Erika: I Transmigrated as Cannon Fodder in The Demon Goddesses Harem.

Volume. 2: Chapter 5: Lilith is an Evil Jerk!

Chapter 5: Lilith is an Evil Jerk!

*Erika’s POV*

Is this a school? It looks like a high school… Why am I wearing a school uniform? It was a black blazer and black skirt… I don’t remember putting it on… At least it looks nice on me. I look like I am 18 so, passing as a student isn't hard for me.

While I was lost in thought, a teacher directed me to go to my classroom. Classroom A2. The teacher spoke Japanese and luckily, that was one of the languages that I knew, so I was able to understand them.

The school was decently big. The budget for this place must be insanely high.

As you would expect, I wasn’t the only one in school. This place was full of students, as well as teachers, and other faculty. Did this dimension only take place in a school or something?

A teacher soon came into my classroom and started the lesson. The lesson was math. Probably the most boring of subjects, at least for me. I tuned out her voice completely.

Lilith… What kind of prank did she play on me this time?

Erika: “Lilith… you have two minutes to explain, before I go apeshit and ruin this entire scenario.” I say in my head with an annoyed tone.

Lilith: “No, don’t! Look, the Goddess of this dimension, she keeps resetting time back to when she first started going to high school.” Lilith explained quickly.

Erika: “Why does she keep resetting it?” I ask with a confused tone.

Lilith: “Lots of reasons why probably, but maybe because she doesn’t feel fulfilled. She doesn’t do it on purpose, she thinks that she is in limbo.” Lilith said with a calm tone.

Erika: “And what is my role here? Why can only women come to this dimension anyway?” I ask with a thinking pose.

Lilith: “She eats the women who come here.” Lilith said with a nonchalant tone.

Erika: “…”

Lilith: “…”

Erika: “Run that by me again.” I ask in a demanding tone.

Lilith: “She only eats the ones who wandered into this dimension. It’s similar to what Sachael’s dimension did. Dark Saviors and Saviors are safe. Again, she does not do it on purpose. It’s this dimension running on autopilot.” Lilith said with a serious tone.

Erika: “And how does that process work? Is she a cannibal?” I ask with a sarcastic tone.

Lilith: “No. Their souls are just too weak so eventually, they’ll be absorbed into the Goddess of this dimension. It's actually more accurate to say that this dimension eats them, and not her.” Lilith said with once again a nonchalant tone.

Erika: “Okay… so what do I do exactly?” I ask with a sigh.

Lilith: “Am I your babysitter? Just do your tasks, silly little task girl.” Lilith said with a cheeky tone.

I am going to bop her on the head so many goddamn times if we ever meet in person… How can someone so cheeky and irresponsible be an Administrator? Are they all like this? No. At least, Nadia is extremely responsible…

Erika: “Speaking of Sachael, what ever happened to that banished Administrator?” I ask with a curious tone.

The lesson was still going on and I had nothing else to do so I might as well talk to the cheeky little shit that is Lilith…

Lilith: “We’re still trying to find that fucker. Did you know? He’s the reason why only women can be Administrators. A few bad apples ruin the entire thing for them.” Lilith said with a smug tone.

I wonder what he did to cause such a drastic change in policy. Better to not think about it I guess…

Erika: “Why am I already wearing a school uniform?” I ask in my head once again.

Lilith: “Magic?” Lilith replied with a deadpan tone.

I wasn’t going to get any actual useful answers from Lilith, since she was still messing with me. So I decided to look around the classroom. Apart from me, I noticed one other “student” that was being somewhat fidgety.

Said “student” raised their hand to go to the restroom. I begrudgingly raised my hand to also ask to use the restroom as well. I’m fucking 158 years old, and I have to ask to use the restroom? Super fucking grating. Was this Lilith’s plan to annoy me?

I followed the girl into the bathroom. Once in, I pinned her against the wall. She was visibly shocked or… rather, she seemed to be embarrassed… Your life is at stake, you know?

