Ero Dungeon Online

[Vol. 3 pt. 11]

I spent an amazing time with Lily, went to sleep, woke up, and was off to a great start with the new day in my dungeon. There were already some players waiting for the dungeon to officially open for the day before I got on, and so it was time for the lewding to commence.

Thera was busy and Cani was running a bit late as she should have been in her restaurant preparing everything, but that was alright. I could handle things on my own.

Unfortunately, it didn’t take long before I came across one of the types I couldn’t stand, and we got into an argument almost immediately when I denied his inquiry of wanting to rape my dungeon’s monster girls.

“The fuck is your problem? Come on. They’re NPCs in a game. They’re not real. Why the fuck does it matter if they get raped or not?” he asked.

“Whining like a child isn’t going to change anything. Get out of my sight. Now.” I was tempted to say “like a bitch” instead of a child, but that would have been an insult to bitches everywhere. After all, dogs of all genders were awesome.

But, shockingly, he didn’t like being compared to a child. He even put his hands on me and pushed me back all of a sudden, almost knocking me over. It had been a while since anybody tried pushing me and I forgot to brace myself in case he wanted to. My mistake. “What are you going to do about it? You know there’s nothing stopping me from getting a few friends, coming in here, and fucking our way through here, right?”

“Trust me, you’d get stopped.” If Thera was online. If she wasn’t online—then, well, I really needed to work on my dungeon’s ability to protect itself.

“By who? You? A single prude and some weak monsters? My friend told me how weak all the monsters are in here. A single max level could solo them, so don’t act like you’re tough shit.”

“Says the one acting like a macho tough guy in a video game. No luck with real women? Is that why you’ve got to act like you’re bad by forcing yourself onto NPCs?”

“I get more pussy than you’ll ever get.”

“Really? Huh. Maybe I was wrong about you.”

“What are you talking about now?”

“Well, if you adopt so many cats to take care of, then you can’t be that bad of a guy.”

“At least be original. I’ve heard that three times before.”

“You know, that says more about you than it does me.”

While we had our standoff, one of the other players waiting for their turn with the dungeon spoke up and said, “Can we just kill this guy or something? Nobody wants to listen to you guys argue and he’s killing the mood.”

The would-be rapist of a player turned and said to him, “You should be killing this asshole if anything. Don’t act like the rest of you waiting don’t want to skip all this polite bullshit to go and fuck some monster girls.”

“Man, I just want to want to fuck a ghost girl. You think I care about all this other bullshit? Plus I want her to want to fuck me, you know? Nothin’ like a lady who smiles while your dick is in her mouth. Tears in her eyes don’t do it for me.”

The man next to him raised his hand to speak. His avatar was much smaller than the other’s, and he had a sort of submissive, almost femboy look to him. “I want to be dominated, so… forcing myself onto them isn’t really my thing.”

“Same,” the only woman in the waiting area said. “I don’t want to fuck monsters, I want to get fucked by them. So, I’m all for killing this douche if it means not having to listen to him and getting fucked sooner.”

“Assholes,” the aggressing player said. “Good luck with that. PvP flag isn’t auto on in the starting zone.”

I couldn’t help but to smile when I heard that. “I take it you haven’t paid any attention to your status since entering my dungeon.”

He looked at his status and most likely noticed what was obvious to the rest of us. “What the fuck?”

“Being in any player dungeon automatically flags you for PvP, even if said dungeon is in the starter zone. So, all of us are flagged for PvP. You included. Meaning that everybody here could kill you, or me, at any moment.”

“That’s fucking bullshit.”

“No, I’m pretty sure it’s only fucking you. But seriously, what did you think was going to happen? This counts as an open world dungeon. Open world dungeons always have PvP force enabled.”

“Whatever. I’m out.”

“Feel free to not return.”

“I won’t. This place isn’t worth my time.”

With that, the disgruntled player left after shoving his way past a few others and everybody went back to acting like nothing happened. They wanted to forget about him as much as I did.

All things considered, it went pretty well. The only thing I regretted was that I let him push him. I’d make sure not to let that happen again.

But, unfortunately, I couldn’t just forget about him. Players like him were becoming increasingly common as visitors, and I knew it would only be a matter of time before I actually inspired one of them to come back with numbers to try and force their way through my dungeon.

Normal players didn’t have to worry about something like being raped. That “content” could easily be disallowed. The NPCs of my monsters were exactly that, though. NPCs. Nothing more, nothing less. The game didn’t care about their rights. Players could do anything they wanted to almost any NPC in the game without repercussion if they were strong enough to get away with it. Even so, they were my NPCs. I didn’t want to let anything like that happen to them.

