Ero Dungeon Online

[Vol. 3 pt. 12]

Hey, it's the start of the month. That means it's that time where I be all like, "hey, Patreon exists."

Want to read up to the next ten chapters right away for not just this story, but all my stories? Then check it out here!

It was officially time to upgrade from a sex cave to a… brothel? No, that didn’t quite fit. Plus it sounded too old-timey.

It was time to upgrade to… a den? A pleasure den? Yeah, that sounded better.

It was time to upgrade my sex cave dungeon into a pleasure den dungeon.

Of course, that required materials.

The dungeon was actually capable of gathering materials on its own. Well, its inhabitants were. It was entirely possible for me to summon monsters, equip them with things such as pickaxes, and then have them dig away to slowly gather materials over time. Player dungeons in the game were actually incredible for uses like that. The end-game guilds that made use of dungeons would use their dungeons not only for training purposes, but for automatic resource harvesting. It helped when it came to things like growing herbs and other ingredients for potions, mining stone and ore for buildings and crafting armor, and so on. It was even possible to raise livestock in the dungeon that would be butchered by its monsters.

In other words, I was being extremely niche with my use of the dungeon and only making use of less than, probably, ten percent of the features I could be using.

The developers probably expected players to actually use the dungeon’s resource gathering mechanics to acquire the materials needed to upgrade the dungeon.

Fortunately for me, even though I never did that, there were other players who did.

And when those players tried going for more valuable resources, they produced absurd amounts of the lower-tier materials that they had no use for, so they slapped them onto the market board where their value would sink like a brick in the ocean due to everybody who needed them already having them. There was nobody to buy it. Even so, despite probably making more of a potential profit by selling these “useless” materials to a random merchant, they put them up on the market board.

Even the best players were often stupid enough to think that they would make more money from the market board than just selling to a merchant.

Now, who was there to buy up all this “useless” material?


And I needed a lot of it since the game expected me to have a surplus of it via my own dungeon.

The mid-tier resources were a bit more expensive, but I had no problem buying them considering that profits I made from my dungeon. I really wasn’t expecting to make much money from my dungeon, but Cani made sure I did. She didn’t even take any of the money for herself outside of what she needed just to keep her little restaurant stocked up on materials. Thera didn’t want any money, either.

And when I tried to give some to Akorya, she refused because she didn’t feel like she deserved any. All she wanted was more sex.

That left me with Lily who was more or less the same. Well, there was also the fact that Lily was insistent on trying to spend money on me instead and wanted me to stop buying her things until she could buy me something.

I never thought it would be so difficult to give away my money to my friends, but not a single one of them would take any of it, so I was left with all my money.

The horror!

Who wants to be left with money?! Money is supposed to be spent on those you care about, not stockpiled!

But, I couldn’t complain too much since having a stockpile of it was what funded my market board trip to upgrade the dungeon.

I made sure to pick up some other items while I was there, too. Such as the items needed to upgrade some of my monsters and construct some new buildings.

I even got lucky with a hobgoblin soul gem. I doubted I would find one on the market board before since they were only ever made for leveling and sold out the other times I checked, but I checked it out just out of curiosity and saw somebody selling a bunch of them. The seller’s name was “Enchanter Leveling.” Surely enough, when I looked at what other items they had listed on the board, they were all items related to leveling up crafting classes.

There were repeatable quests in the game that crafters could turn items in to complete that would give them decent experience boosts for their crafting or gathering class of choice. If somebody was rich enough, or connected enough, they could theoretically max out every single crafting and gathering class in a day by buying all the materials for the quests from somebody else.

But that was incredibly expensive most of the time. Most people who did it only did so because they were desperate to get past a particularly boring or grindy stretch of levels. Those who could afford power leveling every class in such a way were probably rich from already having every class at max level in the first place, so they didn’t even need to do it.

Regardless, it was because sellers like that existed that I was able to get the gem needed to evolve my goblins into hobgoblins.

“I wonder what other monsters I could evolve. Actually… how much money do I have left?” I looked at my coin counter in the bottom right of my vision. “I could either buy some more soul gems… or go all in on traps. Filling the hostile passage full of monsters would probably be the smarter thing to do. Traps can be avoided when players know to look for them. One trap might screw them up, but they’ll be too careful after that. But if I fill the passage with as many monsters as I can, and level them up as much as I can—just focus on making it as unfair as possible to deter people from trying to go through. Make it so that anything short of a serious raid attempt would fail. Yeah, I think I’ll—”

“Oi,” a smaller man with black hair said, poking my cheek. “Can you hear me? Helllooooo?”

