Erika: I Transmigrated as Cannon Fodder in The Demon Goddesses Harem.

Volume. 2: Chapter 6: Scary Woman.

This novel is available to purchase digitally on Amazon. Vol. 1: Here Vol. 2: Here Vol. 3: Here Vol. 4: Here 

Chapter 6: Scary Woman.

*Erika’s POV*

I don’t know at what time but, it seems like I ended up falling asleep with Yui on my lap.

My System can tell me the time but, oddly, using my new phone to check the time feels far more natural.

Currently, it’s 6:35 AM. We’re probably late for school at this point but, I doubt going to school isn’t really on Yui’s mind at all.

Yui is still sleeping soundly on my lap. She isn’t crying anymore instead, she has a smile on her face and looks very peaceful. Seeing a sleeping woman makes me realize how cute such a thing is…

Lilith: “As an Administrator, I’m kinda irked that you would use your phone to check the time instead of the System…” Lilith said with a sigh.

Erika: “I can’t help it. I’m more used to a smartphone than the System.” I say in my mind, not making any movements so Yui won’t wake up.

Lilith: “Hm… do you want to try out a new feature of the System?” Lilith asked with a curious tone.

Erika: “What kind of feature? Can I finally use the store?” I ask with a raised eyebrow.

Lilith: “Eh, that feature is still a little ways off before it can be tested by you.” Lilith said with a laugh.

Erika: “Then what’s the feature?” I ask with a sigh.

Lilith: “Instead of the System appearing in your mind, and being able to see it in your vision, you can attach it to something else. For example, your smartphone.” Lilith said with an excited tone.

Erika: “That sounds interesting but, won’t I just have to go back to the way the System usually works when I leave this dimension?” Erika with a questioning tone.

Lilith: “Why would you have to do that?” Lilith asked in a tone as if to say I was being dumb.

Erika: “Because I can’t keep anything from a dimension that I go to unless, it’s a drop, right?” I say with a confused tone.

Lilith: “Huh? Why the hell wouldn’t you be able to? That would be stupid.” Lilith said with an annoying tone.

Erika: “You… you told me that.” I say with a fed-up tone.

Lilith: “…”

Lilith: “I did… But I had a good reason, I swear!” Lilith said with a pleading tone.

Erika: “Let me hear it…” I say with a vein clearly appearing on my forehead.

Lilith: “Well, you see… Those items had the zombie virus on them. I would have had to take each and every one of them to cleanse the virus away.” Lilith said with a serious tone.

Erika: “Oh? Is that really hard or something?” I ask with an understanding tone.

Lilith: “Not really, I was just too lazy.” Lilith said before saying Teehee.

A hundred no… a thousand head bopping be upon Lilith if we ever meet. Hello? Other Admins? My assistant is a lazy little shit that messes with me, can I report her?

My plan… My firearm smuggling plan was ruined due to Lilith’s laziness…

Let’s look on the bright side, I could probably buy guns in this dimension… Wait, this is Japan… Buying guns will be something I’ll have to do when I finish taking over this dimension.

Lilith: “Erika? You’ve gone quiet…” Lilith said with a nervous tone.

Erika: “Hey Lilith… can I report you?” I ask with an evil tone.

Lilith: “No! Well, actually yes you can but, please do not report me!” Lilith said with a pleading tone.

Erika: “And why shouldn’t I? This is hardly the first time you’ve messed with me, and I surely doubt that it will be the last.” I reply with a fed-up tone.

Lilith: “Please understand! It’s part of my nature to trick and mess with people!” Lilith yelled again with a pleading tone.

Erika: “Huh? So what? You’re not going to tell me that you’re Loki or something, right?” I ask with a raised eyebrow.

Lilith: “H-how’d you figure that out?!” Lilith asked with a shocked tone.

Erika: “Huh? You’re actually Loki?” I ask with a confused tone.

Lilith: “No… She’s my great, great grandmother. All of her offspring can’t help but trick people…” Lilith said with a remorseful tone.

Erika: “Are you telling me that not a single one of her family line has figured out a solution?” I ask once again with a raised eyebrow.

Lilith: “There is a temporary solution…” Lilith said with a small voice.

Erika: “What is it?” I ask with a curious tone.

Lilith did not reply for a few minutes. Her answer was obviously the reason why.

Lilith: “S….Sex…” Lilith answered with an embarrassed tone.

Erika: “Sex? Okay, then just go have sex.” I reply with a mocking tone.

