Erika: I Transmigrated as Cannon Fodder in The Demon Goddesses Harem.

Volume. 2: Chapter 7: But I’ve Never Been to Court!

So... um... setting up a release schedule for so many chapters is literal torture... (ADDED TORTURE FOR THIS SITE AS WELL!!)After this chapter goes up, I'll switch to a daily release schedule. Which would be way easier for my mind to handle. That being said, please support me on Patreon, or purchase this novel on Amazon. Even if ya don't, it's fine. This novel will remain on this site for as long as it exists :D

This novel is available to purchase digitally on Amazon. Vol. 1: Here Vol. 2: Here Vol. 3: Here Vol. 4: Here 

Chapter 7: But I’ve Never Been to Court!

*Yui’s POV*

So many damn years that I’ve spent in this hell. Imagine repeating the same damn two months over, and over again, for thousands of years…

Such a thing would make anyone go insane. At least, I think that it would... Am I insane?
It’s really hard to say… At least, I didn’t think I was prior to meeting, Erika...

That day, just like every other time before, I got a text message to meet that girl, and her lackeys, in one of the school restrooms.

I’ve done this so many times that I stopped caring about what their names were. Honestly, at this point, I’ve completely forgotten.

Erika said that I was fidgeting and, I definitely was. Contrary to what she most likely believes, it was not because I was scared to get killed by them once again.

That hasn’t happened in thousands of years. Like always, I’d hide a handgun in the bathroom.

I’d then use said handgun to torture and kill those girls, I was fidgeting because, to me, this event where I kill them was the only thing I looked forward to in life. Messed up, right?

How many times have I killed them? I lost count long ago. Maybe my kill total was in the thousands because I've killed them so many times.

Though, was it wrong to kill them? That’s debatable, they would do the same to me, the only difference was that they would use knives rather than a gun.

How’d I even get a handgun? My deceased father was a cop and he never handed in the revolver that he was issued. One day, while looking through his closet, I found it.

I was so damn happy that I managed to find a weapon to fight back at those girls with. Though, I never tried to get good at using firearms, I just needed to point at them with it and pull the trigger. Nothing special.

Six rounds really weren’t enough to torture them much so, each got one extra bullet before I would kill them.

I would switch between shooting them in their knees or arms and sometimes, I would just shoot them in their stomach. I made sure to miss any vital organs so that they would suffer longer.

When I first did it, I got caught by the school security due to how loud the gunshots and how loud the girls screamed. Luckily, even though I didn’t die, time still looped.

After doing it so many times, it was extremely easy to make it out of the school without being stopped by security. It wouldn’t matter, though, as I would always end up dying in some stupid way.

Getting hit by a car is a far easier death than getting slashed and stabbed to death. Erika startled me greatly when she first showed up.

I had grown accustomed to how the loops went, so her showing up out of the blue, and changing how things normally, went shocked me a bit.

Erika… I had no hope that she could help me with those three brats but, instead of being hurt or killed by them, she easily dealt with them like it was the easiest thing in the world.

I’ve known about other people like her, who weren’t always in this dimension, or at least, I had a suspicion about them.

Apart from Erika, none of them had approached me at all. They would run around this school and city like headless chickens not knowing what to do. None of them stuck around longer than a few weeks, though. After their first or second loop, they would give up and leave. Erika was different, she had a clear goal in mind.

Could she help me from this hell? Yes, she could and she will. She said as much.

I know what type of person she is, she would help anyone really, I am not special in that regard. I’m sure that I’m not even the first that she’s helped before.

After she finished those brats, on the roof, I decided to hug her thighs. If I kept her happy, she will surely save me from this stupid limbo. At least, that was my original plan.

Our “date” changed my mind… Is it because I’ve been so lonely over these thousands of years? I don’t think so. Erika… she is special. It was so damn fun to go on a date with her, even though I don’t think she saw it as such.

For the first time in so many damn years, I was happy. I also felt extremely bad. I could tell, she just wanted to help me, she felt pity for me. Normally, people hate being pitied but, Erika is different.

