/44,892)



AGI: SSS (0/9,350)




:Skill list:

Knife Mastery: Level 8.

One-Handed Sword Mastery: Level 3.

Inspect: Level 5 (MAX).

Deep Understanding: Level 7


Dark Savior: S.

System Update Tester: ???+

Polyglot: S

Knowledge Seeker: S+

What did that woman even do then? Hm… I have no idea. Maybe Lilith will know.

It was far too early in my day to listen to Lilith’s sometimes annoying voice so, I just messaged her instead.

Erika: “Hey Lilith, did you see that woman last night?”

Lilith: “You mean that blurry figure was a woman? I’ll be honest with you Erika, whatever the fuck that thing was, my first instinct was to run away. Hell, I am even too afraid to tell Nadia about it.”

Erika: “Could I at least tell Sofiel about her?”

Lilith: “If she let you see her, then it should be fine.”

Erika: “Really?”

Lilith: “I would assume so. Although I have no idea what she did, after she seemingly stabbed you, she used some kind of healing magic, and carefully put you back in bed. Like she was your wife or something.”

Erika: “I don’t recall courting something like that, though…”

Lilith: “You have no one else to blame but yourself.”

Erika: “What the hell do you mean by that?”

Lilith: “What kind of amazing thing did you do in a past life, to be given such an amazing looking, and probably feeling, body?”

Erika: “Don’t know. All I did in my last life was kill a bunch of arguably bad people.”

Lilith: “That so? How lucky. Meanwhile, I’m ugly as sin. It honestly makes me feel bad that those girls have to “play” with me under Nadia’s orders.”

Erika: “Huh? You’re ugly? No way! Your voice doesn’t belong to someone ugly. I refuse to believe it!”

Lilith: “Oh? Well, why don’t I show up for you then? I’ll even allow you to bop me on the head.”

Erika: “Deal!”

I can finally give Lilith what’s coming to her? Sign me the fuck up!

A few minutes later, Lilith appeared in front of me. I had already put back on my dress, and turned the light on before she got here.

Erika: “…”

Lilith: “See? Didn’t I tell you? Ugly as shit.” Lilith said with a sad tone.

What the hell is her problem? She is absolutely beautiful! She looks sorta like a succubus. Although she doesn’t have bat wings or a tail. She just gives me that kind of vibe.

Lilith has short dark purple hair down to her neck. Her eyes are also dark purple. She is only slightly taller than me. Her breasts were bigger than mine… I’m starting to get tired of this trend…

She was wearing a dark purple dress that looked similar to mine. Victoria, or maybe Nadia gave it to her.

Now then, why does she think she is ugly? Is this another one of her tricks?

Erika: “Are you messing with me?” I ask with a fed-up tone.

Lilith: “Huh? No way! Why would I purposely make myself look this ugly?” Lilith replied with an annoyed tone.

She really believes that she is ugly, huh. I grabbed her hand and led her to the full length mirror in my room.

Erika: “Lilith, you’re beautiful.” I say with a warm tone while standing behind her in the mirror.

Lilith: “Everyone always says that. I know that you’re just trying to make me feel better about how I look!” Lilith said with an angry tone.

Does illusion magic exist? An illusion that only she could see maybe?

Erika: “Lilith, do you have older siblings?” I ask with a serious tone.

Lilith: “Hm? Yes, I do. Why?” Lilith asked with a head tilt. Cute!

Wait, cute!?… It kinda annoys me that I found her cute…

Erika: “Lilith, either two things are happening. One, your appearance isn’t good. Two, you’re really beautiful but think you look ugly.” I tell her with a serious tone.

Lilith: “What do you mean?” She asked with a confused expression.

Erika: “At least to me, and probably everyone else that’s seen you, you’re an absolute beauty.” I say with a smile.

Lilith: “That can’t be true…” Lilith said with an unsure tone.

Erika: “Is it possible that one of your older siblings put an illusion spell on you? Considering who you parent is, I wouldn’t be surprised.” I say with a thinking pose.

Lilith: “I would have noticed them doing that. Unless you are saying that one of my older siblings put a spell on me when I was a baby, that makes me think that I look ugly?” Lilith asked with a tone as if she didn’t believe me.

Erika: “I think so, yes.” I reply with my arms crossed.