Lilith: “Flirting with a girl in the bathroom? How unsanitary, as well as lewd!” Lilith said with a cheeky tone and a giggle.

Not now, you cheeky little shit…

???: “Um… If you want to kiss… could we not do it in the bathroom?” She asked with a nervous tone.

Erika: “…”

If this was a comic book or a manga, there would be floating question marks above my head…

Lilith: “Oh shit… Erika, you miscalculated!” Lilith yelled with a serious tone.

Erika: “What do you mean?” I ask with a questioning tone in my head.

Lilith: “This girl is not a Savior, she is the Goddess of this dimension…” Lilith said with a nervous tone.

Erika: “Oh…” I reply with a weak voice.

Lilith: “How the hell can you seduce so many powerful women? What’s your secret? Come on, you can tell me.” Lilith said with a mocking tone.

I did not respond to her heckling of me.

Back to the girl, should it have been obvious that such a beautiful girl wouldn’t have been a Savior? Kora’s looks are pretty good though so, it’s not that big of a mistake...

I'm beginning to think that having a higher INT Stat Rank doesn't just make you more intelligent by default. It probably just lets you be able to use your brain better...

Erika: “I didn’t come here to kiss you, silly.” I reply with a laugh.

???: “Then why?” She asked with a confused tone.

Erika: “I’m interested in certain people who don’t belong to this dimension. You were acting all fidgety so, I assume you were someone like that.” I say with a calm tone after releasing her from the wall cage I made with my arms.

???: “Oh? I know what kind of people you’re talking about. I’ve been wondering what they’re here for but, I could never figure it out.” She replied with a bright tone and smile.

Erika: “Then might you be able to help me?” I ask with a serious tone.

???: “Only if you also help me out.” She said with a calm tone.

Erika: “And what might I be helping you out with?” I ask with a raised eyebrow.

???: “Them!” She said while pointing at the restroom door where three girls came in and locked said door.

Bullies Perhaps?

???: “Haha! Check this out! She really came!” One of the said with a giggle.

???: “She really did! What an idiot!” Another laughed with the other one.

???: “I thought that we said to NOT bring anyone else with you, though?” The third one who appeared to be the leader said with an annoyed tone.

Definitely bullies… Did she have to get bullied like this every time she went through a time loop? No wonder she thinks this is limbo…

Erika: “Who cares? Listen, this girl is under my protection now so, get the hell out of here before I break multiple parts of your bodies.” I say with a dark tone and an evil smile.

The girls seemed to be scared and backed off. The leader wasn’t having it and was clearly pissed off by my actions. Please don’t tell me that I have to beat up high school girls…

???: “Do you even know who I am?” The leader of the girls said with a loud and angry tone.

Erika: “No and, do I look like I care?” I reply with a fed-up tone with my arms crossed.

???: “You… girls, kill her! I’ll handle everything, so don’t worry about getting slapped with any charges!” She said with a furious tone.

The two lackeys then took out pocket knives. I grabbed the girl I was protecting and hid her in a stall so that she wouldn’t get hurt. Despite my efforts, she apparently decided to stand on the toilet so that she could watch the fight.

Oh, she was recording this fight with her smartphone. Good for evidence, I guess.

The first girl lunged at me with obvious intent to kill. I dodge her stab, and grabbed the middle of her arm before breaking it. I then flipped her over and before she could even process the pain and scream, I punched her hard in the face and knocked her out.

The second girl was more careful and didn’t attack me recklessly like her failed partner in crime. She just stayed a distance away from me and slashed at me a few times. Each time she missed me completely.

???: “What the hell are you doing? Kill her already!” The leader roared.

Spurred on by her leader, the girl lunged at me. I took her out the same exact way that I did the other. Stupid children, you’re no match for the elite soldier me… I am really gloating about being able to easily beat up girls who were no older than 15?…

???: “Useless idiots! I’ll handle this myself!” She said before taking a knife out of her skirt pocket.