Pity usually comes from people who won’t ever help the person they pitied. Just knowing that they pitied the person, is more than enough for them to be okay with their situation, and do nothing for them. She isn’t like them. Not even close.

Here I am, all I thought about was using her to escape my torment and yet, she wanted to save me. That was my original thought on the matter.

I had grown to not trust people after all this time. So I didn't want to believe her words at all...

My thought had turned out true when she hugged me. No hate, no greed, no manipulation, just… love and caring, as well as sadness…

She felt sad about my situation… We don’t even know each other, and yet she is genuinely hurt by what I’ve been through.

I… I broke down in her arms. When was the last time that I’ve cried like this? Do… do I love her?

Maybe… but, do I deserve her love? Does she even like women? Hell… I didn’t even know that I liked women before meeting her…

Erika has truly opened my eyes. When I woke up in her lap, it was like the first time being awake in years.

Will she leave once she finishes her goal in this dimension? Luckily not, this dimension will become her group’s new base.

Good for me, I just want to be with her. I don’t know if I love her but… No, I do. When I told her how many loops I’ve been through, she looked sad once again.

Then she promised to save me… That was the moment that I knew that I love her.

There is no way that this is her first time doing something like this, I’m sure that there are other women that feel the same about her.

Honestly, being babied like this by a girl who is so many years younger than me should irk me but, instead, it just feels nice. I want to stay with her as long as I can.

She is not the type of person who does things half assed, she said that she would save me from this hell, and I know that she will.

Could she stop being so damn cool? Getting that plushie in one shot was already impressive enough, her being so damn good at using guns is on a whole other level…

It clearly wasn’t her first time being in a shootout since, she killed the ones trying to kill us without batting an eye. Was… was I actually not crazy?

Erika saw those people as her enemies so she killed them with no remorse. I could say the same about me and those girls. I think that I know why she didn’t kill them.

Erika, she hates hurting females. That most mean that she is attracted to other women. Another reason could be that she didn’t want to kill who she considers children.

Every time I learn something new about her, I love her more and more. I pushed my luck, cuddled up to her and… she didn’t mind at all.

Erika… such an interesting woman. Does she think that I don’t notice that my breasts that I intentionally pressed onto her arm, are making her aroused, or at least embarrassed?

Such a strong and powerful woman and yet, she had damn near no control over her facial expressions. So cute! Other’s might tease her about this but, I won’t.

If I tease her, she would be more aware of it, and I would have fewer chances at seeing her reactions. I decided I’ll play schoolgirl for her.

If I looked older, I’m sure that she would probably be even more interested in me. The only other way I have to gain her attention is to act innocent.

Sasaki gave me the perfect chance to do so. And another chance to cuddle up to Erika.

This scary girl is attractive to Erika, I could tell. I was right about her being more easily attracted to women, rather than someone who look my age.

At least I know that she isn’t a shallow person who would not be attracted to someone that was disfigured.

This is amazing! All I have to do is stick with Erika and then I’ll finally be free! No more loops! And the best part is that I get to be with Erika. I went to bed very happy that night.

Unfortunately, I was woke up by time looping again. It was only 3:25 AM so, I just back to sleep. I’m sure that Erika will wake me up later anyway. Should I be disheartened by time looping again?

Such a thing was soon to be a thing of the past. Besides, I was having a really fucking good dream about being in a romantic relationship with Erika.

As a lucid dreamer, you bet your ass that I was going back to sleep, and continuing where I left off.

*Erika’s POV*

Now that I think about it, the fact that I still have my phone is kinda weird… I looped so, by that logic, I shouldn’t have a phone anymore. Instead, I not only still have my phone, it even still has service… I do not know that my phone plan catered to time travelers…

Checking my inventory, I also still have the handgun that Sasaki let me keep. Time travel sure is confusing…


Sasaki was calling me. At least she still remembers me. That would suck if we had to go through that whole thing again.

Erika: “Hello, Sasaki? What happened?” I ask with a serious tone.

Sasaki: “I have no idea, I went to sleep and now we’ve looped yet again.” Sasaki answered with a sigh.

Erika: “Did someone kill you in your sleep? Yui didn’t die.” I ask with one of my hands on my chin.