Lilith: “Haha, you mean to say that I, a being that has lived for thousands of years, just never realized that I had a spell put on me at day one? That can’t be…” Lilith cut her last words off.

Erika: “What’s wrong?” I ask with a concerned tone.

Lilith: “I… I just checked. One of my sisters, June, she put an illusion spell on me... Fucking thousands of years spent thinking I was ugly…” Lilith said with a sad tone.

She then turned back to the mirror and admired her looks. Actually, she did that for like eight minutes straight. She groped every part of her own body with a lewd smile on her face.

Lilith: “I am hot as fuck! I can’t believe that bitch tricked me for this fucking long!” Lilith said with a stomp of her foot.

Erika: “Well, at least you found it out now.” I say with a shrug.

Lilith: “I guess? I mean, the spell was stupidly weak. She must have cast it when she was still just a child. Giving how I’ve always thought that I was ugly.” Lilith said with a sigh.

Erika: “What will you do now? Confront her about it?” I ask with a curious tone.

Lilith: “One day I will. Actually, I’ve always had a good relationship with her. Once the new update is finished, I will go ask her about the spell she put on me.” Lilith said with one of her hands on her hip.

Erika: “Oh? How good of a relationship? A sisterly one I hope.” I say with a laugh.

Lilith: “Hm? I mean, maybe? If you count sisters having sex with each other every time they meet, then, yes. We have a veery good relationship.” Lilith said with a nonchalant tone.

Huh? She has sex with her sister? Well… I guess relationships like that aren’t that immoral to beings like her and her sister. At least, that’s what I’ll tell myself.

Lilith: “Oh? Did that information shock you? Dammit Erika, you’re just sooooo very fun to tease. I can see why Sofiel loves to do it.” Lilith said with a cheeky tone before planting a quick kiss on my lips.

Erika: “…”

The kiss felt nice. Again, I am kinda pissed off that I actually like her, and I am okay with a kiss from her.

Lilith: “Alright! I am ready for your head bops!” Lilith said with an oddly excited tone while bowing her head to me.

Should I bop her? No. Me and my weird view of life. I just can’t hate her anymore, now that I know that she is a beauty. Pretty girls are my weakness it seems.

Instead of bopping her head, I just gave her head pats. After patting her head for a few minutes, she looked back up at me with a confused expression.

I wanted to tease her back so, I leaned into her ear and said.

Erika: “How lucky for you, in my book, cute girls can get away with just about anything so, no head bops for you.” I whisper with a seductive tone into her ear.

Lilith: “…”

In the next moment, she was gone. Lilith just went *poof*… I guess she ran away.

Oh, she is the type that likes to tease, but when someone teases her, she can’t handle it and gets too embarrassed, or maybe even aroused. Good to know.

Wait… Is Sofiel making me more and more of a pervert? I guess so…

I heard a knock at my door. I just said that they could come in. I doubt it would be someone I didn’t like after all.

It ended up being Sofiel. She opened the door and burst out into a sprint to give me a morning hug.

Sofiel: “Good morning, dear!” Sofiel said after giving me a kiss.

A good morning kiss and hug? I could get used to this…

Erika: “Good morning.” I say after giving her a kiss of my own.

Sofiel: “Do you want to take a bath together? Don’t worry, I won’t do anything inappropriate. I’m saving that for tonight.” Sofiel said with a slightly seductive tone.

Erika: “Sure. Let’s go right now.” I say with a laugh.

Sofiel then locked her arms around one of mine, and then guided me to the bath.

Once in the bath, I used my phone to take my clothes off. Sofiel complained that she wanted to help me get out of my clothes.

I managed to console her by saying that she could do that tonight. To which she replied “I’m looking forward to it~” with a sultry tone.

True to her word, she didn’t try to grope me, and we just cleaned our bodies before getting into the bath.

Sofiel: “Ahh, nothing beats a nice bath! It’s not as good as the one back at Victoria’s place but, it’s still nice.” Sofiel said with a bright tone while soaking in the bath.

Erika: “I know, right? Don’t worry, I made sure that the people making our new house will do their utmost to make sure that every single part of it will be as luxurious as possible. At least for now.” I say with a smile.

Sofiel: “I can’t wait to have my own place again. Sasaki’s house is nice but, nothing beats living with your lovers in your own private paradise.” Sofiel said with a laugh.

Erika: “True. Hey Sofiel, something odd happened last night.” I say with a serious tone.