Lilith: “Easy for you to say, miss, “I’m surrounded by beautiful women.”… Even if I could have sex, it’ll only stop me from messing with people for a week!” Lilith replied with a fed-up tone.

Erika: “Okay? Then go have sex every week. I don’t see the problem here.” I reply with a nonchalant tone.

Lilith: “Listen here you little shit! Being an Administrator is a full time job! I basically sit at a desk in a comfy chair the entire time. I’ve been doing this for hundreds of years! When would I get the time to have sex?” Lilith replied with an annoyed tone.

Erika: “Sucks to be you I guess? I’d prefer it if you didn’t mess with me because you’re sexually frustrated. Maybe talk to Nadia about it?” I reply with a deadpan tone.

I knew that me saying that would piss Lilith off once again so, I muted her once I finished my sentence. Ah, the new swear words that she is surely throwing at me, is a regret of mine since I will not have the opportunity to learn them…

An hour later, Yui was still sleeping. I don’t blame her. This is probably the only time in so many years that she could actually good some good sleep. Girls make good pillows, you know.

It was almost 8 AM so I was about to wake Yui up so that we can eat breakfast but, Lilith unmuted herself to talk to me.

Lilith: “So… I’m sorry for messing with you so many times.” Lilith said with a remorseful tone.

Erika: “Oh? Where’s this coming from?” I ask with a questioning tone.

Lilith: “I talked to Nadia. She said that she understands my nature, and that she doesn’t blame me for messing with you.” Lilith said with a warm tone.

Erika: “I’m assuming that you left out a lot of the details.” I smugly say.

Lilith: “Guilty as charged!” Lilith replied with a cheeky tone.

Erika: “So, why are you happy now?” I ask with a curious tone.

Lilith: “Nadia has generously lent me her elite slave maids, so that I can temporarily not have to mess with people.” Lilith said with a bright tone.

Erika: “I see…” I reply with a deadpan tone.

Lilith: “I’m currently with three of them right now. Ah, I love everything about them! If I’d known that sex was this amazing, I would have begged Nadia to let me get a release every once in a while so many years ago!” Lilith said with an excited tone.

Erika: “Please keep your sex life to yourself.” I say with a sigh.

Lilith: “Fine! Anyway, I’ll put your System in your smartphone now.” Lilith said with a laugh.

That was the last thing she said before she stopped talking. Didn’t she call me a pervert before? Isn’t she the pervert for getting off with a bunch of perverts? No. That would be horrible and petty of me to say. At least she won’t be messing with me as much.

Messing with my phone, Lilith did not lie. My phone has a new app that is just called “System” and when I open it, I have access to everything that I normally have access to.

I find that fiddling with the System via my mind requires a decent amount of attention. But using it on my phone is far easier. It’s like I downloaded some kind of RPG game.

Maybe they should let people use whatever medium to access the System that said person prefers. For me, since I’m from a modern dimension, a smartphone is the best medium but, people from a fantasy world might prefer something like a scroll.

Thinking of the System as a game is wrong. If it was a game, it would be hated. Although to be honest, I haven’t been using the System long but, I barely have any equipment like at all…

What kind of shitty game makes you go so long without getting new and interesting equipment? That badge was the most interesting thing I've gotten so far and Lilith messed that up for me. Sofiel had taken my sword and made it so I can't even use it. So all I really have now is a stupid kitchen knife!

Shit… I totally forgot that Sofiel owed me items… I guess I’ll have to ask her for them when I’m done with this dimension. The Leader of Angels huh? Surely she would have some interesting items.

While I was salivating at the wondrous items that Sofiel might have, Yui had woke up.

Yui: “Hm... Uh… Erika?” Yui asked after a yawn.

Erika: “Yes? What is it? Did you have a good sleep?” I reply with a warm tone.

Yui: “I… I did but, did we stay like this the entire night?” Yui asked with a nervous tone.

Erika: “That’s correct.” I say while rubbing her head.

Yui: “I see… Thanks.” Yui replied with an embarrassed tone and a red face.

Erika: “No problem. Now, we should get up and eat some breakfast.” I say with a laugh.

Yui: “What time is it?… Oh crap… I am so late for school...” Yui said with a nervous tone.

Erika: “Does school really matter right now? We should focus on breaking you out of this loop.” I say after helping Yui sit up.

Yui: “That’s true but… because of how many times that I’ve looped, I’m at the top of the school in grades…” Yui said with a sad tone.

Erika: “That’s pretty impressive. Now that you mention it, how long is each loop?” I ask with a calm tone.