Why the heck do their skirts have pockets anyway? Mine don’t… Maybe they modified it so they could smuggle their weapons into school? Who knows, but she wasn’t any better than the other two.

This time, I just dodge her strike but instead of breaking her arm and flipping her, I just punched her extremely hard in the stomach. She instantly passed out. Though, I did catch her before she fell.

I didn't want her to end up dying from something stupid like hitting her head on the way down and getting killed by that. Plus, I’d be pissed off if I fell face first onto a bathroom floor…

Keep in mind, with my strength I could easily kill them with a flick of my wrist. So when I say I hit them extremely hard, I mean that in a way that would hurt, but not kill or permanently injure them.

???: “What an amazing fight!” The girl I was protecting said while clapping her hands.

Erika: “We should leave.” I say before grabbing her hand and leading her out of the restroom.

I wasn’t too keen on staying at the scene of the crime.

I asked her how we could access the school roof, and she told me the directions to the stairs leading to it. Once up on the roof, I finally calmed down. It’s been a while since I had to hurt someone who wasn’t necessarily a terrible person.

Saviors don’t count, killing or converting them comes with the territory but, those girls were just normal civilians.

Erika: “Who were those girls, and why are they bullying you?” I ask with a serious tone.

???: “Oh them? The two lackeys, I have no idea. As for their leader, she is the daughter of a big time Yakuza member. She bullied me because I am prettier than her, or something stupid like that.” She replied with a thinking pose.

I just beat up a Yakuza’s daughter? Dammit… This is going to bite me in the ass surely sometime soon…

Erika: “Okay. I’ve helped you out; now you help me.” I say with a sigh.

???: “Before that, let me introduce myself. I am Miyazato Yui. Please just call me Yui from now on.” Yui said with a smile.

Yui, I guess that I should explain her appearance now. She has major “protagonist” vibes. A girl with dark purple hair in Japan? I honestly should have realized that she was special at first glance...

Her hair was kinda short and went a little past her shoulders. Like her hair, her eyes were both purple but a slightly lighter purple than her hair. Her breasts seemed to be the same size as mine, c cups or at least close to them. Her height, finally, a girl who was smaller than me. Not mentioning Alice, of course.

Yui: “For your information, I wasn’t fidgeting because I had to use the restroom, I was in that state because those girls texted me to meet them in that restroom.” Yui said with a pout.

I mean… I could have inferred that. Why even bother to clarify it?

Erika: “I figured. Now, will you help me with my task?” I say with a chuckle.

Yui: “One person.” Yui said with a one of her fingers pointing at me.

Erika: “One person?” I ask with a confused tone.

Yui: “I’ll out one person per time you help me.” Yui said with her arms crossed.

I have a task killing fifty Saviors, though… Won’t this take forever? I doubt that there are only fifty Saviors here in this dimension after all…

Erika: “Fine… I’ll agree to that deal.” I say with a sigh.

If she wasn’t the Goddess of dimension, I wouldn’t have agreed. But since she is, it would be my best bet to go along with her whims.

Yui: “Perfect! Hey, give me your phone number.” She asked with an excited tone.

Erika: “I don’t have a phone.” I answer with a head tilt.

Yui: “How do you not have a phone in this day and age?” Yui asked with a confused tone and expression.

Erika: “Yui, even if I did have a phone, I doubt it would work across different dimensions.” I say with a shrug.

Yui: “You aren’t from this dimension?” Yui asked with a curious tone.

Erika: “No. Are you?” I ask with a serious tone.

Yui: “I am hundred percent from this dimension, don’t worry about it.” Yui said with a serious tone as well.

After she said that, she grabbed my hand and led me down the roof’s stairs. She led me to the gate of the school.

Erika: “We are we going?” I ask with a concerned tone.

Yui: “To buy you a phone, of course!” Yui said with an excited tone.

Erika: “I don’t have any money.” I say with a sigh.

