Erika: I Transmigrated as Cannon Fodder in The Demon Goddesses Harem.

Volume. 4: Chapter 9: Zombies, Again!?

Chapter 9: Zombies, Again!?

*Erika’s POV*

I feel like I got scammed… Why? Because there were no Tasks in this dimension. Meaning that I can’t actually leave… First I walk in on my daughter making out with some women that I barely know, and now this? What a load of shit!

Do I really have to just wait it out until one of my dimension-traveling wives comes to rescue me? Isn’t this a form of kidnapping? I feel like this happens far too often to me…

To vent my frustration, I took out a heavy machine gun, and then I started to gun down the hundreds; if not thousands of zombies that were sleeping in the subway.

Lilith: “Erika… I can see that you’re busy. Would you like for me to explain why this happened to you?” Lilith said in my head with a nervous tone.

Erika: “Depends… did this happen for a good reason?” I ask.

Though I am talking to Lilith, I still continued to mow down zombies. Ah, killing lifeless husks that no one will criticize me for killing, is truly a good stress reliever.

Lilith: “Nadia was cut off from contacting the other Administrators. Which would have been fine, but someone decided to take control of the System. Without Nadia, it’s very difficult for them to stop whoever is doing this. They had a certain level of control over the System for a little bit.” Lilith explained.

Erika: “How much control, and who is doing this?” I ask.

Lilith: “A lot. He was the one who sent you to a random dimension. Because he did not know much about you, he thought that you would die in a dimension like this. He attacked you like this because you were connected to Nadia. Don’t worry, though, he was only in control for a little bit. Sofiel and Avicia have dealt with him already.” Lilith answered.

Erika: “That’s good but, what about me?” I ask with a sigh.

Lilith: “That’s the funny part. Right before you went to the different dimension, our dimension was unlocked. Mika, Rie, and Liuka were already picked up by Sofiel. Don’t worry. As for your current situation. I’m sorry my love, but you’re straight-up stuck!” Lilith said with a remorseful tone.

Erika: “Stuck why?” I ask.

Lilith: “It’s like this, the dimension you’re in right now, has an even worse case of what happened to Yui.” Lilith replied.

Erika: “A time loop?” I say.

Lilith: “Yes, a time loop. The difference is that the one at the center of it isn’t in control of the loop. And it lasts far longer than Yui’s time loops. She would start her loop right before the apocalypse happens. And then continue living for many years after.” Lilith explained.

Erika: “Let me guess, I can’t leave until I break the loop?” I ask with an annoyed tone.

Lilith: “No. You can’t break the loop at all.” Lilith replied.

Erika: “What do you mean?” I ask with a head tilt.

Lilith: “There is no Task to stop the loop. Which means the System thinks that there is no way to do so. It is impossible for you to break. Knowing you, breaking the loop, might be something that you can do. But even if you break it, you won’t be able to leave.” Lilith explained with a sad tone.

Erika: “So, like with Avicia, I have to wait to be rescued?” I say with a sigh.

Lilith: “Yes. Endyria and the rest are doing that right now. This is a story dimension, which means that no one should be able to interfere with it. As such, breaking into this dimension is something far more difficult to pull off than when trying to break into Avicia’s dimension.” Lilith replied.

Erika: “Well, at least I won’t be alone the entire time.” I say with a laugh.

Lilith: “True. I am sorry for leaving you alone this entire time.” Lilith replied with a warm tone.

Erika: “It’s fine, I know that you wouldn’t have left me alone, if you had something to say about it.” I reply.

Lilith: “Anyway, what do you wanna do? Besides, ruthlessly killing zombies.” Lilith asked.

Erika: “Not really much that I can do in this dimension, I’ll just head to the looping girl and try to stop the loop.” I reply.

Lilith: “Counter offer, you should meet up with the Story Fixer and help her instead.” Lilith proposed.

Erika: “Story Fixer?” I ask.