Sasaki: “Hm… Well, I did not die, I assure you. But, if Yui also didn’t die, why’d we loop again? Another person causing the loop from their death wasn't too surprising but, if there is yet another like me and Yui then, this would be truly troublesome…” Sasaki said with a groan.

Erika: “I’m thinking that, unfortunately, that might be the case…” I say with a sigh.

Sasaki: “Erika, my house is very big, I also have maids and really good security.” Sasaki said with a calm tone.

Erika: “What do you mean?” I ask with a curious tone.

Sasaki: “Although I know that you aren’t part of the loop, you’re a person who can help us break it. You and Yui should stay with me in my house. As should any other person who is a part of the loop.” Sasaki explained calmly.

Erika: “Okay, that makes sense. I’ll convince Yui.” I reply with a calm tone.

Sasaki: “Thanks, one of my people will pick you two up shortly. It’ll be the same car since, it’s not destroyed anymore.” Sasaki said with a chuckle.

After I was done talking to Sasaki, I hung up the phone.

Getting up out of my bed was a struggle since, I feel like this whole situation is going to be a major hassle to fix. I stretched a bit then I put on my favorite black dress.

The System has spoiled me greatly. Would I even remember how to put on my own clothes if I only use the System to equip them?

Maybe, but it should be fine. I doubt I’d actually completely forget how to put on my clothes. The only thing I have to watch out for is my lingerie.

Panties are stupidly easy to put on, you just have to slip them on. But bras are a little tricky. I’d be in trouble if I ended up forgetting how to put on my bra.

It’s not like every bra even has the same way to put them on. Maybe I should write down the ways that bras are worn?

Enough of getting sidetracked, I left my room and went to Yui’s room which was right next to mine.

Yui was still sleeping soundly. I guess she didn’t feel that time had looped once again. If she did, I doubt that she would be sleeping soundly like this.

She does look happy, though, I wonder what she is dreaming about… Whatever it is, at least it’s better than her crying in her sleep.

Should I just let her sleep longer? It’s still pretty early in the morning… Hm… If she still wants to sleep, she can just go back to sleep at Sasaki’s.

Erika: “Yui, wake up.” I say in a calm tone while shaking Yui’s shoulder.

Yui: “Mm… huh? Erika? What’s up? Oh, it’s like 7 AM, why are you already awake? Did something happen?” Yui asked with a concerned tone after rubbing her eyes to wake up.

Erika: “Time got looped again. No, Sasaki did not die, and from the looks of it, neither did you.” I say with a sigh.

Yui: “Really? Goddammit! All of my hard work at school… Gone!” Yui said with a fed-up tone.

Erika: “Yes, yes, I know it’s frustrating.” I say with a warm tone while patting her head.

Oops… Might have overdone it. Yui looks like she is in a trance. I need to stop underestimating the effectiveness of headpats…

Yui: “A-anyway… what did you wake me up for exactly?” Yui said with a nervous tone and a red face.

Erika: “Sasaki suggested that we should live with her from now on. I agreed with her since, that way, we can keep each other safe and stop time from looping.” I explain with a calm tone.

Yui: “I see, I also agree but, couldn’t this have waited until later in the day?” Yui complained before yawning.

Erika: “Maybe? If you still want to sleep, you can just sleep when we get to Sasaki’s place.” I say with a shrug.

Yui: “What do we bring?” Yui asked with a thinking pose.

Erika: “Just the essentials bring it all to me and I’ll put them in my inventory. I’ll just take them out when we get there.” I replied with a calm tone.

Yui: “Roger, roger!” Yui said with a salute.

Yui was still in her pajamas so, I left her room so that she can get dressed. We’re both girls but, at least one of us is lesbian and, it’s not like we even know each other that well anyway.

After she got dressed, she went around her house to get things that she wanted to bring with us. Her outfit was similar to the one she wore yesterday, a pretty white dress.

As for what she brought to me, there were Clothes, toothbrush, toothpaste, etc. She put them all in a pile for me. I then put them all in my inventory.

Yui: “Damn, Erika… This whole inventory thing is really, really convenient. I’m starting to wish that I could get something like that.” Yui said with a pouty tone and puppy eyes.