Yui: “Why not? Traveling to different dimensions sounds like something you would need funding for...” Yui asked with a head tilt. Cute!

Erika: “So far, I’ve only gone to dimensions that are in the process of being destroyed. As you would expect, money is never really useful at that point.” I say with a shrug.

Yui: “I see… sounds tough.” Yui said with a sad tone.

Erika: “I manage so, it’s fine.” I reply with a smile.

Yui: “Okay, I’ll just pay for you. Let’s go!” Yui said with an excited tone once again before taking my hand and leading me.

Oddly, the school was very close to a shopping center. It only took us thirty minutes of walking to make it here. It’s not like we rushed either. This place was just really close to the school.

Only other thing to note is that there were several times where I had to save Yui from getting killed. Mugger, bad driver, etc.

This is her own dimension and yet, it wants her dead. I do wonder why…

Yui chose the phone for me. It was a pink smartphone. She even paid for the service plan as well. Since she was paying, I didn’t complain. Nothing wrong with pink I guess.

Yui: “Let’s go get something to eat while you set up your phone, huh…” Yui said with a calm tone before looking troubled.

Erika: “That sounds good but, what’s wrong?” I ask with a head tilt.

Yui: “I completely forgot to ask you your name…” Yui said with a slightly sad tone.

Erika: “It’s Erika, and don’t worry about it.” I say with a laugh.

Yui: “Erika?… A very pretty name.” Yui said with a pure smile.

Erika: “Your name is also pretty. A pretty name for a pretty girl.” I say with a calm tone.

Yui: “That’s…” Yui didn’t finish her sentence and just grabbed my hand once again and led me.

After a five minute walk, we ended up at a family dinner. Nothing too special. I did eat a huge meal, or rather meals before I left but, eating more wouldn’t hurt, right? I was still hungry after all... I’m only 158 years old, I am still a growing girl…

A waitress guided us to a free booth, and Yui and I sat at opposite sides.

Yui: “What would you like to order, Erika?” Yui asked with a warm tone.

Erika: “Hm? I can order myself but, once again, I have no money.” I say with an embarrassed tone.

Yui: “It’s fine! I want to order for you. And don’t worry about the money, I have more than I could ever spend.” Yui said with a proud tone.

Erika: “Okay then, let me check out the menu.” I reply with a smile.

On the menu, yeah, this place was definitely just a standard family dinner. The only thing that caught my eye was some steak. It didn’t say what kind of steak, though. I doubt that it would taste as good as Nadia’s food but, free food is free food.

I mean, Yui is going to pay for it. But it’s free food to me…

Erika: “I would like the steak please.” I say after closing my menu.

Yui: “And what would you like to drink?” Yui asked.

Erika: “Hm… some soda I guess?” I say with a thinking pose.

Yui: “Okay! Waitress! We’re ready to order.” Yui said with a bright voice.

The waitress took our order and said that it would be out in a few minutes. Yui had also ordered steak as well. While we were waiting for the food, I set up my phone.

It was pretty easy to set up. I did at least have some experience with smartphones in my past life after all. According to the calendar on my phone, it’s currently the year 2017.

Since my phone was set up, I decided to talk to Yui some more.

Erika: “Can I ask why you need my help with multiple different things?” I ask with a curious tone.

Yui: “Like with those bullies, I have other problems as well. Oh, our drinks are here!” Yui said with a thinking pose.

The waitress gave us our drinks. I forgot to mention but, Yui also ordered soda as her drink.

Erika: “I see… Well, as long as I don’t have to break the law, then fine…*Cough!*” I say before coughing from my drink.

Yui: “W-what’s wrong?” Yui asked with a concerned tone.

Erika: “It’s nothing… I just haven’t drunk anything carbonated for a long time.” I say with a slightly embarrassed tone.

Yui: “How long exactly?” Yui asked with a raised eyebrow.

When did I stop drinking soda? I think that it was when I joined the military so, it’s been a long time…

Erika: “I think… maybe a little over 150 years?” I say with an unsure tone.