Lilith: “Closed off dimensions like this one, can only be entered and messed with by Story Fixers. It’s sorta confusing but, they use a different System than us, and are basically in a different universe. Which is why it’s hard for us to break into it. Who knows, she might even help you get out of that dimension.” Lilith explained.

Erika: “This is just getting more, and more confusing…” I say with a sigh.

Lilith: “Shouldn’t you be used to this by now?” Lilith said with a cheeky tone.

Erika: “I should. Anyway, any idea where I should look for her?” I ask with a sigh.

Lilith: “The funny thing is that you’re currently saving her.” Lilith replied.

Erika: “Huh? How?” I ask with a head tilt.

Lilith: “Mmm… how I’ve missed your head tilts. Yeah, this picture is going to be passed around by everyone… Ah, she is in that subway tunnel. She transmigrated as cannon fodder that dies by being betrayed and left for dead.” Lilith answered.

Erika: “How was she even supposed to survive?” I ask with a raised eyebrow.

Lilith: “Probably wait until nighttime and sneak out of the subway. Or maybe she has a cheat of some kind?” Lilith replied.

Erika: “I mean, that’s what I would do. As for the cheat, maybe?” I reply with a shrug.

Though I have continued to shoot this entire time, there were still zombies uh… alive. Killing the rest of them took a few hours to do. The subway was covered in zombie corpses, so I had to use very hot fire magic to burn the bodies. Which also took hours to do. When I was done, there weren’t even bones left.

Luckily, the sun was still up. I seem to have come to this dimension when it turned to the morning. Good timing, me!

Walking through the ashy subway tunnel, I then came to a service room. This reminds me of when I first met Kora… Ah, I want to kiss her again! I can’t believe that I am going through wife withdrawal… like they’re some kind of drug to me…

Anyway, in the service room was the Story Fixer, or at least, I assume it was. Opening the door, I was met with a handgun to my face. This Story Fixer wasn’t messing around at all, and she shot me right away with no questions asked.

Of course, bullets couldn’t really do anything to me at all. The girl even emptied her entire mag into my head. Look, it didn’t hurt, but it doesn’t mean this didn’t upset me. Didn’t I just save this girl? Why does she have to unload 18 rounds straight to my face?

Lilith: “Are you just going to stand there and let her continue to shoot her load on your face?” Lilith said with a cheeky tone.

Erika: “Did you make that pun sexual on purpose?” I ask in my head with a sigh.

Lilith: “You know it, dear!” Lilith exclaimed.

Ah, how I’ve missed this cheeky and lewd woman… I’ll make sure to give a lot of “attention” when I get back. And by that, I mean pamper her greatly. We don’t have a sexual relationship, after all.

Erika: “Are you done? Or would you like another mag?” I ask with a sarcastic tone while handing her another mag that would work with her handgun.

???: “Who… or what are you?” She asked with a serious tone.

Oh… how scary… before she asked her question, she reloaded her gun and pointed it at my head once again. Don’t you realize that such a weapon isn’t effective against me? And I was the one to give you more ammo as well! How rude! What? I am not at fault for giving her more ammo. I refuse to believe otherwise.

Erika: “My name is Erika Ardent. I am a dimension traveler via a Task Pact. I also have a System, but it’s different from yours. I came to this world because someone had meddled with the System. Now I am trapped here. Oh, by the way, you’re welcome for dealing with these zombies for you.” I explain with a calm tone.

???: “Thanks. But what you just said is kind of hard to believe.” The girl said with an unsure tone.

To alleviate her lack of belief in my story, I took out hundreds of firearms, and thousands of rounds of ammo. After she got a good look at them, I returned everything to my inventory.

Erika: “Would I really be able to procure this many firearms in a ruined dimension like this? Besides, how else would I know that you’re a Story Fixer? Also, I have people who are trying to help me leave this dimension. And since I had nothing better to do, I decided to help you out. And if you have a way to get me out of this dimension, all the better.” I explain.

???: “Fine, but I want to know your limits. Though I am a very high-ranked Story Fixer, even I have limits that will make this mission a hassle to complete.” She said with a slight groan.