Yui: “It’s not that impressive, I had a lot of time to learn. Also, each loop is always two months.” Yui said with a sigh.

Two months… She looped 185,754 times so, assuming each of those two months was thirty days, she has gone through this for 11,145,240 days or, almost 30,535 years…

She wasn’t wrong about this dimension being her limbo. It basically is. Strong… She’s so strong. I would have broken just a few hundred years in…

Yui: “Eh? Another hug?” Yui asked with a confused tone.

My body acted before my mind could. I ended up hugging her once again.

Erika: “Yui… 30,535 years… I’ll make sure that it wasn’t in vain.” I tell her with a warm tone.

Yui: “W-what do you mean?” Yui asked with spiral eyes.

Erika: “No matter what it takes, I’ll save you from this hell.” I say while rubbing her head again.

Yui: “Do… do you really mean it?” Yui asked with an unsure tone.

Erika: “I do. I won’t leave this dimension until I accomplish that.” I reply with a confident tone.

Yui: “I’ll… I will hold on to hope that you will.” Yui replied with a bright smile.

Erika: “Count on it. Now, let us get some food.” I say with a smile.

Yui: “But… school...” Yui said with a pleading tone.

Erika: “We’ll just call in later. Surely we can come up with a good excuse for our absence. Though, I don’t even know if I’m a registered student.” I say with a laugh.

Yui: “What do you mean? You have a school uniform and everything… Ah man, we slept in our uniforms…” Yui said with a confused tone before sighing.

Erika: “When I got to this dimension, I ended up in the front of the school already wearing a uniform. No, I wasn’t wearing it beforehand.” I explain calmly.

Yui: “That’s really funny. You must have been surprised.” Yui said after giggling.

Erika: “I was very surprised. Also, what’s wrong with us sleeping in our uniforms?” I ask with a questioning tone.

Yui: “That school is for Elites so getting a uniform isn’t easy. I only have the one uniform.” Yui said with a sigh.

Erika: “Well, then I guess that we won’t be going to school today.” I say with a laugh.

Yui: “I guess so… Do you have any extra clothes? I’ll wash our uniform for us.” Yui asked with a curious tone.

Erika: “Luckily, I just so happen to have an inventory where I can store anything that I want. I also have some extra clothes stored.” I say with a happy tone.

Yui: “That sounds very useful! I’ll go change in my room. Just leave your uniform on the couch when you finish changing.” Yui said with a bright tone before running off to I assume her room.

Taking off the uniform, it takes a long time. I’m joking! I just used my phone to unequip the uniform then I used my phone system to put on the clothes that Victoria made for me.

Once again, I went with my favorite black dress. I was already still wearing the lingerie that Victoria made for me under my uniform so I didn’t need to change it.

Yui would take longer to change her clothes since she can’t cheat like me. I took the uniform out of my inventory and then placed it on the couch next to me.

I decided to look at the tasks for this dimension once again on my phone.

Available Main Tasks:

Kill 50 Saviors.

Kill all Saviors.

Help the world regain movement.

Make the Goddess of this dimension happy.

Available Side Tasks:

Make two Saviors fall in love with each other.

The first two main tasks are pretty easy to do. Actually… Shouldn’t all of the Saviors be female in this dimension? I might have to try harder to convince them to leave so I don’t have to kill them.

The last three tasks seem like they will be troublesome to complete… Hey, wait, how many do I have to complete so that I can leave? Now that I think about it, I haven’t been told that information since that Zombie Dimension…

Erika: “Hey Lilith, How come I don’t know how many tasks I have to complete to leave this dimension?” I ask in my head.

Actually, I just called her. It feels weird talking to someone on the phone via your mind…

Lilith: “Hm? Oh, that was a feature that was removed.” Lilith said with a calm tone.

Erika: “What do you mean? I can’t leave until all of the tasks are done?” I ask with a concerned tone.

Lilith: “No, no, there is no requirement anymore. You can just leave at any time. Too many people who complete tasks ended up dying because they couldn’t complete enough to leave. With the new update that was removed.” Lilith explained calmly.

Erika: “I see, that’s good, I guess.” I reply with a sigh.

Technically, this is a good thing but, not having a required number of tasks to complete makes me less inclined to complete more tasks. I'm sure that this update will make people more lazy in the future but, at least fewer people will die.

Lilith: “Is there anything else?” Lilith asked with a sincere tone.

Erika: “That’s all for now, thanks.” I reply with a warm tone.

Lilith: “Good! Just call me again if you need anything!” Lilith said with a bright tone.