Yui cracked up laughing. I had no idea why she found such a thing so funny…

Yui: “I’m sorry. I just find it funny that someone as old as you is wearing a high school girl’s uniform.” Yui explained after she stopped laughing.

Erika: “Hey! I stopped aging when I was 18, don’t go thinking that I’m a grandma or anything. I was actually in a comatose state for 140 years so, I still see myself as 18 anyway.” I say with a slightly pouty tone.

Yui: “Aw! You’re so cute when you pout!” Yui said with a smile.

I was going to respond to her but, Lilith screamed in my head stopping me.

Lilith: “I am so damn pissed the fuck off!!!” Lilith screamed.

Erika: “What the hell? Are you trying to fry my brain?” I ask with an annoyed tone.

Lilith: “Shut up! I sent you to this dimension so that I could laugh at anything that inconvenienced you, not to watch you flirt with another powerful woman!” Lilith said with a fed-up tone.

Erika: “And how is that my fault that your plan failed? I’m pretty sure I’ll be having to deal with some Yakuza later so, just wait until then.” I reply with a fed-up tone of my own.

My attempt to appease her failed, and Lilith just kept swearing at me. I found a useful feature in my System that lets me mute her. so I did just that. Ah, peace at last…

Once I was done with Lilith, our food arrived. We both started eating right away. It was actually pretty good. The steak came with some fries and they were also good. Nowhere near as good as Nadia’s food, though.

When we were almost done eating, the waitress attending us gave us the bill. It was a lot? Oh wait, Yen not USD…

So it’s 20,110 yen… It’s been a long time since I had to convert currencies… Maybe Lilith can help me? I then unmuted her.

Lilith: “I hope you stub all of your toes on sharp pointed edges!!!!” Lilith screamed.

That was all that she was able to say before I muted her once again. Let’s see… Fuck, what would each currency even be worth at this point in time?

Oh wait, that’s right! I have a phone now, I don’t have to figure this shit out myself.

The bill seems to be around $145ish USD… Just for a meal? Isn’t that too much?

Erika: “Hey Yui, isn’t this too much money for you to pay?” I ask with a concerned tone.

Yui: “Like I said, it’s fine. I already knew this place was a slightly high end place before deciding to eat here.” Yui dismissed my concern with a warm tone.

She then paid the bill quickly before I could stop her. Damn transactions that you can pay via phone! Technology is evil…

I don’t know how long that I will be in this dimension but, can I really stay broke like this the entire time? I’d feel bad relying on Yui’s money…

Lilith: “Are you, the mega powerful being, really worrying about money?” Lilith asked with a condescending tone.

Erika: “How’d you even know that? Also, I thought that I muted you?” I ask in my head with a confused tone.

Lilith: “I unmuted myself. Also, just steal all of the money that the Yakuza that will surely mess with you has.” Lilith said with a deadpan tone.

Erika: “Good idea but, still didn’t answer my question.” I reply with a questioning tone.

Lilith: “There’s a little box in my menu that shows me your current mental state as well as things that you might be worried about. Don’t worry, I can’t read your mind.” Lilith explained.

How… Invasive? I guess it’s better than them being able to read my mind…

Yui: “Are you ready to go, Erika?” Yui asked after she cleaned her hands and mouth with a napkin.

Erika: “Yeah, I’m ready but, where to this time?” I ask after getting up from my seat.

I lent Yui my hand to help her up from her seat. She stared at my hand for a few minutes before blushing and accepting my help.

Yui: “Hm… It’s not that late yet, what would you like to do?” Yui asked with a thinking pose.

Erika: “Does this area have an arcade? I've never been to one before.” I ask with one of my hands on my chin.

Yui: “It does! Let’s go, I’ll show you the way!” Yui said before leading me again.

This area must be pretty popular, since everything you could ever want was here for you to enjoy at your own leisure. Now that I think about it, the area was pretty packed. As for the arcade, it was also pretty packed and wasn’t that far from the dinner at all.