Sofiel: “Oh? Did you figure out how to properly touch yourself?” Sofiel said with a teasing tone.

Erika: “No. A woman showed up and pierced my chest with her hand. When I woke up, everything was fine. It wasn’t a dream, that am I sure.” I say with one of my hands on my chin.

Sofiel: “…What… what did she look like?” Sofiel asked with a serious tone.

Erika: “I have no idea, it was too dark to see her fully.” I reply with a sigh.

Sofiel: “And did she say anything?” Sofiel asked once again with a serious tone.

Erika: “I asked her if I could help her, she said that she wasn’t the one who needed help, or something like that.” I say after thinking about it for a few seconds.

Sofiel seemed lost in thought. A few seconds later, Alice stormed into the bath. Sofiel must have messaged her through the System.

Not even caring that she was still clothed, she jumped on top of me, getting her dress wet in the process, and stared at my chest. I was used to this, and I knew that she was just staring at my soul, rather than being a pervert and just peeping at my chest.

Alice: “Well… that’s odd.” Alice said with a thinking pose.

Sofiel: “Is it bad?” Sofiel asked with a concerned tone.

Alice: “Do you remember Lana? Well, in a last ditch effort to save her, Victoria did a ritual. It failed and Erika took over her body instead.” Alice said with a sigh.

Sofiel: “I wasn’t aware of that, but what does that matter?” Sofiel asked with a confused tone.

Alice: “I had a small hope that Lana could still be saved since, Erika had a tiny part of Lana’s soul in her own soul. But now it’s gone. That woman seems to have removed it, and even repaired the damage to Erika’s soul from doing so.” Alice explained calmly.

Sofiel: “So… she helped Erika?” Sofiel asked.

Alice: “Yes but, also no.” Alice said with another sigh.

Erika: “What do you mean?” I ask with a nervous tone.

Alice: “Remember how Sofiel marked you? That woman marked you as well.” Alice said while rubbing her head which was probably in pain.

Sofiel: “She marked my girl!?” Sofiel said with a pissed off tone.

Alice: “Shush! You aren’t any better for marking Erika.” Alice said after bopping Sofiel on her pretty little head.

Sofiel: “I know.” Sofiel said with a pout.

I got marked, again? Don’t these girls know anything about consent?

Erika: “Is it bad that she marked me?” I ask.

Alice: “The bad part is that woman is a very powerful Outer Goddess. The good part is that other Outer Gods or Outer Goddesses won’t mess with you now.” Alice explained with a serious tone.

Erika: “Why did she even mark me? I don’t even know her…” I say with a confused tone.

Sofiel: “Maybe you’re just a chick magnet?” Sofiel said with a cheeky tone.

Alice: “Sofiel, be more serious! Erika is clearly confused, as well as worried. Look, Erika, although we don’t know the full story, the Administrators are giving you special treatment, right?” Alice asked with a serious tone.

Erika: “I can’t tell you anything about it but, yes.” I reply.

Alice: “Simply point, you’re special. Special enough to get the attention of someone so powerful like her.” Alice said with a warm tone while rubbing my head.

Alice complained about how her dress got wet, then she left the room after we talked for a bit longer. We offered to take a bath with her but, she said that she already took one, and she didn’t want to get in the way of my and Sofiel’s special day.

Erika: “What the hell even is an Outer God or Goddess?” I ask with a curious tone while still soaking in the bath.

Sofiel: “Oh, they’re just a being that doesn’t use the System, but are still extremely powerful. Keep in mind, more powerful than any of us.” Sofiel said after she finished dipping her head into the water.

So, they’re still powerful even without the help of the System. Such beings must truly be powerful. Especially since I now know that the System limits people.

After soaking in the bath for twenty more minutes, we got out and dried off. Then we went downstairs to eat breakfast.

Or we would have but, I asked Sofiel if we could get breakfast out. She agreed.

The maids offered to drive us but, the city where we planned to have our date at, was in walking distance from Sasaki’s place so, we declined their offer.

Sofiel locked her arms around one of mine again and we set off to get some breakfast.

When we got to the city, I looked up restaurants that serve breakfast on my phone.

There were many choices. Once I filtered them down to only high end restaurants, I was able to find a good one.

It was named like a fancy French restaurant. I didn’t tell Sofiel the translated name because, it was actually something really basic. On par with how most countries use words and names from other languages without really understanding what they meant.

