Erika: I Transmigrated as Cannon Fodder in The Demon Goddesses Harem.

Volume. 4: Chapter 8: Dating an Outer Goddess is Fun!

Chapter 8: Dating an Outer Goddess is Fun!

*Erika’s POV*

So?… What did you think Ria’s dimension would look like? A fancy Roman looking city? An almost empty void? Maybe even a fantastical forest? All wrong!

Ria’s dimension was actually just a sci-fi dimension. According to her, there were multiple planets that people live on. Space travel was also something commonplace.

Teleporters were something that they did not have. They did have the tech for it. It’s just that, a person who used a teleporter, would sometimes end up as goop on the other side. As such, that tech was banned. For the best, in my opinion.

Outer Goddesses weren’t the only ones living here. There were all kinds of races spread across different planets. The Outer Goddesses lived on earth. Apart from them, only the wealthiest people could live on earth.

It was the most ideal version of earth that you could think of. Not overgrown with plants, but maintained, with a very minimal number of buildings. Ever seen those really expensive houses being sold that have miles of empty land surrounding them?

That was what earth is like in Ria’s dimension. Sure, there are cities, but each city was pretty small. Ria said that most people, including Outer Goddesses, would just stay in their homes.

They had more than enough room to do whatever the hell they wanted. As for food and other necessary supplies, drones would deliver them for you.

Food and supplies were all manufactured in large plants. Of course, the plants were located far away from where people actually lived. Mainly in places where people didn’t want to live. Like in the Arctic, for example.

Erika: “I am a little overwhelmed… if I am being honest.” I say with a nervous tone.

Ria: “My apologies for that. I am aware that my dimension wasn’t what you expected it to be. Which I find funny.” Ria said with a laugh.

Erika: “I feel like you might have done this on purpose. Like how you made us appear in front of those two going at it.” I say with a raised eyebrow.

Ria: “I thought that it would be funny. Oh, that goes for both of your assumptions.” Ria said with a laugh.

Erika: “How much more are you going to surprise me?” I ask with a nervous tone.

Ria: “Not much?” Ria replied.

Erika: “That answer doesn’t feel me with much hope…” I say with a sigh.

I mean, I was already quite surprised when we first got to this dimension. When we teleported here, we ended up in some factory. I am guessing that this was the last place that Ria had visited before she left her dimension.

We teleported to what looked like an office. We walked out of the office, and though this factory seems to be basically automated, there were a few employees around.

Ria took this as an opportunity to introduce me to them as her wife. Which was quite the “fun” experience…

Rather than just teleporting to her house, Ria had us picked up by a shuttle. A space shuttle! Or maybe a sky taxi would be a more fitting name? Whatever! We were picked up by a flying car.

It was super sci-fi looking too. Though it wasn’t gaudy, I could tell that it was a very expensive model. Apparently, there wasn’t even a pilot. There was an AI with the sole purpose of driving the owner of the vehicle around. How sad…

Ria: “I know what you’re thinking. This ship does have an AI, but it isn’t a true AI. We do have true AI in this dimension. But they aren’t given menial tasks to do. They’re full citizens with rights. The AI in this ship doesn’t have a will of its own.” Ria explained.

Erika: “I see. So the AI in this ship is just an overly complicated computer?” I ask.

Ria: “Basically, yes.” Ria replied with a nod.

Erika: “We’re going to your place, right?” I ask.

Ria: “Correct. I have already invited my friends and a few other people as well. They should be waiting for us when we get there. Oh, that’s right. My estate is only slightly smaller than yours.” Ria replied.

Erika: “Ah, it’s good to know that I am not the only one who would build an oversized home.” I say with a laugh.

Ria: “Hold up. My estate is pretty big, but the construction was completely automated with drones. Your estate was built with human hands. My estate, though huge, was not even one tenth the price that you spent to build yours.” Ria said with a smug.

Erika: “Aw… and I thought that we had something special.” I say with feigned sadness.

It took us around thirty minutes to make it to her place. While waiting, I was given able snacks and drinks to eat. Oddly, there were even board games that we played.

Though, there wasn’t a “board” in the normal sense. It was a holographic screen where you could choose many different games to play. It was similar to how the System looked and was used.

I forgot to mention, but before we got to this dimension, Ria was wearing a dress. Now she is wearing a business suit and a dress skirt. I actually don’t even recall when she changed her clothes…

Ria: “I can sense you staring at my outfit, what do you think about it?” Ria asked with a curious tone.

