Ero Dungeon Online

[Vol. 3 pt. 20]

“Well, darling, I must say that I was not exactly expecting this outcome,” Thera said, standing next to me as we looked over the scene in front of us.

Before I could say anything, Jonathon’s friend, Golden Chad, spoke up while shaking his head. “This is not an outcome one should hope for. The simpery has simply changed targets. We must eliminate the simping, not embrace it!” His appearance matched his name as he wore heavy, golden armor from head to toe to make himself look as bulky as possible.

“I kind of agree with him,” Jonathon said. “I mean, I feel… bad for them. Don’t you think we should do something?”

I shook my head and sighed. “I don’t think there is anything we can do for them. Honestly, now that it’s come down to this… I’m pretty sure I know exactly how this is going to end. At least, when it comes to all the guys.”

“Will there be another fight?” Lupi asked.

“I doubt it.”

“I’m hopping off to take a nap then.”

“Sure. Also, thanks for helping us.”

“It’s not like I needed to do much… but you’re welcome.”

Before Lupi could log out, Thera patted her atop her head and said, “Good girl. Thank you for coming here.”

Lupi, with her tail rapidly wagging behind her all of a sudden, looked away with a blush before disappearing underneath Thera’s hand.

“Oh? She did not even say goodbye. I will have to remind her how to behave later. Then again… she is probably hoping to be punished.”

“Can I watch?” I asked.

Thera tapped her chin as if pretending to think about the answer even though we all knew she was obviously going to say no. “Yes.”

“Damn. Someday I’ll—wait. Did you say yes?”

“Yes, I did. I can think of how to punish her while giving you a show at the same time.”



Jonathon cleared his throat before asking, “Can uh… can I—”

“No.” Thera gave him his answer before he could even finish asking his question.

While Jonathon looked a little disappointed, Golden Chad placed a hand on his shoulder and said, “Worry not, my brother. You know that I have a female avatar of my own you may do whatever you wish with! After all, a true man has no need for women as we live in a future where men make better women than real women do! Would you ever find a genuine woman who enjoys fellating men and using her breasts on them more than anything else in the world? Of course not! But you can find a man playing a woman into that! I would suckle upon a countless number of penises if it means to end the simpery of my brothers! There is no penis I would not bring to completion with virtual breasts to bring my brethren independence!”

“Thera,” I whispered, “would you be mad if I offered him a job here? I kind of like him.”

“Yes,” Thera whispered back. “I would not be able to tolerate his obnoxious shouting all day.”

“To be fair, if he keeps his mouth full of dick all day, he wouldn’t be making much noise.”

Thera waited for a moment before saying, “I wish I could counter that in some way, but when you put it that way…”

I smiled up to Thera before placing a hand on Golden Chad’s shoulder to ask him, “Hey, want a job sucking dick here?”

Golden Chad looked straight at me and answered, in a very serious voice, “Yes.”

“That was easier than I thought it’d be.”

“Truth be told, I heard of this establishment quite some time ago! I have been meaning to see if you would be interested in such a proposal in the first place as—well, I have had an issue. As much as I do enjoy fellating all manner of penises as a female avatar, I always inform my partners that I am, in fact, a male in real life. I feel that it would be wrong of them to suspect otherwise. Because of that, all other establishments and player organizations who would normally hire talented mouths have rejected me. So long as you are fine with me being a male and informing other players of such a fact, I would eagerly accept any and all penises into my oral cavity! Alas, my mother recently had a bout of sickness and I could not come here sooner, but she is fine and my mouth is now empty and waiting!”

“That’s no problem. Honestly, I even respect that.” I looked past him at Jonathon who I thought might also be interested in the proposal. But, rather than give me an answer, his cheeks turned a slight shade of red and he turned his back to me.

Though, I did get a private whisper from him a few seconds after that.

>Best Lancer: maybe.

With a new fellatio expert hired, I returned my attention to the sight that had all of our interest in the first place.

No longer we were fighting over at the right side of the dungeon designed for invaders. Instead… we were all over in the newly-revamped hot springs area. Well, it was more of a heated pool area now. Calling it a hot spring didn’t sound fancy enough to match its new appearance.

All of the men who arrived with Moxxxie, and who survived the fight, were relaxing in the pool while the dungeon’s monster girls attended to them. A few made sure to stay by Akorya’s side, though, as she dealt with the one who bullied her years ago.

It was the sight of the men who already pledged their loyalty to Akorya that made Golden Chad and Jonathon uncomfortable. Honestly, it made me a bit worried, too. I could already tell they were the type of men who only cared because they believed simping for Akorya was more likely to get them something. After all, Moxxxie was an established, popular streamer with thousands of viewers at any given time who would happily do anything for her. Akorya was an unknown girl who seemed much more innocent, shy, and—in my opinion—was far cuter. More importantly, Moxxxie was confident. Akorya was vulnerable. That made her an easier target in their eyes.