Erika: “It’s really convenient but, it’s also extremely rare. Sorry, I don’t have a way to give you something similar.” I say with another headpat.

Doing that made her forget why she was even pouty in the first place.


A ring and a knock was at the door. The same suited woman who we meet yesterday was at the door once again.

???: “Hello, my lady would like for you two to follow us to her house.” She said with a calm tone.

Unlike last time, she was clearly expecting something. I’m guessing that Sasaki told her that we had already met.

Erika: “Of course, and it’s good to see you again.” I say with a laugh.

???: “…”

She looked confused. I do have a way to prove this whole time loop thing to her, though. From my phone, I opened up my inventory and took out my handgun right in front of her. I then let her examine it to her heart’s content.

???: “This… this is my handgun but, now there are two of them.” She said with a confused expression.

Erika: “That’s right, time travel sure is confusing…” I say with a shrug.

After that, she guided us to the car. I asked her how long the drive will be and she said that it would be roughly an hour. Sasaki’s house was closer than the building for her business, it seems. The ride there was uneventful at least, I think it was.

Yui had fallen asleep holding my arm and her soft breathing lulled me to sleep as well.

Was that thing that one member of my unit would use? I think he called it ASMR. He did explain it to me but, I didn't understand the appeal at all.

At least until just now, where hearing Yui's breathing in my ear was so relaxing, that it made me quickly fall asleep. Even though I had no intention to sleep at the moment...

The suited woman, who I still don’t know the name of, woke us up when we arrived. Sasaki’s house… it wasn’t a house at all, it was fucking mansion!

Thankfully, it was in a modern style similar to Yui’s place. I think that I still have PTSD from that haunted mansion…

The woman did not follow us into the house but got back into the car before it drove off once again. I wonder why they left in such a hurry? Maybe Sasaki will tell me.

Two maids came out of the house and guided us in. This place probably has 15 free bedrooms or something like that. Hopefully, I won’t have to find that many people who are connected to the time loop.

Sasaki was sitting down on a couch. Which was arranged the same way as her office. With two couches facing each other and two loveseats doing the same.

Sasaki: “Ah, Erika, Yui, welcome to my humble abode.” Sasaki said with a cheeky tone.

Yui: “If this is humble, then I am surely very poor.” Yui said with a joking tone.

I wasn’t too surprised, Victoria’s place was far more luxurious than this. Though, this does make me worried about how kitted out Victoria will make her place here…

Sasaki: “Don’t just stand there, you two, have a seat. My maids will bring you some tea, as well as something to snack on.” Sasaki said with a laugh.

Thinking about that, I took out Yui’s stuff and handed them to a few maids to put in her new room. They were shocked at first from all of this stuff appearing out of nowhere but, they quickly regained their composer and took Yui’s stuff to where it belongs.

Yui and I then sat down on the same couch opposite of Sasaki.

Sasaki: “Erika, I have some information on the whereabouts of those people you’ve mentioned. Although I’m not aware if they went after Yui, they did stoop around me quite a bit. So maybe you will find more people like us when dealing with them.” Sasaki said with a serious tone.

After she finished that sentence, she handed me a tablet with precise locations of suspected Saviors. I copied the data to my phone and then handed it back to her.

Erika: “Thanks, I think that I’ll head out right away. I see no reason to keep you two in this stupid time loop longer than necessary.” I say with a calm tone.

Yui: “What?! You’re leaving already? Can’t I go with you?” Yui asked with a pleading tone.

Erika: “I’m sorry but, no. Saviors are special just like me. Some may even be able to use magic. It’s too dangerous to take you with me.” I replied with a sorry tone.

Sasaki: “Don’t worry about Yui, Erika. I’ll make sure to keep her and myself safe at all times. It does make me feel bad, though, leaving you to do all of the work while I hold myself up in this safe place.” Sasaki said with a remorseful tone.

I fully believe her on this. She is the type of person to want to do things herself rather than getting others to do so. Why else would she want to meet the ones who beat the shit out of her daughter in person?

Erika: "Hey, Sasaki, why did the person who guided us here leave right away after dropping us off?" I ask with a curious tone.