I’ve always wanted to go to an arcade. That terrible father of mine really did not like things that he deemed worthless, such as games. So of course, I was not allowed anywhere near such things.

There were many different types of games at the arcade. By the time we were almost done, we had already spent around three hours here. I can write this off as me researching places to take Sofiel on a date.

When we move here, will we have to worry about taxes? I feel like having to write something like going to a different dimension as off as a tax write-off, would be stupidly funny... Do I even get tax write offs with my job? The obvious answer is, no.

Yui: “Dammit! Why can’t I win at least one plushie?” Yui said with an annoyed tone.

That was her 18th failed attempt at getting a plushie out of a crane game machine. She seemed to really want a seal plushie. Even though I was freeloading off of her, I was getting worried for her wallet. Since she spent a decent amount of money on this machine already.

Erika: “Let me try.” I say with a calm tone.

Yui: “Please do! I won’t leave until I get that seal plushie!” Yui said with an excited tone.

On my first try, I managed to land the plushie for Yui. As to why I was able to win so easily, maybe it’s because most of my Stat Ranks are decently high… I didn’t realize that a byproduct of increasing your Stat Ranks is that you’re better at games.

Yui: “Um… honestly, I’m really kinda upset that you managed to score the plushie on your first try but…” Yui said with a low voice.

Erika: “But?” I say with a raised eyebrow.

Yui: “I’m far happier that you got the plushie for me!” Yui said with a bright smile while hugging her new plushie.

Erika: “That so? Well, then, good.” I reply with a smile.

Yui: “Very good!” Yui did a small spin with her plushie.

Erika: “It’s getting late, what should we do now?” I ask with a curious tone.

Yui: “Hm… I don’t really know. This is the furthest I’ve gotten.” Yui while struggling to do a thinking pose and not drop her seal in the process.

Erika: “What do you mean?” I ask with a confused tone.

Yui: “Hm… It’s like this, I am stuck in a loop. The problem being is that there is a stopping block at the start of the loop.” Yui said with a serious tone.

Erika: “Those bullies?” I ask with one of my hands on my chin.

Yui: “Yeah them! I usually end up getting killed by them. I tried running away one time but, I ended up getting hit by a car. Actually, I've tried a few hundred times. Each time I would die in some way or another. I’d practically given up at this point.” Yui said with a sigh.

Erika: “How many times have you looped?” I ask with a concerned tone.

Yui: “Well, let’s see… ah, this is my 185,754th loop. Turns out, so far this one is my luckiest loop!” Yui said with a happy tone.

That many times? How is she even still sane after dying that much?… I understand why she is so happy to do things with me. She must have been alone for a long time. I feel… bad for her…

Yui: “No need to look at me like that, come on, let’s go to my house.” Yui said before grabbing my hand again.

Yui’s house was opposite the way we went to get to this shopping area. So we had to walk past the school once again.

After we passed the school, we came to a residential area with very expensive looking houses. I guess that school did look like rich kids attended it. Seems like Yui is rich after all.

Struggling to take a card out from her purse, since she was still holding her plushie, she took a card out from it. She then scanned a card at the gate, and then the gate opened for us to enter. After walking for another ten minutes, we arrived at a modern looking house.

Yui: “We’re here! Don’t worry, there are plenty of unused rooms that you can use.” Yui said with a reassuring tone.

Erika: “I apologize for relaying on you so heavily since I got here.” I say with a remorseful tone.

Yui didn’t reply and just made me follow her into her house. It was a very nice house, it was similar in quality to Victoria’s estate. With the only difference being that it was in a modern style, and not a medieval one.

Yui: “Erika look, you’ve given me so many more hours and experiences than I’ve had in so many years. Giving you a place to sleep or helping you with money, it’s the least that I can and should do.” Yui said with a sad tone.

Erika: “…”

Yui: “Eep! W-what is this for?” Yui asked with a confused tone and expression.