The place didn’t even serve French food. Just Japanese food. Oddly, for breakfast they serve an American styled breakfast. Sofiel was fine with it so, we walked to the place.

It wasn’t that far away and only took us a few minutes to make it there.

There was a commotion at the front. A pretty woman was complaining to the person at the podium that checks people in.

???: “Don’t you know who I am!?” The woman yelled.

She didn’t even give the employee a chance to talk and just kept berating her. I feel bad for the girl, this is just her job. And technically, I somewhat own this place as well so, she is partly my employee.

Erika: “What is the problem?” I ask the woman with a calm tone.

???: “This idiot won’t let me in!” She yelled while point at my employee.

Erika: “Does she have a reservation?” I ask the employee with a smile.

???: “She did yesterday but, she didn’t pay the bill and was banned from this establishment. That’s what her complaint is about.” The employee explains with a professional tone.

Oh? Is she a grifter? I leaned in on the employee and asked her a question.

Erika: “Is she known for skipping out on paying?” I ask in a whisper.

???: “Yes. She is banned from quite a few other places as well.” She replied with a dismissive tone towards the woman.

Erika: “That so? Well, then, miss? I hereby ban you from this entire city.” I say with a smug tone.

???: “How the hell do you think you are!?” She yelled before trying to slap me.

I grabbed her hand before she could and pulled her face close to mine.

Erika: “I’m just the person that owns this area. Do you have an apartment or house near here? Well, you’ll be evicted by the hour.” I say with an evil tone before shoving her away and returning to Sofiel’s hold.

The woman fell on her butt and after realizing what happened, she yelled at me saying that she’d sue me for damaging her dress, as well as for hurting her.

I ignored her and she was taken away from here by security. Yelling all the way until we couldn’t hear her anymore.

Before walking to the podium, I sent a few quick messages regarding the woman. After today, if she is seen in this city, she will be arrested.

I then walk with Sofiel to the podium so that we can finally get some food. I ask if they had a VIP room for a table for two. They did and we were nicely guided to it.

After we sat down, a waiter came to our private room and asked if we were ready to order. There really wasn’t much options other than breakfast so, Sofiel and I just ordered that. Oddly for her, she wanted me to order for us both. I didn’t mind.

For the drinks, we just ordered some sweet tea. The waiter, she said that our food would be out in only a few minutes.

Huh? How did we get a reservation? I cheated! Just kidding. They just really actually had a VIP room available for us to reserve. Honestly, I could have probably forced some people out of this place if they didn’t but, I’m not that evil. Am I?…

Sofiel: “Although you banning that woman from the entire city was quite arousing, was it really necessary?” Sofiel asked with a smile.

Going by how she called “arousing” and by her smile, she wasn’t mad at me or anything. She was most likely just curious as to why I used such drastic measures.

Erika: “She interrupted our date. I just gave her a light punishment.” I say with a smile.

Sofiel: “Light, huh? How funny but, to be fair, if it was just me, I would have probably killed her.” Sofiel said with a laugh.

Now that, would be overkill…

Before we could have a chat, our food showed up. Like the menu said, just a standard American breakfast. Sausage, eggs, and hash browns.

Although it wasn’t really “standard”, it was clearly a dish cooked for rich people. How they managed to make a simple breakfast into a meal so luxurious, is a skill I certainly wish that I had. Just another thing to add to the list of things that I want to learn...

Sofiel: “So my dear, what do you have planned for today?” Sofiel asked with a smile after she finished taking a bite of her food.

Erika: “Hm… apart from the aquarium, I don’t have anything else planned.” I reply with one of my hands on my chin.

Sofiel: “Oh? Are we just going to explore around the city?” Sofiel asked with an excited tone.

Erika: “Yes. You’re like me, in the sense that we both like exploring so, I figured that looking around the city would be a good idea for a date.” I reply with an excited tone as well.

Sofiel: “Definitely! Now, please excuse me while I shove this food down so that we can leave sooner.” Sofiel jokingly said.

Or at least, I thought that she was joking…

She finished her food in only a few minutes. After she was done, she shuffled over to me, since this was a booth table, and then she started to feed me the rest of my food.

I’ll be honest, nothing beats being pampered by a beautiful woman. You mean to tell me that I am lovers with an Angel, and said Angel is currently feeding me with a bright and beautiful smile on her face? What more could I ask for?