I sighed and leaned my back against the wall. I didn’t want to have to deal with anybody else like him, but I knew that I was going to have to.

That was why I opened up the dungeon menu and—

“Hey! Sorry, something came up in real life,” Cani said after opening up the door to her restaurant. She always logged out in there now. “Oh, we already have people waiting. Sorry!” She turned to face them. “You’re all welcome to come and sit in here to enjoy some food and drinks while waiting! There are some wolves you can pet and cuddle with, too, in case you’d rather pass the time that way.”

The submissive boy who wanted to be dominated was the first one to rush into Cani’s restaurant. The rest followed after him, albeit with much less enthusiasm.

“Sorry again,” Cani said to me.

I shook my head. “Don’t worry about it. Real life always comes first.”

“But I still feel bad. I said I’d be here.”

“You’re only an hour late. I’ll let you feel bad once you start being two hours late, alright?”

Cani pouted for a moment before going to take care of her new customers, giving me the chance to return my attention to the dungeon menu.

I needed to get more defenses. More traps, stronger monsters, more bonuses—I needed a way of making sure my dungeon could protect itself whenever me and Thera weren’t around. Well, mainly for whenever Thera wasn’t around. It wouldn’t matter much if I was there when a group of players came.

“Alright, what’s first,” I said to myself. “What about—”

A pair of warm lips pressed against my cheek.

When I looked to see who it was, the pink culprit was already running back to where she came from. Once she reached the door, Cani looked back at me over her shoulder and said, “Don’t let me get off free for being late or else I might start slacking. At least punish me by demanding a kiss next time. Okay?” She winked and returned to her customers before I could say anything.

I looked back down at my dungeon screen and sighed. “Shit. Now I’m horny.”

Rather than receive a kiss on the cheek, I heard a sudden whisper into my right ear. “Hi, horny, I’m Meadow,” Meadow, in her mini-arachne form, said as she stood on my shoulder.

I was no longer horny after that. “One, welcome back. Two, where’d you learn that from?”

“Oh! I found a couple who started playing together. He told her that every single time she said anything following ‘I’m’ or ‘I am,’ and I thought it was amusing! Though, I am not sure if she felt the same way. She groaned and smacked him every time he did it, but he still smiled and laughed.”

“They were just being playful then.”

“I see! Then, are you going to groan and hit me?”

“I think I’d squish you if I did that right now.”

“I could make myself bigger first!”

“I’d rather not hit you in general. I’ve never been too much into ryona.”


“Japanese name for a fetish where women are physically abused.”

“Oh. That doesn’t sound pleasant. Please do not ‘ryona’ me.”

“I won’t, don’t worry.” I gave the top of her head a few pats with my finger before returning to focus on my dungeon, again.

But it wasn’t that easy. “What are you doing?” Meadow asked. She was like a curious child.

“Trying to figure out how to make this place safer.”

“I see. Can I help?”

“I don’t think there’s anything you could do that wouldn’t get both of us in trouble with the developers.”

“Ah… that is true.”

“Let’s see. I still need to evolve my goblins into hobgoblins. Adding as many traps as I’m allowed to would be pretty useful, too. And maybe…”

I had new layout options available to me thanks to the dungeon passively growing stronger over time as well as due to the points accumulated from killing other players via Thera and fucking other players via—well, everything else. The option that caught my eye the most was a rotating wall of sorts. If I understood the description of it correctly, it would allow me to place down an unbreakable wall that could be used to force players to go a specific route. It would only be forced open once the dungeon was defeated. Of course, it couldn’t be used to block the only path to the dungeon core. There always had to be a clear path for potential invaders or else it would literally be impossible to clear the dungeon.

So, I had an idea.

In theory, I could create a sort of T shape past the entrance to the dungeon. The rotating wall would open up the left path for customers to go through where they would find the hot springs and Cani’s relocated restaurant. Those who wanted to force their way through the dungeon would be forced to take the right path, and that path would be filled with the deadliest possible traps and monsters that I could find. When focusing on killing rather than fucking, my options for the dungeon were drastically improved.

Sure, the developers of the game might have been perverts who wanted to fuck everybody and everything, but the same universal truth that applied to all video games applied to this one as well.

And that truth was that it was always easier to kill your way through problems than to try and talk or fuck your way through them.

Poison gas traps, pits with spikes in the ground, falling boulders, covered up pools lava, monsters who had tentacles covered with bloody spikes instead of cum, and so on. I could make the right path as deadly and as unfair as possible. Meanwhile, the left path would be full of fun, safe debauchery.