Sasaki: "I asked them to pick up some paperwork, so that I fill it out without having to head to my business. That way, I won't be in any danger." Sasaki explained calmly.

Erika: "I see. Thanks for telling me." I reply with a smile.

I just realized but, I haven’t taken a shower yet… I’ll just chat with Yui and Sasaki a bit more before taking a shower then heading out.

Or at least, that was my plan until, a certain oh so beautiful angel appeared right in front of me. You know the one.

Sofiel: “Erika! Don’t sue me!” Sofiel said with a pleading tone.

Erika: “Um… Sofiel? What do you mean by that?” I ask with a head tilt.

Sofiel: “Ah, I’ve missed your head tilts… Anyway, we had a Soul Contract, you upheld your end of the contract, yet I did not. Now I’ve been summoned to Soul Court, and so have you!” Sofiel said with a remorseful tone.

Erika: “It was just a few items, though? Can’t you just hand me them now?” I ask with a confused tone.

Sofiel: “I wish but, no…” Sofiel said with a sad tone.

Erika: “I didn’t even know that Soul Contracts had a deadline…” I reply with a confused tone.

Sofiel: “They have a deadline of a hundred years by default. Unless specified by the ones who made the contract.” Sofiel said with a sigh.

Erika: “It hasn’t been a hundred years, though? We didn’t set a deadline either.” I say with a thinking pose.

Sofiel: “Erika, did you forget that you were held captive for over a hundred years? Even though it wasn’t your intention, the time had still passed.” Sofiel said while rubbing her head.

Erika: “Fuck… Okay, so, when is our court date?” I ask with a sigh.

Sofiel: “Right fucking now!” Sofiel said with a fed-up tone.

I didn’t understand why she said that, until I saw that there was now a woman in an expensive looking business suit in the room. She wore a dress shirt and skirt. Oddly, her face was blurred.

Sasaki and Yui were both extremely confused by this whole situation. I was too…

???: “Hello, Miss Erika, I will be your lawyer for this case.” The woman said with a bow.

Erika: “Wait, hold on! I have no intention of suing Sofiel.” I say with a serious tone.

???: “Is that so? May I ask why? She cheated you out of your promised items for many years.” The woman asked with a questioning tone.

I could not see her face so I also could not see her expression. Because of that, it was hard to understand what she was thinking...

Erika: “I was kidnapped and basically put under a coma for a hundred years. Sofiel is also my girlfriend. Why would I sue my own lover?” I ask with a raised eyebrow.

Sofiel hearing me call her my lover made her blush, and have a prideful expression show up on her face.

Sofiel: “That’s right! Our Soul Contract was for a small issue, could you blame me for forgetting about it when all I had on my mind was saving Erika?” Sofiel said with a fed-up tone.

Erika: “Sofiel is correct, I had also forgotten about our contract until just yesterday.” I say with a shrug.

???: “I see… Then this case is cut and dry and won’t require a court hearing. Miss Sofiel, please hand over the promised items, and then this case will be closed.” The woman said with a serious tone.

Sofiel: “I had planned to do so! Erika, here are the five best damn items I have.” Sofiel said with a prideful tone.

She had disappeared after “so” and reappeared with the items, and said the last sentence after laying said items on the table in front of me.

Erika: “Sofiel… I can’t accept these items… They’re too good.” I say with a nervous tone.

Sofiel: “Just please accept them! Don’t worry, I don’t have a use for them but, you will. So just use them from now on!” Sofiel said with a pouty tone.

My reluctance for accepting the items was because of how amazing they are…

I’ll start with inspecting the weapon which was a sword. Most likely because she had accidentally stolen my only other one.

Erika’s Blade of Darkness and Light: SSS+

Effect: This sword will damage and or kill both light and dark beings.

A supreme quality and ultra rare sword. This sword was commissioned by Sofiel for her lover Erika.

Erika: “You made a sword for me?” I ask with a raised eyebrow.

Sofiel: “That’s right, I did take your other one after all.” Sofiel said with a remorseful tone.