Erika: “Limits? I don’t have any. My Task Pact is separate from the System. Think of it as a menu from an RPG game. Here, look at my Status. My System has a feature where I can put it on anything I want, so I put it on my smartphone.” I reply.

Actually, I haven’t even checked my Status in a while. I doubt that it changed, but I kinda don’t even remember what it looks like. I’ll check it with her.


Name: Erika Ardent.

Race: Angelic Humanoid Demon Goddess.

Sex: Female

Physical Age: 18

Real Age: 160


Available Stat points: 0.

HP: 742,000/742,000

MP: 363,000/363,000

INT: 5000

STR: 3000

AGI: 1560

MAG: 4000

DEF: 8000

LUCK: 10,000

:Skill list:

Knife Mastery: Level 10 (MAX).

One-Handed Sword Mastery: Level 10 (MAX).

Two-Handed Sword Mastery: Level 10 (MAX).

Spear Mastery: Level 10 (MAX).

Bow Mastery: Level 10 (MAX).

Scythe Mastery: Level 10 (MAX).

Hand to Hand Combat Mastery: Level 10 (MAX).

Magic Combat Mastery: Level 10 (MAX).

Inspect: Level 5 (MAX).

Deep Understanding: Level 25 (MAX).

Supreme Cooking: Level 50 (MAX).

Water Magic: Level 10 (MAX).

Earth Magic: Level 10 (MAX).

Dark Magic: Level 10 (MAX).

Fire Magic: Level 10 (MAX).

Space Magic: Level 10 (MAX).

Cleaning Magic: Level 10 (MAX).

Healing Magic: Level 10 (MAX).

Sleep Magic Resistance: Level 10 (MAX).

General Resistance: Level 10 (MAX).

Poison Resistance: Level 10 (MAX).

Sleep Magic Immunity: Level 10 (MAX).

Poison Immunity: Level 10 (MAX).

Bleed Resistance: Level 10 (MAX).

Bleed Immunity: Level 10 (MAX).

Magic Resistance: Level 10 (MAX).

Fire Resistance: Level 10 (MAX).

Fire Immunity: Level 10 (MAX).

Lighting Resistance: Level 10 (MAX).

Water Resistance: Level 10 (MAX).

Wind Resistance: Level 10 (MAX).

Water Breathing: Level 10 (MAX).

Lava Resistance: Level 10 (MAX).

Lava Breathing: Level 10 (MAX).

Inventory: Level 10 (MAX).

Flying: Level 10 (MAX).

Teleportation: Level 10 (MAX).

Crafting: Level 10 (MAX).

Acting: Level 10 (MAX).

Bartering: Level 10 (MAX).

Invisibility: Level 10 (MAX).

Target Tracking: Level 10 (MAX).

Eagle Eye: Level 10 (MAX).

Fast Learning: Level 10 (MAX).

Dreadful Aura: Level 10 (MAX).

Holy Aura: Level 10 (MAX).

Stealth Master: Level 10 (MAX).

Sleep Magic: Level 10 (MAX).

Death Magic: Level 10 (MAX).

Health Regen: Level 10 (MAX).

Magic Regen: Level 10 (MAX).

Painting Master: Level 10 (MAX).

Teaching Master: Level 10 (MAX).

Sex Master: Level 10 (MAX).

Love Master: Level 10 (MAX).

Pampering Master: Level 10 (MAX).

Fighting Master: Level 10 (MAX).

Writing Master: Level 10 (MAX).

Dance Master: Level 10 (MAX).

Maid Talent Master: Level 10 (MAX).

Music Master: Level 10 (MAX).

Driving Master: Level 10 (MAX).

Horse Riding Master: Level 10 (MAX).

Dragon Riding Master: Level 10 (MAX).

General Riding Master: Level 10 (MAX).

Swimming Master: Level 10 (MAX).


Dark Savior: S.