Once I was done with my food, of course, with Sofiel’s help, we asked for the check.

Good lord… Around $300 bucks USD for a small breakfast for two? This place was definitely for rich people. No wonder that woman skipped out on paying.

On the way out, Sofiel wrapped her arms around one of mine again. She seems to really like doing this. Most people who saw this would probably think that I was the dominant one in the relationship…

Looking around the city was clearly the right move for us. There was a mall that we went to. Although we both agreed that Victoria’s clothes were far too good to ever switch out, we still looked and tried on various different types of outfits.

I told Sofiel that I had a lot of fun doing that since, I’ve never actually done it before.

Because of me saying that, we ended up going to more clothing stores to try on clothes for longer.

After we were done, I saw a makeup store while walking. I told Sofiel about it but, she said she knew nothing about makeup at all. Figures, we’re both extremely beauty by default.

Makeup isn’t really something we need. So of course, we have absolutely no idea on how to use makeup. Maybe I’ll figure it out in the future. Just because we don’t need it to look pretty, doesn’t mean wearing it won’t be fun.

Since she wasn’t interested, and I was only slightly interested, we skipped that store and looked around the mall further.

There was a jewelry store in the mall as well. Once again, me and Sofiel skipped it because the accessories that we get from the System, as well as ones that can be made, are just too much of an upgrade to replace.

Maybe in the future when we don’t really need to fight, we could just buy and wear cute clothes and accessories all the time.

This mall wasn’t small, but we basically looked around the entire place already. At least at the stores we were interested in.

Sofiel and I were quite satisfied with our mall date so, we started to head out of the mall, aiming to go to the aquarium.

The aquarium was a thirty minute walk from the mall so, I used an app on my phone to get someone to drive us there.

Sofiel did say that she could easily just teleport us there but, I wanted her to relax, and I knew for a fact that her doing that would tire her out.

Our driver showed up fast. On the way there, I bought us tickets for the aquarium. There was actually a VIP lifetime pass that you could buy. It cost $1000 USD so, I bought one for both me and Sofiel.

I did that for two reasons. One, I want to spoil Sofiel. Two, doing so gives us a digital pass on the aquarium’s phone app. The main benefit is that we can skip the lines.

The entire ride Sofiel leaned her head on my shoulder, and kept her modest breasts in between my arm. Now that I see Sofiel doing it, Yui was definitely flirting with me back then.

As women, we were given these powerful weapons, known as breasts. If we didn’t use them to our advantage, they’d just be mostly useless sacks of meat. At least they feel good to touch, and play with…

When we arrived and got out of the car, instead of grabbing my arm, Sofiel held my hand and led me to the entrance of the aquarium.

There were two lines. Separated lanes, not lines of people. One was for VIP pass holders, and the other was for non VIP pass holders.

At the end of the lane, there was an employee. We took our phones out and let him scan our passes. He gave us arm bands that mark us a VIP guest, and then we went inside.

Sofiel held my hand again. I was actually very excited. Is this feeling what I never experienced in my past life?

Regardless of if it was or not, that wasn’t important. What was important, is enjoying my time here with Sofiel.

One thing I noticed about this place was, it decently dark. Maybe so the sea creatures wouldn’t be disturbed? Sure, there were areas that had light but it was mostly dark.

The first stop was the jellyfish. I’ve always wondered why they’re called that. From looking at them in person, I can now tell why.

Very squishy looking, I am tempted to grab one of them to play with it. That is, if I didn’t know that doing so would be very painful.

I felt bad when I realized that I wasn’t paying much attention to Sofiel. Or at least, I paid more attention to the various displays of jellyfish but, luckily Sofiel was doing the same.

It’s weird. I’d wager that Sofiel is very similar to me, and hell, she is most likely how I would have been if I had an actually good upbringing.

A very nice feeling thing to be in a relationship with someone that you can relate to.

This aquarium was fucking huge! We spent an entire hour and thirty minutes just looking at the jellyfish…

Though, during a jellyfish sightseeing, Sofiel took me to a dark corner and kissed me. It was a kiss involving our tongues, so it was pretty very lewd.

I now understood why aquariums are considered perfect places to go on dates. With how dark most of this place is, it’s perfect to do public displays of affection without getting caught.