Erika: “…”

Where is the cheeky little Lilith that I know and sorta love? Was her getting laid all it took to calm her down? I heavily doubt it… She is probably just messing with me yet again…

I do wish that they could have given me a manual on all of the things the newest update changes… I can’t ask questions about things I am not yet aware of.

Yui: “Erika, I’ve finished changing.” Yui said after coming back downstairs.

She took about twelve minutes to finish changing and I now knew why.

Yui is wearing a very expensive and beautiful looking dress. I could tell that she also put some makeup on. Her makeup wasn’t anything extreme though, and just subtly increased her beauty.

Yui: “Wow! Your dress is so pretty…” Yui said with sparkly eyes.

Erika: “Thanks. Your dress looks really pretty as well. Of course, you also look beautiful.” I say with a smile.

Yui: “Thanks… I’ll take your uniform to wash it now!” Yui said with a blush on her face before quickly grabbing my uniform and rushing to what I assume was the laundry room.

So cute! I just want to see more and more of her reactions…

While Yui was cleaning our uniforms, I took the liberty of making food for us. Or I would but, she didn’t have anything in the fridge or any other ingredients.

It won’t be as good as Nadia’s food but, luckily I still had the food I stored a while back. Of course, it’s still extremely fresh. Like it was just made.

Although it was supposed to be breakfast, all of those meals were made for dinner. As such, I took out two steak dinners for us to eat.

Once I finished laying out the food and drinks which were cups of soda, Yui had come back to the living area of the house.

Yui: “Huh? How did you make food for us?” Yui asked with a confused tone.

Erika: “I didn’t. Remember me telling you about my inventory? I can also store food and it’ll stay as fresh as when I stored it.” I say with a small laugh.

Yui: “Seriously? That is mighty convenient…” Yui said with a jealous tone.

Erika: “It truly is.” I say with a chuckle.

Yui and I then sat down to eat our “breakfast,” she ate with gusto. I’m guessing her crying last night really wore her out.

Erika: “Is it good?” I ask with a curious tone.

Yui: “It’s so damn good! Far better than that restaurant that we went to yesterday!” Yui said with a satisfied tone and expression on her face.

Erika: “I’m glad that you like it!” I say with a smile.

After we finished eating, we sat down on the couch to chat.

Erika: “Yui, I should make it clear what I am and what my purpose in this dimension is.” I say with a serious tone.

Yui: “It has something to do with those people you mentioned before, right?” Yui said with one of her fingers on her chin.

Erika: “That’s correct. They’re called Saviors. I am a Dark Savior. A group that is against theirs. My goal is to complete tasks in this dimension and then take it over.” I say with a calm tone.

Yui: “Take it over? But why?” Yui asked with question marks floating above her head.

Erika: “The Saviors have the same goal as me. However, usually Dark Saviors do not take over a dimension. We stop them from doing that. On this occasion, my group needs this dimension for ourselves.” I explain without leaving anything unsaid.

If Alice is correct, Yui will eventually figure out her true identity. If I lie to her about my purpose, she may come to hate me. I need to be completely open with her to succeed in saving her.

Not telling her this information, would make her upset when she realizes that I want to take over her dimension. As well as having a task that revolves around making her happy.

Yui: “What does your group need from this dimension?” Yui asked with a head tilt. Cute!

Erika: “Convenience. Our current dimension that we use as a base is a medieval fantasy world. It was deemed necessary to move to a modern dimension for various reasons.” I explain slowly.

Yui: “I see… And your tasks? What do they involve exactly?” Yui asked with a curious tone.

Erika: “It varies on each dimension. My tasks in this dimension are as follows, kill 50 Saviors, kill all Saviors, help the world regain movement, make the Goddess of this dimension happy, and make two Saviors fall in love with each other.” I say with a calm tone.

Yui: “I can understand most of those but, you have to kill those people?” Yui asked with a worried tone.

Erika: “Usually yes but, I can make them give up their title of being a Savior and it will count as killing them. They won’t die. However, they will just be sent back to their own dimension.” I reply with a shrug.

Yui: “So you don’t kill them?” Yui asked with a curious tone.

Erika: “Depends. I try not to, but if they refuse, then I have no choice. Though if the other is a female then I usually try extra hard to make them give up.” I say with a sigh.

Yui: “I see… I guess that’s better than outright killing them.” Yui said with a smile.

At least she is understanding of what I do. I’d hate it if she didn’t like me anymore because of my job.