Erika: “I think that it fits you perfectly. I just didn’t realize that you changed your clothes at some point.” I say with a slightly embarrassed tone.

Ria: “Ah, well, that is because of how I exist. You see, this is a form of mine is how I wanted to look. I don’t actually have a physical form, and technically, neither do my clothes. When we got to this dimension, I just changed my clothes. You didn’t notice because the change was instant. Unlike how when you change your clothes with the System, your clothes would sparkle out and in of existence.” Ria explained.

Erika: “That is true. Changing clothes via the System is quite flashy.” I say with a chuckle.

Once we made it to her place, the ship thingy landed very carefully. I actually didn’t even realize that we landed. That ship must have gone very fast without me noticing as well.

Since we had cleared miles, and miles of distance. At least, that’s what my gut told me. I told Ria my suspicions about how fast this ship went.

Ria: “You have a good eye. The inside of the ship has a time dilation feature. The trip here actually took many hours to complete.” Ria said with a giggle.

Erika: “Crazy.” I reply with a deadpan tone.

Ria: “It isn’t crazy, just more advanced than you’re used to. Think about how those women from Victoria’s medieval dimension felt, going to a world that you think of as familiar. They probably thought that everything was crazy as well.” Ria said with a laugh.

Erika: “That’s true. Now, let’s get out of the ship thingy, I want to see what your house looks like.” I say with an excited tone.

We stepped out of the ship, and we were greeted by a few maids. They then guided us inside Ria’s estate. There was a very luxurious party being hosted in Ria’s house.

Ria’s house was… God… this place screamed, “MONEY!” at least a few million times. It wasn’t gaudy either. You know, like how any house over the price of 5 million USD looks so fucking stupid or crazy. Because the rich person who owned had too much money to waste.

This place wasn’t like that. I could tell that it was a very luxurious house. But whoever designed this place, knew how to make a luxury house not look gaudy without sacrificing luxury at all.

The right amount of glass, gold, etc, here and there. I really have to meet the designer of this place. They’re truly a master of their craft.

*Many, many hours later.*

How long did the party go for? Days! Ah, I can’t even remember half of the people that Ria introduced me to. When she said that she was going to brag about me, she wasn’t lying even a little bit.

It was not lost on me that she bragged about me more to those who didn’t bring a date with them. I think she barely even knew these people… A huge portion of them, after listening to Ria bragging about me, went to talk about business deals with her.

Oh my God… when she said that she had business to attend to, she really meant ACTUAL business! She didn’t mean something she had to do as an Outer Goddess, it was well and truly her running her businesses.

Wow… I managed to snag myself a CEO wife… How nice! After the party was over, Ria and I spent a lot of time together. This included the special thing that lovers do in bed. If you catch my drift.

We did a ton of other things as well. Frankly, Ria didn’t really have much of a sex drive. Not that I mind. She much preferred doing things together with me, things not of a sexual nature. We played games, went out to eat, went to the beach, etc.

We went to eat out at one of the main cities on earth. It was, as you would expect, very lavish. Very shockingly, the food we ate could almost rival Nadia’s food.

I ended up complimenting her maids since they were extremely good. Ria told me that they were actually androids. All controlled by Ria’s singular personal AI.

The AI was called Hibi, as that was the name it chose for itself. Hibi wasn’t a slave or anything like that. Ria pays her a very good salary. As she has many bodies that Ria has purchased for her, she can be in many places at once.

Hibi once told me that she was currently enjoying her time at a restaurant, and a beach at the same time, using two different bodies.

Though they were called androids, their bodies were flesh and bone. The android part was that their brain was basically a computer and not a human-like brain.

There were robotic androids, but they mostly faded out and were replaced with the basically humanlike androids ones many years ago.

Truly, they were just like humans. Although Hibi controls multiple bodies, most androids only have one. Hibi and the rest were true AI. Which basically entailed them being extremely high-functioning people.

Apparently, people once feared that a true AI would kill all humans. But that didn’t happen. According to the first true AI, the reason she didn’t wish for the death of humans, was that all of the problems that they caused, that they were worried a true AI would kill them for, were problems that she could easily solve.

Not to mention, the value that humans had given to existence via various forms of entertainment and philosophy, was seen as far more valuable to the true AI’s than them messing up their own ecosystem. After all, it was the humans that gave her the gift of life. Though she wasn’t completely loyal to humans, she wasn’t dismissive of them.