Deep down in their wallets, the men knew that no amount of donations would ever get them closer to Moxxxie as much as they might have dreamt about it. When it came to Akorya, they probably believed the chances of winning her were much higher.

They’re going to either jump back to Moxxxie or find some other girl once Akorya denies them, I thought. No, I knew. That was how it went ever since the dawn of streaming. Desperate, lonely men would always flock to whichever woman could make them feel the most important. They needed the dream of potentially being able to hook up with her. That was also why female streamers who had boyfriends or husbands were always far, far less popular than those who did have partners.

Even I probably would have lost viewers on my videos if I made it public knowledge that I had a girlfriend.

That was just the way the internet worked, unfortunately. No matter how hard one might try, there were always going to be those fans who only cared out of a desperate hope for more than just a creator-viewer relationship.

“Is her stream still off?” I asked Thera.

“Ever since things stopped going her way,” Thera answered. “I doubt she will be going live again tonight.”

“Smart move. Ending the stream all of a sudden not only hides her failure here from her viewers, but it also makes everything more dramatic. People are going to be taking clips of what happened, posting them elsewhere on the internet, discussing it and theorizing about what’s happening, and so on. All of that gets her name out there to even more people. It’s a win-win for her.”

“And what is it for us?”

“Not sure yet. But, considering that we’re not all killing each other and that I just hired a new blowjob employee, I’d say things are going pretty good for us. I’m just worried about Akorya.”

“Well, you are not the one who really needs praise tonight, but I will say that I am… proud of you.”

“What’ve I done to deserve that?”

“I know you. That means I know there is a burning desire within your chest to go and help her, even in this very moment. Instead, you are letting her handle it on her own, as she always should have been allowed to in the first place.”

“If you think that, why’d you go along with my idea in the first place and help me out?”

“Because I thought it would be fun. I know, horrible. But, I will admit I am a flawed person. As much as I knew it would be better for both of us to stay out of her problems… I could not resist the temptation of reverting to my MMO roots for some personal enjoyment. For future reference, darling, I recommend allowing your would-be lovers to sort through their own problems without interference. Also for future reference, I will gladly help again with undercover missions to ruin narcissists’ lives should you ever have need for it, even if I do disagree with the why of it.”

“Can’t say no to a fun mission, huh?”

“Precisely. It is rare that I get to entwine others within my webs and schemes. I cannot pass the opportunity up when it presents itself to me, even if I know I should.”

“You know, you could entwine me in your webs whenever you want.”

“You would enjoy it too much.”

“I’ll act like I don’t if that helps.”

“Oh? Then, perhaps.”

I knew that her “perhaps” was still actually a “no,” but that was good enough for me.

Back to Akorya, things looked like they were wrapping up. It might not have been the satisfying ending that I was hoping for which involved us ruining Moxxxie and driving her out of the game, but a more… peaceful outcome was probably the best one. Especially if that was what Akorya preferred.

Part of me really wanted to get closer so that I could hear what they were saying to each other, but… I stopped myself from doing that. I already involved myself more than I should have. It was Akorya’s time to handle things.

Akorya reached a hand toward Moxxxie for a shake to finish things.

Moxxxie looked at it for a moment before scoffing and walking away, making me seriously want to punch her again. Then, on the way out, she stopped by my side and said, “I’ll forgive you this time since I know she has you wrapped around her finger. But if you ever want a woman actually worth your time, you have my socials.”

My immediate reaction was to be surprised that she still wanted to try and win me over despite what happened, but it made sense after actually putting any amount of thought into it.

Moxxxie convinced herself that I only did what I did because of Akorya manipulating me. Moxxxie already liked me before that, both out of genuine interest and because she wanted to use me to elevate herself. As far as she was aware now, the fact that I was “manipulated” by Akorya made me an even juicier target to her. If Akorya could manipulate me, then surely Moxxxie would be able to and be even better at it.

Moxxxie was a bitch, but she was a smart bitch. She knew what she was doing. Sure, Thera outsmarted her for some time, but that was because… well, Thera was Thera. Thera could probably outsmart anybody as far as I was concerned.

The only issue with Moxxxie’s plan was that I wasn’t being manipulated by Akorya. She thought I was because, honestly, it did look like I was. A girl I didn’t know for that long with no following was able to get me to go and try to get revenge on her behalf against somebody popular. Even though it was more of me volunteering to do that rather than Akorya getting me to do it, the end result was the same. Countless other men did similar things as a result of being manipulated, so I couldn’t fault Moxxxie for thinking I was just guilty of what all of her viewers were guilty of.

That being said, even though I knew I should let things end there and not involve myself further… I couldn’t resist.

I still wanted to implement the final phase of the original plan. Especially now that Akorya had some orbiting men to deal with.