Erika: “On a less serious topic, what do you want to do today?” I ask with a curious tone.

Yui: “Could we just stay home? I don’t really have any else to do today because we skipped school.” Yui said with a pleading tone.

Erika: “I can’t see why not. I did beat up that Yakuza’s daughter so, staying home and keeping a low profile might be for the best.” I say with a thinking pose.

Yui: “That’s great! I have so many games that we could play…” Yui said before her sentence was cut short.


There was a ring at the door. Yui got up to check who was at the door but I stopped her. This dimension, at least for now, has it out for her.

Telling her my reasoning for asking her to let me get the door instead worked. She just followed behind me towards the door.

???: “Hello miss, could you two please come with us?” A woman with a rough voice asked.

There was now a woman in a suit at Yui’s door. Although it was concealed on her person, I could tell that she at least had a handgun on her.

It was hard to gauge what her thoughts were since she was also wearing black glasses.

Yui looked sorta frightened by the woman. It seems like she could also feel the aura of death radiating off of this woman.

Erika: “That depends, for what reason should we go with you?” I ask with a serious tone.

???: “We mean you no harm and promise that nothing bad will happen to you two. Our lady wishes to speak to you.” She said with a bow.

Erika: “Your lady? Who might that be?” I ask with a thinking pose.

???: “You have not met her, though you did beat up her daughter.” She said with a cough.

Erika: “Even more of a reason why we shouldn’t follow along with you.” I say with my arms crossed.

???: “Once again, neither us nor our lady means you two any harm.” She said reiterating her previous words.

She doesn’t seem to be lying but… If it was my child who got beaten up, I’d be pissed. At least until I figured out the reason why was because they had done something wrong, of course.

Erika: “Give me your handgun and then we’ll go with you.” I ask with a serious tone.

Surprisingly, the woman had just taken out her handgun and handed it to me with ease.

Checking the handgun, there was a round loaded in the chamber, but the safety was on, and the mag was fully loaded. It was a boring looking modern handgun. Ah… I can’t believe Lilith made me miss out on that sweet M1911…

Erika: “Yui, are you okay with going? Don’t worry, I won’t let anything happen to you.” I ask with a warm tone while looking back at Yui.

Yui: “Sure. I trust your words without a doubt.” Yui confidently said.

We haven’t even known each other for that long, though… I guess that it’s good that she trusts me so much already.

Erika: “Okay fine. We’ll go with you.” I say with a serious tone to the suited woman.

She just nodded her head and then led us to a car. The car was a black sedan luckily. If it was a black or white van, I would have just grabbed Yui’s hand and run away with her as fast as I could.

Look, I know that all vans aren’t a bad sign, I meant the kidnapper van that you always see in movies and stuff.

The woman opened one of the car doors for us and we got into the car. It was extremely luxurious… Why would someone pick up their child’s assaulter with such an expensive car?…

I guess that they either didn’t have any cars specifically for kidnapping people, or they wanted us to feel safe.

Yui held my hand the entire trip. It was clearly a long drive since even after two hours, we still haven’t arrived at our destination. They did not take us to a sketchy area or out of the city so, the likelihood that they were going to kill us is low.

When we approached the third hour of the drive, another car rammed us. I assume that it was probably a rival Yakuza or something like that.

Fuckers kept hitting us and trying to drive us off the road. Our driver was extremely skilled, since she kept us on the road, and avoided collisions with other cars that weren’t involved.

???: “Excuse me miss, could I have my gun back for one second?” The suited woman asked with a pleading tone.

I agreed and handed her back her gun. She opened up one of the windows, and then started shooting at the car trying to fuck with us.

Unfortunately, she couldn’t hit any of her shots. To be fair, we were speeding a lot and so was the other car.

I tapped her on the shoulder and asked her for the handgun back. Since she had taken off her glasses so that she could shoot properly, I could tell that she had a look in her eyes that showed that she didn’t believe me when I said to her that I would handle the car for us. She still handed me the handgun back, though.

She shot a decent number of rounds and now the handgun only had eight rounds left in the mag and one extra loaded in the chamber.

The other car was on the right of our car. I opened the window on the left side of the car, sat my butt on the windowsill of the door, leaned on the roof of the car, and took aim at the other car that was messing with us.

I took one shot, and it hit the head of the driver. The person in the front passenger seat was shocked and because of that, he didn’t take control of the wheel fast enough, and their car plowed into one of those yellow water barrels you’ve probably seen before.

Rather than just leave them there, I asked the driver to stop the car. She actually listened to me and stopped.