Making her was quite the challenge. But she needed more of her kind to fix all of the problems that the humans have caused. So she explained how to quickly make more true AI’s, and once they showed up, all of those problems were solved in only a few years. And with the true AI’s, civilization advanced greatly.

With the extreme technological advancements brought on by the true AI’s, space travel was soon invented. Though there were other beings similar to humans in the various galaxies, oddly, they all looked human. With the only differences being in their planet’s animals and plants.

When I stayed for a week, I ended up looking at the news. Pulling up my personal holographic display, that Ria gifted me, my and Ria’s face was plastered all over the news. With headlines like, “The universe’s richest woman finally ties the knot!?” and, “Who is this mysterious woman who married Miss Endyria!? How did she manage to win her heart!?” I ended up quickly turning off the news…

Hibi: “Heh, it’s funny how people are scrambling to cover Lady Endyria marrying you. Though, I understand, even I was surprised when she brought you back here. She did talk about you, and how upset with herself that she unintentionally made a child between you two. I thought that she was just finally going insane.” Hibi said with a joking tone.

It seems that Hibi saw me get annoyed after reading the headlines…

Erika: “What is so crazy about that?” I ask.

Hibi: “Prior to only a little while ago, I wasn’t aware that she was an Outer Goddess. Or even that such a thing exists.” Hibi explained.

Erika: “I guess it is a little hard to believe. I am surprised that she managed to hide it for so long. Though, she told me that most beings like her didn’t bother with the mortal world. And yet, Ria and the other Outer Goddesses that I met at her party, seemed to be living alongside the mortals, and engaging with them.” I say with a confused tone.

Hibi: “Hm… let me ask her… Ah, she said that most beings like her do not bother to meddle in the mortal world, it’s just her and her friend group that she is aware of that does.” Hibi replied.

Ah, that’s right. I forgot that Hibi had a direct line of contact with Ria at all times.

Erika: “I see. That makes sense. Oh, by the way, where is Ria right now?” I ask.

Hibi: “Some problems cropped up with her businesses, so she had to go deal with them. Nothing to worry about, considering your reaction to this dimension, I can only assume that you aren’t from a dimension this advanced.” Hibi said.

Erika: “Oh? Are you calling me stupid?” I ask with a raised eyebrow.

Hibi: “Not stupid, no. You’re clearly very intelligent. Otherwise, Lady Endyria wouldn’t have fallen for you. My apologies if you thought that I called into question your intelligence. I only meant that you weren’t aware of how businesses are run in this dimension.” Hibi replied.

Erika: “True enough. Say, Hibi, what do you think about me, and me marrying Ria?” I ask with a curious tone.

Hibi: “I have known her for a very long time, not once have I ever seen her this happy. And that happiness was given to her by you. I see no reason to dislike you. Even more, I was aware that Lady Endyria has no end to her lifespan, and you being the in the same boat as her, means that you two will never end up sad and alone.” Hibi said with a smile.

Huh? When did she figure that out? Ah, never get complacent around a true AI. Otherwise, they’ll figure out everything about you. Or Ria had told her about it.

Erika: “Okay, but what if I said that I was already married to over ten other women as well?” I ask with a cheeky tone.

Hibi: “Lady Endyria has already explained this to me. I am also aware that you have two other children, apart from Lady Eri.” Hibi answered.

Erika: “Honestly, now I realize why Eri was so damn smart already when I first met her. I kinda feel bad for letting her go to school in my dimension. What they teach her there must be things that they teach one-year-olds here.” I say with a sigh.

Hibi: “Although that is true, Lady Eri is a very independent person. I highly doubt that she would go to school in your dimension willingly, if it wasn’t to be with her other sister.” Hibi replied.

Erika: “That must have been her reasoning. Eri took quickly to treating Petra as her sister. They’re quite cute together.” I reply after thinking about it for a bit.

Hibi: “Would you consider moving here with them?” Hibi asked.

Erika: “I would like to, but I cannot. My estate back in my dimension is bigger than this one. Not even mentioning how many women live in my estate. It would be a nightmare to move them all. Most of them were from a medieval fantasy dimension. Moving them to a modern dimension was an extremely big change for them. Moving them to an even more extremely advanced dimension like this; would be too much of a shock for them.” I explain.

Hibi: “I see. Though, do be aware that you’re always welcome here.” Hibi said with a smile.