System Update Tester: X+

Polyglot: S

Knowledge Seeker: S+

Richest Woman: SSS

World Controller: SS+

Demon Goddesses Lover: SSS+

Leader of the Angel’s Lover: SSS+

Darkness Creator’s Lover: SSS+

Administrator’s Lover: X+

Supreme Lover of Women: S+

Ah… holyshit! I completely forgot how long my Status is… That’s not even mentioning everything that I am wearing, and everything in my inventory.

The girl looked at my System over, and over again. Seemingly not believing anything she saw. She quietly handed me back my phone, and then she looked to be talking to someone in her head.

I’m guessing that as a Story Fixer, she probably has a System helper to talk to. And she is most likely discussing this situation with it.

???: “Okay, Erika. I believe you, but my System Assistance, Miny, has no idea where your System came from. Could you tell us how you got it? Oh, right, despite being 160 years old, you don’t look a day over 18.” She asked with a curious tone.

Lilith: “Haha! She called you old, but in a roundabout way!” Lilith said with a hearty laugh.

Erika: “Shush! Aren’t you much older than me?” I ask with a smug tone in my head.

That surprisingly shut Lilith up. Aw… I was waiting on her comeback.

Erika: “Lilith, I am sorry if what I said upset you, I was just joking. Your age isn’t important to me.” I say with a remorseful tone in my head.

Lilith: “Huh? Oh, I know. I was just trying to think of a witty comeback. I am a sass master, I can take it just as much as I can dish it out.” Lilith replied with a proud tone.

Well, at least she isn’t upset. Now, back to my current situation.

Erika: “Thanks, but if you want it for yourself, I am sorry, but you can’t get it.” I reply with a slightly remorseful tone.

Then an odd-looking animal thing popped out of nowhere right in front of me.

???: “And why not? Ah, my apologies, my name is Miny.” The weird squishy looking creature thing said.

Erika: “Think of it like this, I don’t exist in your universe. As such, my System also doesn’t exist for you either. How I even ended up here is a mystery to me as well.” I reply with a sigh.

Miny: “I see. Do you have any plans to take over our universe? You surely have the power to do so. There is no one in existence, at least, in our universe, that could rival your power.” Miny asked with a serious tone.

Erika: “Are you serious? Look, I just want to go home to see my wives and daughters. I have no desire to rule anything.” I reply with a fed-up tone.

Miny: “I cannot sense any lies from you, fine, Mary, you can let her help you. We won’t deduct any points from this mission because of her help either.” Miny said.

Mary: “Okay, good. With her help, this S Rank mission will be a breeze.” Mary said with a laugh.

Erika: “Mary, what exactly is your mission? I know this dimension is in a time loop, but I was told that breaking it was an impossible task.” I say with a thinking pose.

Mary: “It would make sense that you wouldn’t be able to break it, only a Story Fixer like me would be able to.” She said with a prideful tone.

Erika: “And why is that? Magic bullshit?” I ask with a raised eyebrow.

Mary: “Magic bullshit most likely.” Mary said with a shrug.

Talking to Mary, I suddenly had a very evil, and most likely very fucked up idea, that will have overreaching ramifications, that I will probably cause some very funny situations to happen in the future…

Erika: “Hey, Marry, does your System have Skills?” I ask.

Miny: “It does. But unlike your System, it is very limited.” Miny replied in Mary’s stead.

Mary: “As well as very annoying to gain Skills.” Mary said with a sigh.

Erika: “So you see, I am a tester for an update to my System. Due to that, I was given many benefits, one of them being access to a System store with infinite money to spend. I ended up buying hundred each of every item it sold.” I said with an excited tone.

Mary: “And where is this going?” Mary asked with a raised eyebrow.

Erika: “Hold up, it will be dark soon. Let’s go to a safe place first.” I reply.

Mary: “And where do you propose we find a safe place?” She asked.

Erika: “Let’s just fly to a skyscraper. I’m sure it will be safe.” I reply.

Mary: “Fine but, just hold my hand, I am the one who gives girls princess carries, and not the one receiving them.” Mary said before grabbing my hand.