It seems that even after all this time, she still feels bad about what happened to my sword. This won’t do! I got up from my seat gave Sofiel a hug. She accepted it wholeheartedly. It’s been so long since I’ve kissed her so, we were both wanting.

I released her from my hug and then gave her a kiss. It wasn’t a deep kiss, hell, I wouldn’t even call it a sexual one. It was a kiss that showed each other our affection and love.

Erika: “Sofiel, let’s go on a date the very second I finish my tasks in this dimension. I’m sure that there are plenty of things for us to do in this dimension.” I say with a warm smile.

Sofiel: “Yes, I’m sure there is. And I will be waiting for you when you do. The rest of the items will surely help you out.” Sofiel said with a bright smile.

Erika: “I hope so. Now, you, miss lawyer, are we done here?” I ask with a raised eyebrow while looking at the blurry faced woman.

???: “Yes, this case is closed. I’m glad that you two could come to such good terms on this case. Farewell.” The woman said before disappearing.

Damn… that was kinda scary. I need to be more careful with making Soul Contracts in the future.

Sofiel: “Thanks for helping me with this Erika! I honestly never been sued before, so I was freaking out. I need to get back, otherwise, the rest of the girls will get jealous and yell at me.” Sofiel said with a cheeky tone.

Erika: “See you soon.” I say with a smile.

And like that, Sofiel was gone as well. I looked around the room and everyone else was really shocked at what occurred just now.

I think that they will be like this for a while so, I’ll look at the other items that Sofiel gave me while they recover.

Next were two rings.

Ring of Holy Solar Whisper: SS+

Effect: 15,000 HP and MP regeneration every twelve seconds.

A ring forged by a fallen god that represented the sun. When in direct sunlight, this ring will regenerate 25,000 HP and MP every five seconds.

Holyshit… This is an extremely good ring… I mean, the last and only time I got hurt was because of my own stupidity but, this ring will still help me greatly! This ring is an orangish-gold color and is very pretty.

Ring of Pride: SS

Effect: Your enemies will fear you more when you direct your blood lust at them.

A ring forged by a prideful Armor Smith. This ring has a storied and bloody history. It was previously cursed before the angel Sofiel had purified it when it came into her possession.

This ring isn’t as impressive as the other one… it just looks like a standard silver ring. I’m still curious on the rest of the items.

The last two items were a bracelet and a necklace. The most interesting one looked to be the necklace so, I’ll save it for last.

Bracelet of Hope and Love.

Effect: Upon death, this bracelet will shatter, but the wearer will be brought back to life. Though, in a weakened state.

A bracelet belonging to Sofiel. One of two.

*Hidden Information*

This bracelet has been imbued with angel Sofiel’s hope and love. Instead of shattering upon the death of the user, this bracelet will just crack and be restored after a week, and can be used once again.

Holyshit shit! This one is even better… Is Sofiel my mom? So far, these items seem like she wanted to give them to me so that I can be protected… I am really that reckless?

Okay, I'll admit, I've done some crazy shit lately so, it’s not uncalled for that Sofiel gave me basically safety items...

I assume that the other one belongs to either Sofiel or Victoria… Speaking of the bracelet, it is quite beautiful. It was a metal diamond like silver with various jewels in a circle around it.

Originally, I thought that it was just flashy so I didn’t expect it to be so damn good…

Will the necklace end up being even better? It looked similar to the bracelet, just less flashy.

Necklace of Supreme Beauty: SSS+

Effect: Will completely heal and clean a person’s body. All scars or injuries will be gone as well as any blemishes or things on the persons body that they do not like. Effect will stay even after it’s taken off.

Now that I think about it, this girl whose body I took over, she did have some scars on her body. So this necklace will come in handy.

Since I was done inspecting the items, I equipped them all. Ah, it feels so nice to actually have new items and gear.

My second slot on my right hand is no longer empty as my new sword occupies it.

Yui: “So… Erika, your life is far more interesting than I originally thought.” Yui said with a nervous tone.

Erika: “Yes, that would be the case.” I say with a shrug.

Sasaki: “Those items you got, are they just normal jewelry and a sword?” Sasaki asked with a curious tone.

Erika: “No, they have special effects and are a very high grade. Just think of an RPG game, I have a system similar to that.” I explain with a calm tone.