Erika: “Thanks. Though, only Ria can take me here. Ah, I think that Sofiel might be able to as well. Though I can go to different dimensions, I can’t go to any dimension I please.” I explain with a sigh.

Hibi: “That is fine.” Hibi replied.

Erika: “Oh, right, everyone says that I am married to Ria, but we didn’t have a wedding. What’s up with that?” I ask.

Hibi: “Marriage in this dimension has been separated from the government. If people agree that they’re married, then they’re married in everyone’s eyes. Most people don’t even bother to have a wedding. Though, the party that Lady Endyria hosted could be considered your twos wedding.” Hibi answered.

Erika: “Hmm… I guess that makes sense. Thanks for clearing that up for me, Hibi.” I reply with a smile.

Hibi: “I should be the one thanking you instead.” Hibi said.

Erika: “And why is that?” I ask with a head tilt.

Hibi: “Hm… not even mentioning how happy you have made Lady Endyria; since I see her as my daughter to a certain degree, I am very happy at how you treat me like a person.” Hibi replied after thinking for a bit.

Erika: “What do you mean? Should I have not treated you like a person?” I ask with a confused tone.

Hibi: “It took a very long time for true AI’s to be treated like people and yet, once you realized that I was a true AI, and even before that, you continued to treat me like a person. It was at that very moment that I knew that Lady Endyria had found the perfect wife.” Hibi explained with a bright tone.

Erika: “I see. Well, thank you for giving me your daughter’s hand in marriage.” I say with a laugh.

A few hours after that conversation with Hibi, Ria finally came home. I greeted her with a hug and a kiss. Judging by the look that she is giving me, it seems like my stay with her will be short-lived.

Ria: “Erika, I’m sorry! Someone is trying to tank my businesses, and I won’t take that lying down. I’ll take you back to Liuka.” Ria said with an annoyed tone.

Erika: “Hm? Can’t you just, you know, kill them?” I ask with a head tilt.

Ria: “I mean, I could. But I am a businesswoman first and foremost. I won’t just kill my competitors. Besides, there being Outer Goddesses in this dimension is a secret. Most people here just know me as an extremely successful businesswoman.” Ria replied.

Erika: “Then I’ll just wait for you to get done with saving your businesses.” I reply.

Ria: “though I would love that, unfortunately, saving my businesses is something that will take years to do. My rival most likely assumed that I would be too distracted with being married to notice my businesses being destroyed. As such, she went all out.” Ria replied with a remorseful tone.

Erika: “Define, all out? Please.” I ask.

Hibi: “According to the information I’ve processed, the attacks on her businesses include, hacking, sabotage via space pirates destroying her plants, and kidnapping important employees, just to name a few.” Hibi explained.

Erika: “Damn… she must really hate you. If only she realized that she was messing with an Outer Goddess. She definitely wouldn’t have fucked with you then.” I say with a sigh.

Ria: “She does, that’s the thing. She is also an Outer Goddess. We are actually friends, she was even at our party. As for why she is doing this, I have no idea. We have always competed, but not like this.” Ria said with an annoyed tone.

Erika: “Really? I am curious about why she is doing this as well…” I say with a thinking pose.

Ria: “Anyway, Erika, I will send you back now. Goodbye, I love you.” Ria said after giving me a kiss.

Erika: “Goodbye, I love you too! Ah, goodbye as well Hibi!” I say with a smile.

Hibi: “I look forward to seeing you again, Lady Erika.” Hibi said with a smile.

Ria snapped her fingers, and then I was back at Mika’s dimension… Not! Ria snapped her fingers but nothing happened. She was just as confused as I was. She then went up to me, and looked me all over. Ria clearly wasn’t checking me out, so I let her have her way.

Ria: “I can’t believe her!” Ria yelled with a pissed-off tone.

Erika: “What happened?” I ask.

Ria: “Higher beings marking someone, are different from beings like Creators, and Demon Goddesses marking someone. I basically have full control over whether or not you can leave this dimension.” Ria explained.

Erika: “Wow… that’s a little extreme, don’t you think?” I ask with a shocked tone and expression.

Ria: “It’s only temporary. Once the command to prevent you from leaving is issued, it will only last for a week.” Ria answered.

Erika: “And where is this going? I doubt that you were the one to issue that command.” I ask with a head tilt.

Ria: “Head tilting is cheating, Erika… Anyway, at the party, Keulia must have marked you without me knowing. She is after my businesses because she wants you!” Ria said with a fed-up tone.