Oh? A fellow girl pamperer? How nice… Anyway, I then flew her to a high-rise building. On top of the building, there were no signs of zombies at all. Once we landed, I barricaded the entrance to the roof.

Mary: “Okay, now what was it that you were saying? And why do you have so many things stored in your inventory? This is just overkill…” Mary said while sitting down on a couch that I took out from my inventory.

Erika: “Criticism for me being a hoarder will be ignored. Now, hey kid, wanna try some drugs?” I ask with a joking tone.

Lilith: “Wow… you actually sounded like a real drug dealer trying to take advantage of naive children…” Lilith said with a stifled laugh.

I ignored her cheeky comment completely.

Mary: “Uh… I feel like I might regret asking, but what kind of drugs?” Mary asked with a nervous tone.

Erika: “Just some pills that will give you Skills. See? It even rhymes!” I reply.

Mary: “Now, that, is too good to be true…” Mary said with a sigh.

Erika: “It works! At least, it worked for me and others from my universe. Didn’t you see all of those Skills that I have? I got most of them from these pills. I have no idea if it will work for you, though.” I say.

Saying this, I gave her one of the pill kits that I made a while back. She was very hesitant to eat one, so she showed them to her little helper.

Miny: “These are completely safe, and I think that they might actually work as well. Go on, try one! I am just as excited as Erika is!” Miny pleaded.

Like a sight that I have seen before, Mary ate one of the pills. Then she realized that it works, and then ate the rest with gusto. I handed her a drink since she coughed a little bit. Probably from eating too fast.

It took her thirty minutes to eat them all. I sorta hate myself for having such amazing drugs that the kids just gulp them down without a care in the world. God… that might have been the worst joke I have ever made… I will forget about this from now on. Huh? I made a fucked up joke? Nonsense! I’ll see you in court!

Mary: “Have I just met a Goddess?” Mary asked with a reverent tone.

Erika: “I mean, I am? I was just a normal human before, but my System has an evolution feature. Which is how I evolved into a Goddess.” I reply.

Mary: “That sounds crazy… also, do you not realize how powerful you’ve just made me? No other Story Fixer has ever been this powerful before…” Mary asked with a shocked tone.

Erika: “I do, but, you’re like the fifth person I’ve done this to. So I guess that I am already used to it.” I reply with one of my fingers on my cheek.

Mary: “You’re a complete and utter cheat!” Mary exclaimed.

Erika: “I know. Oh, right. Take these zombie virus cures. You can keep them in your new inventory. This cure was one I made for a dimension destroyed by zombies that I once saved. It should work with these zombies as well.” I say after handing her a box of a hundred cures.

Since I remembered how to make them, I remade the cures a while back. It was part of the things that I put in the water back in my original dimension. Oh, wait… did I even mention that I did that? I can’t recall… Whatever! My dimension will stand tall no matter what gets thrown at it.

Ah, it’s kinda sad that apart from my wives and my daughters, no one will know how much I secured that dimension. Not even to mention how powerful my family is.

I doubt anyone, or anything could actually destroy it at this point.

Lilith: “Erika, can I go through your inventory when you get back?” Lilith asked.

Erika: “Why?” I ask her back.

Lilith: “Why else? I want to see what other random shit you have stored in it. You literally put fucking everything in your inventory. I think that it will be like a treasure hunt.” Lilith answered with an excited tone.

Erika: “Sure, I don’t mind.” I say with a shrug.

Oh, while I was talking to Lilith, Mary was showing off the cures to Miny.

Miny: “Mary, I’ve analyzed the cure that Erika gave you. For some reason, yes it will work for the zombie virus in this dimension.” Miny said.

Mary: “That’s good! Erika, you’ve already helped me out so much, if there is a way to get you back to your universe, I will help you figure it out.” Mary said with a serious tone.

Erika: “Thanks. But no pressure. Like I said before, there are people currently trying to save me. So don’t be upset if you can’t help me out.” I say with a smile.