I sighed and looked at him. “Yeah?”

“Oh, hey. You’re hot. Wanna fuck?”


“Oh. Fuck you then.”

And just like that, the man left to go after his next target.

Unfortunately, before I could return to focusing on the task at hand, somebody else who looked like a brand new player came right up in front of me and asked, “Hey, you wanna buy some gold? I’ve got the best prices around. Add me on Fiscord and we can figure out a—”

I blocked him and reported him to the game moderators for real money trading.

“I wonder how people back in the day would feel about RMT spammers getting in their face about it. Well, at least they’re real people now instead of scripted bots,” I said with a sigh.

The guy I reported would probably have his account deleted, but there was nothing stopping him from buying a new account and making money off of somebody else.

Sure, the developers could try to permanently ban him and block him from ever accessing the game again, but why would they do that? Gold sellers would just spend more money on new accounts every time they were banned. Banning their individual accounts without permanently blocking them from the game was more profitable.

It was at times like that, though, that I wished for a similar system to what the world’s hottest VRMMORPG had. Fantasy Tales Online. That game had virtual “AI” assistants basically installed into people’s brains that would stop anybody from trying anything like that.

But as soon as I gave that any serious amount of thought… no thanks. I didn’t want something living inside of my head being able to control my actions in a game. That sounded like some sort of conspiracy in the making.

If anything, it was honestly disturbing how many people were comfortable with the way that game worked. Sure, it was a game so realistic that it put the one I was in to shame, but at the cost of a total loss of privacy.

Now, I had no problem being very public about all sorts of things, but I still valued my privacy.

There were also the other issues I had with it. It taking too much time and commitment, the game being full of people who took it way too seriously—I was happy sticking to my degenerate world where everything that could be fucked would be fucked. Also, having a huge dick and being able to cum nearly a gallon’s worth was awesome. And that was without any buffs of any kind.

I wonder if I should try setting a new record for cum volume. Actually…

I just thought of a new attraction for the dungeon.

I would name it, “The Cum Bath Challenge.”

Either a volunteer or one of my dungeon’s monster girls would get in the bath and then a player who signs up for the challenge would try to fill the bath up with their cum. Of course, they’d be recommended to use whatever boosts and buffs they could to do so. Maybe give them an award if they manage to…

Oh no, I’m turning into a capitalist.

I could already imagine it.

A prize pool.

Every attempt would cost money. All that money would go into a prize pool. Whoever actually managed to fill the bath up with cum would win all the earnings. That would inspire others to actually try it out if the idea of coating a girl in their cum wasn’t good enough.

Well, it’s not the bad kind of capitalism as long as I give a hundred percent of money to whoever wins, right? It’s not like I’d be keeping any of the money for myself. But now that I’m thinking about it… what other challenges could I add? Could I… have like an entire sex-related gambling section? If I do that, I’m going to need girls in bunny girl costumes. And boys in bunny girl costumes. Especially boys. I don’t know why, but there’s just something about a man being in a bunny girl costume that’s way better than a girl being in one.

It was all coming together. And soon enough, it would be cumming together. Everybody would be cumming together.

But I needed to think of more things to add.

What else could be done to fit a sexual casino theme full of challenges and games?

Obviously, strip poker was going to be a thing.

What about playing darts but, instead of throwing actual darts, people had to try and cum onto a target? For girls or anybody else who didn’t have a dick, they could borrow one of the monsters’ dicks, jack it off, and aim it at the target.

Then there could always be public shows of impressive sexual feats. Such as having one of my monster girls take a cock even bigger than her body. That might draw a crowd.

Could always let some of the more musically inclined players provide music for the place, too. Let them provide the music for a night of fun in the casino section.

Damn it, setting all of that up sounds way more fun than setting up the path for enemies… but it’ll all be pointless if I can’t properly defend against players with ill intent. So, set up the defenses, and then—I’m promising myself here, and then set up the casino area. Yeah. That’s going to be perfect.

A sex dungeon with a casino area. No, a pleasure den. Throwing in a casino-themed area made it even more appropriate of the name “pleasure den.”

I’m getting too excited about this. Focus, Damian. Defenses.

But I wanted to set up the casino!