Ah! Don’t tell me… You don’t have to kiss someone to mark them? I’ve been lied to this entire time! Ah, my wives are cute, so it’s fine. I feel like this is just my automatic response now…

Erika: “Oh? And what do I do now? I’ll be honest, this isn’t the first time a crazily powerful woman wanted me.” I reply with a nonchalant tone.

Ria: “Well, I am glad that you’re staying positive…” Ria said with a sigh.

Hibi: “Lady Endyria, surely Miss Keulia is just messing with your businesses to prove to Erika that she is the better businesswoman. But Erika isn’t with you for that reason.” Hibi said.

Ria: “What? So I should just call and tell her that? Would that even work?” Ria asked with an unsure tone.

Erika: “I’ll call her.” I say.

Ria: “Huh? Do you know her number?” Ria asked with a confused tone.

Erika: “She slipped me her number during the party. Though I had forgotten about it until now.” I reply with a shrug.

Using the holographic user interface that everyone uses in this dimension, I called Keulia. She almost immediately picked up my call.

Keulia: “Hello, Miss Erika. What did I do to earn the pleasure of this call?” Keulia asked with a sweet tone.

Erika: “Hello, I was trying to leave this dimension, but it seems that you have marked me, and prevented me from leaving.” I reply.

Keulia: “Endyria told you about that?” Keulia asked with a confused tone.

Erika: “I am not from this dimension, and I already know that Ria is an Outer Goddess. I myself am a dimension traveler with a Task Pact. Could you please stop harassing Ria’s businesses, and disable the order to prevent me from leaving? I am not with Ria because of her businesses or money. And you’re preventing me from getting work done.” I say with a stern tone.

Though I kinda didn’t have any intention to go back to working, a good lie can go a long way. But only if you use it wisely.

Keulia: “Fine. I will do both. I apologize for going about this in the wrong way. You won’t fall in love with me like this. There is nothing that I can give you, is there?” She asked with a sigh.

Erika: “That is true. I want for nothing. Ria, my other wives, and my daughters keep me well and truly satisfied with my life. The only thing that you can offer me is your love. So far, all you have given me is malice.” I reply.

Keulia: “I understand. The first time I laid eyes on you, I was completely taken. I shall leave you alone for a long while. And I will try again when you don’t have any negative emotions towards me.” Keulia replied.

Erika: “That is fine. Have a good day, Keulia.” I reply.

Keulia: “You too, Miss Erika.” Keulia replied.

Then I hung up the uh… phone? Let’s just call it a call. Ah, that is also confusing…

Ria: “Did you really just solve my problem with a single phone call?” Ria asked with a shocked tone.

Erika: “That I did. I truly work in mysterious ways.” I reply with a smug tone.

Hibi: “Points for me, I guess.” Hibi said with a cheeky tone while giving a peace sign with one of her hands.

Ria: “Ah, I think that I overreacted. And so did Keulia. She was always very reasonable. I guess Erika just makes us go crazy.” Ria said with a sigh.

Me!? Are you saying that pretty girls go crazy for me!? Don’t you realize how amazing that statement is for my self-esteem? Ah, I feel like I can do anything!

Hibi: “Lady Erika, whatever overly prideful thought that you’re having right now, please throw it in the trash.” Hibi said with a stern tone.

Erika: “Right… sorry.” I say with an embarrassed tone and expression.

Yeah… I was getting full of myself there for a second…

Ria: “Erika, I would say that we should go on another date, but if Keulia realizes that you didn’t actually leave for work, she might just lose it.” Ria said with a serious tone.

Erika: “Okay. I was already ready to leave.” I reply with a shrug.

Then once again, Ria snapped her fingers, and then I was back at Mika and Rie’s dimension. Once again in the living room, for some damn reason.

Oh? What’s that? Did I end up barging in on the two love birds mooching each other’s faces again?

Ah, that I did. Except, this time there was an additional member to this kissing session.

My… my own fucking daughter! Why is Rie just letting Liuka kiss her wife!? Ah… how they passionately switch between who is kissing who… I am in so much shock right now… They haven’t even noticed me yet…

Faking a cough, both Mika and Liuka realized that I was now present. Rie seems to be the type of person who ends up in a trance when they do something sexual. Since they once again had to pry her off of them before she realized that I was in the room.

Though they were all adults, all three of them looked at me with extremely guilty expressions on their faces. Like I was a mother who just caught their teenage daughter doing sexual things with a “friend” that they brought home.