The left is full of sex and the right is full of violence. This feels strangely familiar.

It sounded like a good plan to me. Rearranging everything would disrupt the current activities, though, so that could wait until after the day’s clients stopped coming in.

Thinking of which, I shouted to Cani, “I’m going to go check on everybody! Keep an eye out for any newcomers for a few.”

“Got it!” Cani shouted back while placing a plate of what looked like strawberry pancakes in front of the woman from before.

I poked Meadow’s head and said, “Spider mode or stealth mode.”

Meadow gave me a cute little salute before turning into a normal spider and sliding down into my shirt, leaving only a couple of her eyes poking out from the front of it.

It felt kind of weird having a sizable spider clinging to my chest, but I was getting used to it.

So, with Meadow in her stealthy spider mode, I went to go and check on everybody.

First were the goblins. Unfortunately for them, nobody was in the mood for being gangbanged.

Next was Al Capra. He was paired up with a rather large and burly man who, contrary to his dominant appearance, wanted to be a submissive bottom to Al Capra.

Then we had Captain Consentacles. He was with another guy because who would have thought that a game made for online perverts who mainly couldn’t get laid in real life or who had unrealistic fantasy fetishes would be mainly men? Captain Consentacles certainly didn’t care, though. After all, a hole was a hole to him. Or, in his case, holes were holes to him.

One man and one woman were resting in the hot springs which meant that they were probably done with whoever they partnered up with. That became the obvious truth as I turned the corner and saw GP with a giant puddle of cum underneath him.

Rex and the insectoid monster shared a similar fate as the goblins.

Then we had the girls’ room. Naturally, they were all busy all the time.

Goo, Thicci, and Elizli were almost always requested as a group. Though, this time, they had two players going at them together. Both women. Well, one woman and a futanari. The futa’s dick was twice as big as mine and thicker than my arm, but the slime girls didn’t care. A dick could literally impale them and they wouldn’t care. As for the other girl, I couldn’t tell if she was cuddling or scissoring due to the way that Goo’s slime completely surrounded her lower half, but it kind of looking like she was trying to scissor her. Meanwhile, Thicci sat on her face. Personally, I didn’t see the appeal in letting a slime girl sit on my face, but I wasn’t going to judge.

And last were Spiri and Invi. Spiri was in the process of being throatfucked as roughly as possible, and her entire body twitched with pleasure as her throat was abused. She couldn’t have looked happier, though I’m sure she put up a little tsundere act before giving in to the pleasure. As for Invi, she looked to be in the middle of some pretty gentle sex as the guy took his time thrusting into her as she stroked his back with one hand while petting his head with the other. Of course, she still had zero expression on her face while doing so, and the moans that she made couldn’t have been more monotone if she tried. But that was part of her charm.

Oh, and there was Emperor Cock sitting on his little throne of an oversized rock at the back of the room overseeing everything.

There was only one more room to check.

Lephacoda. A group of three players, one guy and two women, split the cost to enjoy his tentacles together. Every single one of them looked pregnant from the sheer amount of cum inflating their wombs and stomachs. In the case of the guy, just his stomach.

I was probably a bit too old fashioned in my thinking of wanting to get more monster girls for men. The monster girls were just as popular with the women as they were with the men, and my normal monsters were just as popular with the men as they were with the women.

That was basically everybody. The only others left were the various wolves on patrol throughout the dungeon to keep an eye out for threats in case anybody got hostile.

My dungeon was full of sex and that made me happy.

Making my dungeon even bigger and even fuller of sex would make me even happier.

So, it was time to do that.

Waiting for the day’s clients to be done gave me plenty of time to plan out a whole new layout, think about what traps I would build, and what new monsters I would tame for it.

I even unlocked some new walls, ceilings, and floors to use that I felt like upgrading to. Sure, the whole cave aesthetic had its charm, but I was ready for a change in scenery. I was ready to turn my dungeon into a more proper establishment.

And that was exactly what I was going to do.

Patreon Harem Members: Kyoma, Emojiman, Alex R., Batty, Caleb, Casey L., Eric B., Isaac H., Jeremy D., Koors, Matt, Meatshield, Monk, Nacho, Red Viking, Somedude, William, Zach W., XCIX, Bill, Sean C., Jared A., Philip W., Seraph, Solian, Senelcar, Jopejoe1, Connor, DocOZ, Geariah, Awdyr S., AcleoDams, Cody G., Chambered44, BlackFire13th, IndigoXIII, Asakura, T.W., Derek G., Michael G., Lolopat, David S., Dota, Puppy

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