There could even be gambling. People betting on things like how much somebody can cum, or how many times they can orgasm within a time limit. So many possibilities… also, I want to wear a bunny girl outfit.

The idea of dressing up in a bunny girl outfit and being dominated by Lily popped into mind. That was a fun thought. Imagining her trying her best to dominate me while I was dressed like that.

There really was just something about men in bunny girl outfits. Myself included.

But I resisted the temptation of setting that up and returned to the dungeon with everything that I actually needed.

That meant it was time for some construction. “Construction” meaning clicking a few buttons in the dungeon menu and letting the game do all the work for me.

First came restructuring the entrance area. I moved Cani’s restaurant to connect to the hot springs room, and I also set up a small waiting area outside of the restaurant between it and the water. I was going to place the rotating wall next, but it required me opening up a new path to the dungeon core first. It wouldn’t let me place it down before ensuring that there was a legitimate route to the core.

So, I turned the entrance into a T shape with the right branch being full of twists and turns to make it as long and compact as possible to maximize how annoying it would be. Players would go down the path, turn left, turn left, fight through a passage full of monsters, turn right, turn right, fight more monsters, turn left, turn left, more monsters—so on and so on, over and over, until eventually reaching the end where I’d probably place a strong boss or something later. The eventual boss’s room was then connected to Lephacoda’s room so that he could serve as an absolute last line of defense alongside me and anybody else in the dungeon at the time.

Once that was set up, I was allowed to place the rotating wall at the left branch of the entrance T. That was where all the fun people were allowed.

Next came traps. As fun as things like spike traps and the like were, I opted for something more simple. Gas traps. Gas traps were triggered by player detection and, while they might not do damage to intruding players, they would inflict them with annoying debuffs to make fighting my monsters harder.

As for the monsters I filled the turning passage with, I filled it with as many groups of goblins as I could. Each passage allowed three different monster spawns. One group of goblins counted as a single monster spawn. Each group had five goblins. That meant I could fill each straight section of the passage with fifteen goblins.

They were weak, but the dungeon would passively level them and I had plans for increasing their capabilities.

But while I was messing around with goblins, I went to the original group I summoned and made a new little room for them. Al Capra was going to need a new room, too, but I focused on the goblins for now since they were the ones about to evolve.

I had everything that I needed thanks to the market board. So, with that, evolving them was as simple as pressing the “evolve” button next to their name on the dungeon menu.

The evolution animation could use some work. All they did was glow for a couple of seconds before transforming into their new versions.


They were about twice the size they were before and had actual muscle on their limbs now. They even had hair… or rather, they had mohawks and mullets. They gained some new decorations, too, in the form of bone necklaces and rings.

Also their cocks got bigger and bumpier.

But even though their cocks would give more to work with, I couldn’t help but to feel a little disappointed.

I was sure that some clients would love to get gangbanged by hobgoblins, but the charm of goblins, in my opinion, was their tiny size. There was just something nice about seeing an adult woman get swarmed by short little monsters with big cocks. Watching them cling all over her body as they fucked her, basically riding her like a person would ride a mechanical bull—that was hot. Small body with a huge cock was a powerful combination that never let me down.

But now their cocks looked more proportionate to their bodies, and that removed the charm of their comically large cocks.

So, even though I felt a little bit guilty about it… I repositioned the hobgoblins to the left side of the room and then summoned a new pack of normal goblins for the right side of the room.

“Alright. This is the new hobgoblin and goblin room,” I said before looking the new goblins over. “There we go. Short with dicks way too big for their bodies, as every goblin should be.”

With that, all that was left was to replace the walls, floors, and ceilings with the new style I had in mind to officially finish upgrading the place into a pleasure den rather than a stone dungeon.

Then I had to save up money again to afford everything I’d need for my casino section dream.

Patreon link! Help me fund my new addiction to funding cool kickstarters.

Patreon Harem Members: Kyoma, Emojiman, Alex R., Batty, Caleb, Casey L., Eric B., Isaac H., Jeremy D., Koors, Matt, Meatshield, Monk, Nacho, Red Viking, Somedude, William, Zach W., XCIX, Bill, Sean C., Jared A., Philip W., Seraph, Solian, Senelcar, Jopejoe1, Connor, DocOZ, Geariah, Awdyr S., AcleoDams, Cody G., Chambered44, BlackFire13th, IndigoXIII, Asakura, T.W., Derek G., Michael G., Lolopat, David S., Dota, Puppy

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