Ero Dungeon Online

[Vol. 3 pt. 13]

“Imagine it. Me in a bunny girl costume,” I said, standing in front of my newly remodeled dungeon as a very unimpressed Thera looked down at me with a tilted head.

“Why?” said the very unimpressed Thera.

“Because. I’d look great in it.”

“Are those not traditionally for women?”

“Yeah. So?”

“I… am not sure that I can imagine you wearing such an outfit.”

“I bet you wouldn’t be able to resist fucking me right here, right now, if you could imagine it.”

“At the very least, I may end up tying you up and leaving you for some passerby.”

“That’s harsh. Also kind of kinky.”

“Of course you would think so. So, darling, is there some reason that you want to dress up as a ‘bunny girl?’”

“The only reason I need is that I think I’d look hot in it. I mean, I would already fuck me, but me in a bunny girl outfit? I wouldn’t be able to keep myself off of me. Too bad I don’t post those kinds of videos anymore. I would totally dress up as a bunny girl and just jack off over and over again for a video. See how many times I can make myself cum before I get way too sensitive, and then keep going some more.”

“I… see. You seem more energetic than usual today.”

“That’s the power of the bunny girl costume.”

“You are not even wearing one. Yet.”

“I might not be wearing a bunny girl costume, but I have the soul of a person wearing one, and that’s what really matters.”

“That sounds ridiculous, darling. How appropriate for you.”

“Thanks. Also, I know that this is random, but can I ask you for a bit of fanservice?”

“That depends entirely on what kind of service you would like.”

“I want you to whisper ‘darling’ in my ear while drawing it out.”

“Oh? Is that so?”

“Yes, please.”

“Hmm. What will I get in return? I am not running a charity here, after all. It is only fair for me to receive something in exchange for giving you such service.”

“I’ll give you anything I want, whether that’s three fingers or my dick.”

Thera stared straight at me and sighed. “After that, I am not even sure if I want to still ask for it.”

“I’m joking. Well, kind of. I seriously will do whatever you want. You can make the most outrageous request and I’ll—”

“I want you to pet me.”

“You—you want me to pet you?”

“Indeed. You always pet the others, but never me. I want to see if it as enjoyable as it looks considering how happy they always look whenever you do it.”

“You know, I actually did pet it once before. But I don’t think you ever noticed.”

“What? When?”

“I remember it was during a raid months ago. You were stunned and on your knees, if they could even be called that, and I was knocked back and had to run back up to the boss. I gave your head a pat while running past you.”

“I… I do not recall that.”

“Wow. I took your headpat virginity and you don’t even remember it.”

It was only for a second, but I could have sworn that I saw Thera actually look sad when I said that. Her lips curled and she looked away, but only for a second.

“Don’t worry,” I immediately added on, “it doesn’t count if you don’t remember it. Come on. Get down here so I can reach you.”

“It is bold of you to order me,” Thera said. “Perhaps I have gotten too close to you lately if you believe you can order me around so easily.”

“I’d argue that we’re still not close enough, personally. Now, get down here. The only reason I don’t pet your head more is because you’re so tall. I can’t reach the top of your head even if I jump. If I tried, I’d just end up smacking you in the face.”

“As much as I would not appreciate that, the image you trying to pet my head only to smack me in the face is an amusing one.”

“Want to try it out?”


“Then get on your knees so that I can pet your head.” It was the first time I ever ordered somebody to get on their knees so that I could pet their head. Every other time, it was always to either smack my dick against their face or to make them suck me off. Obviously, though, giving such an order for the sake of petting heads was the most superior outcome there could be.

“Say please.” And of course, Thera had to counter me. She couldn’t just let herself listen to an order from me that easily.

So, with a smile, I said, “Please, Thera. Please lower yourself to your knees so that I can reach the top of your head without accidentally smacking you in the face.”

“Very well. If I must listen to you plead over something so simple, I will get it over with.”

“Don’t act like you’re not excited.”

“I’m not. I am curious. That is all.”

“You’ll become a slave to head pats by the time I’m done with you.”

“We will see, darling.”

Thera bent her legs to get down on her knees. I had no idea how to actually explain it since I didn’t know spider anatomy well enough to know what every single different section of the leg was, but she got on her “knees” in human terms. They weren’t anything like actual knees, but there was no easier way of explaining it than that.