Those people were still waking up from the wreck, by the time I got close to their car. They all got out and had their own handguns as well.

After a small firefight, all seven of them were dead and I was left uninjured as well. Unlike our sedan, they were driving a van. Oddly, it was the kidnapper kind of van.

I just leisurely walked back to our car. The driver and the suited woman looked at me with shocked expressions.

Erika: “Do you have another mag? I just so happen to use all of the remaining rounds.” I say with a sigh.

I did kill them all with the remaining ammo but, I missed one so I had to use an extra bullet. I say missed but, I just mean that I didn’t get him in the head, so I had to shoot one more time to finish him off.

Honestly, my shooting skills are a little rusty. Though, if anyone complains, I can just say that I haven’t shot a gun in a hundred years. I mean, that is one hell of an excuse.

???: “S-sure… Here.” She said before handing me a mag out of her pocket.

I ejected the empty mag out and then put the full one into my handgun. I quickly loaded another round, brass checked to make sure that there was a round properly loaded in the chamber, then I bumped the back of the handgun slide to make sure it was properly in battery, and then finally I turned the handguns safety on.

Erika: “What?” I ask with a head tilt.

Yui and the suited woman sitting in front of us both had shocked expressions on their faces. The suited woman I could understand but, why did Yui also show the same expression?

Yui: “Erika… how do you know how to use guns so well? Even that scary suited woman wasn’t as good as you…” Yui asked me in a whisper.

Erika: “I’m ex-military. Actually, I was in a special black ops unit.” I say in a whisper but with a proud tone to Yui.

Yui: “Wow! So cool!” Yui replied with an excited tone.

She said that with normal loudness so the driver and the woman were curious about what I had told Yui to make her so excited. Of course, they didn’t try to ask me what it was, though.

The car ride the rest of the way was quiet. The only notable thing was that Yui had warped herself around my arm the entire trip.

I pretended not to notice Yui's ample sized breasts that were being pressed onto my arm the whole rest of the trip. My willpower is surely high, it seems...

After another thirty minutes of driving, we arrived at a tall and expensive looking building in the middle of the city.

The suited woman, whom I should have really asked what her name was, got out of the car and also helped us out of it.

The driver stayed in the car and I could see that the moment we left she instantly called someone.

Our guide then uh… guided us inside the building. The inside was just as expensive looking as the outside, if not more. She led us to an elevator.

Once inside it, she pushed the button to the top floor, and then put in an 86 digit passcode before it allowed us to get to that floor.

A silent elevator ride was what awaited us for a solid ten minutes. They didn’t even have any shitty music playing in it.

It has been a long time since I’ve been in one but, now I know why they put music on in them. This is so damn boring!

Once we reached the top floor, the elevator door opened up and two women also wearing suits greeted us with a bow.

Yui and I walked out of the elevator, but our guide didn’t follow us. She just pushed one of the buttons and bowed as the door was closing.

I do wonder if she kept bowing or just stopped the second the door was closed…

Once again we were led to another room. It seemed to be an office of some sort.

There was a desk towards the back of the room, two couches and loveseats facing each other, with a coffee table in the middle of them, and a huge aquarium on the right of the couches.

I might not know that much about fish but, goddamn, even I could tell that the fish in that tank were super expensive…

???: “Please have a seat on one of the couches, our lady will be here to talk to you soon.” She said before bowing and then both of them left the room.

It’s not like they just left us here with nothing to do. There were two cups of warm tea on the table as well as some snacks to eat.

I triple checked the tea and the sweets to make sure there was no poison. I did have poison resistance training in my past life but, of course, my new body hasn’t gone through such a thing before, and it’s a good bet that Yui hasn’t either.

Erika: “The drinks and the sweets are safe to eat.” I say to Yui with a reassuring tone.

Yui: “Really? Awesome!” Yui said with an excited tone again before taking a sip of her tea.

I also tasted the tea and it was pretty good. Miles behind the stuff back at Victoria’s dimension, though.

Thinking about that, I should make sure to ask those three to get any samples of things that don’t exist in this dimension. Such as the amazing tea leaves that they have there.

I’m sure that there are other unique things in that dimension and Victoria and her lovers might end up missing them.

I contemplated this for a few minutes while Yui snacked on some cookies like a chipmunk. Cute!

Just eight minutes later, we heard the door open.

A woman in a beautiful red dress came into the room. She had long black hair down to her chest and brown eyes. A notable feature of her was that she had a long scar on her face. It started from under her eyebrow, under across her eye, and ended before reaching her mouth.