I did not reply. I gave Yui a caring hug. I also started rubbing her head. After a few minutes, she dropped her seal plushie and started to cry. Feeling that she would probably cry for a decent amount of time, I guided her to a couch and continued comforting her.

She cried for an entire hour. How many years did she suffer like this? I don’t even want to know how painful such a thing was. If you compare her life to my past life, mine was a cakewalk…

She eventually fell asleep with her head nuzzled in my breasts. Sleeping like that would surely hurt her so, I changed her sleeping position to lay her out on the couch with her head on my lap.

Even though she was asleep, I still rubbed her head. She was… she was even crying in her sleep. She only stopped crying when I gave her head pats. Once I did, she would get a bright smile on her face, and sleep peacefully.

This dimension would be a perfect new place for me and the rest to live but, more importantly, I can’t leave this girl alone.

Didn’t I have a task that needs me to make Yui happy? Though, I’m not going to try to make her happy just because it’s a task.

There is still a chance for her to live a normal life… Or at least a happy one. Her still being bothered by having to face those girls even after so many times confirms it.

She isn’t broken, she is strong. Hell, she is probably even stronger than I am. At least mentally.

When I was thinking about how I should go about helping her, I got a message on my System from my three pillars of support.

Victoria: “Hello Erika, how’s it going?”

Sofiel: “I was going to say that!”

Alice: “Children should be quiet and let the adults talk. Erika, how has your mission been so far?”

That small exchange was pretty funny.

Erika: “It’s not the most difficult dimension that I’ve been to, but I’ve run into some problems.”

Alice: “Like what?”

Erika: “Let’s see… I had to beat up some high school girls, and now I’m thinking about how to save the Goddess of this dimension.”

Victoria: “…”

Sofiel: “…”

Alice: “Could you please go to just ONE dimension and not bring home another girl?”

Why are they not upset that I had to beat up children? Well, at least them being upset that I keep picking up girls is something that I can actually handle. It's not like I do it on purpose...

Erika: “I’ll try.”

Alice: “That’s all we can ask for. Now, what do you mean by saving her?”

Erika: “Like Avicia, she is missing most of her memories, all pertaining to her being a Goddess.”

Alice: “Hm… is that the only problem?”

Erika: “No. She is stuck in a time loop. Every time she dies, time gets reset.”

Alice: “I see… I would advise against telling her that she is a Goddess.”

Erika: “Then what should I do?”

Alice: “Keep her from dying.”

Erika: “What that really be enough?”

Alice: “Maybe? But you should also do your tasks as well. If you keep her alive long enough, she might realize that she is a Goddess, and that she can easily break the loop with her own power.”

Erika: “I see… I’ll do that but, what do Sofiel and Victoria think?”

Victoria: “I agree with Alice’s plan.”

Sofiel: “Alice’s plan is probably the best for now. If it doesn’t work, then I’ll actually do my job as an angel and come to that dimension to save her.”

Erika: “Okay, thanks you three!”

Rather than the conversation stopping there, we talked for an hour longer. Mostly about random things. They got jealous that I basically went on a date with Yui, but calmed down when I told them that I was doing research on places to take them on dates.

Yui was still soundly sleeping on my lap. I did not wish to wake her up so… I guess that I’ll be sleeping like this with her on the couch… It’s not the worse position or place that I’ve slept in so, I don’t mind it that much.

I mean, there’s a cute girl sleeping on my lap after all. A cute girl that I’ve made the decision to save at any cost. Would I still save her if she wasn’t a girl and or cute? I am very pessimistic about myself so maybe not. I’ve never claimed to be a hero at all.

What was that quote? People live to save themselves. That might be so but, right now, I’ll dedicate my life and time to saving Yui. I might not be rewarded for saving her. She might even dislike that I saved her out of pity. Even still, I will save her.

What even is the point of having so much power, if not to use it to save those we care about? Maybe I am just too easy but, I already care about Yui. I wonder what she thinks of me...

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