Even on her knees, she was still just about as tall as I was. Her body was huge. Well, the spider half of her body was huge. The upper, humanoid half of her body was normal. Though, even if the spider half were replaced with human legs, she probably would have still been taller than me when standing going by how long her torso was. She would have needed some pretty long human legs to match it.

More importantly, I raised my hand up in front of her head and asked, “Are you ready? Once we do this, there may be no coming back. You may be forever changed—forever a slave to the head pats.”

“I am ready,” Thera answered, not being nearly as dramatic as me.

And so… I placed my hand atop her head and rubbed.

Thera stared straight into my eyes as I petted her.

I stared right back into her eyes as I petted her.

“I see,” Thera said. “Either the top of my head is defective or everybody else has some fetish specifically for being pet like a dog.”

“It’s probably the latter,” I said. “So, not into it?”

“Not in the slightest. Or rather, let me be fair. It is nice, but it is worse than any other form of physical intimacy.”

“Fair enough. What kind of physical intimacy do you prefer then?”

Thera showed me a rare smile before wrapping her arms around me, her left around my back as her right hand came to rest on the back of my head. With that, she pulled me in close, right up against her body, and turned my head so that the side of it would rest atop her breasts. Her hand on my back then began to ever so slowly rub up and down in a comforting, almost motherly sort of way. “This kind,” she said before leaning over me, bringing her lips right over my ear to whisper, “daaaarrrrllliiiing. Did I do it properly? Was it everything that you hoped and dreamed for? Because you never know, this may be the only time you ever hear me do this for you.”

“I—I feel like I’m not the only one who’s a bit extra energetic today.”

“It is hard not to feel… excited, when I am so intimately holding the man who I—”

“The man who you…?”

“The man who I… can make look like an incompetent child in any duel.”

“Come, there’s totally more to it than that, right?”

“I do not know. Is there? Please, if there is, tell me what you believe I was going to say instead since I apparently do not know myself.”

“You were going to say—” Now, it would have been easy to say what I was fairly sure she wanted to say, but where was the fun in that? Instead, I went with the fun option. “—when holding the man who you want to cover your face in cum.”

“Tempting, but no.”

“Dang. I wonder what it could have been the—wait. Did you say tempting?”

“Hm? No.”

“You did.”

“Did I? I cannot recall. Though, I doubt that I would ever say anything that comes out of your mouth sounds tempting. Well, no, your offers of back massages are always tempting.”

“God damn it, Thera. I swear, you’re the one person I know, family members excluded, who I’ve done the least amount of sexual things with, yet you manage to drive me painfully crazy.”

“Is it appropriate to say such a thing when you have a girlfriend? Or is it two now?”

“Akorya isn’t officially our girlfriend yet. Also, Lily basically already considers you another one of my girlfriends. Sometimes I feel like Lily ships me and you more than she ships me and herself. Seriously. Sometimes we’ll be talking on call together in bed, and she asks me about what we do when it’s just me and you. Now, normally, if a girlfriend asks that, it’s because she’s worried, right? Nope. It’s not because she’s worried or jealous or anything. It’s because she’s hoping that we’ve had sex or got closer or something. It almost makes me think she’s a bit of a cuckqueen. But really, she just… believes I deserve other women. Plus she’s bi, so anybody I date means that she’d be dating them, too.”

“I suppose I never considered that.”


“That, purely hypothetically, if I were to date you, I would be obligated to date the others as well.”

“Well, I don’t know if you’d have to feel obligated. And Lily would probably be fine if you didn’t want to do anything with her. Though, I’m not sure I’d feel like it’s fair if you only date me instead of both of us. Hypothetically, that is.”

“Hmm. Well, Lily is rather attractive. Not quite my type, but I have looked at her a few times and thought that with such a… motherly body, that if I were to ever actually make use of my ovipositor, it would be with her.”

“I can confirm that both me and Lily are all for you pumping her womb full of eggs.”

“Do not get ahead of yourself. Perhaps I should schedule some time to play between the two of us, though. And I do mean play. Not ‘play.’ Perhaps I will take her into PvP.”

“Lily… in PvP… I… I’ve got to be honest, I can’t imagine her being any good in PvP.”

“And she never will be unless she gets practice.”

“Good point.”

“Even she will be able to beat you in a duel by the time that I am done training her.”

“That hurts.”

“Then, as the kids these days say, ‘get good.’”

“You know that the kids are just stealing that from their grandparents, right?”