Sasaki: “I see… that is quite interesting.” Sasaki said with a laugh.

Erika: “Hey Sasaki, I just got an item that can help you with that scar.” I say with a serious tone.

Sasaki: “Help? I assume you mean get rid of it. That is quite fine, I have no intention on getting rid of it at all.” Sasaki said with a wave of her hand.

Erika: “I see. Well, if you ever change your mind, just ask me.” I say with an understanding tone.

Sasaki: “Will do, now, are you heading out?” Sasaki asked with a raised eyebrow.

Erika: “I would like to take a shower first.” I say with a shrug.

Sasaki: “That’s fine, one of my maids will guide you to the bath.” Sasaki said with a chuckle.

Erika: “Thanks! Yui, what are you going to do?” I ask while looking at Yui.

Yui: “I’ll just chat with Sasaki for a bit, and wait for you to get done with your shower, so that I can say goodbye to you.” Yui said with a smile.

Erika: “Alright, I won’t take long.” I say with a smile as well.

One of the maids then guided me to the baths. Like Victoria’s place, each bath was huge but, there were multiple different ones.

The maid showed me to the door of one of the baths and then left. I guess these maids don’t do full body washing like those perverts back at Victoria’s…

When I opened the door, there was a shelf with baskets and towels. I guess normally you would take off your clothes, and put them in the basket. Before hopping in the bath, which was in another room.

I just used my inventory to unequip all of my items. I grabbed a towel and then headed into the bath.

There was a long wall of showers and stools all lined up together. Each station had shampoo and soap to wash with. It’s actually been awhile since I had to wash my body by myself so I was kinda excited.

Said excitement was dashed the moment I saw another person in the bath.

???: “Who the hell are you?” The girl yelled.

Erika: “A friend of your mothers.” I say with an annoyed tone.

This girl was Sasaki’s daughter, the one who bullied Yui. It goes without saying that I am not very happy about seeing her at all.

???: “M-moms?!… I’ll just go to a different bath!” She said before running out of the bath.

I guess that her mom’s friends aren’t people she would want to mess with. Works for me, at least I don’t have to deal with her. Although, I worry about Yui…

Regardless, I had work to do and I needed a wash.

I swear, the first fucking thing I’ll do when I learn how to use magic is learning cleaning magic. A bath or shower is still good but, sometimes I won’t have that option.

Luckily, I did not forget how to wash myself and I washed both my hair and body in under twelve minutes. I then went to soak in the very large bath.

Ah, this feels nice…

I checked out my body while in the bath and, that necklace really did the trick. It was like my body had never been injured by the sun, or any other source of damage. This body was now completely perfect. Just thinking about it brings a smile to my face. I never realized that I was this vain...

Dammit… I just thought about something that kinda irks me. I had to take off all of my items, not counting my knife and sword since I can just make them appear and disappear at will.

The downside is that I have to reequip every other item manually… This isn’t that annoying right now but, it will be super annoying at a later date when I have more items…

Lilith: “Yo, what’s up Erika?!” Lilith said with a cheeky tone.

Erika: “Lilith? Are you already done with that good girl act?” I say in my head with an amused tone.

Lilith: “You know it, I was hoping you’d mention it so that I could mess with you but, looks like you’ve gotten used to dealing with my bullshit.” Lilith said with a laugh.

I was right, just because she got laid doesn’t mean she would stop messing with me. It just means that she doesn’t have to mess with me or someone else. That’s to say, she is really just a cheeky little shit on purpose!

Erika: “So it seems, did you figure out this time loop thing?” I ask with a sigh.

Lilith: “Yes and no. How to fix it, we have no idea but, we do know the reason why there is more than one Goddess in control of this dimension.” Lilith replied with a serious tone.

Erika: “Okay, what did you figure out?” I ask with a raised eyebrow.

Lilith: “How many Goddesses there are, we don’t know, what we do know is that they’re the same person but had their soul split. Maybe finding them all and bringing them together will make them whole again? That’s the going theory at least.” Lilith explained.