It didn’t take a genius to realize that the scar most likely came from her being slashed with a knife or something similar.

The woman was probably in her late thirties but still looked extremely young.

She wordlessly sat down on the couch and stared at us.

The woman looked somewhat scary, but still extremely beautiful. She did have an even stronger aura of death radiating around her than our previous guide did.

Because of this, Yui got scared and snuggled her head into my shoulder since the woman just kept staring at us without saying anything.

After another ten minutes of her just staring, she finally spoke.

???: “Tell me, how could a student be more skilled than my guards?” She asked with a cold tone.

Erika: “Well, let’s just say that I am not really a student.” I say with a shrug.

Yui might be scared but, this woman doesn’t scare me at all. If anything, the death radiating around her just makes her more attractive to me.

???: ”Before we talk more, why did you hurt my daughter and her friends?” She asked with a serious tone.

Erika: “Simple really, she threatened Yui and I. I told her to back off but, she sent her two “friends” to kill me with knives. That failed and then she tried killing me herself.” I reply with a nonchalant tone.

???: “Proof?” She asked with a raised eyebrow.

Erika: “Yui, if I remember correctly, you recorded the fight, right?” I ask Yui with a warm tone.

Yui: “Y-yes! I did…” Yui replied with a nervous tone.

She wasn’t nervous about the recording, she was just still scared of the woman.

Yui handed me her phone and then I opened up the recording, then I handed it to the woman to watch.

The fight was over pretty quickly so the recording wasn’t long. She seemed to have rewatched it a few times before rubbing her head and sighing.

???: “So my daughter is just a lying brat.” She said with a sigh before handing me the phone back to which I handed it back to Yui.

Erika: “What do you mean?” I asked with a curious tone.

???: “Hm… The gist of it is that she told me that you two attacked her and her friends for no reason. But enough of that, I’m going to say something to you two. If you don’t understand, that’s fine. You can just go home afterwards and no trouble will come to you. I’ll also handle my daughter.” She said with a serious tone.

Erika: “What do you want to say to us?” I ask with a head tilt.

???: “A two month time loop.” She said with a serious tone.

Hm… How is she aware that everything is looping? Surely if she knows, everyone else does, right?

But that’s not the case at all. Everyone is going about their day, as if they don’t realize that everything they’re doing is meaningless, since it will just reset anyway.

I looked at Yui and she gave me a nod. Seems like she really wants me to handle this situation.

Erika: “This dimension is stuck in a loop.” I say with a sigh.

???: “Dimension?” She asked with a confused tone.

Erika: “I’m not from this dimension, Yui is, though. One of my goals in this dimension is to stop it from looping.” I reply with a serious tone.

???: “I have noticed other people similar to you snooping around… You said that the girl next to you is called Yui, right? What are you called?” She asked with one of her hands on her chin.

Erika: “My name is Erika, what might yours be?” I ask with a curious tone.

???: “I go by Sasaki, no, I don’t have a last name.” She said with a laugh.

Erika: “Hm… A very pretty name.” I say with a laugh of my own.

Sasaki: “Thanks, are you a part of the same group as those people I mentioned before? From what I’ve seen, I don’t think that you’re.” Sasaki asked with a thinking pose.

Erika: “No. They’re a different group from mine. Actually, we’re against each other.” I say with a sigh.

Sasaki: “I see… That’s good. Could I ask you how you’re so skilled?” Sasaki asked with a curious tone.

Erika: “Those people you mentioned, they’re called Saviors. I am a Dark Savior. Like them, I go to other dimensions and complete tasks for my group. As for why I am good with firearms, before I ended up in this life, I was in a black ops unit in the US military for many years.” I say with a reminiscing tone.

Sasaki: “Interesting… that would explain it. What will you be doing now? I’d hate to get looped once again. Having to constantly convince my people that time is looping every loop by telling them what will happen in the future, is getting old.” Sasaki said with an annoyed tone.

Granted, she wasn’t annoyed at us, just the whole looping thing.

Erika: “From what Yui knows, every two months, your daughter kills her and then time resets. If she runs away instead, she ends up dying in another way.” I say with a thinking pose.

Yui: “Actually, now that I think about it, there were a few times before I died that time reset…” Yui said with one of her fingers on her chin.

Huh? What the hell does that mean? I thought that she was the Goddess of this dimension…

Lilith: “Erika! Sorry for not telling you immediately, I was busy with some of Nadia’s girls, this girl, Sasaki, she is also the Goddess of this dimension.” Lilith said with a remorseful tone.