I was curious so I looked up the name of the aquarium. Oops… this place is actually the biggest aquarium in the world. Not a bad choice for my first trip to one, I guess.

Sofiel and I both felt lost, so we found a pamphlet that had a map of this place on it.

Sofiel: “Do you think that we could look around this entire place today?” Sofiel asked with an unsure tone.

Erika: “I doubt it. The jellyfish section was the smallest area…” I say with a sigh.

Sofiel: “Hm… well, it’s disappointing that we can’t see it all in one trip but, we can just see the rest on our next few dates.” Sofiel said with an excited tone.

She then grabbed my hand and quickly led me to our next stop. Which was tropical fish.

From what I remember from looking at the map, this part of the aquarium was the second smallest. Sofiel is probably going to go the smallest sections first.

So many colorful fish, we could look at them for hours… and we did! By the time we were done looking at every tropical fish, there was only enough time left in the day before this place closes, to look at one more section.

After debating for a few minutes, we decided to go look at the sharks.

I didn’t even know that there were this many types of different sharks… Actually, there were sharks here that I know for a fact that didn’t exist in my previous life’s dimension.

With the jellyfish and tropical fish, it was kinda hard to tell but, with the sharks it was very easy.

How easy? The main attraction in the shark section was the Megalodon. Well, it wasn’t called that, and it was nowhere near as big but, it was definitely an offshoot of it.

It was in its own tank and according to the plaque, the tanks glass was 65 inches thick bullet proof glass. Otherwise it could easily break out. I mean, it would die but, this thing is fucking huge, and it constantly looks pissed the fuck off.

Explaining how big it was is kinda hard to do. It was at least 48 feet long. The Megalodon was around 60 feet long, if I remember correctly.

Suffice it to say, there was no possible way to take this shark out of the aquarium, unless you destroyed a huge portion of the walls. Even then, I don’t think that there is a single vehicle big or strong enough to actually transport it.

No wonder it looks pissed. It will spend the rest of its life in this tank. I would feel bad for it, if the shark didn't look at me like it wanted to eat me. Funnily enough, Sofiel got pissed off at it from it doing that so, she sent a wave of killing intent towards the shark. After that, it didn't even glance at us.

How the hell did they even catch it? Oh, the plaque explains that they caught it when it was just born. A new born, it was actually called a Ugal Shark, is slightly bigger than a whale shark.

It did not explain how the hell they survived stealing it from its parent… No, really. How the fuck did they achieve that?

I just had to figure it out so, I looked it up on my phone. How they pull it off is shocking... They fucking feed the mother Ugal shark a whole ass whale carcass, that was treated in sedative, and then snatch the infant Ugal shark before the mother wakes up.

Sharks don't actually sleep but, drugging sharks made them extremely calm and put it in their active sleep state. Now here's the crazy part, Ugal sharks only have one offspring per pregnancy. They keep their young with them for years until they're halfway grown.

After the "kidnapping" and once the mother Ugal shark wakes up, it goes on a rampage killing everything it sees. One time a mother Ugal shark nearly destroyed a cruise ship after having its offspring stolen...

Once we were done looking at the sharks, which was far more interesting than we thought it would be, it was almost 7 PM. We left the aquarium and sat down on a bench while we waited for our driver.

We’re heading back to that restaurant to eat dinner, since the breakfast we had there was really good. Surely, dinner there would also be amazing.

Sofiel: “That huge shark is why I hate the ocean.” Sofiel said with a joking tone.

Erika: “Yeah, just imagine meeting one of those in open water.” I say with a laugh.

Sofiel: “Hey, that is no laughing matter! That would be terrifying!” Sofiel said with an oddly serious tone.

Erika: “Oh? Is my little Angel scared of the ocean?” I say with a teasing tone.

She pouted before she smirked and leaned into my ear.

Sofiel: “Tonight, I’ll make you pay for teasing me like this.” Sofiel whispered with a seductive tone.

Erika: “…”

Fuck… I forgot that she is good at teasing me… Now I’m too embarrassed to look her in the eyes, and my face is beet red.

I seemed to have accidentally flipped Sofiel’s switch yet again. I say this because, on the ride to the restaurant, instead of leaning on my shoulder, she made me lay my head on her lap, for the entire drive...

As embarrassing as it was, it was still a very nice feeling lying on Sofiel’s lap while she pat and rubbed my head.

I need to remember to do this to my future lovers because, goddamn, does it feel amazing!