Please don’t tell me that I have kidnap the rest to get them so that they can recombine… Are they a starfish or something? What will happen to Yui and Sasaki, though?

Would their personality be erased, or will they be combined? I’ll cross that bridge when I get there. Besides, that will be their choice, and not mine.

Erika: “I see, thanks. Actually, I have another problem with the System.” I say with a thinking pose.

Lilith: “By problem, I assume you mean something that you want added, that will probably be something that we should have already thought about, right?” Lilith asked with a sigh.

Erika: “Correct! You see, weapons are fine but, having to reequip other items is kinda annoying. Having a loadout that I just save, and then activate whenever I want, would be great!” I say with an excited tone.

Lilith: “…”

Erika: “…”

Lilith: “You know what?… Fuck you! Actually wait! Thank you! I am so going to get another promotion for this!” Lilith said with a laugh.

Erika: “It’s my idea, why would you get promoted for it?” I ask with a fed-up tone.

Lilith: “Trust me, you will get benefits for telling us about it, and I will get benefits for relaying that information to the design team. Don’t worry, I have to report that the idea came from you. I can’t steal credit for it.” Lilith said with a sigh.

Erika: “And when will it be…” I say before Lilith cut me off.

Lilith: “Just fucking wait for a few minutes, you spoiled child!” Lilith said with a cheeky tone.

Like she said, after five minutes, I now had a new menu on the equipment section of my System.

I was excited to use it so, I immediately got out of the bath and then dried off with one of them towels on the shelf. Once I was completely dry, I put back on all of my items and then saved it as a loadout.

Testing it was obviously my job so, I took over each type of equipment and reapplied the loadout. Annoyingly, the rings and necklaces refused to reequip when I selected the loadout. Everything else worked perfectly.

Erika: “Lilith, the Neck and Ring slots aren’t working properly.” I say with a sigh in my head.

Lilith: “Noted, I relay that to the design team. Wait just a minute and please try again. On a side note, I am so fucking getting promoted!” Lilith said with an excited tone.

Ignoring her boasting, I waited another three minutes and tested the loadout feature once again.

This time, it worked perfectly! This whole testing thing feels kinda weird. It’s like being a beta tester for a game or something.

That reminds me, I need to take a long ass break when I get done with this dimension. I really, really want to play some games and read.

If anyone complains, I can just say that playing games is me learning how to properly use my System… The way it works is sorta like a game after all.

Now that my bath was done, and that new feature tested somewhat, I left the bath and headed back the way I was guided.

Yui and Sasaki were still chatting along just fine. I guess that they have a lot in common… Actually, they’re technically the same person so that does make sense.

Sasaki: “Ah, Erika, did you enjoy the bath? Oh, I heard that you ran into my daughter. Don’t worry about her, she won't bother you, and she also won’t be bothering Yui.” Sasaki said with a warm tone.

Awa… she likes a real mother… Wait! She is! Imagine having such a scary but loving mother as your parent… How could her daughter turn out like that when her mother is so amazing?

Sasaki: “I know that look, you’re wondering why my daughter is like that. She only came into my life a few months ago. Originally she was with her father but he was a deadbeat, which was why I forced him to leave. Unfortunately, he had taken my daughter from the hospital and fled. She was only a few months old at the time.” Sasaki said with a sad tone.

She didn’t mention what happened to the father but, knowing her, I can figure that she probably killed him in a very violent way.

Yui: “Erika, are you leaving now?” Yui asked with a sad tone, after getting up from her seat and walking to me.

Erika: “Yes, I have work to do after all.” I say while rubbing her head.

Yui: “Okay… just be safe!” Yui said before giving me a hug.

It took a few minutes to get Yui to let me leave Sasaki’s house. Once out, I just happen to catch two women snooping around Sasaki’s.

These Saviors sure as hell make it easy for me to deal with them… Did they really not notice that I saw them?

They just started to walk away like they didn’t just snoop around this house… At least my first targets in this dimension made it easy for me.

Dealing with them shouldn’t be hard, as such, I started to tail them until we were out of the housing district, and into the city.

I'll just deal with them when they turn into an alleyway. Maybe I should try to get them to fall in love? That was one of my tasks after all…

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