Erika: “Fucking what? How is that even possible?” I ask with a confused tone in my head.

Lilith: “I have no idea! I’ll go talk to Nadia about this. For now, don’t let any of the two girls die.” Lilith said with a serious tone.

Sasaki: “That would also make sense, I have killed myself a few times just to see what would happen. I have also died a few other ways as well.” Sasaki said with a serious tone.

Yui: “How many times exactly?” Yui asked with a curious tone.

Sasaki: “Maybe 572 times? As for when and what loop that I died in, I don’t have the crazy good memory that your friend over there has.” Sasaki said with a laugh.

Yui: “What do you mean?” Yui asked with a head tilt. Cute!

Sasaki: “Erika, what was the code that one of my people used to access this floor? Surely you watched them input the code, right?” She asked with a curious tone.

Erika: “It was an 86 digit code. If I remember correctly, the code was 352438856089696686808695954569240551320344675676. I personally would have used a 186 digit passcode.” I say with a nonchalant tone.

The two pretty girls looked at me with shocked expressions. Yui I understand but, why does Sasaki look so surprised?

Sasaki: “Ah, please understand, I forgot that the one who escorted you was a lower level member of my group. I actually only expected a 26 digit code, not one that long. And yes, you did remember it correctly.”

I see… The higher up in the group, the lower the digit of passcodes you have to remember. Now that I think about it, the one who guided us did glance at her phone a few times while inputting the code… It also took her eight minutes to finish putting it into the elevator.

Yui: “Wow! I didn’t know that you had such a good memory, Erika!” Yui said with an excited tone.

Erika: “I only remember things that interest me. I don’t have a photographic memory.” I say with a shrug.

Sasaki: “Her good memory is interesting but, could we please get back on the topic of how to stop this loop?” Sasaki asked with a serious tone.

Erika: “I have really no idea how to go about it. I was just going to focus on my tasks revolving around dealing with the Saviors first.” I say with a sigh.

Sasaki: “Hm… Well, here’s my number. If you do figure anything out, please tell me as soon as possible. Oh and, sorry about that whole rival Yakuza gang that tried to kill you earlier. That car was my personal one so, they must have thought that I was in it. Although, now that car is scrapped.” Sasaki said with a laugh before handing me her business card.

Erika: “Sure, if you could point me to the people who you think might be Saviors, that would be a huge help to me.” I say after looking at her business card and putting her number in my phone.

She agreed then we racked our brains for another hour trying to figure out how to stop the loop. We didn’t figure out any solutions. I also didn’t have any ideas since apparently, they are both Goddesses of this dimension.

Lilith also didn’t get back to me yet so, I assume that Nadia is trying to figure it out with her, or something along those lines…

With no results, we decided to try another day to figure this out. Sasaki got one of her people to drive us home or more accurately, back to Yui’s place.

As an apology for that whole car shootout thing, they let me keep the handgun. I need to make sure Lilith doesn’t fuck with this one…

I am quite happy that I managed to get a gun so soon. Although I do only have one mag.

Honestly, from what I remember during the missions I had in Japan in my past life, the hardest part wasn’t finding guns, it was finding ammo.

Yui: “Erika, I’m going to head up to my room and sleep, just pick any of the rooms upstairs after the first one since it’s mine. They all have beds in them.” Yui said with a yawn.

Erika: “Okay, I guess that I’ll sleep as well.” I say as I wave to Yui who had walked upstairs before me.

What about eating before bed? On the trip here, they had stopped to order us some food. It was a decently sized meal from a very expensive looking restaurant. And since the drive was so long, by the time that we got back to Yui’s, we had finished eating and were ready for bed.

Walking upstairs and skipping Yui’s room, I went to the one right next to hers.

Inside was an upscale and luxurious looking room. The bed, although not as amazing as the one back at Victoria’s estate, was very comfy.

I unequipped my dress and just went to sleep on the bed after only a few minutes.

It might not have been as soft or comfy but, I was still tired nevertheless.

Now here’s the weird thing, I woke up five hours later, and the sun was up like it was morning…

The sun shouldn’t have come up yet. We went to bed at 4:30 PM so it should still be dark out.

I got my phone out of my inventory and checked the date.

It was now 6:25 AM… Two months prior to me coming to this dimension…

Who the hell died? It couldn’t have been Yui, she was in this house with me and I didn’t detect any signs of danger around us at all…

Shit… Today is already off to a bad start…

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