“I know, darling. Let us not forget who between the two of us has far more experience and knowledge with gaming.”

“Nerd. I forget how seriously you can take that stuff sometimes.”

“It is a complex of mine, I will admit. Too many people see my avatar’s chest and assume that I am only here for the sex.”

“When really, you think big boobs just look better.”


“If you were only here for the sex then I would know. And we’d be having sex. Lots and lots of sex. Like, seriously. A ton of it. Just never-ending sex.”

“Oh? I am fairly sure that you never would have fallen for me as hard as you have if I were like everybody else who so easily slept with you.”

“How do you know I’ve fallen for you?”

Thera finally let go of me and placed a single finger against my head to push me away. “You make it beyond obvious, darling.”

I crossed my arms. “That so? Then let me say this. The past can’t be changed but, no matter how you behave, I’m always going to feel the same way for you. Whether you never want to have sex or want to fuck every single minute of every day. I’ll still be… fallen… hard for you. That sounded awkward. It worked better in my head.”

“I will hold you to that.”

“Feel free to hold me against you whenever you want, too.”

“Careful. Neither of us would ever be productive again if I were to do that.”

“Are you implying you’d hold onto me forever if you could?”

“Interpret that however you want.” She seriously knew how to drive me crazy. “Moving on, we have been out here for some time now. You wanted to show me something, did you not?”

“Right. Follow me. Please.”

“What a good boy, remembering to say please.”

“You calling me a good boy is something I need far more of in life.”

“Then continue to be on your best behavior.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

With that being said, I led her inside before I got too distracted by my submissive side.

From the outside and in the immediate entrance, the dungeon looked the same as always except for the fact that the entrance to Cani’s restaurant was missing. Everything was still made out of dirt and rock, though. Though, it now looked like it only turned to the right rather than to the left.

“Hostile players will be funneled to the right,” I explained. “There are traps and monsters in there to make going through the dungeon as much of a pain as possible. It’s not designed to be fun or anything. Just a tedious grind.”

“Clever. And what of those who are not hostile?” Thera asked.

I placed my hand on the wall to the left, causing the rotating wall to open up and reveal the new interior.

Now, I didn’t make any more changes to where everything inside was placed… but I did do some redecorating.

There were potted plants all around the hot springs now, and the hot springs looked more like a steaming pool than a hole in the ground full of hot water. The rocky floor was also replaced with white and red tiles, and both the ceiling and wall were smooth and red with a sort of marbled pattern. There were even proper lights hanging from the ceiling now that looked far too modern for the fantasy aesthetic of the game, but the developers didn’t care about players honoring that aesthetic when it came to avatars and personal property.

“All we need now are some carpets,” I said. “And let me tell you, I’ve got an idea for a casino area that’s going to be—"

“Darling,” Thera said.


“I know that this is your dungeon… but, please, for the sake of my eyes and the eyes of everybody else who has to come here… allow me to redecorate. I see what you were going for… but it looks half-assed, amateur, and beyond tacky.”

“Is—is it really that bad?”

“Yes. Though, I will say that it is better than what I could have hoped for from you.”

“Wait, if it’s better than what you hoped… but still that bad… how bad did you think it would be?”

“I saw how you decorated your room when you were still in the guild. Everybody was in agreement that nobody was a worse interior designer than you.”

“I… my ego… has never taken so much critical damage before…”

“Please. I will tap into my bank to afford it. Please let me redecorate.”

“Alright, alright. It hurts my ego, but fine.”

“Thank you. Let me handle the decorations and you can handle the… sex.”

“Deal. But I at least did a good job for my ability if you think I did better than you could have hoped, right?”

“That… is one way of putting it, but please do not take it as a compliment of your choices.”

Thera knew how to drive me wild.

She also knew how to hurt me more than anybody else could.

My ego wasn’t going to recover for a good amount of time after that.

Patreon Harem Members: Kyoma, Emojiman, Alex R., Batty, Caleb, Casey L., Eric B., Isaac H., Jeremy D., Koors, Matt, Meatshield, Monk, Nacho, Red Viking, Somedude, William, Zach W., XCIX, Bill, Sean C., Jared A., Philip W., Seraph, Solian, Senelcar, Jopejoe1, Connor, DocOZ, Geariah, Awdyr S., AcleoDams, Cody G., Chambered44, BlackFire13th, IndigoXIII, Asakura, T.W., Derek G., Michael G., Lolopat, David S., Dota, Puppy

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