“Regardless of whether I was manipulated or not,” I said, walking toward Akorya, “that doesn’t change that I like who I like. And I like Akorya. As far as I’m concerned, she can manipulate me until the day I die if she wants. She’s funny, smart, has a great singing voice, is my favorite pianist, attractive, and has the cutest damn nose I’ve ever seen both in the game world and the real one.”

Akorya’s new bodyguards, who were formerly Moxxxie’s bodyguards, stepped between me and Akorya when I got close. “She’s not interested,” the largest one said, already proving that he was exactly the kind of man I thought they’d be.

That just meant I had to speak even louder since they got in my way. “I’ve waited a lot longer than I should have to ask this, but hey, Akorya, want to be my girlfriend? I come with the bonus of getting Lily as a girlfriend, too.”

>Thera: Since I am sure you are curious, Moxxxie looks enraged at the moment. Not entirely sure that this is the smartest thing to do after things were seemingly settled, but Akorya deserves this.

Admittedly, that did make the confession even better.

But as nice as pissing Moxxxie off was, I also wanted just really wanted to make Akorya mine. Well, mine and Lily’s.

I also figured it would be a good way to scare off her new bodyguards.

And surely enough, Akorya jumped up and over her bodyguards using her wings for assistance and landed right in front of me with her back to them. “Nyehehe… I was starting to think you’d never ask!”

“I wanted to wait for the right moment, but the right moment would have been as soon as I met you,” I teased.

“Ooh, smooth. But I think I would have rejected you if you asked right away.”

“That’s fair. All that really matters is what your answer is now.”

“Nyehe, do I really need to say it?”

“Maybe I’m selfish, but I’d like to hear it even if I know what it is.”

“Then!” Akorya wrapped her arms around my neck, leaning up to press her breasts against my chest and her lips against my own. “Nope!”

I kissed her back after her answer, but only for a quick second as I stopped the moment I realized what she said. “Wait, nope?”

“Nope! If I say yes then that means it wouldn’t make sense for Lily to ask me out, and I think it’d be really cute if we watch her together as she tries asking me out. Don’t you think that’d be fun?”

“So… it’s basically a yes, but officially a no until we get to tease Lily by making her ask you out?”


I let out a relieved sigh.

“Come on, Master. Don’t tell me you thought I was really turning you down.”

“Listen, I’ve been waiting for this for a while. I just wanted to make sure.”

“Nyehehe… Master is cute. Don’t worry, I’ll say yes as much as you want once Lily is on.”

“That’s good enough for me.”

We kissed again and, by the time that our lips separated once more, the others were gone. Moxxxie and Akorya’s newest bodyguards were nowhere to be seen. Though, the players who decided to relax in the heated pools with the monster girls were happy to stay in there and relax for a bit longer.

“By the way,” I said, “is everything good with Moxxxie?”

Akorya nodded. “Mhm! Well… mostly good, I guess. I don’t think she’s going to bother us. I guess some people were already posting compilations of every time she’s been mean, and whenever she’s brought up other girls’ noses, as soon as she cut the stream, so I’m guessing she wants to bury that drama before it can give her a really bad rep. If I was some other girl, I don’t think she would have stopped, but since I was one of the people she bullied… she realized any drama she might get from us would probably be bad for her.”

“Maybe. If it was drama just because you were some girl who didn’t like her and was trying to use me against her, that’d make her look like the sympathetic one. But since it was caused by me after she bullied you, and there’s other cases of her bullying girls, it makes her look worse. People will probably talk about us for a couple of days and then drop it as long as she doesn’t try instigating anything.”

“You won’t try anything either, right?”

“Right. I promise. I also promise to do a better job of listening to you—well, and everybody.”

“Nyehe.” Akorya reached up to pet my head. “Good boy.”

“Thanks. Feel free to call me out if I ever seem like I’m stepping out of line and not listening. I promise I’ll appreciate it and that I won’t be mad.”

“Aye aye!”

The situation might not have ended the way I thought it would, especially since even my final phase for it technically ended with a rejection, but I was happy with the outcome.

Moxxxie was dealt with. Akorya stood up for herself against me. I learned that I needed to listen to people better and not jump to action in their place. I hired one, maybe two, men who were going to play on female alts to suck every dick they could for the dungeon.

And Akorya was about to become my girlfriend.

We just needed to wait for Lily to come online to seal the deal.


Patreon Harem Members: Kyoma, Emojiman, Alex R., Batty, Caleb, Casey L., Eric B., Isaac H., Jeremy D., Koors, Matt, Meatshield, Monk, Nacho, Red Viking, Somedude, William, Zach W., XCIX, Bill, Sean C., Jared A., Philip W., Seraph, Solian, Senelcar, Jopejoe1, Connor, DocOZ, Geariah, Awdyr S., AcleoDams, Cody G., Chambered44, BlackFire13th, IndigoXIII, Asakura, T.W., Derek G., Michael G., Lolopat, David S., Dota, Puppy, Xalibur, Kin W.

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