At the restaurant, Sofiel took a completely different approach than last time. This time she was the one to do the talking. A VIP room was also open this time as well so, we went with that.

When we sat down at the table, Sofiel asked me what I wanted to eat. Looking at the menu for a few minutes. I went with teriyaki chicken, steak, and fried rice.

Of course, this time Sofiel was the one to order for us. I hate to say it but, Sofiel was far better at being the dominant one in the relationship than I was.

She seems to be fine with either, but always switches to being dominant when she gets her engine going. At least, from what I’ve seen of her so far.

I mean, this time Sofiel sat right next to me the entire time we ate. She ordered the same food as me. And once the food showed up, we took turns feeding each other.

It was lucky that this was a private room. Otherwise it would be far too embarrassing for people to see Sofiel grope my thigh with her hand multiple times.

I could hardly focus on the food but, from what I could get from it, it tasted really good. Almost as good as the food that the maids back at Victoria’s can cook.

Which reminds me, I have a shit ton of their food still left in my inventory… Well, it’s there just in case I need it for when I travel to different dimensions.

Not every dimension will have easy access to food after all. I'm clearly spoiled by being in a modern dimension like this.

Using that train of thought to try to ignore Sofiel’s various methods that she used to grope my body, dinner was done.

We had already paid the bill. This time Sofiel refused to let me pay it. Because of that I don’t know how much dinner here costs.

Now we were still sitting in our VIP room and trying to figure out where to sleep. Clearly staying and doing sexual things back at Sasaki’s house wouldn’t be a good idea so, we needed to get a hotel or something.

Oddly, there was a hotel nearby owned by the same person who owned this restaurant. I only own the rights to lease the buildings here out. It’s not like I directly control every single business in this city.

Oh, right. The odd thing was that this hotel only allowed women to stay at it. Apparently, this restaurant also only served women. Now that I think about it, the staff were all female as well.

Did I accidentally take my lesbian lover to a lesbian restaurant? Oops. Now I am about to take her to an apparently lesbian hotel. Upon realizing this, Sofiel made an effort to tease me about it.

Once again, Sofiel was the one to book us a room when we made inside the hotel and made it to the front reception desk. She ended up booking a VIP room. Seems like she also enjoys luxury things, like I do.

A short elevator trip later. We were in a huge and luxurious feeling and looking room. Rather than take a bath first, Sofiel picked me up in a princess carry, and went to the bedroom.

She carefully "threw" me on the bed, and got on top of me. Her eyes were clearly showing the lust and desire she felt for me. I was entranced by the expression on her face...

Sofiel: “Take off all of your clothes otherwise, I might just have to rip them off!” Sofiel whispered in my ear with a sultry tone.

She said that before taking her clothes off seductively while I watched.

I took my phone and did just that. Can’t let the clothes that Victoria made for me go to waste. Although she was supposed to take my clothes off of me, she was clearly too aroused to be doing such a thing at the moment.

Since she will by my “teacher” for tonight, I let her do whatever she wanted to do with me. Well, in this case, my body.

It took me an hour to understand my body, as well as a woman’s body in general. That was when the real fun started.

*Hours later.*

We didn’t stop at all until it was 4:47 AM.

Sex is… well, it’s fucking amazing! I can’t believe that I had gone my entire life without even touching my own body, let alone having sex with a woman...

I had none of my equipment on so, all of the marks and love bites that Sofiel gave me were still on my body.

Apart from the love marks, I was also covered in saliva and various other types of liquid. It embarrassed me to no end to see my own body in such a lewd state…

Meanwhile, Sofiel was mark and liquid free. She was completely naked so, it must be something to do with her being an Angel.

Sofiel had fallen asleep holding my head to her chest so, I couldn’t get up or deal with the marks or “liquid” at all.

Like me, the bed was stained as well, luckily it was a really big bed and we were lying on a part of this huge bed that didn’t get wet at all.

I’d hate going to bed dirty, so I put on my necklace, using the System via my mind, which I haven’t done in a while. The second that I put it on, I was sparkly clean. Huh, how convenient…

It was late so, I ended up falling asleep as well. Having such an intense “exercise” surely helped in getting me to fall asleep.

Frankly, the main reason I fell asleep so fast, was hearing Sofiel’s cute breathing… Fuck… I might actually be a pervert. At least just by a little…

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