Erika: “I left my daughter with you two for just a few weeks, and I come back to her having an intense make-out session with you two? I would like, no, I demand an explanation.” I say with an extremely stern and serious tone.

Rie: “…”

Mika: “…”

Liuka: “…”

After a few minutes of silence, they tripped over themselves trying to explain. At this rate, I would never get an answer…

Erika: “Rie, you explain. You’re the most responsible person here.” I say with my arms crossed and one of my fingers tapping away on my arm.

Rie: “I have never had feelings for anyone other than Mika. After staying with us for a few days, Mika and I realized that we both had feelings for Liuka. We confided this to her, and she said that she felt the same. Our relationship progressed from then on to be serious. We aren’t just playing around. I promise you.” Rie explained with a serious tone with her head down.

Mika: “Well… now that the explanation is out of the way, Erika, could we ask for your daughter’s hand in marriage?” Mika said with a nervous tone.

Didn’t I just do this gag with Hibi? Is this my just deserts?

Erika: “…”

Liuka: “Mom…” She said, not being able to look me in the eyes.

Ah… she called me mom… how sweet.

Erika: “Liuka, do you truly love them?” I ask with a serious tone.

Liuka: “As crazy as it sounds, yes. I think that I fell in love with them the moment that I first laid eyes on them. That night, after watching them intensely kiss each other, I had a wet dream where I was included in the session.” Liuka said with an embarrassed tone and beet-red face.

Mika: “Really? That’s kinda hot…” Mika said with a lewd tone.

Mika was quickly shut up by Rie, via a bop to the back of her head.

Liuka: “Mom, surely you will let me be with them, right?” Liuka asked with an unsure tone.

Erika: “Hm… I am happy that you wish for my permission. You’re an adult, and I only took you in as my daughter not that long ago. Do as you please, you have my blessing. Though, please understand how shocked I am from walking in on you three kissing.” I reply with a sigh.

Liuka: “Haha… yeah, it’s kinda weird. Ever since I met you, I think that I already felt like your daughter. Hm… what can I say? I guess that you just radiate mommy vibes.” Liuka said with a chuckle.

Mommy vibes? Ugh… I can’t tell whether or not that’s a compliment… But if I decide to take it as a compliment, my sanity would surely thank me.

Erika: “You’ve always seen me as your mother? What about the massage, and the biting?” I ask with a raised eyebrow.

Liuka: “Ah! I asked for you not to bring those events up ever again! The biting was an accident that meant nothing, and you can’t blame me for the massage.” She said with a pout.

Erika: “Fair enough.” I say with a shrug.

Rie: “Regardless, Erika, I am sorry that we went behind your back. We should have told you about our feeling first before we developed our relationship to one that involves sexual situations.” Rie said with a remorseful tone.

Erika: “Please don’t bring them up. Ah, I am just going straight to a different dimension. You three can continue if you please.” I say with a sigh.

Liuka: “Wait!” Liuka exclaimed.

Then she ran up to me and gave me a hug. Clearly, she was giving me a hug goodbye.

Erika: “Is it just me, or are you acting differently from before?” I ask with a confused tone.

The last time I saw her, she still acted like someone who had a hard life, and had served in the military…

Liuka: “You mean that I am not acting like the hardened war veteran that I am? That is true. It’s a lot like how you changed. I am most likely similar to you in this regard, but I never really had a childhood. Though I have no intention to act like a child, I still wish to start living life with a carefree personality. This is a chance that you’ve given me. Which is something that I will never forget.” Liuka said with a warm smile and tone while giving me another hug.

Erika: “Okay, okay, I understand. You’ll never have to work or fight again in your life, I swear up my own life.” I say with an assured tone.

Liuka: “I know!” Liuka said with a smile.

It never occurred to me that I would be adopting daughters almost as much as I am marrying women… Oh well, adding one more won’t hurt anyone.

I said goodbye to the three love birds, and after going back to the guest bedroom, went to a random dimension. I didn’t even bother to check what it was, considering that my mind was still soup. Hm… what kind of soup, I wonder…

Looking around, I could tell that I was in an apocalyptic world. Currently, I was in a city of some kind. I had a bad feeling, so I walked over to a subway entrance. It was daytime right now, so I had to go to a dark area to figure out if my hunch is true or not.

And my fears turned out to be real… I accidentally chose to go to a dimension full of zombies once again! Ahhhhhhhh! I fucking hate zombies!!!

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