Miny: “Erika has really accelerated our mission. We can even take a break for a few days, and then try to fix the story.” Miny said.

Mary: “I would like to finish it as soon as possible either way.” Mary said with a thinking pose.

Erika: “What do we have to do, anyway?” I ask.

Mary: “Me, not you. If you try to do anything with the protagonist of this dimension, you won’t be able to change a thing.” Mary replied.

Miny: “In actuality, Erika, I don’t think that anyone besides us can even see you. Though it was still daylight out when you killed all of those zombies and saved Mary, those zombies would have still swarmed you. Even with the threat of the sun.” Miny said.

Erika: “Ah, does that mean I am a ghost or something?” I ask with a shocked expression and tone.

Miny: “No. It’s just that only special beings can see you.” Miny explained.

Lilith: “The weird creature is correct. You can still affect the world, though. People just can’t see you.” Lilith added to Miny’s explanation.

Ah, that’s good to know, weird mascot creature thing. You too, Lilith!

Mary: “Even more so, I will have to be the one to actually fix the story. It is pretty simple actually. And the one whom the loop is centered around, is a girl who loves a girl, but the girl keeps dying. So she dies or kills herself to reset and try again.” Mary explained.

Erika: “And how will you fix it? Though people might not be able to see me, I can clearly still affect this dimension.” I say with a thinking pose.

Mary: “I have to help with her interpersonal relationship with the girl she loves. As for you, here, take this hit list. You just have to kill off all of these people, and it should all work out in the end.” Mary replied.

Lilith: “Heh… you’re going to be a literal ghost assassin. How funny.” Lilith said with a cheeky tone.

I once again ignored her comment.

Erika: “There are like… thirty people on this list… Why the hell do so many different people want this girl dead?” I ask with a confused expression.

Mary: “Actually, none of them want her dead right now. But they will in the future. Just kill them before they do. Honestly, I would have to kill them as I went with along with the story. But, Erika, with your help, I can just focus on the relationship part of this dimension.” Mary said with a smile.

Erika: “Sure, sure, let the Angelic Humanoid Demon Goddess, Erika, get her hands dirty, while you go play matchmaker.” I say with a joking tone.

Mary: “That is what I am good at.” Mary said with a shrug.

Rather than head out right away, since it was already dark, we decided to camp out on the roof. I took out my tent, and two sleeping bags from my inventory.

Mary: “Damn… next you’re going to tell me that you have food stored in your inventory as well.” Mary said with a joking tone.

Erika: “I do. And my inventory keeps it fresh. What do you want to eat for dinner?” I ask.

Mary: “Haha! That’s a good joke… oh wait… you aren’t joking.” Mary said with spiral eyes.

Miny: “She likes sandwiches.” Miny answered for Mary.

Erika: “Ah, I have quite a few different sandwiches to choose from.” Saying this, I took out around fifty different kinds of sandwiches.

Each ten were a different kind. The ones made for me were cutely cut into a heart shape. I grabbed five sandwiches in total. One chicken, one ham, one turkey, one peanut butter and jelly, and the last one was a complete mystery to me.

Mary took a sandwich from the pile, which was a chicken sandwich. As is customary with Nadia’s food, one bite was all it takes for someone to throw caution to the wind, and eat as much of her food as they could.

I was curious about the mystery sandwich. After taking a bite of it, I decided to spend an entire week just pampering Nadia. Why? Because she crushed up Monster Cores into a paste and made it into a sandwich! Ah, such a wonderful and thoughtful wife she is…

Come to think of it, and I cannot believe this, but somehow, I am actually running out of food… Look, it’s not my fault that I keep running into cute girls whom I end up feeding.

Maybe they should carry “Do not feed the cute girl.” Signs around with them… Heh, what a funny idea…

No. I promise that I won’t adopt this one as well. She doesn’t seem to be in need of a mother either. Ah, finally a new girl whom I one, won’t make my wife, and two, won’t end up adopting as one of my daughters. How refreshing…

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